So while I have a couple of minutes, I should reflect and thank God for all His blessings on my life.
I did notice between doing 'stuff' today, that Congress held our attention just long enough to prove they aren't able to make real positive decisions. I can make one, pick up a penny and take it home, roll it up with forty-nine others and turn it in at the credit union or bank, and I will be helping the economy, my government that throws millions of dollars around (but never at me), my sense of good works and protecting the innocent from road rage and abuse. See how much smarter I am than government? The government pretends that COLA is necessary to control the effect of inflation on its spreading the wealth around. It doesn't, but they don't want you to look too closely, just trust them.
If they would reduce government spending every month by 1%, I would be pleased, but they aren't there to make Earl happy, are they? I do hope God blesses you next year, and that you recognize where the goodness came from and are thankful. Amen.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
So you think the Fiscal Cliff is bad?
It is only in how high you are and how far to the bottom, for those of us - poor folks, it isn't so far. If you can't borrow money now, if you haven't got a job, your house is falling apart and housing prices are out of your reach and ability to make payments - if your letter to your Representative doesn't get as much attention as the one from Wall Street Bankers and brokers... well, the drop to the bottom isn't far at all.
Very much like getting to the Emergency room, if you aren't bleeding and screaming in pain, you will have to wait for treatment, you may even have a competent medical person try to discourage your sitting and waiting making them feel guilty for your troubling them....
Maybe, that is why I am sure that going over the Fiscal Cliff is a good thing, kind of like being at the bottom of your addiction to whatever your weakness was most..... you don't wake up and die, or you do wake up in pain and sorrow and address the faults within yourself, and you may be totally alone because you never saw the light. You will want to blame your supplier, your co-dependent, your teachers, your parents, your friends, your party, their party and the lack of God or the interference of some greater powers. But in the end, it was all you.
One of the best parts of being Earl, is that I am not so sure that following a crowd of fabulous fools is any better than being a self made one. Step outside of self and look, a fool is still a fool, and good for some laughs but not something to aspire to... not at all.
Most of us will never know the truth of where the country is headed, the forces at work, the people that aren't doing right, wrong or anything. One has enough trouble figuring out oneself, making the best Earl I could be.
I mentioned the Tenth Commandment in something I posted on Facebook, and a comment came back about 'Which Tenth Commandment, the Jewish, the Roman Catholic, the Protestant?' my only response, which I thought was the truth "God's, just God's Tenth Commandment". But I can't make the blind see nor the deaf hear - but I try to listen and open my eyes. Yes, God's Ten Commandments.
Very much like getting to the Emergency room, if you aren't bleeding and screaming in pain, you will have to wait for treatment, you may even have a competent medical person try to discourage your sitting and waiting making them feel guilty for your troubling them....
Maybe, that is why I am sure that going over the Fiscal Cliff is a good thing, kind of like being at the bottom of your addiction to whatever your weakness was most..... you don't wake up and die, or you do wake up in pain and sorrow and address the faults within yourself, and you may be totally alone because you never saw the light. You will want to blame your supplier, your co-dependent, your teachers, your parents, your friends, your party, their party and the lack of God or the interference of some greater powers. But in the end, it was all you.
One of the best parts of being Earl, is that I am not so sure that following a crowd of fabulous fools is any better than being a self made one. Step outside of self and look, a fool is still a fool, and good for some laughs but not something to aspire to... not at all.
Most of us will never know the truth of where the country is headed, the forces at work, the people that aren't doing right, wrong or anything. One has enough trouble figuring out oneself, making the best Earl I could be.
I mentioned the Tenth Commandment in something I posted on Facebook, and a comment came back about 'Which Tenth Commandment, the Jewish, the Roman Catholic, the Protestant?' my only response, which I thought was the truth "God's, just God's Tenth Commandment". But I can't make the blind see nor the deaf hear - but I try to listen and open my eyes. Yes, God's Ten Commandments.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
It isn't so difficult if you do it every day, routinely...
Every day, I take medicine, in the proper doses at the proper time. Every day, my health issues have been met and I am still recovering better and better, every day.
Every day I am trying to get stronger and faster and totally in tune with my physical potential and once had capabilities. But I have to go and work out, every day, eat right, rest enough and stay the course, no, I don't want to sink deeper into the mindless fat blob I pretend I am not. Every day, I have to sweat, breathe hard and make my body do things it once did so well - I thought it was natural. Everyday, if it isn't work, it is real rest and recover.


Friday, December 28, 2012
What turns you on, keeps you motivated?
I am going to say, most turn on is artificial and designed to make you spend money.
Media wants your attention and direction in their way...
Just look at what we do and why? There are those going on without worry about the Fiscal Cliff, which was the result of a Bi-partisan effort to reach a dead end. Sure enough that is exactly where we are. Wasn't anything to worry over, either the government gets it right or continues to screw it up, if I were a betting man I would go with the latter.
There was a fool, saying that most Gun Owners agreed that something had to be done about Assault Weapons - and it is only true in they believe the government should issue them to tax payers. Yes, I made that up, and I am not on television getting the last word in, so it doesn't matter. The media will try to sway you to believe that it would be better to do away with guns, they don't like folks shooting on the weekends away from their sponsors. Of course one of the thriving industries in America is about shooting for all kinds of reasons. Another reason to squash it quickly, failed green energy ploys suck up more excess government goodness than collecting the tax on ammunition which the Conservationists think is a fine idea.
The Blues play in my home tonight, I will bury myself in a couple of good books. One fiction and the other about the Alamo. I am on a theme of the government ruthlessly smashing opposition forces. I do know that only those invisible people survive when madness marches.
Media wants your attention and direction in their way...
Just look at what we do and why? There are those going on without worry about the Fiscal Cliff, which was the result of a Bi-partisan effort to reach a dead end. Sure enough that is exactly where we are. Wasn't anything to worry over, either the government gets it right or continues to screw it up, if I were a betting man I would go with the latter.
There was a fool, saying that most Gun Owners agreed that something had to be done about Assault Weapons - and it is only true in they believe the government should issue them to tax payers. Yes, I made that up, and I am not on television getting the last word in, so it doesn't matter. The media will try to sway you to believe that it would be better to do away with guns, they don't like folks shooting on the weekends away from their sponsors. Of course one of the thriving industries in America is about shooting for all kinds of reasons. Another reason to squash it quickly, failed green energy ploys suck up more excess government goodness than collecting the tax on ammunition which the Conservationists think is a fine idea.
The Blues play in my home tonight, I will bury myself in a couple of good books. One fiction and the other about the Alamo. I am on a theme of the government ruthlessly smashing opposition forces. I do know that only those invisible people survive when madness marches.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
So what hits the news today?
Feeble attempts to work out a deal before we all go over the cliff?
It does not matter. If the government is incompetent, the media no longer stands on its honor and truth, if the American citizens don't take their own action, the Earth abides and God is in Heaven.
So, since I am looking for important conversation on the troubles, the problems and the answers - I will continue to visit the YMCA, study the Bible and love better and better, Amen.
Two points I like to make: the movie Gran Torino, see it again, slower - all the answers are there, it isn't a sound bite, there are things we would like to ignore but it was a good picture of where America went while we were off on our own thing... and we woke up without someone to remind us we are better than that.
I had a comment to an ad on Facebook:
Still young and beautiful enough to make up for lack of real knowledge, real men don't need guns they carry them to protect the innocent and completely stupid.
in reply:
It does not matter. If the government is incompetent, the media no longer stands on its honor and truth, if the American citizens don't take their own action, the Earth abides and God is in Heaven.
So, since I am looking for important conversation on the troubles, the problems and the answers - I will continue to visit the YMCA, study the Bible and love better and better, Amen.
Two points I like to make: the movie Gran Torino, see it again, slower - all the answers are there, it isn't a sound bite, there are things we would like to ignore but it was a good picture of where America went while we were off on our own thing... and we woke up without someone to remind us we are better than that.
I had a comment to an ad on Facebook:
Still young and beautiful enough to make up for lack of real knowledge, real men don't need guns they carry them to protect the innocent and completely stupid.
in reply:
- James Sands Unfortunately William Earl Dungey there are more completely stupid carrying guns than real men
- So an answer is for all the Good Men, the real men to get their guns, not leaving the world to the tender mercies of the Mayor of New York and the Main Stream Media which knows that conflict in Syria sells but in the streets of our cities not so much?So the 'everyone knows' anti-gun crowd, the ones that think Gun Control will work better than Drug bans, alcohol prohibitions and everyone succeeds when it is fair.... the ones that don't understand that Economy happens if there isn't a government agency to measure it, build it or screw up the outcome - for whatever reason.I found this worth sharing, along with the movie,
Gun Restrictions Have Always Bred Defiance, Black Markets
Now, I have done my best for the blog from here. You have to see the movie, and read the linked, and join me in the revolution.I am in the passive resistance portion now, I refuse to think they are important, know what is going on, or are headed in the direction that will make this a better country. Don't participate and give them the spotlight or the satisfaction. No hurry on getting to the armed revolution portion, I have to go see Les Misserables -- no I won't check the spelling or link the movie trailer. It is about France anyway, it could never happen here. Could it?
Earth abides and God is in Heaven, and hopefully in your heart.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
It is Christmas and I shouldn't blog...
So, I won't. I did wake up to a warm home, a wonderful wife, a full larder and the rain was outside beating on the road and roof, not in my heart. We had breakfast, exchanged gifts, and went to Christmas Combined (culture/language) service with communion, a wonderful feeling of completeness to the day. I had pondered a bit the people getting breakfast at Denny's and coffee places - felt sorry for their lonely, to me Christmas is always about family - one in Bethlehem and the one in our hearts and homes. When returning home I found my internet folks, and a call from my son, I called back immediately. Yes, I know it was dark on that side of the world, for more than one reason and I called my wife to talk to him. Made her day, she will have more to worry about him now, but he did receive the food package we sent. Then he and I got settled in and started talking.
Talked to my sister later, both conversations tell me that I really don't communicate well, especially on Facebook and this blog. But I am trying.
So how does the cook know you really loved the feast she made just for us? Well, if she were my wife she read my mind as I filled my plate up the second and third times - it was saying some foolishness about I could work it all off tomorrow - and the gentle kiss on the back of her neck with a nuzzle might have convinced her. Hope y'all had a very Merry Christmas!
Talked to my sister later, both conversations tell me that I really don't communicate well, especially on Facebook and this blog. But I am trying.
So how does the cook know you really loved the feast she made just for us? Well, if she were my wife she read my mind as I filled my plate up the second and third times - it was saying some foolishness about I could work it all off tomorrow - and the gentle kiss on the back of her neck with a nuzzle might have convinced her. Hope y'all had a very Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 24, 2012
A quiet night, an almost silent night...
I looked for news, but what I got was sensational news - but the big deal was all the world to be taxed, two thousand some years ago. Somethings never change, here in the 21st Century the American politicians are struggling to think, talk and work to make the season bright. Luckily they aren't trying to run a business or save the world, they often remind me of those wunderkind of big business that bankrupt their companies and then want bonus checks for their hard work. Don't worry, we will allow them their pay and perks, after all we didn't ask them to be competent, just personable. We are safe for a few days, they went on holiday.
Most of the Christian world has concentrated on the celebration of their Savior's birth. Funny how one baby could cause so much joy, in the angelic host and the Heavens, with simple shepherds and the wisest of men, going to glorify and mark the birth. They had to get around barriers and threats, abandoning their work temporarily for the magic moment. How do you think they took the laughter of the elite in Herod's palace when they said they were seeking the new born king? You know the tone of the snickering - sounded just like today's talking heads. The shepherds probably knew much more about agriculture than the flunkies in the court at Rome or Jerusalem, although they liked wool, lamb and mutton.
Here in my home, it is quiet enough, the stereo is on with classical Christmas themed music, my wife is calling friends, our family is on Facebook and all is right on the internet... my son posted in the Middle East, my cousins in New Zealand couldn't wait for us to wake up, they are a day ahead and don't post their joy on tape delay.
It isn't a big display of lights, a tree surrounded by gifts, but in the end what warms my heart is that I am close to all those that I love, in love of the Lord and this day, that we are sharing memories and traditions and making new ones to be held closely in the dark lonely times. Every Christmas I count the ones I was alone in far flung firebases, away from anyone that mattered - it is difficult to be un-thought about, un-loved and even hated by those that had no idea. I wish I had been wiser in some of those earlier Christmas celebrations, held tighter to the golden memories of the home and family - there were a couple I was sure I was totally drunk in denial of the goodness and greatness of the Lord and His blessings upon me and humanity. It is very lonely out there, and God was always there in the bunkers and fighting positions, and spending time swapping stories of Christmas past with the other guys - helped. The rum soaked fruitcake from Mom, the quiet knowledge that others have been on the edge before, far away from all we love. Sometimes when one is young, the truth is hard to see and too hidden by self and selfish desires.
I hope everyone remembers those that are standing on station today, holding our fragile world together, it has been long sought Peace on Earth, and Mankind seems to futilely search for it in conquest and control of others, when it should have started in their hearts. May the Lord love you more than we deserve, and may you see His mercy and His Peace on Earth, this day when we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Most of the Christian world has concentrated on the celebration of their Savior's birth. Funny how one baby could cause so much joy, in the angelic host and the Heavens, with simple shepherds and the wisest of men, going to glorify and mark the birth. They had to get around barriers and threats, abandoning their work temporarily for the magic moment. How do you think they took the laughter of the elite in Herod's palace when they said they were seeking the new born king? You know the tone of the snickering - sounded just like today's talking heads. The shepherds probably knew much more about agriculture than the flunkies in the court at Rome or Jerusalem, although they liked wool, lamb and mutton.
Here in my home, it is quiet enough, the stereo is on with classical Christmas themed music, my wife is calling friends, our family is on Facebook and all is right on the internet... my son posted in the Middle East, my cousins in New Zealand couldn't wait for us to wake up, they are a day ahead and don't post their joy on tape delay.

I hope everyone remembers those that are standing on station today, holding our fragile world together, it has been long sought Peace on Earth, and Mankind seems to futilely search for it in conquest and control of others, when it should have started in their hearts. May the Lord love you more than we deserve, and may you see His mercy and His Peace on Earth, this day when we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Looking for solutions that I can jump into...
Without a parachute, of course.
I want to volunteer to perform armed security duty against attackers of our children. I don't want to check backpacks, or look for drugs. All I want to do is make sure there is an armed adult willing and very able to shoot an attacker. I don't want to talk, give a warning beyond 'put the gun on the floor' - if that doesn't work I would have to pull the trigger. Unless there is another option, my imagination hasn't one yet.
So the NRA is calling for armed police (they only used that term to quiet fears), what they would really like is for the community to decide to introduce firearms into the schools in the hands of capable adults. Not a Federal idea, not a State idea, but a common sense idea that every concerned parent should look at closely.
Today I found this NATIONAL SCHOOL SHIELD , looks like their program but not exactly NRA all the way, just that they have put on the internet an answer, a direction, an object for discussion and more than the Vice President's group has done so far. Although, the petition to the White House that I supported did get me the White House staffer's response. It was very professional, political and no use in saving the life of even one child or teacher from monsters.

So the NRA is calling for armed police (they only used that term to quiet fears), what they would really like is for the community to decide to introduce firearms into the schools in the hands of capable adults. Not a Federal idea, not a State idea, but a common sense idea that every concerned parent should look at closely.
Today I found this NATIONAL SCHOOL SHIELD , looks like their program but not exactly NRA all the way, just that they have put on the internet an answer, a direction, an object for discussion and more than the Vice President's group has done so far. Although, the petition to the White House that I supported did get me the White House staffer's response. It was very professional, political and no use in saving the life of even one child or teacher from monsters.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Remember when we could do anything, be anything?

This nation, the United States of America, was founded by people seeking a place where they could be free from fears - very real fears - of denying their own religion, of denying them the opportunity to make their family stronger and healthy and free from old ideas, free from want, free from slavery, free from stupid governments with rules of "it has always been that way". The nation was founded by men that trusted there were enough good men to make sure there wouldn't be a bad government, an evil government. Noble goal, what? Governments do know there are more good people than bad ones, but they like to have power, and one way to ensure more power is to frighten most people - to highlight the problems that only they can handle, the official responsible... kind of, but don't quote me.
I once had a flat tire, I looked for a certified tire repairer to get it fixed, no one would take my money to fix my tire, so I got the tools and took it down and I fixed it, put it back together and inflated it and got back on the road. My grandfather and father would have taken maybe thirty minutes (they had the tools) and experience of having to take care of it themselves... what changed? How did we, as a well educated and healthy people, get so helpless? Death by recliner, bring me another beer kid and change the channel.
I do have to thank, the President of the United States for two things under his administration, the death of four Americans doing the best they could in Libya - and the death of twenty-six in a school house in Newtown, CT. It isn't his personal responsibility for those failures, not even close, but it should have reminded the rest of us, in the World, that absolute power has no limitations and it has no real power. You only save those that have the power not the unwanted or not needed, have plenty. The Emperor has no Clothes, is a fine fairytale with a very real message - just because you believe it, doesn't make it so, no matter what the Main Stream Media and the fawning flunkies are lauding.
When comparing Canada with our nation's crime statistics, no one compares the cleaner streets with our potholed and trashed ones. When comparing Mexico's strong gun bans - they somehow miss all the dictators, revolutions, and current criminal empires thriving in that poor country, that could be so rich. Where a people are freer, and opportunity to be sought the American experiment stands tall - as we copy other models where the people are too stupid, too wild and too lazy to take care of themselves... the nation withers and prepares to die.
As the Federal Government has provided all the security they can in the Gun Free Zones, it is up to the parents, concerned teachers, neighbors and friends - to arm themselves and stand up to guard against the invaders and murderers. No one loves enough anymore? I don't believe that for a minute. But I do believe that many would want assurance that doing it for themselves wouldn't make them laughed at, mocked and attacked by the better and elite fellowship of fools, nor jailed by the same.
If you start the conversation with "I am only Earl, but I think..." it is humble enough, but they won't listen nor report it, because "they" know you aren't qualified, certified and bonified --- and they are horrified that you think you are identified without any of their labels, personified. Stand up, God knows your name and your heart --- you can do anything, for they aren't.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
How is your world? Sad and no wiser?
From yesterday:
Church was fine tonight, children's Christmas performances, I started feeling sad when twenty of the cute kindergarten & 1st graders lined up, but then I was sure that no mad man with an awful weapon had a chance to interrupt them, would be no media to hunt them down after, God was in the house, and all the people praised him. Only the media wouldn't understand why I was sure they were safe in the church and their families' love.
The truth is that no one is answering well my question, what would you do to protect all our children everywhere from those that want to harm them?
Church was fine tonight, children's Christmas performances, I started feeling sad when twenty of the cute kindergarten & 1st graders lined up, but then I was sure that no mad man with an awful weapon had a chance to interrupt them, would be no media to hunt them down after, God was in the house, and all the people praised him. Only the media wouldn't understand why I was sure they were safe in the church and their families' love.
The truth is that no one is answering well my question, what would you do to protect all our children everywhere from those that want to harm them?
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Say it often enough in public it might be true...
There was an atheist that died in selfless sacrifice to save the world from its sins.... of course he would do that because he had no belief in a higher authority, say like God, and the atheist loved me and my brethren so much that he would die for us.
I do know that probably didn't happen.
What is it that you love? Would you stand up and fight and die for it? Or do you have to be paid in gold, then owing your service to Caesar?
There is a real danger in Gun Free Zones, and the American Indian will tell you that trusting the Federal Government and their protection hasn't saved the Bison nor the American Indian children and their way of life. Promises and treaties, kept and broken, the result is there for you to hear and see. Yep, but you don't study History do you, you want to be entertained and comfortable?
I know I am willing to stand armed guard at a school four hours a day, five days a week. I am willing to confront armed attackers to save the lives of the children and the adults. I also have some advantage in that I am fully trained, retired and aware of what that means. Many of you citizens no longer do, but I study History.
Well, concerned citizen, are you willing to stand armed guard for those innocents? There really are more armed, sane and law abiding citizens willing to stand up and perform than the professional gunslingers, politicians and media would like you to believe in. There are many more armed peaceful law abiding Americans than the powers to be want you to know, they are just not sure saving the President, the banks or the Wall Street hustlers is worth their time and lives. I am sure they would stand up to protect the innocent. They would be brave.
I do know that probably didn't happen.
What is it that you love? Would you stand up and fight and die for it? Or do you have to be paid in gold, then owing your service to Caesar?

I know I am willing to stand armed guard at a school four hours a day, five days a week. I am willing to confront armed attackers to save the lives of the children and the adults. I also have some advantage in that I am fully trained, retired and aware of what that means. Many of you citizens no longer do, but I study History.
Well, concerned citizen, are you willing to stand armed guard for those innocents? There really are more armed, sane and law abiding citizens willing to stand up and perform than the professional gunslingers, politicians and media would like you to believe in. There are many more armed peaceful law abiding Americans than the powers to be want you to know, they are just not sure saving the President, the banks or the Wall Street hustlers is worth their time and lives. I am sure they would stand up to protect the innocent. They would be brave.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Take the schools back, send in the 2nd Amendment
So get the militia into the schools, I suggest the old retired police and military with pistols and appropriate ammunition. I would love to volunteer four hours a day, five days a week. I know the number of fine professional crime fighters and first responders, the rest of the country was totally unprotected while they were in Conn. We still have volunteer fire departments, we can have volunteer School armed guards - and I am not talking about crossing guards.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The President looked very fine tonight...
Spoke many of the words I wanted him to, to those from the families and school, not sure at all why he was televised, but I do know that he had many more veiled sentences than he needed when he spoke. I would have crossed many of them off - since they were leaning towards something far outside the subject of comfort and support. In all his four years in very public view he has never referred so well to the Holy Bible and the Lord's comfort to those suffering. I hope that works well for him and the Lord.
The conspiracy folks are typing up all the things they think are being withheld from our knowledge by the Media, and laying parts of it upon a complicit law enforcement records. Reminding those of the same cynical view of Waco Texas and the siege of the Branch Davidians, the government and the media will lie, for many reasons, but they don't always.
I do know, for sure and in all truth, that the idea that any government that supports arming the Syrian and Libyan resistance to those of official long term government -- can't really think they can sell disarming of the American public - can they? Sure they can, but it isn't going to be easy. Remember these are the fools of both parties that can't stop the bleeding of the budget (even if you never plan one, once you start throwing money away, that is part of your budget). I don't know, perhaps in the education system or the thoughts of the only 'me' culture, where anyone gets the idea that those assuming power have the Divine Right of Rule and shouldn't be questioned nor replaced more frequently.
The conspiracy folks are typing up all the things they think are being withheld from our knowledge by the Media, and laying parts of it upon a complicit law enforcement records. Reminding those of the same cynical view of Waco Texas and the siege of the Branch Davidians, the government and the media will lie, for many reasons, but they don't always.
I do know, for sure and in all truth, that the idea that any government that supports arming the Syrian and Libyan resistance to those of official long term government -- can't really think they can sell disarming of the American public - can they? Sure they can, but it isn't going to be easy. Remember these are the fools of both parties that can't stop the bleeding of the budget (even if you never plan one, once you start throwing money away, that is part of your budget). I don't know, perhaps in the education system or the thoughts of the only 'me' culture, where anyone gets the idea that those assuming power have the Divine Right of Rule and shouldn't be questioned nor replaced more frequently.
Maybe it is time for that discussion...
Shooting after shooting, it is past time to have the discussion -- but the gun takers aren't going to like it.
The 2nd Amendment is to be looked at as a real answer. In the past, and the future, when our neighborhoods are under attack -- sitting around discussing it should happen immediately after the trauma. We should do something about it.
We should not flee the fear but use it to focus on the solutions.
We should have a lot more security. Yep! That is in the 2nd Amendment. Funny that the Mayor of New
York has private security arrangements, looks very much like King George the Third and his royal guards. Mrs. Davis, wife and mother of four, had no royal nor personal guards. But they were not in fear of firearms, only the ruling class was attempting to regulate the militia and remove their military arms - not every firelock or flintlock, just the food, powder and cannon. Our current forgotten responsibility to be part of a well regulated militia, to carry firearms to protect our society and way of life. That is not what Mayor Bloomberg wants to hear, arming the citizens and expecting their cooperation in securing schools, churches, libraries and hospitals.
I won't stuff you full of non sense about what causes the killings, just remind you that the answers to how to stop it in the future are already in the Constitution that few people have read and understand. If you want to be secure in your Free state and your Liberty, a well regulated militia is necessary, and your members should be carrying appropriate firearms, have practiced and the type of folks you trust to do what is correct in catastrophe. Which for me is most of our public and neighbors. That simple.
There is evil in the world, it has been said that it needs resisted, I have yet to read in my walk with the Lord where He says I am to run away instead of confronting it. I am supposed to be ready to give my life for those I love, and I am supposed to love everyone as I do myself. Somehow I am thinking that the discussion is going to go the other way.
Mental illness, bad drugs, stupid behavior by mentally incompetent they are also a problem that the media and the politicians won't work on, they are not sexy and much too complicated, but our society still only functions if all the people step up and take part - family, village, clan, state or nation - everyone has role and a duty. We need to approach it all with love and the Lord, the answers aren't coming from the media that must get your attention to sell commercial broadcast space, nor the politicians that are only looking at more power, regulation and taking care of themselves and their buddies. I should slow down my being cynical of other motives - still, the only answer is in your heart and soul. We should have that discussion.
The 2nd Amendment is to be looked at as a real answer. In the past, and the future, when our neighborhoods are under attack -- sitting around discussing it should happen immediately after the trauma. We should do something about it.
We should not flee the fear but use it to focus on the solutions.

York has private security arrangements, looks very much like King George the Third and his royal guards. Mrs. Davis, wife and mother of four, had no royal nor personal guards. But they were not in fear of firearms, only the ruling class was attempting to regulate the militia and remove their military arms - not every firelock or flintlock, just the food, powder and cannon. Our current forgotten responsibility to be part of a well regulated militia, to carry firearms to protect our society and way of life. That is not what Mayor Bloomberg wants to hear, arming the citizens and expecting their cooperation in securing schools, churches, libraries and hospitals.
I won't stuff you full of non sense about what causes the killings, just remind you that the answers to how to stop it in the future are already in the Constitution that few people have read and understand. If you want to be secure in your Free state and your Liberty, a well regulated militia is necessary, and your members should be carrying appropriate firearms, have practiced and the type of folks you trust to do what is correct in catastrophe. Which for me is most of our public and neighbors. That simple.
There is evil in the world, it has been said that it needs resisted, I have yet to read in my walk with the Lord where He says I am to run away instead of confronting it. I am supposed to be ready to give my life for those I love, and I am supposed to love everyone as I do myself. Somehow I am thinking that the discussion is going to go the other way.
Mental illness, bad drugs, stupid behavior by mentally incompetent they are also a problem that the media and the politicians won't work on, they are not sexy and much too complicated, but our society still only functions if all the people step up and take part - family, village, clan, state or nation - everyone has role and a duty. We need to approach it all with love and the Lord, the answers aren't coming from the media that must get your attention to sell commercial broadcast space, nor the politicians that are only looking at more power, regulation and taking care of themselves and their buddies. I should slow down my being cynical of other motives - still, the only answer is in your heart and soul. We should have that discussion.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Personal war on Mexico
I am no longer going to put up with Mexico, totally unfree, lawless and exploitative government. No reason to be nice to the government. They have lots of good people held hostage in Mexico, the government hasn't been able to stop the crime and corruption. I refuse to buy any Mexican drugs or products, will not travel to become a kidnap victim, to learn to speak their language or observe their holidays... such a fine country gone to waste. And I once liked Speedy Gonzales!
Friday, December 14, 2012
For some reason, this is the Christmas story ignored...
A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great
mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; and she refused to be
consoled, because they were no more.
Very sorry that so many have died today, in a school in Connecticut, I do pray that God cherishes them and I will meet them in a Heavenly Kingdom. There are so many killed on Earth, by people I don't understand. I really don't like the media coverage, the rumors and the best guesses and how do we stop it from happening again.
My only thought on it seems to be to castrate the boys at about thirteen and our problem should be solved.
The American current culture seems to have the idea that using vulgar and offensive language will one feel better about calling for more chains of law and regulation upon our activities. It is already very illegal to do those things the young man did to others. Our media doesn't even cover the cover up very well if there is a government misdeed. Tragedy in other lands doesn't sell products in the United States.
In the end, they are killing the unborn, the new born and the innocent and it is so sad that we don't mourn them all well. Even sadder that instead of calling for better behavior, manners and relations with God and Man, they call for more change in my life and beliefs. I am not asking for it. Did you count the number of law enforcement officers, armed at the school after the event? Only the media crews were more numerous, I know those praying for the lost lives and souls hurt today by far out numbered the active responders, if we can only get up to all those watching and knowing taking the time to pray and ask for guidance, forgiveness and peace - that would be a real miracle.
Very sorry that so many have died today, in a school in Connecticut, I do pray that God cherishes them and I will meet them in a Heavenly Kingdom. There are so many killed on Earth, by people I don't understand. I really don't like the media coverage, the rumors and the best guesses and how do we stop it from happening again.
My only thought on it seems to be to castrate the boys at about thirteen and our problem should be solved.
The American current culture seems to have the idea that using vulgar and offensive language will one feel better about calling for more chains of law and regulation upon our activities. It is already very illegal to do those things the young man did to others. Our media doesn't even cover the cover up very well if there is a government misdeed. Tragedy in other lands doesn't sell products in the United States.
In the end, they are killing the unborn, the new born and the innocent and it is so sad that we don't mourn them all well. Even sadder that instead of calling for better behavior, manners and relations with God and Man, they call for more change in my life and beliefs. I am not asking for it. Did you count the number of law enforcement officers, armed at the school after the event? Only the media crews were more numerous, I know those praying for the lost lives and souls hurt today by far out numbered the active responders, if we can only get up to all those watching and knowing taking the time to pray and ask for guidance, forgiveness and peace - that would be a real miracle.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The cry for gun control owes so much to the media...
People that shoot don't want any, people that don't shoot seem to be frightened by the media into thinking the guns are aimed at them.
Earl says (this is my blog), people should have the right to keep and bear arms. People should defend the free state against all its enemies, it is their responsibility. Otherwise it isn't a free state. Mexico isn't a free state, England isn't a free state, neither Korea is a free state. They all do have governments, and the people have a voice - in Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Iraq, Iran and Zimbabwe - all functioning governments but hardly free states. Have you figured out that the United States of America are no longer free states? The citizens don't accept the responsibility, the politicians only rule - they hardly represent and they don't pay penalties for all their breaches of faith with the public trust. They lack responsibility, too.
So, just like guns, don't blame the government for its stupidity, the government has just as much intelligence as the firearm - it is all in the hands of those that use it. Hitler, Stalin, King George III, or President Whoever. The People are to be responsible or it won't be a free State. I think the media should have pointed this out constantly - stupid young man with firearm, stupid older lady with reading problems, they both will be very dangerous.
Earl says (this is my blog), people should have the right to keep and bear arms. People should defend the free state against all its enemies, it is their responsibility. Otherwise it isn't a free state. Mexico isn't a free state, England isn't a free state, neither Korea is a free state. They all do have governments, and the people have a voice - in Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Iraq, Iran and Zimbabwe - all functioning governments but hardly free states. Have you figured out that the United States of America are no longer free states? The citizens don't accept the responsibility, the politicians only rule - they hardly represent and they don't pay penalties for all their breaches of faith with the public trust. They lack responsibility, too.
So, just like guns, don't blame the government for its stupidity, the government has just as much intelligence as the firearm - it is all in the hands of those that use it. Hitler, Stalin, King George III, or President Whoever. The People are to be responsible or it won't be a free State. I think the media should have pointed this out constantly - stupid young man with firearm, stupid older lady with reading problems, they both will be very dangerous.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Distracted? Disturbed? Disillusioned? Nah!
So the Congress and the President don't agree about much, so the end of the world as predicted everywhere is going to happen, so that really great one got away, so you can't be the first, the best, the most important. Maybe all your perceptions are based on false values. Start over, reboot, trash all that stuff you picked up along the way, lighten that load and get on with whatever you thought you had to accomplish before the lights go out all over the world.
Well, my wife called me from my reading to talk over the Fiscal Cliff - that she is finally facing since she hasn't a paycheck any longer. She cautioned me to not get upset or angry, then to sit down and listen to her questions and desires. The television was turned off, I moved the recliner so I faced her and I had a fresh cup of coffee. We NEGOTIATED! We are civilized, and care about each other, and have no political debts to repay on the other's money. So, I asked how much she needed (she has no idea), I asked what she wanted (she had no idea), so I made an offer and told her what day to expect it, I also made sure she understand there isn't any money left for anything else. Then we reviewed our monthly spending and our household duties and capabilities. She is happy enough, she hasn't checked with her friends yet, and she only answered the telephone twice while we were negotiating (I immediately got up and went somewhere else). When I showed her where the accounts are kept, the current amounts and the size of the monthly bills, she asked about what happens when a car breaks down. I told her we have it towed away and hope the other car lasts.
I am always going to wonder when the government will catch up with the efficiency of the family, not much belief in that it would ever happen. Families care about each other.
Well, my wife called me from my reading to talk over the Fiscal Cliff - that she is finally facing since she hasn't a paycheck any longer. She cautioned me to not get upset or angry, then to sit down and listen to her questions and desires. The television was turned off, I moved the recliner so I faced her and I had a fresh cup of coffee. We NEGOTIATED! We are civilized, and care about each other, and have no political debts to repay on the other's money. So, I asked how much she needed (she has no idea), I asked what she wanted (she had no idea), so I made an offer and told her what day to expect it, I also made sure she understand there isn't any money left for anything else. Then we reviewed our monthly spending and our household duties and capabilities. She is happy enough, she hasn't checked with her friends yet, and she only answered the telephone twice while we were negotiating (I immediately got up and went somewhere else). When I showed her where the accounts are kept, the current amounts and the size of the monthly bills, she asked about what happens when a car breaks down. I told her we have it towed away and hope the other car lasts.
I am always going to wonder when the government will catch up with the efficiency of the family, not much belief in that it would ever happen. Families care about each other.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
I am for some great things, but I can't convince you...
I so really like representative government, working for us. I can't convince those that get into government to be what they should be -- they get off center and screw it up, instead of nailing it.
I didn't want to follow a family profession, Methodist minister, sure that no one would listen to me about how to save themselves from whatever judgement awaits beyond, they haven't listened to me about excess drinking, drugs, casual sex and general stupidity. So, although I know what I should do in my life, I find the idea of being a pastor beyond my ability. Still, I try to sing hymns, but not to that professional level, just the joyous saved sinner kind.
I convinced a few of the men in my wife's church that I like shooting and I could help them improve and have a good time shooting with them. So we set up to be here today, at Range 15 at 09:30, but I was alone, one had called to cancel last night. The other two were younger and less free to come and go as older worn out fellows. Still there were other shooters and at ten we started shooting.
I have brought my Browning Challenger II, Ruger MarkII and lots of 22LR. I hadn't unlocked and loaded nor shot the Browning in a long time. It showed, I had feeding problems and it was shooting way too low.
For my personal happiness, the Ruger was still on and still fine, I was a bit flaky but that was why practice. Right? Well, I finally was very happy, scheduling another fine day to tune up the Browning, it is so pretty. I packed out, there was a line of shooters wanting a lane. I walked the line looking at form, targets and firearms. Found a very beautiful 1903A1, and another old guy shooting it.
He was shooting the three hundred steel with iron sights, and I watched a bit, I can't hear the clang. So I started off by asking if he was ready to give up that rifle and he started telling me about it. He also reloads, uses his own cast bullets and wanted me to shoot it to see how nice the recoil was, now. I didn't bite at first but another shooter did, and he continued to talk about that rifle and his reload.
I did get swayed to sit down and shoot about ten rounds, at the steel targets at three hundred and paper at a hundred. First time for those sights and I was pleased and happy. But he didn't give up the rifle, but made the shooting part of my day brighter.
I will be back, not that I need a reason to go shoot, but since I can't drag anyone else to the range, I will just go support those attending anyway. Having fun!

I convinced a few of the men in my wife's church that I like shooting and I could help them improve and have a good time shooting with them. So we set up to be here today, at Range 15 at 09:30, but I was alone, one had called to cancel last night. The other two were younger and less free to come and go as older worn out fellows. Still there were other shooters and at ten we started shooting.
I have brought my Browning Challenger II, Ruger MarkII and lots of 22LR. I hadn't unlocked and loaded nor shot the Browning in a long time. It showed, I had feeding problems and it was shooting way too low.
He was shooting the three hundred steel with iron sights, and I watched a bit, I can't hear the clang. So I started off by asking if he was ready to give up that rifle and he started telling me about it. He also reloads, uses his own cast bullets and wanted me to shoot it to see how nice the recoil was, now. I didn't bite at first but another shooter did, and he continued to talk about that rifle and his reload.
I did get swayed to sit down and shoot about ten rounds, at the steel targets at three hundred and paper at a hundred. First time for those sights and I was pleased and happy. But he didn't give up the rifle, but made the shooting part of my day brighter.
I will be back, not that I need a reason to go shoot, but since I can't drag anyone else to the range, I will just go support those attending anyway. Having fun!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Has anyone found my mind? seems to be straying...
I am excited, wanting to check the mailbox, for Christmas cards and stuff, and looking for my key ring, and looking...
We did receive a beautiful book of pictures from Hawaii, it is a collector's item. Several Christmas cards have arrived, and my wife has hung them for display. Always fun to see what has arrived from whom and where. Still I can't find my keys, they are on a snap link (of course). I have to straighten my stuff, looking.
I pull out my pistols to clean and pack them for tomorrow's shooting at Range 15 with men from my church. A great way to spend Saturday morning, we are going to the Messiah concert in the evening. But where is my mailbox key? I put all the clean clothes away, but no keys under them, check all the jacket pockets. Frustration!!!!
So I start cleaning the pistols and admiring my legacy from my grandfather, William (Will) Edward Dungey, Rumor was that he purchased the pistol for adventures (?) or opportunity in the less lawful Dakotas, truth is likely that he thought he should have something - dependable, not too expensive nor heavy - just in case. Mom's story is that as he sat in the recliner, limited by his stroke, he asked after it. No one got it for him. Probably got tired of daytime television. The knife was made by him - all of stuff from around his farm work, still sharp, although I did put it on the stone and oil it, and the leathers. Still upset about no keys, and I even got the trash can to the curb and back - still no keys!
Well, I grabbed my wife's keys, hanging on the key hook, and went out to check the mail box. The mailman hadn't delivered yet, he must be off and replaced, which means a later delivery. But that is okay, I have lots of time and now I have my keys. Seems they have spent the entire night and the morning hanging from the mailbox door. My house key, car keys, the gun case keys, the mailbox key and keys I have forgotten the reason for... all there, patiently waiting my return. This getting old is tough.
Seems my excitement about a Christmas package, and talking to the crew chief cutting the timber just got in the way of taking my key and locking the mailbox. Bear with me, I can fix the Federal Debt but finding my keys is troubling... y'all have a great day!
Just don't leave us, common everyday things, hang around unappreciated we do have some utility, use us!
Nice neighborhood, no one used my missing keys against me.

I pull out my pistols to clean and pack them for tomorrow's shooting at Range 15 with men from my church. A great way to spend Saturday morning, we are going to the Messiah concert in the evening. But where is my mailbox key? I put all the clean clothes away, but no keys under them, check all the jacket pockets. Frustration!!!!

Seems my excitement about a Christmas package, and talking to the crew chief cutting the timber just got in the way of taking my key and locking the mailbox. Bear with me, I can fix the Federal Debt but finding my keys is troubling... y'all have a great day!
Just don't leave us, common everyday things, hang around unappreciated we do have some utility, use us!
Nice neighborhood, no one used my missing keys against me.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The worst of my wife's fears are falling down...
We live beside a piece of wooded ground, very beautiful, until the
ground soaks and the wind roars and the trees fall upon our homeowners'
dreams. So she has been at me to do more with the danger, and I don't,
except to cut the bush back from the fence and clear the fallen from the
fence and tool shed. Today we woke late, chain saws ripping through our
dreams and nightmares. Well, that is gone, gone and still going...
It isn't as beautiful, nor threatening of my wife's worry - she will have to go back to warning me to stay out of strip clubs with pole dancers...
It isn't as beautiful, nor threatening of my wife's worry - she will have to go back to warning me to stay out of strip clubs with pole dancers...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Discipline, the act of doing the right thing when no one is watching...
Discipline is a most important characteristic of the military person, and for all the successful humans that I have ever met, there are a few billion of them out there that I can't speak about. You first seem to run into discipline as a kind of punishment to remind you of the best choices of adults around you for your behavior. Normally a parent or grandparent, but there are others. Then along came the military service and a new definition of discipline that I could love even more - because it meant I took the proper action in the absence of orders, oversight or cynical watchers/scoffers. That feels good, and is the best procrastination protection around, just be disciplined and you will finish those tasks as needed, now.
To make a good shot your marksmanship builds on discipline, the better efforts are self motivated, you are trying to beat your best, constant evaluation, honest assessment, and practice perfectly. I must get back on track, and I can't wait on the President nor Congress to make Earl's life and loves better - I have a certain point of view that tells me they have little idea of how to pay down the massive debt, nor spend only money they take in, or ask more from their money men buddies and the poor that can't help themselves, they have no discipline and don't seem encouraged by popular media to know the problem, nor find the answers. I feel lucky they don't carry firearms much, they don't look like they could hit the target.
Snow falls, but you could leave it in the way until Spring, only the Ice Age might make it a problem and that enligtened media is harping about Global Warming, not a problem.
To make a good shot your marksmanship builds on discipline, the better efforts are self motivated, you are trying to beat your best, constant evaluation, honest assessment, and practice perfectly. I must get back on track, and I can't wait on the President nor Congress to make Earl's life and loves better - I have a certain point of view that tells me they have little idea of how to pay down the massive debt, nor spend only money they take in, or ask more from their money men buddies and the poor that can't help themselves, they have no discipline and don't seem encouraged by popular media to know the problem, nor find the answers. I feel lucky they don't carry firearms much, they don't look like they could hit the target.
Snow falls, but you could leave it in the way until Spring, only the Ice Age might make it a problem and that enligtened media is harping about Global Warming, not a problem.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
I am such a old guy...

When I returned home I found my retired wife had gone shopping for our son, and would spend the rest of the day away. So I put the video of Deadman's Walk on the VCR, and watched carefully. I think Corporal Call is playing Sherlock Holmes on CBS now. I had started the day with watching Defiance about the brothers that saved thousands of Jews by not cooperating with the established authority. I do like those stories. Still, I am only being entertained by the reminder, no real people were harmed nor died in the production of the film, the Historic facts were much uglier a reminder of the Evil that dwells in the hearts of men.
It has been raining around here, but the good Lord often will send strong winds at the range instead of drenching downpours, so I have remained blest (yes, I like spelling it that way, because Microsoft and Google don't). Have heard more rumbles of discontent with Windows8, and I still haven't conquered my current software. But I am very happy with my relationship and understanding of my M1, a very fine battle rifle.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Mr OReilly is not Right, kind of left of middle...
I am laughing at many funny things, no matter what the Atheists believe in, they do believe in Nothing - don't they? But my interest is in how traditional Christmas is as an American holiday. Now believers in the Bible and the New Testament, do probably know that Christ was born in Bethlehem. Long before Macy's, Target, Cosco or Sears/KMart were ever selling Christmas Cheer. And everybody knows that Christmas cards made Hallmark the cable channel to get all the wholesome value Christmas Romance and entertainment. What so many complain about is that the United States is always celebrating that defeat of the Hessians in Trenton, Royal Colony of New Jersey That was long before the current governor, the Royal Governor then was Benjamin Franklin's son. Actually, the Puritans frowned deeply when finding folks frolicking and feasting around Christmas. Those jolly Dutchmen of New Amsterdam, oops, New York, knew better they even had a real Saint Nicholas tradition. But the Germans and Swedes were using an evergreen tree, but they didn't call it a Christmas Tree either. "Oh, Tannebaum, oh, Tannebaum"...
There is the inclusive "Happy Holidays" which die hard party goers will use as an excuse to party hearty. That way everyone can celebrate, nothing wrong with saying Happy or Holidays, nor Happy Holidays - it is all positive. That God or Jesus makes people quake has little to do with either, mostly has to do with guilt and certain knowledge the people quaking don't want to change stupid bad or even evil intentions. Not what Christmas is about at all. Have a very happy one, and it is a Holy Day, the holiday thing is from folks that couldn't spell.
Today I listen to OReilly talking about the fiscal debate - and his worry that the Dollar will fail if the government doesn't take proper action. But those that KNOW, already have written off the Dollar.
There is the inclusive "Happy Holidays" which die hard party goers will use as an excuse to party hearty. That way everyone can celebrate, nothing wrong with saying Happy or Holidays, nor Happy Holidays - it is all positive. That God or Jesus makes people quake has little to do with either, mostly has to do with guilt and certain knowledge the people quaking don't want to change stupid bad or even evil intentions. Not what Christmas is about at all. Have a very happy one, and it is a Holy Day, the holiday thing is from folks that couldn't spell.
Today I listen to OReilly talking about the fiscal debate - and his worry that the Dollar will fail if the government doesn't take proper action. But those that KNOW, already have written off the Dollar.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Time to get to work...
I went out to buy some wine today, found they aren't making it fast enough for me, I also got a paperback book. The second one I have purchased this week, at $9.99 per book. I was wishing I were twenty and single as the checkout chick asked for my birth date to verify I was old enough to buy the wine. At my real age and wisdom it only means that I wish the beautiful young lady the best of life and love in her life, it never would have been me at twenty and single.
I got into my auto and listened to NPR talking to the lady from California, House Minority Leader, and she was telling the nation that 'everyone knows'. Which meant she hasn't a clue, but she is enjoying the fame and the times. I am convinced that the Democrats are not serious about anything except what is good for themselves, and their pretend voting blocks and favorable media limelight. I hope we go over the Fiscal Cliff, because that isn't the problem, the problem is never in the jump, it is always in the landing. No one talks about how far down that landing is going to be, and how fast the nation will be traveling to slam into it. Both Political Parties and the Main Stream Media are sure there is a bridge out there to reach the otherside. Only in their minds.
I got into my auto and listened to NPR talking to the lady from California, House Minority Leader, and she was telling the nation that 'everyone knows'. Which meant she hasn't a clue, but she is enjoying the fame and the times. I am convinced that the Democrats are not serious about anything except what is good for themselves, and their pretend voting blocks and favorable media limelight. I hope we go over the Fiscal Cliff, because that isn't the problem, the problem is never in the jump, it is always in the landing. No one talks about how far down that landing is going to be, and how fast the nation will be traveling to slam into it. Both Political Parties and the Main Stream Media are sure there is a bridge out there to reach the otherside. Only in their minds.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
And what do you do when all the world is shopping?

I did my normal heroic Earl firing a rifle poses, and I did video of my performance to review later. Mostly, I was just having fun, posting targets and walking the range, the rains had blown away for a bit.
Just enough that after a lunch with my wife, I went out to cut the front yard for the first time in a bunch. If the Sun were out more the grass would have been higher.
Men's Bible Study at Rudy's home tonight, I will keep out of politics, economics and jokes. I should be just right in prayer and comment on the lessons. Y'all be the best.
Should have shown a before and after picture of the back of the target stand. You would be , impressed, or not. Fifty yards first eight, all others at 100 yards, prone.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Day after, rebuilding...

Too much to be thankful for, contact with loved ones far away, and re-thinking what is truly important. I spent too much time looking at video from the Desert Storm/Shield days. Both sides of the world, back at Bragg and out in the sands of Saudi and rocks of Iraq. I have actual footage of our first invasion of the state of Iraq.
We were so much younger then. Notice the watch on my left arm, the compass on my right? Learned that from Panama jungles, works in the sands of Saudi, too. Same pocket folder I carry now, older model Leatherman multi-tool, on my belt that you can't see. There is a loaded M16A2 out of the picture close to hand along with the webgear and helmet. I take no joy in talking to a camera, it never looked like my wife.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
My home smells of old people...
I noticed that while helping my wife making the bed, this is the last use from those sheets, but the kingsize pillow cases will stay forever! Need new pillows. As I put the clean folded sheets back in the linen closet, I find some other really old sheets - that need to be gone, too.
Since I am down to only one cable connection and I have a large broken television - I start thinking of buying a new flat screen for watching video and dvds, and if I am going in that direction I ought to look at a blue-ray player... understanding that the Blues sound better.... so with tons of 'Buy Me! for you' commercials haunting the airways, I am more likely to yield to temptation and grow the economy of Asia a bit. Nothing electronic is made in America, except electronic dollars backed by the power grid. They don't exist when the power is gone.
Since I have a couple of televisions not hooked up, I put one on a VCR and can watch one of my hundreds of movies when I want. Now the weight of that broken television is too much, almost and will be a struggle - if I can find someone that wants a broken one. Life is tough, then I realize I have too much, and that is why it seems so tough - well, that kills that buy something. Better keep looking for a job. Work is good!
I had to laugh, when I first arrived in the 82nd Airborne Division, the Thanksgiving Day feast was awesome. Total dress up, chow down, everyone there all the commanders, families and food! The servers and cooks would get Friday off and had a three day weekend as their reward. There were only two days off for goodness in the old Army (19th Century) - your birthday (which the lower the rank the less likely to be awarded, but a good sergeant would make it happen) and Thanksgiving - a day the entire Army would take off and celebrate (if possible). But then in the good old days the troopers lived in platoon bays, the NCOs in two man rooms and everyone used a common latrine and showrooms.
Fast forward to making the Army just like a civilian job, two to four man rooms with personal bathing facities, snack bars and no battery messhalls. And give the troopers four day weekends and cars - they are gone, mostly to back home as they can. The Thanksgiving feast is still big stuff, and the command and NCOs dress up and bring families and dine well, but it isn't Thanksgiving on the Yalu in 1950 before the Chinese Communists send those volunteer divisions against the United Nations in the frozen Chosen.
What does happen is a lot of deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the units are tightening up again and Thanksgiving away from homebase is special - the President could drop in, you never know. That is nice. But back home, they still want the big feast, the unit dining together and the good stuff that civilians hardly understand. So today, through the miracle of Facebook, I find the 3rd Brigade of the 82nd posting pictures of their Thanksgiving Feast. Wednesday! Yes, the modern Army can provide, all the beauty of the unit dressing up, coming together for the celebration and still giving everyone a four day weekend. Considering how long they have been fighting in the far corners of the world, I think that it is a great idea! Airborne! All the Way!
Since I am down to only one cable connection and I have a large broken television - I start thinking of buying a new flat screen for watching video and dvds, and if I am going in that direction I ought to look at a blue-ray player... understanding that the Blues sound better.... so with tons of 'Buy Me! for you' commercials haunting the airways, I am more likely to yield to temptation and grow the economy of Asia a bit. Nothing electronic is made in America, except electronic dollars backed by the power grid. They don't exist when the power is gone.
Since I have a couple of televisions not hooked up, I put one on a VCR and can watch one of my hundreds of movies when I want. Now the weight of that broken television is too much, almost and will be a struggle - if I can find someone that wants a broken one. Life is tough, then I realize I have too much, and that is why it seems so tough - well, that kills that buy something. Better keep looking for a job. Work is good!
I had to laugh, when I first arrived in the 82nd Airborne Division, the Thanksgiving Day feast was awesome. Total dress up, chow down, everyone there all the commanders, families and food! The servers and cooks would get Friday off and had a three day weekend as their reward. There were only two days off for goodness in the old Army (19th Century) - your birthday (which the lower the rank the less likely to be awarded, but a good sergeant would make it happen) and Thanksgiving - a day the entire Army would take off and celebrate (if possible). But then in the good old days the troopers lived in platoon bays, the NCOs in two man rooms and everyone used a common latrine and showrooms.
Fast forward to making the Army just like a civilian job, two to four man rooms with personal bathing facities, snack bars and no battery messhalls. And give the troopers four day weekends and cars - they are gone, mostly to back home as they can. The Thanksgiving feast is still big stuff, and the command and NCOs dress up and bring families and dine well, but it isn't Thanksgiving on the Yalu in 1950 before the Chinese Communists send those volunteer divisions against the United Nations in the frozen Chosen.
What does happen is a lot of deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the units are tightening up again and Thanksgiving away from homebase is special - the President could drop in, you never know. That is nice. But back home, they still want the big feast, the unit dining together and the good stuff that civilians hardly understand. So today, through the miracle of Facebook, I find the 3rd Brigade of the 82nd posting pictures of their Thanksgiving Feast. Wednesday! Yes, the modern Army can provide, all the beauty of the unit dressing up, coming together for the celebration and still giving everyone a four day weekend. Considering how long they have been fighting in the far corners of the world, I think that it is a great idea! Airborne! All the Way!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Preaching to the choir... almost...
Make bacon and eggs with toast and coffee for breakfast with my late sleeping wife, and we talked about what to do after she retires. She has no experience with having nothing to do all day, and needs to make sure she doesn't end up like me. She has many ideas and some of them are interesting to me, but attitude needs always to be positive to hear well. Today we talked about gyms to visit or use. Talk is cheap, my only complaint of worth about the YMCA was that we paid for more than we used. Which was our fault, not the Y's. We determine that we will explore the options and pick one in December. The sounds of love at work, adjusting to change.
Off to church and combined service, packed house is always a good sign. It was combined so we could be special for Thanksgiving. The Pastor had a fine sermon and told a little story about his son and his school, then another one about homeless fellow met in Portland. All the stories were geared to the Thanksgiving theme and worked well. Attitude being the first thing, I really enjoyed the service, since I had come to worship and not to be entertained, amused nor patted on my back. There was a dinner after, with all the trimmings. So we ate and talked, and I got amused and started teaching. One man thought that the stock market was gambling, so I had to explain why stocks are good and derivatives are bad, and salesmen aren't to be trusted. Personal examples of investors were sitting at the table, and they testified.
Then our Sunday school teacher showed up and asked my opinion of a Walther 9mm, postwar manfacture and a price from Cabela's. So I asked a lot of questions, gave my opinions and talked him out of the temptation. But the conversation was a keeper, and he made sure I knew he wanted to go shooting with me at the East Gate range (which is Range 15 where I normally shoot). After we were done the Pastor came up and said hello, which surprised one of the men - that he knew our names. But I assured him a Korean pastor knows everyone's names, and if he wasn't looking at us he might have to be told which Korean lady we were married to, or our first male child's name. Anyway, it was my chance to tell the Pastor I enjoyed his story about his son and their relationship. He missed the relationship thing, and thought I was speaking about the broken English, and I told him that was a bad term the proper term is Korean English. Then I told him we had been talking about shooting and when his son was old enough I would be happy to teach him gun safety and marksmanship. That got a bit of wide-eyed panic in his eyes, seeing he is sure that Christians don't shoot, or that Guns are tools of the Devil. He didn't say so, but my wife was sure it was in that direction. Still gun talk at church, the promise of a shooting date, influencing the future economic activity of church members and worship of the Lord and celebrating Thanksgiving - which for believers is a daily activity. Time for a nap?
Off to church and combined service, packed house is always a good sign. It was combined so we could be special for Thanksgiving. The Pastor had a fine sermon and told a little story about his son and his school, then another one about homeless fellow met in Portland. All the stories were geared to the Thanksgiving theme and worked well. Attitude being the first thing, I really enjoyed the service, since I had come to worship and not to be entertained, amused nor patted on my back. There was a dinner after, with all the trimmings. So we ate and talked, and I got amused and started teaching. One man thought that the stock market was gambling, so I had to explain why stocks are good and derivatives are bad, and salesmen aren't to be trusted. Personal examples of investors were sitting at the table, and they testified.
Then our Sunday school teacher showed up and asked my opinion of a Walther 9mm, postwar manfacture and a price from Cabela's. So I asked a lot of questions, gave my opinions and talked him out of the temptation. But the conversation was a keeper, and he made sure I knew he wanted to go shooting with me at the East Gate range (which is Range 15 where I normally shoot). After we were done the Pastor came up and said hello, which surprised one of the men - that he knew our names. But I assured him a Korean pastor knows everyone's names, and if he wasn't looking at us he might have to be told which Korean lady we were married to, or our first male child's name. Anyway, it was my chance to tell the Pastor I enjoyed his story about his son and their relationship. He missed the relationship thing, and thought I was speaking about the broken English, and I told him that was a bad term the proper term is Korean English. Then I told him we had been talking about shooting and when his son was old enough I would be happy to teach him gun safety and marksmanship. That got a bit of wide-eyed panic in his eyes, seeing he is sure that Christians don't shoot, or that Guns are tools of the Devil. He didn't say so, but my wife was sure it was in that direction. Still gun talk at church, the promise of a shooting date, influencing the future economic activity of church members and worship of the Lord and celebrating Thanksgiving - which for believers is a daily activity. Time for a nap?
Saturday, November 17, 2012
You will pay the price, because it is fair...
I know that there are people that are sure the government is correct, that government officials won't lie or bear false witness, or be foresworn. Really, I know you are out there. I also know there are many of the opposite take. I will remain knowing there is a little truth in most thoughts.
I had a fine opportunity to get off the cable news feed yesterday and see 'Lincoln' by Spielberg and I really thought it came through very well. I was very impressed with all the actors, the photography and the writing and direction. I recommend you all go to see it, especially you Democrats, Republicans and those that still trust government to fix your problems. A real political eye opener.
I spent most of the evening reading The Wolf by Richard Guilliatt and Peter Hohnen, and aside from the best of real steam punk World War I naval action (and it was pretty good), the comments about the British Admiralty denial of truth for their best guess that wouldn't cause public alarm. Secrets and censorship and suffering because of lack of trust in the citizens and their good sense. Now I assure you that the other governments were engaged in suppression of their own citizens for the same different reasons. It didn't save the Tsar, the Kaiser or the King of England, empire breaking was the result.
There is mounting evidence the pace of disruption of the force is increasing, more regulation, more threats to improve our lives through more laws, drugs, sex and rock'n roll. You may disregard any threats from me, I own none of y'all and don't think I could possibly feed and cloth you. I also deny my ability to think for you, make you holy, whole or sane. You are going to have to be what the good Lord gave you and all that you have made of yourself. Take care out there, God loves you more than you realize, or you do know and are content to work on His Kingdom.
I had a fine opportunity to get off the cable news feed yesterday and see 'Lincoln' by Spielberg and I really thought it came through very well. I was very impressed with all the actors, the photography and the writing and direction. I recommend you all go to see it, especially you Democrats, Republicans and those that still trust government to fix your problems. A real political eye opener.

There is mounting evidence the pace of disruption of the force is increasing, more regulation, more threats to improve our lives through more laws, drugs, sex and rock'n roll. You may disregard any threats from me, I own none of y'all and don't think I could possibly feed and cloth you. I also deny my ability to think for you, make you holy, whole or sane. You are going to have to be what the good Lord gave you and all that you have made of yourself. Take care out there, God loves you more than you realize, or you do know and are content to work on His Kingdom.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Your life is all about how you find it...

I read Gates of Fire, and was in awe that the author captured the true Spartan warrior - his boldness, his professional competence and then during battle - captured the bravery, then the tired, then the saving of self, the fear, and the overcoming it to fight effectively but hopelessly to the end. About my own life and how I feel 'great' about somethings and not so much about others has to do with what I know about me, my conduct and how short of my goal I fall.
I once organized a twenty-four hour relay race, and there were three teams of ten, and we started running and passing the baton and recording in pictures and script the event. But one of the memories was that going through the heat, the darkness of the night, the stiffening muscles, the longer to finish your mile and the shorter the rest between your chance to get up and do it again, the jokes between runners and recorders, the visits from wives and girl friends - looking at us like we were a little bit crazy. Periodic checks from the command structure to make sure we weren't going to turn this into an embarrassment. And then as the last hour finally showed up, the drive to run just a shade faster, pass the baton quicker, to look good for the gathering supporters. That was when the battalion commander showed up with his staffers, he was a very fine commander, and he even ran that last lap before the bell to pace those last runners. We set no records, we hurt no one, we all left victorious and worthy -- sure we never needed to do that again.
Lots of challenges in the world, and trying to find good things to do and say, and to be a real help is better than wallowing in misery. I wish y'all luck, I will go see Lincoln today.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
ZimbabweZombie Project...
I don't believe there is a great conspiracy out there trying to destroy an America that was too big and too proud. I think that there are lots of little conspiracies of little people that don't know what the consequences will be for their petty efforts. They don't study History and have been on a really stupid economic model. It all comes from thinking government can provide everything - never has been true, and the other idea that because someone is in charge they must be followed and must be right.
When Africa was gaining independence, various countries from the end of World War II, there were problems. Seems the black Africans were still very tribal, the Communists provided education and weapons, European nations and business wanted to continue to exploit the riches of the Continent for their profits. the white Africans wanted to continue to build their business, farms, or efforts to self govern. And the Internation Monetary Fund and World Bank wanted to help (always for their own profits and power). The goodness of the civilized West decided the how when and why independence would be gained and would work, most of them were living in Europe or English speaking America... and they were trying to correct the impression of the miserable exploitation of black Africa by Europe.
I like looking at the various African nations, they haven't done as well on their own as they could have remaining a strong link with Europe - but they lived their history and their anger is often strong. It only matters to the people of Africa, how they treat me - I don't have enough time left to visit and see their wonders, and there are many. There are also dangers and dirt and bugs, which don't get experienced on video feed. Such a clean pretty picture.
Well, if one does no more than listen to Oprah's experience with her school, the Rwanda genocide, and the driving the whites out of Zimbabwe (which seems to be a popular model to destroy the Republic of South Africa) one can see the framework of the destruction of the good old United States of America. Everyone divided against each other, to exploit others, to take what you want for free, to behave badly and cause it is fun, exciting and you don't look far enough into the future. What awaits is authoritarian rule (with harmless voting) to control the population as it gets regulated (strangled) and ruled unmercifully (read raped and robbed). or the zombies are going to run free killing and eating brains because there isn't a strong independent minded population - willing to sacrifice for the common good and the future. I am sure that the zombies won't eat well, most of the population has shown a decided lack of brains, sigh.
There are millions of great Americans in the world, but they never want to be in charge of more than they can control. The others are the ones to watch closely - they cannot be trusted. Don't worry about taking notes, if the best win they will be busy building a better future, if the worst win - if they remember how to write they will tell the story to their own glory. Oh, you notice that it is happening even now? Yep.
Oh, I know that there are millions of good brains out there for the zombies - just they are too well mannered and now even politically correct to whack a mole or behead a zombie in anything except a video game.
When Africa was gaining independence, various countries from the end of World War II, there were problems. Seems the black Africans were still very tribal, the Communists provided education and weapons, European nations and business wanted to continue to exploit the riches of the Continent for their profits. the white Africans wanted to continue to build their business, farms, or efforts to self govern. And the Internation Monetary Fund and World Bank wanted to help (always for their own profits and power). The goodness of the civilized West decided the how when and why independence would be gained and would work, most of them were living in Europe or English speaking America... and they were trying to correct the impression of the miserable exploitation of black Africa by Europe.
I like looking at the various African nations, they haven't done as well on their own as they could have remaining a strong link with Europe - but they lived their history and their anger is often strong. It only matters to the people of Africa, how they treat me - I don't have enough time left to visit and see their wonders, and there are many. There are also dangers and dirt and bugs, which don't get experienced on video feed. Such a clean pretty picture.
Well, if one does no more than listen to Oprah's experience with her school, the Rwanda genocide, and the driving the whites out of Zimbabwe (which seems to be a popular model to destroy the Republic of South Africa) one can see the framework of the destruction of the good old United States of America. Everyone divided against each other, to exploit others, to take what you want for free, to behave badly and cause it is fun, exciting and you don't look far enough into the future. What awaits is authoritarian rule (with harmless voting) to control the population as it gets regulated (strangled) and ruled unmercifully (read raped and robbed). or the zombies are going to run free killing and eating brains because there isn't a strong independent minded population - willing to sacrifice for the common good and the future. I am sure that the zombies won't eat well, most of the population has shown a decided lack of brains, sigh.
There are millions of great Americans in the world, but they never want to be in charge of more than they can control. The others are the ones to watch closely - they cannot be trusted. Don't worry about taking notes, if the best win they will be busy building a better future, if the worst win - if they remember how to write they will tell the story to their own glory. Oh, you notice that it is happening even now? Yep.
Oh, I know that there are millions of good brains out there for the zombies - just they are too well mannered and now even politically correct to whack a mole or behead a zombie in anything except a video game.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Important financial advice...
Money is not real, but if enough of us believe in it whatever the government says and all that we accept has an ability to transfer your work and property to others for commerce. And to the government for your protection, to the union for their job protection and to the thieves for their protection. Your hard work protects a lot. But it is based on a form that the government calls currency or money.
I am sure that the Fiscal Cliff isn't the real problem, and it isn't the Social Security nor the Medicare, and it isn't the high cost of weapons and military. The real problem is there isn't any good faith or credit, and there never has been any value to what they call money, except good faith and credit on your ability to work, produce and payback. Since the Zimbabwe Plan is in effect, we are going to loot the rich and give to our supporters their tools, land and wealth. Which will breach the final barrier to everyone being miserable which becomes the new standard of fair.
My point being, with the problems with the money I recommend converting it to something you can use. Tools, land, animals, metals, beans, water source. For free you can read The Forgotten Man, about our Depression. The go find a history of the German Money between the World Wars, and Zimbabwe from the collapse of Rhodesia to today. Having spent an afternoon crawling around under my home in the crawl space, I was reminded that exteriors are always cared for better than the concealed framework supporting everything. If the country ever restores individual responsibility and honor, they can rebuild a better world. Of course, it isn't up to the country to restore responsibility and honor. The country doesn't believe in it. The individuals do.
I am sure that the Fiscal Cliff isn't the real problem, and it isn't the Social Security nor the Medicare, and it isn't the high cost of weapons and military. The real problem is there isn't any good faith or credit, and there never has been any value to what they call money, except good faith and credit on your ability to work, produce and payback. Since the Zimbabwe Plan is in effect, we are going to loot the rich and give to our supporters their tools, land and wealth. Which will breach the final barrier to everyone being miserable which becomes the new standard of fair.
My point being, with the problems with the money I recommend converting it to something you can use. Tools, land, animals, metals, beans, water source. For free you can read The Forgotten Man, about our Depression. The go find a history of the German Money between the World Wars, and Zimbabwe from the collapse of Rhodesia to today. Having spent an afternoon crawling around under my home in the crawl space, I was reminded that exteriors are always cared for better than the concealed framework supporting everything. If the country ever restores individual responsibility and honor, they can rebuild a better world. Of course, it isn't up to the country to restore responsibility and honor. The country doesn't believe in it. The individuals do.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I have given up 'HOPE', don't need it now...

I have given up 'Hope' and will run on Faith, for I know the Truth and it sets me Free. Go with God.
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