I do know that probably didn't happen.
What is it that you love? Would you stand up and fight and die for it? Or do you have to be paid in gold, then owing your service to Caesar?

I know I am willing to stand armed guard at a school four hours a day, five days a week. I am willing to confront armed attackers to save the lives of the children and the adults. I also have some advantage in that I am fully trained, retired and aware of what that means. Many of you citizens no longer do, but I study History.
Well, concerned citizen, are you willing to stand armed guard for those innocents? There really are more armed, sane and law abiding citizens willing to stand up and perform than the professional gunslingers, politicians and media would like you to believe in. There are many more armed peaceful law abiding Americans than the powers to be want you to know, they are just not sure saving the President, the banks or the Wall Street hustlers is worth their time and lives. I am sure they would stand up to protect the innocent. They would be brave.
If I were retired, I'd volunteer too!