The 2nd Amendment is to be looked at as a real answer. In the past, and the future, when our neighborhoods are under attack -- sitting around discussing it should happen immediately after the trauma. We should do something about it.
We should not flee the fear but use it to focus on the solutions.

York has private security arrangements, looks very much like King George the Third and his royal guards. Mrs. Davis, wife and mother of four, had no royal nor personal guards. But they were not in fear of firearms, only the ruling class was attempting to regulate the militia and remove their military arms - not every firelock or flintlock, just the food, powder and cannon. Our current forgotten responsibility to be part of a well regulated militia, to carry firearms to protect our society and way of life. That is not what Mayor Bloomberg wants to hear, arming the citizens and expecting their cooperation in securing schools, churches, libraries and hospitals.
I won't stuff you full of non sense about what causes the killings, just remind you that the answers to how to stop it in the future are already in the Constitution that few people have read and understand. If you want to be secure in your Free state and your Liberty, a well regulated militia is necessary, and your members should be carrying appropriate firearms, have practiced and the type of folks you trust to do what is correct in catastrophe. Which for me is most of our public and neighbors. That simple.
There is evil in the world, it has been said that it needs resisted, I have yet to read in my walk with the Lord where He says I am to run away instead of confronting it. I am supposed to be ready to give my life for those I love, and I am supposed to love everyone as I do myself. Somehow I am thinking that the discussion is going to go the other way.
Mental illness, bad drugs, stupid behavior by mentally incompetent they are also a problem that the media and the politicians won't work on, they are not sexy and much too complicated, but our society still only functions if all the people step up and take part - family, village, clan, state or nation - everyone has role and a duty. We need to approach it all with love and the Lord, the answers aren't coming from the media that must get your attention to sell commercial broadcast space, nor the politicians that are only looking at more power, regulation and taking care of themselves and their buddies. I should slow down my being cynical of other motives - still, the only answer is in your heart and soul. We should have that discussion.
Yep the discussion on mental health and 'protecting' those under treatment DOES need to be held... History IS repeating itself...