Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dreams, or sweating the night away...

New pillows on the bed, Costco shopping stop by wife and friends. So I sleep just fine, to be awaken by worried wife since I am sweating while asleep. Some kind of cultural no-no, or just time for her to worry. I did the night before, too. So it isn't the pillows. I think I am rejecting the Borg adaptation, or feeling guilty about the lawn mower? I am not worried, still have coffee and wine in the house and more time to sleep.

Last dream was interesting, my parents attending -- seems my brother was correct, my paranoia is being noticed by the powers that shouldn't be. The Federales are closing in as they decide I am a bit too strange to trust in un-assisted living. Potentially dangerous, is a key term of their fears. My mother is for accepting the political correctness for the sake of her first child's future. Ten Thousand missing in Argentina the last time government got goodness graceless. Spooky.

Bit strips from Facebook. I am just digging up the French Drainage and find the ghost of long ago blogger, with the Librarian Death stare.

Went to the television as the coffee heated up, looking for the latest on the missing airplane and the Indian Ocean, found President Obama lecturing the Europeans on territorial integrity and honoring international boundaries. The Europeans wondering where he went to school, didn't they have any battlefields where one could remember how Napoleon rewrote the Old Order? So much to laugh at in that memorable speech, I thought I was on late night television stand up comedy.

Of important note, since I am very retired I have not concerned myself with filing my income taxes, I once was always finished by the second week of February, but I haven't even looked at them this year. Right after the grass attack, I must put the papers on record for filing. Most of what I hear about the IRS is how they have more to do as the nation gets ducks in order. The trials of the Federal Agencies as they attempt to modify choice, behavior and betterment... King George III would be so proud of his will his way.

Monday, March 24, 2014

What is Liberty and what is there to fear?

Thinking early Monday morning, leaving a warm bed to post a thought on a dead information/entertainment: the blog.

Had a great weekend in Port Townsend, Washington. Appleseed event for ten on Saturday, eight on Sunday. Cold a bit on the first day, warmed up with Sunshine on second day. Nice facility for shooting, have been there before. Since then it seems they are under attack, or threat of attack by anti-gun goofs. Sneaking in taking soil samples, pictures and creative havocs un-noticed so far. Because of that the Super Secret Executive Board passed rules against taking photographs, soil samples and doing un-authorized stuff.... or something. Do you see how easily terrorists will use fears to manipulate the mass? So being a fine law abiding citizen I took my pictures and will not expose the once fine shooting club to snipes, snarks and snears of the unwashed heathen anti-gun goofs. I had one video and fifty-four digital master pieces, and now I don't.

So George was the shoot boss, Jay was an IIT and coordinator with host range and sponsor of many of the young shooters - providing rifles and ammunition and transportation. Ralph and Brian were there as IIT and emergency coverage and we worked well as a crew. I was just there for texture.

I will have to work harder on my upcoming Appleseeds, finding crew, cutting my words to the need to be remembered, not the larger need to be spoken. Good attitudes went a long way this weekend.

It must be real Spring here, Brian talked of riding his motorcycle up to a restaurant for some fine Southern pie, we had a great instructor meal there - food was so fine I forgot to ask the waitress to consider coming to our next Appleseed event and learning marksmanship and our heritage. No worry, I have a motorcycle, as soon as the Pacemaker implants heal deeply enough I might be able to lift the motorcycle back up and ride up there to ask her. It really was fine Southern cooking.

Five teens on Saturday, four on Sunday, three parent-child groups, one semi-pro shooter going for his 250 score on a red AQT, he was at the constant 235 point on his AQTs this weekend. We had something to offer all of them, and what they wanted they took and worked on. An Appleseed won't fix all the potential greatness, just a couple points at a time.

High tech, one of the shooters (she who shot the sighting square displayed above) showed me her phone on Sunday with the video (with music) her mother had shot on Saturday as we ran the course of fire. I am now a music video star, or just the big old man hollering the line commands. It was really neat to see, and I was looking forward to seeing it better on my computer monitor at home - but it had to be taken down, because the Executive Board has declared that digital data un-approved of will not stand. Sigh, what was the Revolution about? Liberty? or chains of restrictive measures to make certain nothing ever gets done, shared or proudly displayed? Well, if you don't know, come to an Appleseed and we will tell you what we think.

Be of good heart, what I have always loved about the RWVA, is teaching marksmanship, introducing our Heritage and winning smiles and acceptance by strangers of my shy self. Thank God for smiles, the best reward I have ever gotten.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Time is passing... yes, it is...

This is Thursday, and one more doctor's visit bites the dust. We chatted a bit about his new medical tech, the last one didn't last long. And she was young, he said she didn't take criticism well. Too much pride? Or just not looking for work one could be found unfit for? Don't know, the one today found the vein and took the blood and ran the tests and I am still not dead, but I was hungry (fasting for the last sixteen hours). Next visit in four months.

The idea about time passing is that this is Throwback Thursday, I have no idea how one plays that game but, I did post an old picture and asked for information about the other children in the picture, I was the oldest and looks like junior high to me.

I was viewing more salemanship of coins for the coming terrible times, and telling my wife that needles and pins would be better than gold and silver, actually nails (in quantity) would be hot items when everything goes, heavy but really will be needed. Good jars, and such. What you can't buy you must make or find another way to replace them. But I didn't want to undercut the beauty of some of the coins in their design. How after Queen Victoria Britiannia can hold her trident while one of her breasts is pleasingly exposed (it could have been covered by the shield) I will never understand. But I do like the work. Makes our Liberty with the Fort McHenry Flag look a bit dowdy.

While I was waiting I looked at my Concealed Carry License and it expires in less than ninety days, time to renew! That will be the third time, I have carried that card for five years, the one before it for five years, over ten years and no drunken shoot outs, not one bad guy biting the dust, not one mugging, murder, robbery or rape prevented by my armed presence, nice to live in a country where everyone out to get you is only on the internet or television or in your mind... or in your government. If the government was really ours, it wouldn't be out to get us, would it?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Too much television makes me wonder...

Caught a bit of a movie named Rendition and it was interesting. But what caught my eye, was not the number of government people in their power and goodness telling untruths. But the man caught by a power that knows no fear.

That is the problem, the powers have no fear, so they have no honor, they aren't controlled by the sense of right and wrong, and they don't think law is for themselves either. In my life, if one has no power, one must be kind and quiet and responsible - otherwise bad things happen to me.

The innocent man caught by American CIA, given to Egyptian law enforcement for torture, has no information, has no idea, and has no one to protect him. So he spends time in the hole, is hurt, humiliated and should have decided to die alone. But he was concerned for his son, his wife and unborn baby, and still has no idea how to make the world a better place. He finally cooperates and gives up the soccer team of Egypt from his boyhood before he went to America.

His American wife is working hard to find him, and tries the hollowed halls of Congress - since one of his college friends works for their elected representative. She even gets to the CIA liaison (or was it Homeland Security) but no one tells her the truth, none of them are afraid of her, their power depends on lies and ignoring her request.

Like the President, the governors of their respective states, or law enforcement officers that don't have anything except bad ideas and power - the innocent man can't survive without adapting and becoming invisible.

The movie should be seen, just to put yourself in the prisoner's place. He will never know what is going on, only that there is an American standing by allowing it to happen.

The rifleman that is told to take some shots near the end of the movie, misses most of them, but no one trains in Hollywood nor Terroristlands to precision just to pretense.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

America's Rifle, Rise of the AR-15

CNBC special from 2013 I found drifting around the cable until the Korean Historic Drama shows up. They did a fair job of covering the threat of the rifles, the allure, the mythology, the panic buying and the regular buying. They didn't cover competitions, hunting. They did dwell a lot on the shooting classes, the preppers, and the idea that some kind of control had to be out there. Nothing too deep, sure enough, if I had some more money I still wouldn't have an AR. You all may have yours, and thirty round magazines and three thousand rounds in the ammunition storage of your home or ship. I won't be worried nor afraid.

The four people that once worked in the gun industry and have now gone over to the Gun Control Darkside were highlighted, as well as the 800,000 ARs sold to people that may not have owned an AR before, but are becoming one with the Force. Twenty-five years of carrying the AR, which I have always held was built for women to carry in the military, I am convinced that the heavier rifle is the one I want for the couple of years and couple thousand rounds I have left in me. It doesn't matter to me. If your entirely sane, intelligent and caring politicians can't figure out that the law against murder doesn't protect anyone, they won't be sane, intelligent and caring enough to know that disarming the law abiding folks won't protect them either. Remember the family killed by the New Orleans Police on a bridge during Katrina?

More reports of 22LR found a proper prices this weekend. It only takes five hundred for a fast paced Appleseed Event, two days of shooting the best one can. I am now reading another examination of the Norman Conquest of England, which only started with the Battle of Hastings and the death of Harold.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The 42nd Anniversary of our marriage...

42nd Wedding Anniversary
Traditional Gifts: none
Modern Gifts: Improved Real Estate. Look for properties to invest in if you want to buy real estate. Or simply redecorate your house. Now that the kids are gone, isn't it about time you turned that room into a gym or an office? Install a porch swing or outdoor fire place.

I do really thank God for many great years, and like many things in modern life I am sad when other marriages don't endure and flounder. In between traditional gifts, 40 is Ruby and 45 is Sapphire. Wonder if the gems cost so much no one had money for the none years.

When I finally got government sanctioned married, you have little idea of how much I blame the government and its representatives for slowing my marriage way down, almost three years worth. Vietnam and other things were in the way, mostly for my good or the country's. Shouldn't be bitter about it, but I am until I realize that not knowing much I wasn't very effective from my side of getting married. Heavens, my parents had not much idea about my life, how could a government?

  My parents were married twenty-five years, almost, before us. March marriages, our on the 14th, theirs on the 23rd. I wore my uniform because I had no suit that fit, I was really a blue jeans guy. I mentioned my parents, but her parents weren't in the loop either. I saw her father once, and he saw me. Neither of us added together the meeting quickly enough to make the connection. Both my wife and my mother had left their home country and married a gringo, or mi-guk. My father often commented that he couldn't do like his friends and tell his wife to go live with her parents until she got over the argument. Me neither.

I spend a lot of blank page time while thinking and re-living those years. No, I won't write them on the post for others to read. My mother wondered at my commitment, saying that I didn't have to get married, she was looking for my romantic side - which I would always deny having. Men had no romance in them. She finally found me holding my wife's hand in France and took a picture, to her it was so amazing. To me it was the thing to do at the time. Lots of good times in my life, and my love is most of them. My wife and I count from meeting in 1968, being introduced by friends that knew we were just perfect for each other.... they really work hard at match making in Korean Society but through the families - this wasn't. But it was the start of a wonder in our lives, that I could never have planned better.

Being such a poor planner, we are winging it today, although the buy real estate is a fine idea for investments, I haven't won the Lottery. Will see what happens in the next forty-two years.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Span of control...

Only ten, an infantry squad, only ten. It could be one or two larger but ten is a wonderful number. So the Sergeant, as squad leader, only has ten to lead, motivate, train, coach and fight against the enemy. Ten is not too many, the Centurion had a hundred - not actually. He had leaders of ten in that hundred that were responsible for their ten. So he only had to concern himself with those ten to control their ten... So General Anybody, isn't really leading 15,000 troopers, just ten particular sub-leaders, although the whole outfit can turn on a dime at command. Or close enough for government work.

This came to my mind when I heard someone proclaim - leader of 310 million people - knowing there isn't such a hero, or shining figurehead. Ideally, the Federal government should only have ten agencies, and those agencies should only handle the States and territories. Where did this fool idea they could handle all the schools, businesses, farms and ranches and such come from? They aren't that good.

The States can handle only the Counties of their state, by the time one gets to the Counties they can handle families, businesses and such.

Go back the other way, how many bosses do you need? Just one. And you married her, just kidding, that is supposed to be a partnership. And for those of great faith, you have only the ONE, God. The ones without faith keep trying to find the little god that could... too many to count, cause they couldn't.

Only one tax payer, me, and a Federal tax, a State tax, a County tax, and sometimes a municipal tax and then union dues or the boss wants a kick back.... only one payer and how many levels of sucking your wages away. One voter, can only influence the local level, not thirty local levels, fifty states, one hundred and eighty nations... and I know with Spring coming out here, the snows in Ohio aren't affected. Span of control.

The speed of communication, the ease of communications - the Pony Express is long gone, Clipper ships and fast frigates and cutters under billowing sails of yesteryear gone into memory or romantic mythology, while we speed dial our best friends to brag or blame or ideally or idly boast. Have more than ten well used numbers? But the sit down meetings and dinners and coffees on the side are where the contact counts. Generals sit in the Operations Centers watching the battle from afar, another step back from the Command and Control helicopter that influenced the battlefields too dangerous to be upon. They think because they can see and hear, that they have control. The lieutenant turns off his listening and takes care of the battle and those he has in his control. Not being far away, it is personal. Guess you have to live in the span to control it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I am not to use the "B" word with little delicate girls...

Which in my mind conjures up lots of words not to use with any lady, young or old. Of course the cause of making young women into someone you never want to laugh with and share secrets with... seems a few successful women are trying to modify hurt by attacking the word, not the ill mannered behavior that makes the word a weapon causing harm.

Is there a pattern here, if I said a gun is the problem, not the killer, robber, or rapist you might see it clearer.

Grabbed right on to it didn't you? Of the offensive words I never use, and they are legion, those weren't selected by the verbal police. Because they love to use them, hurtfully, on the females that aren't part of their clique. Or Click. Really. Do you think, wanting Hillary to become President, anyone is going to complain that she is BOSSY?

So they are going to try and diminish a word, instead of the ugly, hurtful and totally unattractive behavior. Yes, I have seen that before -- since the music, theater, movie and entertainment industry can enrich our lives with filth, by using other words never used in truly polite society. The word Bossy must go. Such Bossy Babes they are, aren't they? They aren't delicate little ladies, haven't been for years.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

You would stop complaining about the rain, if you lived here in the Great NorthWest...

And start smiling when the Sun breaks through.... Wouldn't you?

Remembering that Media and Politicians must have your attention to sell advertising space and become richer than whatever, remember that Earl doesn't sell space. I just occupy it.

We had a perfect rehearsal, full blown all equipment and men, and it was perfect. Vertical assault on an airfield in enemy territory simulation, actually Fort Bragg, NC. So we go through it all for REAL and the Soviet Defense Minister, who happens to be a General in the Soviet Army the following day.

What a difference a day makes.

Everything felt the same, just a little more tension from the top - this was for the Soviet DEFENSE Minister. But for the paratroopers, of my unit, they were going to get to jump, assemble on the howitzers, break them free, set them up and fire (LIVE!!) from the Drop Zone into the impact area. This is braggin' rights and beers tonight stuff, all for God and Country and the glory. How did I feel? Fine, I was a Senior Sergeant, I knew my men, the mission and I was only there for the glory. So, the green light comes on and out we go.

And the Air Force in its best Airman Murphy way, puts us over the trees off the drop zone, I could see that from the door as I went through. Must have been a major wind change, but for sure as much as I tried to slip back towards the Drop Zone I was going to come down in the trees (do you have any idea how many years I have been jumping without going into trees? About twelve... not enough for the Air Force) not only that but the trees I kept trying to slide between had this reflective shining surface around them WATER! Thank you Lord., I get tree and water landing on the same jump on the same day, may Your Mercy ever find me. Amen.

So my parachute hangs in the tree, but I am close enough to the little creek to get out of harness and get my feet wet, get my gear and weapon into action and leave it all behind, since my men and the mission were a quarter mile in that there direction. Get that airborne shuffle working, lots of sand to suck on my boots.

I get there, as I get closer I see most of the Heavy Drop Equipment is rolled over or on its side - it must have been a freak wind. But everywhere paratroopers are working on making it right, assaulting the objective and taking it down with the men and equipment available. Each minute more showed up, and then finally that howitzer round, LIVE! from the Drop Zone to the impact area.

The entire time the visiting dignitary and escorts in their open vehicle drove around the area, looking at what we would call chaos and mayhem seeing little groups of guys busting their butts making it work - reminded me of that operation in Normandy long ago and many real bullets back (June 1944) - the comment from the Defense Secretary of the Soviet Union, how many officers did you have to dress as privates to make this happen. Meaning that privates couldn't have done the correction and take down without more oversight and motivation. Shucks, I could have done this operations with nothing but trained Specialists and Privates. Which is true, it would have come out the same.

But that is the power of the American Military - we don't need no stinkin' officers, certainly not the ones that only want to please the boss, think their waste products don't stink, or won't fight when needed. Now I love a great leader, but they aren't all officers and certainly all officers aren't leaders, most certainly not. So I have over my life in uniform, followed and assisted leaders, and I have encouraged and developed leaders of all ranks and kinds.

The country America, and the United States of America, which aren't the same have exactly the same ability to make it work, and work well, no matter how screwed up it gets from those that should have known better and adjusted but didn't.  There will be no years without rain, no end to good looking fools and folly, no end to folks that want to run everyone's life for their own power and the victim's good. No end of them, and the work around reality will automatically start. Just like running between the rain drops, you will get wet, but the distance will be less by the speed of traverse.

Ivan the Awesome (Terrible), Peter and Catherine the Greats, Stalin and Putin are a problem in their country, they can make some things happen, but will never be able to make ALL things happen. Only the people of the country could, and they must be allowed power to do so. In American History, only the people save us, great leaders show up and we follow, but time moves, the wind changes and what worked yesterday is off the mark, more power to the people - less trying to make it exactly what it was, and if banks fail let them fall. The fear is the country has become dependent on stupid folks doing what worked yesterday and trying to make it work today... when the wind changed. Believe in the people they will make it work out.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Beautiful but so sad a flim...

Finished watching Indo Chine again, and since she (both of them) are worthy I will watch it again. And again. The beauty of the country and the feel for the culture is excellent, and what is so wrong with colonialism is again very well pointed out.

I was searching for 22 LR today, and found fifty rounds of 12 shot, which I laughed about, the clerk had no idea, even trying to sell me the 22 mag ammunition, that was at BIG Five, two gun stores and an indoor shooting range I did find five hundred round bricks for unbelievable prices. Sigh, but it is there. One gun store is closed for remodeling, and training new staff, then they say they will reopen. I was interested in finding out if they were hiring, but seems he has the crew he wants right now. I did also find another ten round magazine for my Marlin LTR. It doesn't drop free, yet, but I think it will one day.

On Facebook I was glancing at some comments by my brother and one sister, and the brother was sure with 300 million people we really needed more government to control them. And my sister was mentioning something about those that had government health insurance were against the idea of others having insurance. But I wanted to know who that was, really, who was she talking about. She has no idea about my health care, nor does she understand that my only problem with the government having the health care is that the government doesn't do much very well.

Education, has gotten worse as the government gets more involved, family life gets worse as the government gets more involved. I could go on, but really the country did much better when communications were slower, the people on site were responsible, and Washington, DC was a miserable swamp for a large part of the growing season. Darned air conditioning.

I am still waiting for stupidity to continue in the 'gun control debate'. They have laws against shooting people, no one calls that an infringement of a right. They have laws against rape, murder, assault, and robbery. They don't need any laws against firearms or arms (being a much larger group of weapons). They only need to enforce the laws they have, and in Chicago, they don't. If you don't give the criminal something lesser to plead guilty to, you might actually get the bad people off the streets for longer time.

I know the Media is all hyped over Hillary and maybe that big guy in Jersey, but I did like Rand Paul speaking, and the rip roaring cheer leading Governor Perry. And the Republican Party hasn't been Conservative for years - it is something in the water or the wine in DC. They all want to be the BIG Spender, does someone play that song over and over in Congress?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wow, it is already way too great a day in my life...

Better make sure I buy those winning Lottery tickets. Woke up so full of vim and vigor the first thing I did was say thanks, the second thing was to remember to take it easy. I was really pleased to note that the experts have decided that those elder folks could have more steak and eggs with cheese. They actually said it would improve our lives... not that I think they know what they are talking about, but I will be a test subject.

Immigration Reform. You find a person that is undocumented, finger prints, photography, weigh, measure, check for illness, DNA taken and issue an Alien Documented Card. No opportunity for citizenship, ever. Work and pay taxes for as long as they like before they return to their own country.

You can't order a government, a culture or a meaningful life based on the stuff that comes from the media. Label it all Art and Fiction and get on with scientific endeavor. Doing anything else will only sell soap flakes and flu vaccine.

Stop thinking that the government has any good ideas. All their ideas come with a punishment for not obeying them. Do you see Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Honda, or any other capitalist enterprise having to have a gun to your head to make you buy, participate or listen? Stop thinking the minimum wage is sound, if it were they would not have to adjust it, stop thinking that any elected officials and the people surrounding them know better, they are all taking care of themselves and you are losing every year.

Who loves you, baby? Kojak once said that didn't he, with the lollipop. It isn't the government. In every case there are exceptions, but not the majority of officials and staffers, they have no idea what they are doing. Do the bankers? Yes, but then they know they own the politicians, do the special interest groups? no, but they have votes which keep politicians alive in each election.

Do not worry, people. Since the government has stopped being an effective means of assuring our Liberty, take your liberty and get ready for them to collapse, it will happen, they aren't good nor effective enough to jail us all, put us all in death or work camps. All their solutions have been tried and they all fail. What has worked but that no one believes in now is free markets, capitalism, and liberty of the people. Worked longer than any government in the modern world, but because change is spooky and control makes you think you can fly safely, you don't fly you steer like you were still connected to the ground.

Failures everywhere. The reason the Republicans can't be effective, is that they have no mission, they look exactly like Democrats, except they aren't as crooked. They do think they know as much and more, but they are wrong. The TEA Party, as a fine group of concerned citizens that don't want power but what effective freedom from government interruption.... But the government and the media keep controlling the fears and fantasies to make more rules, more agencies and more power for the most crooked of our kind. Politicians.

When I look out at America, and meet the people I have faith in the future, but when I listen to the media, or the politicians or even try to participate in the process beyond just casting a vote for the lesser of two evils or special needs former lawyers - I am again disheartened. Just once, show me a politician that knows and will say that the nation is broke, the money has been wasted, that no one really knows what is wrong with the way it just flies away, out of control. Just one.

Yes, you and I can have a fine life, invest in our future and have the government destroy it all because they are in power and totally stupid about what they are doing, why they are doing it, and where it will all end up. The media, either doesn't know, or thinks that some ONE or something will save us as we speed to the end. It will take a lot of hard working folks, with real values to save the idea of America. None of them are in the media nor in the elected government.

Must be time for some wine and meditation - two doctor visits tomorrow. Then the search for 22 LR...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A little wine, a little brandy and thee...

Spending much time reading, finding that one of the new former REP of the French Foreign Legion thinks the Legion is a bit too Spartan, too controlled and just not fun all the time. Since he was in another military unit for four years he has grounds for his disappointment. I will tell him, if we were ever to meet and talk, that what he was doing was very much what most of the world's military was like after World War II. Not much fun at all, the military isn't supposed to be fun.

I finished today watching Chariots of Fire, again. I like owning so many videos that I like to see, over and over. Like old favorite books, showing you something a little bit new with each visit. Tomorrow I will pay my bills and send off the checks, might even go shopping for groceries, gasoline and 22LR bricks. Get a good night's sleep for one never knows what tomorrow might bring. Still waiting in wonder about the illegal gun restrictions of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. But that was if anyone really pays attention to the Constitution, like it was the law of the land. Too many elites believe they are above the law, and that they are in power, empowered to make everyone else miserable and poor. But we are lucky, we could be living in Russia where they know who the gangsters are but can't arrest them, for they are in charge. Good night!

Monday, March 3, 2014

How do you speak up, stand up and show up?

There are troubling areas in the world, Ukraine comes to my mind. Not independent enough, and the Russians really have always had a vested interest in keeping the Black Sea fleet Russian. Warm water ports being few for Russia, no matter global warming fears of the West, they don't think the North Pole will warm enough to build ice free zones. About the Ukraine, I suggest that the President send the FBI Hostage rescue team to defuse the situation and save the Ukrainian citizens. Remember Ruby Ridge and Waco?

Okay, they would be a bit outgunned by the Russians, have you noticed the cool uniforms the Russian army is sporting now? Things change while we play on the internet, on the golf course, watching the Oscars.

Of note to me was the fine article about Argentina's decline over a hundred years. And don't think it isn't happening here. If you really pay attention we once could go to the Moon, now, we have to worry about terrorists crashing our aircraft, since we have a very unarmed and unaware  population We can't even get our Astronauts to the International Space Station without the Russians. More government, less work, more regulation less safety, more taxes and more poor people.

I really wanted to talk about God or Guns while I spent waiting time among people in the hospital. God because I am getting closer to my time running out here on earth. But of course, having mild manners not being in a church or on a range I never disturbed the focus of the professional staff nor patients. Guns because someone in that hospital knows where a 1903-A3 is and would part with the knowledge. One question constantly asked was if I were allergic - which has always been 'No'. But when they removed the sealed dressing on Saturday, the adhesive had burned my skin and I have four extra areas to heal now.

I was debating while at church yesterday if I should go to Ukraine to help with Liberty (they do have beautiful women there). Or Connecticut. Since they have no idea what Liberty is about, having elected fools and folly to protect them from folks that don't obey the laws against murder, breaking and entering and matricide. There is a law against matricide and infanticide in Connecticut, isn't there?

Anyway, since there is a need to have more ARs, with thirty round magazines in them in the hands of law abiding citizens in Connecticut so they will have overwhelming prison populations I suggest chartering buses and loading them with American people with the right to keep and bear arms and driving through New Jersey and New York and New York City to Connecticut to be arrested in mass demonstrations of civil disobedience.  I don't think even Fox News would cover it, but it would be worth showing up on the Green to make the point the law is stupid. They don't prosecute the laws they have now on the books.

Maybe I should just heal up, then hit the Appleseed trail again, and continue to spread the message and the skills. The media isn't, the politicians hardly know more then the good old boy hunting or shooting clubs or the NRA ranges and museums. Are all the real Americans outside of the Left Coasts and DC? Bible thumping and shooting spoken here? This is America.

Oh, I did see the movie, Son of God, and the book is better. When asked about it I said it was fine for those that don't study the Bible, it is based on the Gospel of John, but it is for those that really haven't read the book but are looking for the ending or Cliff note edition.  Like an Appleseed, it is supposed to stir the participant into further study, reflection and inquiry. Improving one's life one experience at a time.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Take this and shove it... stupid people everywhere, gosh, I must be one...

Good morning, America and those few states that fear guns more than irate citizens - the ones that don't understand that the Constitution is over all, equally. To not have slavery, is the exactly the same as to not infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Exactly.

I was thinking, since I am just a piece of meat to my medical providers (once they know that they will be paid) that I should go to Connecticut, buy an AR (which is not my favorite rifle - forever) and walk around with thirty round magazines (not my favorite size nor design) filled with bullets of proper caliber. Just waiting for arrest, then the state can pay for all my medical procedures and my defense is based on the Federal Constitution. Much better idea than the running away on a three speed bicycle to join Castro fighting the dictator Batista in Cuba. God, that mountain is so big and this boy is so small.... thank the Lord.

Anyway I am being musicked by computer as I wait for a real human to connect me to Tracy, the lovely young (they all are) technician in the pacemaker maintenance shop in Doctor Lau's practice. He won't talk to me, just wants to do what he did wrong the first time, one more time! Why would I, a thinking human being, have a failure do it again, why? I am blogging about waiting for a human being. Don't I hate being me watching my blood pressure rise as I try not to kill everything in my path. I did get angry, poor lady was just trying to do her job, the computer is in the way, or wonderfully protective, or I could just hang up and go far away. Or I could send the link to this blog to the customer service representative - who will put it in the stack of complaints for the manager to look over and fix, or file, or try to build some more barriers to human interaction.... or just go to the YMCA and sweat. That one sounds like a winner. If they open me up again they will try to regulate my life more - since it wasn't their fault I don't sit in the recliner or lay on the bed or couch enough. Don't I know I am an old piece of meat?

As I worried about getting another failed procedure yesterday I thought about shopping to make my Blues go away... not shoes or some bright colored frocks. Rifles. I have an interest in bolt actions and was trying to find some other old shooter that would part with an 1903-A3, or I could go and set a standard size, Ruger American rim fire rifle, clean a bit plastic but in my cost range (haven't completely left the reservation). I stopped at Creedmore Rifle sales and could backorder a 1903.

I just gave up on the hospital call, I shouldn't have shocked and frightened the nice lady trying to do her job, if the doctor wants a patient instead of a piece of meat I will get called today. Or maybe not, just doesn't matter to me. My only problem was passing out in January at the YMCA, stop going to the Y would have cured that. But I liked going to the YMCA, can't have all that I like.

Later same day.... I am to report to admitting at 11:30 AM, for admittance to the procedure at 13:30 for the operation not later than six that evening... or so, spend long uncomfortable hours waiting for the nurse to bring me some more pills from my normal medications. No more eating and drinking after midnight tonight, have someone pick me up on Saturday, since they are sure I can't drive myself. Since I am in a good mood I go look for my life insurance policies for if I don't make it this time, find them. I also look for my passport, which I note runs out in 2015, but I think we should have free border crossings by then, don't you? Ah, well, it is all good, trust in the LORD and do apologize to everyone you meet for all the bad behavior, there really is no excuse for anger that isn't righteous.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It is so hard to be humble...

when you are perfect in every weigh... or was that way?

I am not perfect in any way, but I sure am all me... which will always make me humble. OldNFO was having and interesting conversation that he shared about perceptions of military family members and their military members differences from those that weren't. It made me think about how alone you are in the foxhole when your combat buddy is grabbing some sleep, that stuff they don't issue. Then in your darkness and fear you might be listening and find God there... you might. So you aren't alone. And when you are hot you are hot, and high speed no drag and suddenly you meet Murphy, and Murphy is always there, always. So you have two constant companions. The more familiar you get with each of them, the better your life can become... but you still have to take the shot.

At Home on the Range sad news, but I will go with my mother - what kind of Heaven would it be if dogs weren't allowed. You can gauge how much a human loves you, we learn early, but our animal friends have gone far beyond in their love for us, not being an entirely reasoning selfish person... I am not a hugging person, but she would get one for her loss.

What is life? it is the adventure of becoming what we will and can't be. Do love a lot, the adventure is better that way.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Bus Man's Holiday... one of my mother's favorite stories...

So the Bus Man, drove the bus every day, and he was very professional, kind and timely and people thought he was great. Rain or shine the bus was clean and neat and on time. When they gave him a holiday, to enjoy, you know what he did? Well, he would ride the bus, greet the people, and help the driver that had replaced him on the run. A bus man's holiday.

So there was an Appleseed in Ariel, Washington this weekend, and I decided to attend as a shooter, to keep working on the interface between new rifle and old shooter. It is a compatibility issue isn't it? marksmanship and new equipment?  Kind of cold, a little damp. But there were two iron wood burning stoves to cut the chill.

The drive down was pleasant and I found a old time Country Western radio show out of Portland, imagine, songs I knew the words to and could sing along.

Nine shooters, four RWVA volunteers manning the line and the process. After introductions and briefings and bringing the cased rifles to the line.  Clear the line, post the Red Coat target and get to shooting thirteen rounds to see what your skill level is... I only got three in the 100 yard target, and missed the Headshot, when posting the sighting square target I wondered about why I had done so badly. Back on the line I found my rear sight loose, so I fixed that, but the truth was the shooter was still loose and needed to focus!  My sights got locked down, and adjusted for me and the day and the rifle, a couple clicks up and one to the center..

Five at a time and my groups were still loose, but on target. Six horizontal to be engaged with ten, 3,3,4. Lunch and two strikes of the match, my wife had made me a lot of lunch.  After lunch back to that last target, and then new positions, sitting in all its variations. I like kneeling because I can get into it quickly. But I need to practice them all to build muscle memory. We also do the ball and dummy drill, and then the standing position.  We are ready.

So right into the AQT, and my standing is my best position, 46 of 50 points. Next best is sitting, I did get all ten rounds off within the time of 55 seconds, No non scoring points, but the total was only 41 of 50. Should have taken a split second to get NPOA lock. Fives pay more than threes. Stage 3 again I get all ten rounds off on the three targets, changed the magazine quickly after the first two, but then dropped the round on zero points, shifted and shot two on target and one in the unknown, shifted again and fired four, all counters but by just barely.... total 33 of 50 - dropping 17 is not acceptable.  Last stage, lots of time, counts double and I shoot it calmly and shifting targets, but I am not locking myself deep enough to make it worthy, so I got only 31 of fifty, or 62 of a 100 and those thirty-eight points missed mean I only get 182 of 250 possible. Only a Sharpshooter, but the best I could do without more time and practice. I will work on it.

So time is up, and we post and shoot the last Redcoat target, I want to do very well on this, but I miss Daniel Morgan's shingle and one round on the 300 yd target so 11 of 13 possible hits and I have a new Avatar for my Facebook follies.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Life is good, and love, even just remembered love is awesome...

As I take a long look back, at the falling apart as my body fails a system at a time, and the best medical technology, and doctors and medications attempt to slow, stop or reverse a trend or failure... I will have to take time to remember how wonderful it was to be in love, to receive love and to feel loved. Can I remember the dollars, sure, I still have little cash books where I spent how much for what and when - but that is all nothing when compared with the time in love... it is nothing.

I do feel very good now, am gaining strength and working out a little harder and trying to be a much better me than yesterday. Hope I am doing it at the proper pace, don't want to hurry and hurt some thing... so a glass of wine, and good night. Tomorrow comes early, and I will shoot at least the first day of Appleseed, may rest and praise the LORD on Sunday, and give thanks for all that I have received, especially all the love, that counts big time... why didn't I pay more attention to making it bigger and better? Well, it was very fine what ever I got and all I gave, it was all good. Good night, and wake to more of God's blessings on the morrow.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So things are happening in Ukraine...

And you think of it as part of Russia.... sigh.

Public education system, huh?

So go watch Taras Bulba, 1962. Filmed in Argentina.... they had horses, and pampas which are almost steppes.  After seeing the movie - go look for the story - in English, I won't strain you into trying Russian.

Taras Bubla by Gogol   from thank them very much. Now back to my reading.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Don't push it...

Got up early, packed out and said farewell to wife, she was going hiking and I was going to Oregon to try shooting Known Distance at Douglas Ridge Rifle Club. Almost three hours later I was there. So was the RAIN, heavy constant storms dropping water upon us. Still, except for two shooters, we swam on.

The first surprise was one round, cold bore, at Captain Morgan's shingle on the Redcoat target. Hmm, okay, I am not impressed by cold bore, and there is a zero on my M1 and settle down and break the ice. Bang! Cease Fire, Cease fire, cease fire. Unload and Clear. Is the line clear on the right, on the left. Go to your target and look.

Well, look at that, I hit it! Then the Shoot Boss comes by and awards a patch for joining Morgan's Riflemen. How cool is that? Immediately I thought I should just pack it up, it will never get better than that shot. But it was so nice that I had Ralph take a picture of this humble (?) shooter, there were eight others that did it also, but many of them were using optics, but the equipment is helpful, but in the end it is all the shooter for the refinement.

I had a fine day and a half, I changed to Range Safety Office and coach/instructor, seems my pacemaker wound is not happy with too much activity. I did like splashing around with the others and watching them get better and shoot an AQT, Spent the night safe, warm and dry with one of the shooters at his home. I was knocked out after a hot shower. My wallet was holding lots of paper pulp, the money and plastic always do better on swimming than the business cards, and appointment notes. What is the reason the Medicare Card isn't plastic, too?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Impressed am I...

So Valentine's Day, many things come to mind. But most importantly I thought deeply about heart.

I had to, I was in a ultra sound examination, of my heart. I got to look at a computer representation of my heart, beating, alive and well.  Very humbling, something that I am that I couldn't build myself without lots of directions.

So the cardiologist has lots of various pictures, many in motion, of my heart and I should be finished. Still, I do understand better why ultrasound examinations often change people's minds about physical reality.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

01:30 here and why am I awake?

Heavy constant rains, gurgling in the gutters and down the drain spouts, soaking the soil. Which the Caravan will make fine ruts.  My wife is hiking in the morning with her group, it will be raining. I will go and do another light work out at the YMCA, a few more kilometers on the rowing machine, most of the cardio will come from hot ladies in yoga pants and the bicycle which only faces a concrete block wall and has the video screen to divert me.

Final cleaning, greasing of the M1 tomorrow - I ought to find a name for that rifle, except I have never named my rifles. Should name them all, but then I might have conversations with them. I have had two calls to confirm my appointment on Friday, I have finished my form for the last rifle I purchased, since I hadn't used my whole middle name when I filled it out.

Should be a fine weekend in Oregon shooting known distance on Douglas Ridge Rifle range, I will go slow, don't need to cause myself any problems and I want to make every shot count. Since I have been taking some long hard naps, I guess I don't need as much time asleep - best start reading again. NFO is about to release his book, which I will likely get in kindle and hard cover. He bought me lunch once and I have read the beta versions and I liked it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

You know, nothing went according to plan for me today...

So, I should just whine and holler about how unfair life is...

But I did meet the most charming, attractive and nice young lady from Ukraine, with just a touch of accent, braids, boots and beautiful smile. Made me wish I were a young fool again, but luckily no one granted that whim. Still I did get her attention most of my day where she worked. There is hope for the world's future.

While in the hospital, finally done with my appointment, (now knowing my pacemaker battery will go for twelve years if nothing else changes, the wiring is sound and can be adjusted by competent medical staff with equipment - if I die the pacemaker will wear itself out early trying to get my heart beat above zero) I was walking down the hall and saw an older man with an 82nd Airborne ball cap on... so I stopped and talked about our time in the Division and at Fort Bragg.  He was in during the 50s and had spent time on the beach in Lebanon back then -- y'all remember that don't you? Great conversation, I even got introduced to his wife when she showed up. We talked jumping out of perfectly good aircraft, his older than mine. Good conversations.

I also stopped at a library and read a whole Robert Parker, printed after his departure, pretty good, although I am almost sure he would have taken a bunch more words out of the finished product. Vinnie and Hawk were as awesome as ever.

So, I do hope you like my day when it didn't go my way - as a finish, in the mail is a nice package of new photographs of the grandchildren and our son and daughter-in-law. Can't beat a day like today - not even if I had planned it.

Monday, February 10, 2014

I have found the fountain of youth...

Nah, not really, and I am not interested. Watching 'Traffic' which is how the lost culture of America destroyed itself - chemically. The War on Drugs. Makes one think they don't know it all yet, do they? But since they were defeated by godless Communists in Vietnam, and Hugh Hefner degraded all women to Playmates of the Month or two, we should legalize drugs --- or that seems to be the way they are moving.

Since I don't follow the godless Communists, Hugh Hefner, nor the government that thinks legalization will increase the tax base and won't harm the rest of the sober industrious - which they are already taxing - life will be good for the fools in charge. It is very easy to stop illegal activities, make everything legal.

That isn't going to happen, and it isn't everyone that will become a drug addict or alcoholic, or rapist, or murderer. I think I know what will stop the traffic in drugs, guns, and un-pasturized milk. When they haven't any customers. Just like the evil cigarettes and the tobacco products - no customers no profit. Well, enough of my crazy idea that people are supposed to be more responsible than the law allows. I mean, even almost saintly I, I have had whole un-pasturized milk, it was good. Do you supposed there are other things the government doesn't want us to use and know about that won't harm us nor anyone else?

Only did two rides on the bicycle today, but that was only thirty minutes worth of expercise. I did get my heart rate up to 149(?) and averaged 83 or 97 during the rides. I don't believe the 149, it is only a machine, it could have gotten it wrong. Will check with the doctor tomorrow. While at the YMCA, waiting for my wife to finish her time in the water, I found my perfect olde man challenge, a Triathlon! Called 'TRI BEYOND YOUR LIMITS',   So for fifteen dollars I can, swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26.3 miles. And be a rusty man  I would be allowed five weeks to finish it at my own pace. Starts March 17 to April 25.

My only problem is paying fifteen dollars for the opportunity, usually one would be offered a t-shirt with cool design. I haven't seen one offered.

Oh, the fountain of youth, just a couple blocks from the Hungarian Home and the High School, and close to the movie theater, in Ligonier of my youth. Google Ligonier, PA and go for images, I didn't see it. But then I left in 1970 on my way to Vietnam, and my family was moving to Morgantown, WV.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Getting restless and impatient...

So I know I have two appointments this week, one hospital called and told me to bring my copayment with me. I don't know what a copayment is, but if it is too much I just stop treatment. Who could afford medical care? we do have taxes to pay first.

Still, the big thing is the Douglas Ridge Rifle Club and the Known Distance Appleseed. That is the highlight of the week. Ammunition is prepared, M1 Garand, will stop at the Dodge dealer for service and check. Rain scheduled all week but that isn't a problem, that is a normal course of winter weather.

I have bruises coming to the surface of the skin, and I wonder why, but then I relook the Pacemaker Therapy booklet, on page 29, the following risk during the procedure are: Bleeding, Formation of a blood clot, Damage to adjacent structures (tendons, muscles, nerves), Puncturing lung or vein, Damage to heart, Dangerous Arrhythmias, Heart Attacks, Stroke, and last Death.  They give me the booklet after the procedure. I am fine, and my body is almost ready to start exercising vigorously... but I will just do some courses on the bicycle tomorrow. Not too much.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

What am I going to do with my life, today?

Today I feel very well, so will have to do something to make me sweat, and something to organize my real life, and something to make the world a better place to live in.... okay, I will smile at the dogs and children, and protect the old and innocent.

George Washington had a whole list of things he wanted to concentrate on to improve his life, worth and way. I don't have so much but think I should reflect and work on those areas I find troubling. Being older I know where they are.  I woke this morning very much better, the angry redness around my wound is gone to mild pink, pain is minimal, and I actually want to go to the YMCA to start the bicycle challenge for February. Lightly, but I can hang. No rowing yet, no weights, just bikes and walking.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

How are you going to protect your wealth?

Serious question, how are you going to protect your wealth? I see too many ads on news programs worrying about the collapse of the dollar, the end of time and the Zombie Apocalypse. How are you going to stop the rabid redistributioners? The fools that define poverty as lack of money, education and the fault of those that have enough and won't share? Lots of ways to lose that wealth, gosh you could go to the hospital for medical treatments and find everything going down that hole of qualified folks out to save you at all your cost. You could get targeted by thieves or financial hackers or political tax you more men. Lots of ways to lose it all.

As I was resting at home today I answered the telephone and scheduled another test for what is wrong with me, remember the man that doesn't have a problem with passing out at the YMCA, but everyone else does. In a land with drugged and drunk drivers, the doctors are only concerned if I pass out while driving. To protect me from feeling guilty when I do it and hurt others, I guess. Thank them for their concern, but they never knew me before and were only reaching for a reason to stimulate me into accepting their treatment. Kind of like the government deciding anything is better for everyone for whatever the reason is, as long as I believe. I do believe, that I will be better after my medical treatment is set, but then I do know that I will test the limits of the cage I will be carrying with me. My doctors have said I can run and have a regular life after the wound heals and the pacemaker becomes part of me. No MRIs, but that is fine.

Still, what do I do about protecting my wealth? First define what wealth is - I am certain it isn't money, investments nor the land I live upon. My wealth is in the family and friends that share their wealth with me, and it isn't money. All that I value, really value, will really miss if it is taken from me - is love. Not the stuff the entertainment industry cheapens, mocks or doesn't believe in... but real love. That is all the wealth anyone has that no one can take from them. The only reason to cling to life and life saving treatments is that there will still be people that will share love with you, as you do stuff, laugh and cry. Don't see anything else to stick around for - World War Fourteen or the Thousand Years War or the last of the Trillionaires. The next Ice Age, or Global Warming or Space Exploration to the Universe at our command. Only love counts, only love makes it all worth living.

Depressed Penguins in English Zoos, put them in the Southern Hemisphere where they will thrive not in zoos, depression goes away with challenges met. Depressed children, adults and old folks - reach out and make them part of a solution, not a problem to drown in medications. Medications aren't supposed to be forever, you are only treating symptoms not the problem. There has to be more love, and government has no love, it is an institution of political power and process and only knows force to make smart people obey. If you can't convince intelligent people of your idea without force - it is not a truth. Anyway, all I need is love, then all else will work out. So how do I protect my wealth and build it, try to be nicer, try to be smarter, try to do more with and for others, and certainly lay up treasures in Heaven, because the bankers vaults have rats nibbling at the treasures in the tombs.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

They have released me from the hospital, thank the doctors and Thank the Lord!

So, since you really didn't miss me. Facebook has a measure of a member HERE. Don't know where that will take you but it was a cute measure of what I posted, pictured or shared that others "like'd". I guess that was what they used.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Four data dumps, two calls on message machine...

I thought this monitoring wouldn't be too productive, my heart rate gets very slow when I sleep, my doctor gave me medicine to lower the blood pressure that would slow the heart rate down, and I was already lower than normal when I started taking it. To me this is not a problem. Worries the doctors, they think I won't wake one day - which I already knew, I won't awake one day.

Still, I have started feeling biotech, three monitoring pads, wires from each to the recorder sender and a Samsung phone, with only one app that I have to control. You do realize I am only in control when putting on patches, changing batteries and hooking up to the phone charger. I have never had reason to push the button for an event, but I can read the blue light, blinking slowly for gathering data (little EKG) and fast for data dump to the phone, phone connects to the monitoring business. The monitoring business sends the data to the heart doctor and his staff call and leave messages on my telephone - while I am out working out at the YMCA. There have been no 'events' at the YMCA, although some of those exercise leggins/pants are going to cause some heart failures (among younger people - old guys just smile).

The picture above is the English Language Ministry Village Men singing in the New Year, yes I do see the women and children, but part of them are the Pastor's family and make it look like there were more of us around. I enjoyed the singing, since I knew the words and the tune. Hope those watching the performance liked it, too.

I didn't go shooting today, thinking I could do some tomorrow after church, forgetting about the SUPER BOWL, which I remembered now and will make sure I watch, or nap gently through it in the rocking chair.
Isn't getting accustomed to being a really old man just peaches? There are many more folks with real problems, and take some time to see them, talk with them, if they are really old touch them gently, smile a lot and remember to pray for them. One old retired veteran did take his wife to see Lone Survivor, she went to sleep during it, he was amazed at the foul language (he has had two wars but doesn't remember that kind of talk, especially when every breath counts). I told him to read Blackhawk Down, there is a different culture and world out there, a very different one from ours.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I have new aches and test stuff to wear so blogs really light from me...

Think on this: Link to blog post      Oh, I am sure if you read any of my blog, you have an idea of what I think about mostly. But am back from the YMCA, where I worked out nicely, and my wife found her wallet missing, and she reported it. Then wanted me to worry over it, I said let us look at home first, then I will worry. Getting home I find my heart event monitor on the porch, and she finds her wallet in the bathroom.

God bless all our best, and forgive all the rest. Time is running out.

Monday, January 27, 2014

We don't evolve as much as we talk about it...

One of my cousins emailed a picture to me, a bit out of focus, and from long ago, 1986.

 Film, a bit dark, out of focus, but it is my father, I could tell by how he was sitting, where the hat is on his head, glasses and socks and shoes. I didn't recognize the girls and asked my cousin.  He said they were his daughters, in Jackson, Mississippi that summer.

So I stuck it into Photoshop Elements and fixed it a bit, not enough to take it back into a photograph with detail, just enough to be a painting by some French fellow. It is still my father, sitting like I still do, with his cap cocked back like I still wear mine when not shooting or sleeping under it.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A very fine Sunday...

Since we had Men's Bible Study at Dennis's home last evening we were wound up and ready to worship the Lord and study His word today. The discussions at Sunday school took from everyone and gave everyone many things to consider in the coming week.

After class I said farewell to the normal sit around and talk some more guys, wishing them well and I headed for the range. To get some more time with my new rifle, particularly check the zero with ten rounds, shoot thirteen in a Red Coat target and another forty within the time and position constraints of a regular AQT. While looking at what others are shooting, how well they are shooting and talking about anything Appleseed since I had a trifold or two and some spare Red Coats to share.

Now, if I settle down, I will one day be a fine shooter, for sure I must quit thinking about the next target I can only affect the one I am shooting NOW, not the next one. I blame all rounds that don't hit center on the need for speed, which is only in my mind. I had time on each stage without worry, even with a couple of stove pipes, I am getting better at clearing the brass and getting on with the shooting.

So I didn't clean the Red Coat, make all hits count, but I was close. I only got 190 points on the AQT, mostly because of three non-counting flyers, and then poor time use and NPOA verification on stage four, should have checked it twice. I am so good at giving advice that I don't follow, for no good reason. Sigh.

Still it was a beautiful day, which finished with me watching Name of the Rose on video. Sad movie and story, very well done.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Why is Justin Beaver on my news feed, on my favorite talk programs?

Must be as an example of what famous wasted life is worth, not much. Yes, I know I have spelt his name wrong, but then I don't worship nor adore him. I may have heard some of his music, but I couldn't tell you that in truth. I am still stuck on 'cut my bangs with rusty kitchen scissors'.

My visit with the heart doctor was great, not that I am sure how anything might get paid for, but I liked talking to him about me (always one of my favorite subjects) finding out about his grandfather fighting in WWII against the Japanese and what my new tests are going to be - and I won't have to return to see him until March 7.  All good.

On the not so noticed news, is the Japanese response to the Chinese expansion in the Pacific. Funny how Main Stream Media thinks Justin is hot enough to cover, like bad boys being boorish is news. The Korean, Japanese and Chinese are working on another confrontation to the hilt. My money is still on the Japanese, they can make all the nuclear weapons they want faster than Iran can.... but they don't want any. Until the current President Obama, America provided their nuclear deterrent. Now, I expect they would sink all the Chinese vessels at sea from afar, precisely. Yep, that and robotic assault weapons. And they still haven't unleashed Godzilla.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Finding what is lost...

I went to Battle Ground, Washington to find what I was missing  - much of which I didn't realize that I had lost along the way. I was a bit early so went into a Mall at the Sears entrance. They didn't seem to have any 22LR ammunition so I wandered out to the general areas and found a Calendar, Game and Toy store. I hadn't been able to find, on the internet, a Revolutionary War calendar - I knew there had to be one, but the search engines were looking for what 'everyone' is searching for or the sponsored 'finds'.  But in this shoppe, there was ONE with torn packaging looking exactly like what I wanted, so I grabbed it, and was willing to pay the sixteen dollars for it - but only paid four - since most of January was no longer to be counted. It was the New Nation Calendar by M. Kunstler, Lang Publishing. Happy me.

On to dinner at the Mongolian Golden Tent, met the others and the Instructor (ItsanSKS) for the weekend. Got coffee and built some stuff to toss together on the grill. I was shocked by some of the questions, things I hadn't thought about but in general most of the conversation was about past Appleseeds and friends along the trail and the future of the RWVA in the Great NorthWest. We moved to a quieter room for better conversation, desert and more coffee. More stirring of our minds, and focus, and reminders of what being new feels like. Kind of invigorating, being young again. We closed the place down and I drove off to the school house where I would park and sleep in the Caravan or inside if it got opened. George opened it, turned on the water and water heater and I rolled my sleeping bag out and didn't notice the cold outside of it.

Waking Saturday morning I got out of my bag and noticed it really was cold, so I looked at the great wood burning stove, looked for matches, found none, put some kindling on the range and turned up a burner and started a fire to move a flame to the pile of kindling in the stove. Worked! The the flue and the flame and constant adjustment for clearing smoke out - until they stopped opening the top to look. Breakfast is cooked and shared, there would be more food than feasters all weekend. Can you say Elk Burgers? Can you taste them?

After breakfast, set up for instructions, introductions and we were off on a full weekend of training, talking and performance. Pictures here. Excellent outline, constant participation by all, questions answered and diversions re-routed back to course of instruction -- just like we would have to do at an Appleseed.

Six Steps in making a Rifle safe, step six is 'No one touching'. Six steps in making the shot, the first two steps are natural lead ins from the Steady Hold factors, without explaining Natural Point of Aim, one more verification on NPOA and then trust it and fire in Rifleman's cadence. The sling has three medal parts we own the names now - J-hook, H buckle, and Camlock, cinch the loop down to snug, take your firing hand and pull on the J-hook and loosen the sling by pulling it across your chest.  Cross ankle sitting position is with the edge of the feet flat on the ground. COF, target, position, # of rounds, holes in paper, time limit, Magazine prep and Extras.

Stage Craft, how do you present. Suggested video recording of your presentation of instruction, of your History presentation. Looking at oneself critically for ways to improve. Just in rotating the butt of the rifle away from the body and smartly into the shoulder pocket, short firm and complete. Teach hasty sling and loop sling before prone steady hold factors, save Hasty, hasty for the Standing position.

Teach talking targets after prone, yellow sheet as reference.  IMC and FO/RS  Always TPI, Total Participant Instruction - List Discuss List Chorus back.  Always good examples, always saving questions for proper time, no diversions from topics.

Dinner of Elk Burgers, I think I had six of them, and a couple more on Sunday. Slept in the school house another night, with a fire in the stove and the chief instructor in his sleeping bag, too. Overall, great motivating and informative training in perfecting the subjects of Appleseed. Today I signed up for two more Appleseeds at Port Townsend, WA. There is another weekend in July but I have Fish camp that time, so I will have to find other Appleseeds to help.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fears, you just have to realize they are fears... based on brain activity or hurt...

So I have fears. Not as many as many, but enough that I feel normal and responsive to what could happen, and how to make it better before the battle I fear.

I made a lot of folks, that don't know me, worried just enough when I passed out, but my doctor and the doctors that really checked me out only fear one remaining thing - that I won't listen to their professional advice.  That I do understand. The heart doctor from the Army Hospital called yesterday, and then again today. I was home and answered today with all the responses he wanted and one he wasn't ready for, but he said he would look into it. I believe he will and fix it. I trust him.

Fear of returning to exercise, not mine, so I did, but I did it in little efforts not some hard charging damn the torpedoes full speed ahead... mode. It felt fine, I really am at the age that a little romance would go so much farther than fourteen human reproductive acts. It is the same with exercise, keep moving, it doesn't count only if not moving, the days of repeating marathon training sessions and karate practice drills over and over are gone - not needed. I have been there, done that, and still have t-shirts and trophies for my best. Same with exercise. Now some of my doctors don't know, but my personal physician does and he is okay with my check up and testing. I can't fix all their fears but I don't have to share them, nor restrict myself to their fears zones.

So I avoid New York, California, Colorado, New Jersey and now Maryland. They fear me, I understand that Maryland has a list of proper pistol carriers and is ambushing them when they enter the state. There you go, allowing yourself to be restricted by the fears of the different state protective services, or local jack booted uniformed thugs. I do think that race played a big part in the ambush, fear you know. But Maryland, is now on my list, and I have been there armed before. Fears.

Now the National Rifle Association has a mission statement, that Harvey Weinstein has never read, but he knows what they do so he is making a movie that will cause the NRA to wish it were DEAD. When they listed all the terrorist propaganda entertainment movies that man makes - I was thinking he is shooting himself in the foot (or head?). The Lawyers will get to sue him for promoting terrible gun handling that seems to produce dead bodies all over the place, which is what he thinks the NRA does. Not because he knows anything about firearms, just how to peddle porn - gun porn, sex porn it is all the same to him, all he needs is the money. So he is going to make a movie that only stupid liberals will watch to see the truth about the NRA. The smart liberals will stay home. They fear what exists, not what doesn't exist. I will have to check and see, but I am betting that I don't own any of his movies in video or dvd, although I know I have seen a couple - but the gun violence and martial arts were not very good. Actually, I do own a couple, but even bad people do good things some times.

Seeing how the market is, when the stocks of the gun industry tank (which they won't) I would be buying like crazy. Actually, why couldn't I get 22lr again today? I have been good. But maybe I don't fear the famine enough yet, I still have bows and arrows, so patient I am. No fear!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I recommend the movie LONE SURVIVOR

Since I am just me, and no one really pays too much attention to me I still say it is a great movie.

A WAR movie, very.

It has been attacked as propaganda - which is really the reason I saw the movie before reading the book. Normally I do it the other way.

I can see where the call of 'propaganda' came from, it was from some one that has no personal value system, that doesn't understand the military, the Special Operations community, and certainly has no real idea of what Afghanistan is nor ever has been.

I will own the DVD as soon as it comes out. Even the special effects guys got most of the explosions right, not all of them but most. Great movie, sad story but heroic on so many levels. I do recommend seeing it.

I wonder where yesterday went...

Bad start for the week was Monday. And I don't even have a place I was supposed to report to for work or something. My gym bag was packed and waited by the door. But I was out of it. Two bowls of oatmeal for the day as I had a very upset stomach, then after another six hours of fitful sleep I was on to steak and green beans.

I did my rowing 6.2 miles in 56 min 36 seconds. Stop and get a drink, measure BP and Hr and then go for the Bike. Pick the 13.5 mile course and pedal away, getting over fifty-five seconds ahead of my personal best. But on the down hill side the ghost starts to catch me and finally does at about ten miles, about the same time I am slowing down, tired and sweaty and a bit under the weather. I want to go and sleep. That was when I woke, wondering how that guy got in my house, oops! I am still attached to the pedals, get free, lay there having everyone wonder if I am okay, what is my name, do I hurt anywhere (just my pride). Well, I had decided to keep going when I should have stopped. My blood pressure and circulation wasn't meeting all demands and when the brain is drained it shuts down, kind of like the Federal government, no one in charge, everyone sleeping it off.

The bike shut down when there was no more activity, I thought I had lost all my electronic exercise - I was competing to complete the Titan Challenge, 5000 calories burned off in January. Well, I was told to lay still, and the medical alert guys from the Fire Department were on the way. What was my name, when was I born, where did I live, what was my telephone number, was there anyone to call? Nice concerned worried people. The medics got there, more professional worried people - by this time I was cracking jokes and trying to wipe the concern away from their faces. I only look old I am still thirty-five inside, just a conservative thirty-five. The closest hospital emergency room was where they wanted to take me, I told them Madigan would be better, and they liked that.

So one took my locker key, got all my stuff out of the locker, took my Caravan and parked it near the emergency room and gave me back my keys. All the data, was entered into an iPad, radio contact with receiving emergency rooms, details of event (how do you keep from being a problem - when you wake up -RUN away and escape!).  I wasn't allowed to walk, gurney and wheel chair, lots of blood work, continuous monitoring, one IV drip, more nurses and doctors than anyone should need in a day - how I impressed them. Well, I didn't stop breathing or my heart pumping, although one doctor asked if they could shock me back into rhythm or do chest compressions, and put an oxygen tube down my throat. Which I told her sounded like a threat but sure if I needed either. Her husband and she transferred recently from Fort Bragg, 82nd Airborne, and I had to ask if he was adjusting to working at half speed. She knew immediately what I was talking about. After a deployment she told me that 'we would get a command' which I told her was a great way to think about that. Not that the Medical Corps doesn't have its own command structure and she as a Captain would get promoted one day and might become a commander - I don't really know how they pick commanders outside of the combat arms.

I got some chest x-rays which they compared with the last set they had done on me, they found the same question they had the last time and suggested two more tests for that, after I see my family doctor and check in with him. They know something about ornery old men, and made me promise three or four ways to cooperate with their concerns. So, they took the needle out of my arm, the monitoring was turned off and I got my stuff and wandered the parking lot looking for my Caravan, which was where he had said it would be, luckily I was one of the few. Drove home, picked up the mail, ate mondu soup, had coffee and watched a video. Then checked my exercises in the computer and find on the list - they gave me credit for starting the run. "1/14/2014      Totals: 11.1 Miles 446 Calories 0 Chase Score
Completed Laps" And now I have 2400 calories down, only 2600 left to go. 

Think I will now go to bed and get some sleep.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

So I found three hundred dollars, and there ain't no ammo to be had...

I want some more 22lr ammunition and can't find any... oh, it is listed then is 'sold out' or something similar. The wonders of the internet. Why can't England or Australia make us lots and lots,  it isn't like they have to worry about too much ammunition falling into their citizens' hands. They can sell it all to the USA, we will buy all they make that is good.

I have enough personal ammunition, but the need for new shooters, for those that want to practice, for those interested in plinking and hunting - those needs must be met. The local manufacturers say they are running shifts full time, but I don't think so, Soros bought them all out and slowed production -- or he didn't. But for the market not to adjust to the demand, that is an artificial constraint - which seems like government stupidity.

Not that the government has ever been stupid, we can't even get Astronauts to the International Space Station... America in decline, worried about terrorists and the poverty stricken, which were both created by stupid government programs. Don't take my word for it, look it up.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

There are rules and laws... and my wife will make more rules

Everyone seems to want rules, law. They say it is good because Man is evil, or can't be controlled in their desires and lusts, or just because that makes it seem safer - if everyone is playing by the rules.

Establishing my own rules works best for me, no one cares what they are as long as they don't seem to affect anyone else. When I decide to expand my rules to those I am working with or living with, we will have adjustments, but can still get along.

There are hundreds of laws, adjustments and rules no one is paying attention to... because they are written in dead languages of civilizations or of people that no longer exist. They even had laws and rules that no one wrote down, just oral traditions.

We all end up living by our own code of rules, things we won't do, things we must do.  So in the end where is it felt that folks so far away can make more rules I am not paying attention to, in languages I don't speak about things I already know I won't do, ever?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year, first day at the range...

So after coffee and breakfast I put the rifle in the Caravan and drove to the range and took point sixteen on Range 15. My goal was to become better with my Marlin 795 LTR.  Knowledge can go along way to making a shooter a rifleman with what he brought to shoot.

I started with Federals and wasn't happy, so I switched to Federal Champions, which seemed to work better. I was having some issues with the ejection not completing before feeding another round. So I looked hard at the ejector and put some leverage on it to bend it slightly to where I thought it should be. Suddenly I had a real semi-automatic rifle. I made some sight adjustments, D12 L4, then shot another target then D8, then shot another target and then R1. And I had not used the sling yet.

Finally, I moved the shooting bench, laid a mat down, and slung up and shot two five round magazines.

I am such an old fellow, still I was happy enough. To bring it all back home. Until the next time, I sure do need more practice, come on weather, just about ten degrees better and we will be rocking. I know I am old by the number of AR platforms on the rifle side of the range. So out of touch. And the communist rifles and bullets.

Ah, I have arrived at that old eccentric great uncle of wars no longer remembered...

A young lady I once knew, told me she had a great uncle that had fought in the Boxer Rebellion, now I knew, in 1966, there was no way a great uncle of such a beautiful young lady could have fought in the Boxer Rebellion. That was way back in the 19th Century, forever ago.  If he had been a young eighteen years old, adding another sixty-six years meant he had to be at least eighty-four. Yep, and he probably was, gosh I wish I could have talked to him. I keep forgetting my grand parents were all born in the 19th Century. Time barriers are so artificial, and mostly it is because we are so central to our lives that the past is to laugh about, or wonder upon.

The eccentric part I always thought was great, mind a little twisted by age or whatever, always not in sync with the latest trends and news and cultural waves, a funny old fellow to laugh at. I have been waking to the soft lights and glitter of the Christmas Tree in the living room, and it welcomes me warmly every morning, I am beyond the gifts just want the warm goodness waiting me in the darkness. I like it so much I toy with the idea I should just leave it up, I know there is another Christmas down the road of time, eleven months - no one visits - no one will notice if I wait until the blinds are drawn to light the tree, it will then be waiting for me, every morning. Christmas spirit all year, and that can't be bad, can it? Eccentric old man, there was a Paladin episode (see I really can remember things not too many talk about now) where an old man was defending his little spread from a bully and big rancher and called on Paladin to defend him. Have Gun Will Travel. He would have trouble taking his guns to town today, but that was then, and Paladin showed up and defended the old fool in court, explaining away all the eccentric behaviors as a fine relationship with the shortening of his remaining life and the joy of small things.

Cold outside, will roll the sleeping bag up, and take the rifle to the range. Pictures and report to follow. I was watching The Man from Snowy River and My Fair Lady yesterday. Got tired of Hollywood violence.

Friday, January 3, 2014

You know I don't think Hollywood and political correctness will win wars...

The Marines want a few good men, and many more really good women to become the few the proud the Marines. And they have some problems, with the women meeting the men's standards - mainly because they aren't men. Even reducing the standards and calling them the same, hasn't worked -- kind of taking forty high school folks, gender unknown, and throwing them together with a Hollywood Marine for eleven weeks and calling them Marines. That won't work the same as being in Boot Camp with real Drill Instructors, rifles and a program to find the few the proud the Marines. Then you can put them on a bus to go visit Fayetteville and tell those paratroopers who is the the best.

So anyway, some blogger wrote about it, and why women shouldn't be stuffed into combat roles to prove points, gender equalization and stupidity. Not real bad for a non-combat fellow, but except for proving that stupid people can't have any really great ideas, he had no experience in the real reasons why it doesn't work.

Basically biological. When I as a young man saw a female human I immediately started thinking about having sexual relations. Biological, doesn't matter about rules, laws, good sense or my higher mental capacity - females were to have sexual relations with... it is natural. When I see other men, they were to fight against to allow me to have all the females. That is biology, human reproductive biology.

Because this is so animal and we are supposed to be human I will have to allow my brain and higher thinking powers to come into the seeking sexual relations.  First I only want the most desirable, conditioned by cultural norms, although when things get really extreme almost any female would do...But I am still only a thinking animal, running on basic biologic functions.

Add a higher spiritual level and I want to have a woman as a partner in life to bear my children and raise them and make a home... which is a very high standard. The motivation, much of it biological and thinking human male, of such a creature, family and home almost guarantees that I will put my life on the line to protect that, all that I love. Even not having my own, still I will put my life on the line to protect that idea. I will never do it for money, for a country, for my fears, for my friends like I will for that fine dream of family.

To do it well, I will gather with other warriors, and train, and sing, and dance and boast and train and dance and sing and boast and train and dance and sing and boast and put on the war paint and go into the darkness after leaving our nice on the bunk until we come back. Then we meet the enemy and start killing, and killing, and dying, and killing and getting tired and killing and dying, and getting so tired and killing and dying more and continuously. Then peace. Or just a hot meal, or a full day of rest, or a hot shower that looks and feels like heaven - you remember hot showers don't you?

I remember standing watch outside a shower in Saudi Arabia while a female soldier took one, a hot shower, she didn't like being dirty. I would never have stood watch outside of a male soldier taking a shower. Hollywood would have written me into the shower, but Earl wouldn't have gone there. Earl doesn't have romances with his warriors, if you aren't going to do something with love - you really aren't going to do it well, are you?

I can tell you all the reasons that I don't want females in the combat roles - but mainly it is because our civilization will have lost by the time we have to put them there to protect our civilization. I think women should decide why they can't compete directly with the males on the field of battle, I have an idea that you couldn't even get enough female drone operators to manage all our drone operations. Just like you can't get enough women engineers. But you all keep trying.

I do think universal military training would be good for every young person in high school, and I do KNOW that there are positions in the military that women fill very well, often even better than men. But I haven't figured our how General Custer or Crazy Horse would have done as well as the modern warriors of the Marines with women infantry, cavalry at the Little Big Horn.

What I need women for is to make me civilized, what I need enemies for is to make me stronger, what I need God for is to make me my best for His purpose and his kingdom. Which is never stuck on the battlefield, God leaves no one stuck on the battlefield. Governments do, because they don't care and have no love of anything except the boss. So God isn't demanding females in combat, He didn't design them that way. Thank the Lord, Amen!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello, New Year, what's up?

I spent part of the first day of the New Year looking at making my Marlin 795LTR better, according to another shooter on the RWVA forum. He provided pictures and advice. I looked at the pictures and the advice and took my rifle apart to work on it, and looked again at my rifle. But I only did some minor filing to remove a little metal. I saw some advantage in polishing the magazine well, and might do that later. But I think most of his claims aren't real, but they make him happy. In the end I didn't do all he recommended, but I worked my magazines in and out of the well, made sure that I understand the sequence designed into the rifle by their engineers, why the pieces fit the way they do. I will be checking various types of 22LR this weekend, just to see what it likes best. Cleanliness and best ammunition are always big factors in rifle functioning on Appleseeds, the other one is the shooter's familiarity with the rifle, everything I have done with this rifle is good, seems well designed - but inexpensive, which isn't a problem as long as it is safe and built to last a bit. Like my M1, as I get familiar with it, and little stuff I find along the way, it will be a better rifle for me. I expect the Marlin will be also.

I will be trying to be a better Earl all this year. The most difficult thing so far was getting rid of the cough and congestion, which I think is gone as of today. One step at a time, and before 364 days have past, it will be an other New Year. See you then.