Every day, I take medicine, in the proper doses at the proper time. Every day, my health issues have been met and I am still recovering better and better, every day.

Every day I am studying the Holy Bible, getting much better in my knowledge of the Word and in my walk with the Lord. Every day, better and stronger. I am even praying for my enemies, when it has always been easier to just eliminate them. Every day, I love better and stronger, but I have to work at it, everyday.
Every day I am trying to get stronger and faster and totally in tune with my physical potential and once had capabilities. But I have to go and work out, every day, eat right, rest enough and stay the course, no, I don't want to sink deeper into the mindless fat blob I pretend I am not. Every day, I have to sweat, breathe hard and make my body do things it once did so well - I thought it was natural. Everyday, if it isn't work, it is real rest and recover.

Do you aspire to learn a foreign language? Travel beyond your front door? Play an instrument? Be happier, be better, be wonderful, be friendly, be older, be hated, be true, live in the shadows, live free, to die a hero? What do you aspire to? Everyday, just a little in the direction of your goals, and you will make and finish that journey - everyday, routinely, that is how a snail does it, a worm, a man, an eagle, every day in the direction of success or failure. Only rocks endure, to be beaten upon and become worn. Only gravity affects rocks, sooner or later.

So, to make this just a political pause, a point needs to be understood by all our representatives in all their positions of poor performance. If you want to balance a budget, make one. If you want to reduce the debt don't spend as much, if you want to make the dollar mean something protect it from inflation and stop worrying about deflation. If you want to be trusted, you will have to demonstrate real good intentions and performance - a little every day, it builds up. Once you make the choices to be strong and powerful and right, to have honor and good sense and even better manners - you have to keep the work in that same direction, every day - rocket science means learning from your mistakes and failures - not repeating them because you wanted it to work and you are going to spend more money and time doing it again, harder. It isn't so difficult.
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