Friday, November 30, 2012

Mr OReilly is not Right, kind of left of middle...

I am laughing at many funny things, no matter what the Atheists believe in, they do believe in Nothing - don't they? But my interest is in how traditional Christmas is as an American holiday. Now believers in the Bible and the New Testament, do probably know that Christ was born in Bethlehem. Long before Macy's, Target, Cosco or Sears/KMart were ever selling Christmas Cheer. And everybody knows that Christmas cards made Hallmark the cable channel to get all the wholesome value Christmas Romance and entertainment. What so many complain about is that the United States is always celebrating that defeat of the Hessians in Trenton, Royal Colony of New Jersey That was long before the current governor, the Royal Governor then was Benjamin Franklin's son. Actually, the Puritans frowned deeply when finding folks frolicking and feasting around Christmas. Those jolly Dutchmen of New Amsterdam, oops, New York, knew better they even had a real Saint Nicholas tradition. But the Germans and Swedes were using an evergreen tree, but they didn't call it a Christmas Tree either. "Oh, Tannebaum, oh, Tannebaum"...

There is the inclusive "Happy Holidays" which die hard party goers will use as an excuse to party hearty. That way everyone can celebrate, nothing wrong with saying Happy or Holidays, nor Happy Holidays - it is all positive. That God or Jesus makes people quake has little to do with either, mostly has to do with guilt and certain knowledge the people quaking don't want to change stupid bad or even evil intentions. Not what Christmas is about at all. Have a very happy one, and it is a Holy Day, the holiday thing is from folks that couldn't spell.

Today I listen to OReilly talking about the fiscal debate - and his worry that the Dollar will fail if the government doesn't take proper action. But those that KNOW, already have written off the Dollar.


  1. Considering that Christmas as a holiday was not recognized by Christians until the missionaries in Europe needed something to compete with the Winter Solstice festivities, it really doesn't matter. (I'd say talk to your grandfather Smith, but he's dead to this world.) Easter is the true Christian holiday. I don't see anyone talking about a war on Easter, do you?

    1. After a gloomy Winter, Easter Springs eternal... and who could hate an Easter Bunny. Fat ol'men climbing down chimneys are such a terrifying target.

  2. Good points Earl, and there is a hard left movement to minimize Christmas and ALL it stands for...
