Friday, December 18, 2020

How does Christmas look where you are?

   I seem to have disappointed a lot of folks and friends, but the world and I have often been apart. And now that Biden is calling for unity (among his chumps and Hillary's Deplorables) I pass. So I go to my books and Prime to fill the hours. There is nothing new under the Sun. Last evening I watched The Forgotten Army and was impressed with the history, story line and presentation. 

  FOX  news has finally lost me, never turned on The Five nor Tucker Carlson.  I trust Tucker but his  voice is so alone, I think his priorities are right.

   Still no decorations here, hiding from Covid-19.  Vaccine on the way, like relief.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Aren't I happy that God and my mother prepared better for Christmas than I do...

 Well, yes I am.

   Of course one was working on it longer, my mother started after New Years Eve. I am with Santa, flying around on the eve of...   it takes days to return to put more on the page than I had when I started.

  Got my better lady sitting beside me to enjoy some Korean movie on Prime every evening lately, since I found where they are and how to get there, we are so old.  Started with Empire of Lust, not recommended, but I was laughing, it had very graphic sex scenes and story line but my defense position was that I don't watch that kind of movie but it is Korean. After that we could get picky, Masquerade, poor comic pretending to be the King, Little Forest, coming to accept a safe haven in going out to adulthood. VG! then we topped it with Granny, story about a 75 year old run away from her son's home and life because she was a burden, then taking her death portrait at a photo studio. Which magically changed her by fifty years! The young actress nailed being old in a young body, Korean style cause they do it differently there. Granny and Little Forest are highly recommended but then I am a little strange but happy.

   Covid-19 continues to dominate our fears (not that we are paying attention except to increase our prayers for those who fear and those who acquire the illness or anti-bodies) People are catching it around us and the news floods the personal information devices faster than the truth does, Truth like Hope is slower out of the box. Anthony is recovering from surgery, but will likely be over come by Covid if he catches it at the same time. He was always willing to drive to Ocean Shores and get razor clams. Fun stuff, he was always the first to sniff out and complain about Korean irregularities in the Baptist Church, normally about money.

   I make coffee every morning, some times I start a wargame, waiting for my wife to wake and have breakfast together. I sometimes eat alone earlier - she will give me a snack of apple slices and Kiwi or half a banana. She recently heard cooking with microwave is not healthy, so the preparation of food is going back to range and oven. 

   No decoration for Christmas done by me, yet. it is where we put it in the garage. So one day it will appear. Maybe for that heavenly conjunction?

Monday, December 7, 2020

Pearl Harbor Day... History Cable has Wake Island Alamo of the Pacific...

   Invading forces bring their best and brightest, and the defenders have only guts and glory to rely on before they all die. Kind of like home invasion. Same actually.

  Caught the President telling everyone that the other side cheated. But we all know that, the ones that did it believe they aren't caught or that the powers (Big Tech, MSM, and entrenched political professionals in Washington and the Dirty Democrats) won't Punish nor Publish. Christmas is coming and the good folks are going to celebrate and get everyones' minds on love and giving good stuff. Remember it is only a crime if one is caught, charged and tried in the courts. Ask any criminal. When caught they will try to plea to a lesser offense to save the state time and trouble...

   Church was fine yesterday. Sermon was short and memorable.

With the Covid-19 fears ruining the world and lives everywhere I am going to die from heart failure since I am not really going to the YMCA, or Planet Fitness. Remember more humans are dying from being fat that catching the virus, take your pick, the government wants all you deplorables and chumps gone.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Nothing happening here, Thank the Lord in all His Mercy and Grace...

   At seven in the morning some fella (Robo Call) from Amazon??? calls and tells me there is suspicious activity to talk to one of our representatives press one.  That sounds so official but so criminal to me, nice accent how may I help you? You can't, good-bye! I was making morning coffee, whoever they were doesn't love me.

   I am being ignored by the local Dictator and dirty Democrats, they are only stupid and will be back for their taxes, we continue to cower from Covid-19 as instructed, waiting to die. Sometimes I wish I were Swedish, but then remember Swedish jokes from Minnesota and Laugh-in? The Funeral Service called to remind me that the prices go up in January lock in a contract in December but I am avoiding all the Christmas gift giving now, the news is the vaccine is on the way, am I important enough? No, but you don't want our response, not important nor worthy of attention, the Incrowd of DC knows what is good for them and they aren't sharing.

  Was thinking about Christmas cards, but the virus, we don't know how long it will travel over the mail system. Saw what happened with the Trump votes, but we can't prove anything significantly different would have happened. I love foreign movies. Amazon Prime wants me to look at their offers, I need breakfast and the coffee I started before being interrupted. Matthew 7:15. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Nickle and dime, my Christmas spirit is dead, I pay bills to remain oppressed...

   Yesterday began Advent and this was Hope, the best thing since it is a Heavenly promise not a government one. And the government will pay what it owes someday. Lovely fixed income. Sent a charge from Amex back since I don't use that service nor the product never delivered. A call came yesterday to confirm My Apple purchase, but I haven't ordered and on my account is not listed such an order, why do they continue to bother me? Either Russia or a West Africa nation or a dirty Democrat, can't trust anyone now days.

   Face book dwells without my attention, until a sister needs to conference how will they contact me?

The bank doesn't open till 1000, so I could go back to sleep and will.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

I am not worthy, but they fear folks like me so they ruined America...

   The Great Coup of 4 November, 2020. The great goofy coup of elite goofs on 4 Nov 2020 where they showed us how smarter than wee little insignificant foolish folks, they win! Now we will all get a prize.

   The ones that 'did it' aren't going to be un-noticed forever. They will be silenced, real Communists will inter or eliminate them quickly to save their rule of the folks. They don't really know what they lost, but made a grave error to improve their control. They don't know what they had til is gone. Trust, respect, following the law, support of good police work - they weren't all FBI and ATF, but they are all part of the coup. All us fools, blind in our cheering another peaceful transfer of power are a very important part of the coup, follow the Amish. Seriously since the Tech Giants are a part of the Coup, you will have to leave the internet, unless you are a better hacker than they are. You will have to resist, the left loonies will think they won but they won't work. More worrisome is the Right the hard right, not the silly racists and such, the ones that really KNOW they are born to rule. They will organize you into their blank future of your good for their betterment. 

  Ah well, may we live in interesting times, the fine Chinese curse. Only a romantic is happy in boring times and only the pragmatist survives catastrophes with peace of mind.


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Watching the death of the ideal of Goodness in America, reminds me of the former Prince Harry...

  I have always admired the young Prince, second son not having a bad life do feel sorry so much attention was paid to him for so very long. Hard to be growing without making poor choices and bad friends but he will be fine. I liked the way he wore his pistol his second combat posting. And as a young man once told me, live in the neighborhood, date and everything, you never know her til you get married.  I am sure his bride was full of surprises, just as his life and responsibilities were to her. Marriage is like that for many of us with expectations and cultural differences. I am sure the weak link in their marriage is her, but I could be biased. I will allow you to make your own mind up, most of us have our own experience in marriage, none are the same. Her American princess is the flaw but she could grow out of it. She is depending on what her circle of friends and supporters tell her and they haven't always been on her side (there is no evidence). I wish them the best.

     Our country and the cheating on the last election is the same. There is no evidence of the weakness in what happened in our nation, but what happened still exists - just like they could never find the evil Trump and could never admit what they never saw, the better folks are going to do the same.  More criminals more evil done for the best of reasons, more drugs, more fear, more anger, more stupidity not understood. The Amish will prosper. The Lords chosen will be punished as always promised, and only those people that read and study and follow the spirit in their lives will be well and at peace. That famed Soviet (Russian) author said it so well. You need to resist, you need to be true to God and His will. The nation will fall when you cannot find 10 righteous men. And it won't be pretty.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

What are the plans for when one of us dies? Who do you call?

     Back in March finishing our remodel and Covid-19 threatening my wife wanted me to give her a list of who to call, in what order and why. Big letters and simple language. Well, time between Trump and Biden working on a cure, I am sure we are all going to die so I am preparing. It has little to do with the government, they want you to ask them, follow them and pay your taxes even as they don't allow you to work. Since crime continues to grow they have already proved they can't handle things that only they are allowed to do for us. But I need to focus on my preparations for my departure.

   So step one, call the pastor and find out the first number to call. He tells me it is 911. Tell them clearly that some one has died, and they will respond. It isn't an emergency.

   Have a list of Contacts for representing your earthy interests. Family, Friends, Church, Funeral Home and Service.  Who else needs to know?

   Take a break, make some more contacts and get more advice, if the Library were open I would check out a book, Amazon would sell me one, but I don't trust them since they are part of the elite's power over the deplorable chumps. 

   Write my obituary. Remember, only the important stuff.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Day one of breaking my addiction... I have done it before... always hard, always worth it...

   Government action got the fool boy buying first two packs of Marlboro, since a State Trooper gave a warning of a crackdown on underage cigarette buying - so I started smoking just to show them, I was sixteen, smart or so I thought. Eight years later, after foreign adventures, marriage and stuff I quit in 1972, without help. When you quit I notice how willing everyone is to give you a another cigarette.  I really resisted government goodness to improve my life, mainly cause I had a mother and would get my own wife. I love to think I was smart enough to quit to reduce my tax burden, I am but they have more people thinking of more ways to tax me. Always more.

   The treadmill repairman came on time, masked and gloved, did a fine quick job adjusting verifying and closing the machine back up.  I will have to start working out again. But really it is for my wife, she has always been better about walking on it in the rain, most summer it doesn't get used.

  Went from .380 back to 45 APC, since I have enough of my basic three cartidges1: 45, 22 LR, 30-06. Yes, I know I bought 5.56 mm but those are only for emergency use only, as I get older I might forget one day.



Saturday, November 14, 2020

Don't you know being lazy can be good?

    Thanks to government over reach, don't have to shave, put my teeth in, nor do anything (except pay taxes).  Magical Media and dirty Democrats have killed any trust I had for the election or themselves. The most real problem they never loved any of us. They have won.

 Went looking for my suit and a haircut, and those I got but I couldn't find any 38 ammunition. The shelves are really empty. So no civil war here, gun control worked so well when Yugoslavia broke up. I would blame Pinky for helping Brain take over the world. Well, prepare for church in the morning.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Betrayed by FOXNews and the Dirty Democrats....

 America is  an ideal, changes through History, happens.  Lots of citizens voted on election day or before for their ballot. Every vote should count, legal vote.

     But Media and Dirty Democrats ruined everyone's choice. Must be like Hillary's Turn folks, how did it happen?  I don't think it matters, the people did it, for whatever their fears - they really don't like me, they are still sure that they know what is good for me, my family and friends and nation.

   It is personal, they don't need me. That was where they lost us.

For all the real folks, one citizen one vote, God bless y'all and do your best. So few remaining...


Saturday, October 3, 2020

So I have been listening to Chris Wallace trying to make militia and Proud Boys into something they may not be...

   More fool journalists are lazy like that?  I hope not. I do know what militia are, Proud Boys I have no idea. All I have heard is from media, and you know how they work. Most citizens want help or be left to do their best. Media as well as government want to send you in the correct directions. Their way. 

   Have been Face book exchanging with a younger cousin in New Zealand, a family man and FB hasn't sent us to our corners yet. We finally have come closest to agreement on politicians, ha, ha.  Although, I might not use his colorful language I understood immediately. Still. I am concerned about the term "Leader of the Free World" that is media label. No one votes for any such person in America, media uses it to curry favor with the elite. What is wrong with President? Too common? John Hancock was a President, of  a Continental Congress, that could be why he was a little more special when he signed first and large.

    As much as I pray the President and all are well under the suffering of Covid-19 and recover well and soon, I am not concerned that with him the world falls, democracy falls, the Republic that he serves is done. I continue to be concerned that the People get to that deplorable condition of LOST. Unable to take care of problems, friends, family, community, nation. Because they aren't aware or are lied to. That is of concern. 

    I will go back into my security, and read some more good books, combat fiction or historical romance and drama. I sould read the Iliad again. shouldn't I? Take care out there.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Another visit to the doctor, normal blood pressure cancer checks... 138/92 49pulse

   So, the day after learning the President has tested positive for the virus... anti bodies
I have to go for my quarterly check up and my final bottle of Synthroid Levothtroxine 25 mcg Tab is done.  The end is near! When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing it will be...

  Keep humble, everything is going to finally crash,       or not.....

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Software keeps evolving: but not for me...

  Well, Facebook wasn't good enough, they improved it. Outlook wasn't good enough, they improved it.  We have begun Fall, and we have rain real rain. Not worried about fires now. The Cooling begins now. Wife picked up her medicine today, so our hibernation continues all for the protection of the Governor and the school employees. We wish everyone well. 

    Our son called and checked in, seems that we forget how much time passes if there isn't a record. Appleseed is beginning a bit, small classes and I am toying with the idea of helping, a longer period without falling might as I move more. Days later as I find I haven't been taking my medicines as my pain recedes. Real bad grammar.

    reading more, viewing less    Find the last few days becoming meeker, nice feel.  Watched a couple videos with my wife on this deserted isle. Coffee started for today, feels like a two pot day.

  As we get closer to the election and the mass stupidity and just busting loose from Karens (sorry, real Karens I might have known - they have hijacked your name) - and the Statist Elites in the swamp which think they reach to their cowed minions by the millions.  

The largest group seems be under self control. Sure everyone is lying and manipulating as best they can, outta kindness or pure evil, and sure the sheep will follow or fall to the wolves and media truths the aren't. I am about to return to reading..... my writing is painful to read.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Money, what does it have to do with shooting?

  Costs money to get to use the range. I have woken up to the fact I need to supplement my income, cause retirement is best when you aren't trying to live like before the event. Remember that there is a limited flow of money, sooner or later it will be clear... good to have health so when you start falling for Gravity, which always rules, you shouldn't be the next commercial about falling and you can't get up. Or as my wife says, I am too heavy to pick up, and I laugh and mention that we both could go down at the same time. Then what would we do, I have notice that I have to get a walker that I can sit upon, which is currently my wife's fear not mine yet, I am content with the walking stick, or even my halberd.

   I do much in response to my wife's fears and desires, and I can't afford that best get healthier. We went to shop for her desires today. She wants a chair for me to sit upon and watch cable and answer the phone. It must be able to hold a fat old man for hours. I refuse recliners, they are too heavy, and wear out too quick. She is sure I need something to hold my feet up so they don't swell, which is a circulation issue. I went through two furniture stores, found two chairs, first a armed chair for dining table set (my wife nixed it) the second a cushioned chair, color grey, nice not too soft but firm, fake leather of some kind. and it had a pullout ottoman. Costs more than I would ever want to spend, but my wife still believes I will be around for ever so would buy it. But I will keep looking, remembering where it was.

    It does seem like every time I get paid and write the checks for my budget, another tax comes up and I fall back a bit. Thanks for all the help government, three government taxation agencies for one taxpayer - why????

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Labour Day, yes, I do know Americans don't spell it that way...

  For fun I am talking to Alexa, just like posting on Facebook, speaking to stupid computers. I am part of the declining American thought. No longer alone. Linked by the most amazing fast telecommunications cool. 'Sir, I don't know that one.'  As I wait for human contact, my wife to wake and share breakfast, or my son and family to contact this device,  I will charge on.

  Word choice, like I would charge anything except devices, I was noting how belligerent a lot of language has become, threatening death or dismemberment, and always in vulgar terms making it really evil. Tough guy talk, almost Trump like, or Biden. Once in the world, knowing your enemy was a good thing, praising his strength and success would make your trials greater in the retelling.  I was committed to defeating the Iraqi army, and proud of how well we did it ... but kept reminding myself how grateful I was I wasn't fighting North Korean or Vietnamese Godless Communists. As fools take over in America I wonder when there will be no more warriors? I have talked badly about the Pentagon for years, their major deficiency is believing they are in charge but safe as long as linked. Alexander the Great marched with his army, are your leaders with your warriors?,  Or back with their fawning staff and media coverage?  Difference between David and King Saul, David was a soldier and Saul was a King and posing as a warrior. Kings need to lead, but the cheerleaders will date coaches if asked. Or even linemen. When David became King, too big to fail, he fell out of warrior mode and we know how that worked out for Uriah. Jerusalem looked a lot like the DC swamp. Christ was a most uncommon common man, keeping it country.

  Watched Sea Biscuit this morning - good to feel good, isn't it?

WED 9 Sep... yesterday Donald Trump reached out and asked for my help. But it costs too much to do more than I can afford. My contributions in past primaries seem to result in my favorite withdrawing. I imagine neither Trump nor his campaign team knows nor cares, so  I just add it to the trash. They are playing like a computer, they picked the position and I am not fitting in. But then Trump has tons of coverage from media - both favorable and NOT so much. I almost wish FoxNews would do like Tucker Carlson, only interrupt for breaking news, real news not same old same old.

One of the things slowing me down are my financial burdens, I am fine slowly getting out from under. But like my health, weight loss and movement, to be taken a little at a time. I pray more, doesn't help me stand erect and not fall literally but does figuratively.  I am sure that the Democrats playing politics with everything like cash aid, or riots and ending the lockdowns, will produce results they won't like unless they really want to end America. I want a smaller Federal government, worked for them long enough to know they can't do everything. But make promises they can't keep. 

Monday, August 31, 2020

I departed Hate book, but seem addicted....

  I do seem to want to be about communicating with the good folks out there, many I know and like hearing from.  But Face book decided that I am evil and wants to ban me, or so it seems. They don't want to just provide a platform, they won't toss everyone that uses vulgar words, depending on numbers of youngsters with potty mouths, but we all seem to add to the noise and confusion. Confusion because so many things accepted by modern society aren't good for the people. Prime example is abortion, it is immoral just as slavery was. 

   I get a haircut today, my wife has become insistent, she cuts it to her satisfaction and what ever it is - is perfect. Some will always grow back, and I no longer need to impress other people - I am not selling anything. She lapses into Korean when ever she is unsatisfied, that is perfect since I don't want to know how terrible I am, I would especially hate to hear vulgar language and an upset woman in any language. My mother and grandmothers never used it, never heard it from my aunts. but they grew up in a kinder more respectful era. Time passes on an everyone has permission to be offensive, cruel and stupid - putting down to make one self great, cool, smart-???.  

  I did join the protest and told Land O'Lakes off. I am sad they came out against Indian maidens and removed the icon. They are a cooperative, but hire fools in advertising. The poor lady I talked to jotted down my quest for justice. I really love their whipped butter, will have to explore alternatives - hoping they make a genaric to sell to the military we  buy a lot of great things that way. I felt sad for the lady wiped off the logo, and for the lady that answered my complaint, not because I was offensive but because she was a proud worker and feels betrayed by management (many if us do), but she said many have told her about that logo change. No one wants to live in a beige world, do we? I looked it up, the governor is praising the move, not knowing much about brand loyalty I would guess, she thinks no one is burning up Minneapolis. When you are wrong you can be surrounded by lots of good meaning but equally wrong folks. Well I will have more time to read Moby Dick and the leather stocking tales, won't I? They are still great books, although everyone wasn't woke in those days, ha.ha. Which reminds he of Minihaha and Hiawatha? Rabbit holes, think beige - paint it all beige.  


Friday, August 28, 2020

Things change and I wear out...

  So I am up early, just me and the LORD, Southern Gospel comes from Alexa. I made coffee and breakfast. A Face book friend drops off and announces it, I believe I should drop off and not announce it, I don't need notice, God talked to me. 

  I am sad about good and great things, being destroyed, killing the unborn for the salvation of fools? I seem to have everything wrong, they will tell me they always have. Without love, why would I listen?

   Mythoughtsrace, the morning madness a quiet time to think, can't type that fast and not concerned about it. Why disturb others, I write for me and then share can't hide from the devil nor the LORD. The devil will tickle my weaknesses, and the LORD give me strength to resist temptation. American economy is built upon weakness, desires that could be sated by purchase easy free sexy only 99 down and yours. Truth about economy the Amish are part of it, but they aren't a big market are they?

   The YMCA opens up 7 September, but I have not enough money to feed that fancy, remember I went for community and talk to old folks as we watch the fashion changes on the ladies. The energy of youngsters and passing wisdom if there is any interest, not much. I am interested to see how many old fools are alive and returning. I want to think all of them maybe I shouldn't check. Should I wear a mask?

   Politics, are not interesting now, chest beating and old champions posing as saviors and leaders. They look like they haven't served enough humbly. The management teams are slickly polished, nothing sticks to them, the other
side is evil and failing. I have notice there aren't enough reported nice news. Maybe media is afraid of goodness, doesn't sell? I expect the word would be over used and become meaningless, everyone is a hero. how can that be? I know a few heroes and many brave souls doing the best they can where they are.  Never make the news cycle since the news must be ??? supporting the message?

    Well, have a great day! 


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Change Happens and changing back isn't wrong but dynamic

   Wife and I up at three talking about fifty-two years worth, reheating coffee and love.  I decided to write a letter to my sister in cursive and with a fountain pen - we don't do that anymore, do we?  What a challenge! Like brush painting your messages across the cyberspaces of modern communications since the abacus is still used, are the brushes and ink stones? The first attempt becomes a draft, as I discover how many muscles are engaged and how quickly I tire from the page I finally finish.

I once had a good hand. see envelope from 1969.

Friday, August 14, 2020

So I dream of shooting known distance with my AR...

    Funny, I remember mentioning staying in dry fire/practice back in March and promptly didn't. I was confused. Too many orders from those flattening curves, I was sure I was going to die, haven't taken flu vaccine since departing the Army, they owned my body.


   Blogger improved things so I become reluctant to write and add pictures, my fat fingers and ignorance will destroy what little I accomplish.  The fears have closed ranges, the anti-gun goofs believe they will make them safer as the normal untrained and unthinking gun carriers have so many negligent discharges trying to frighten innocents when demonstrating with their new powerful black rifles.  As the political debates and snide remarks about others rise on the internet and on media feeds, I have no idea what is true, and being only two reasons to make my choices having given up on political parties having any worthy ideas or ideals. They can be bought, and most of us need our few dollars for the LORD and His work.

   My daily shows remain The Five and Tucker Carlson, too often preempted by breaking news that doesn't matter to me. Just the talking posing fools looking for attention. Someone analyzed the number of minutes and the ratings reflected. They didn't ask if telling a lie and repeating it make us doubt the whole process, they are all about selling constantly. But we become bitter cynical and cowering from being tainted by the ugly they demand we watch. And we pay for time wasters, why? 

   I have nothing interesting to share, the FBI,Chinese and hackers pay me no attention. Will get to work on the honey-do, or find reasons not to.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

We do need to vote and hold the elected accountable, fire the lawyers that aren't volunteers.

   Long title. If they aren't working for free they are just mercenaries. 

Assuming the political elite fear guns, and gun violence. Or really understand they know they can't really control a man at Liberty. He by definition must be attracted by Truth and great ideas, and professional politicians aren't committed to much except power, and exercising it to improve their weaknesses.

Long ago a political body passed acts to ensure compliance of the folks. They being honest named them the Coercive Acts, and the folks immediately recognized the threat and renamed them the Intolerable Acts, the declaration of punishment for believing the folks were free, as they had been for generations or that they were as good as the best of the master class in the nation.  They would have to establish independence like a child becoming an adult, a painful process, especially if the bonds are light and seem loose. 

Legend becomes the myth. For sure the United States of America, are created by the revolution of a rebellious people resisting oppression. They talked and listened, and thought as they worked and lived then built up a resistance by civil disobedience, you know demonstrations, secret societies, public outcry, resistance to bad law, bad ideas and belief that oppression was evil and God was good, master class normally wasn't. When the master class assumed more power by stripping their least offensive population of the means to fight, disarming them in mass, they proved a point. They didn't trust the folk and weren't relying on them as part of the solution to their problem. April 19,1775. They never knew what would happen, as the British would say, diplomatic efforts failed.

Soon enough, the colonies would unite in the Declaration of Independence, and by Right of Arms in the happy defeat of the master class, Great Britain could really become a dominate power in the world. There is a very high cost to becoming the greatest, remembering that Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, and France became Empires all paying a high cost for the privilege of wanting to be first or best among equals? China resisted and Japan embraced changes. Well, we, Americans, get to vote. It is critical because the master class has no love for us, fears us without more stupid laws, that only will be used on the folks. Pick representatives that love us all, that will work for free or room and board. Yeah, might as well try, otherwise you are creating and continuing a masterclass and that is suicide. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Noticing how little I write with all there is to say...

  Looks like another beautiful day here, since it is the Great Northwest one could say unusual, but aren't all days full of weather, traffic and confusion?  Or are days measured by my happiness? Then they are all better than I deserve, aren't they?

  I should wish that this message finds y'all well. I am watching the end of the world, our world, your world or mine.. but I take no alarm nor sound one. Things happen, and I often miss them entirely. There is an industry dedicated to commercially exploiting me that feels they know more about what is important than I do but I am limiting myself to Japanese broadcast at 7am here, The Five, and Tucker Carlson.  I am dodging President Trump, most of his speech will be repeated and re-interpreted many times. Still able to think for myself, thank you for caring.

   My wife and I grow closer in our government Exile for their fear of our dying of some virus from China, or finding out that governments can't fix any real problems for the majority of their people. I am not sure which it is, cause I think we are good folks at least my wife is. She is really, but there is the difference between us. For what we are the same about? Why is that important to you? My mother's wonder I was always amazed by, but found the more I told her the more people I didn't know, understood incorrectly about me. I think from boyhood at home to the remainder of my life I was always struggling against what my mother knew about men and me.  I must have given up and allowed her to write my story in her mind, she would be close and I became at peace that fixing a little problem for her was easier that convincing her that she wasn't correct about anything. Still love her, badly like most things that others count on.

   I am getting on with the lessening of my footprint upon the world, it isn't large until you try to get rid of it, then there are tons of things. Books take many trips and there is still more than a few remaining, for as much reason as when I purchased them. Tools are in the way, until I want a particular one, and I have gotten accustomed to my wife moving some to where they work for her. Of course, I will wait mulling the project over until my need is gone. When I heard my father confess that his weakness was Procrastination I realized the world he looked at I had never seen.  But I could have found the same, but one never has to get around to it, looking for a weakness - I have so many.

not the soldiers in my story except me
    I miss teaching, not that I am certified like my sister, she knows that to be certified is required for a professional. If I ever taught I would know, although I think she discounted all my efforts in the military because she knows it is just, monkey see monkeys do.  She might be correct, I was never in her military nor her schools. She does take pride in her student's success.  When I measure my success it has never been about the boss but the unit. An officer from DivArty watched in horror my FDC on an alert in Korea getting ready to shoot live on trapped North Koreans in support if the security mission. One man was obviously obliviously sleepy/drunk, one man must have been speeding while he explained how he got the range and deflection on the chart and gave it to me, but I didn't seem upset nor flustered as I computed the data. I always thought alerts were based on enemy opportunity not friendly. He left shaking his head, for those that believe I couldn't have fired without an officer verifying my data? Reality is always trumping assignments, during Vietnam there weren't enough to go around.

  That is enough yarning for today, have a great one!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Was thinking of starting a new blog... but why?

   I want to write again, not post on Face Book, or just roll on about whatever I did on this blog - gun stuff mostly, and what was going on in my life, which is fine for me but not to others. Will have to add 'Keep your finger off the trigger' to the title. And then change the remainder of the blog theme as I wander around discussing stuff.

   25 June the day godless Korean Communists made a military invasion into the southern region of the Korean peninsula, it was a loud demonstration to establish Kim as fearless leader. Seventy years years ago. My future wife was seven. Her brother had a friend with Marxist leanings that joined the victorius demonstrators and never returned after he headed north with the invaders. Her family figured the Commies killed him, don't know for sure. Letters and messages were suspect by both sides for many generations after.   Yeah, civil war isn't. And the war's title is picked by history.

   My family, extended, has had much to do with Korea. I think it has all been good.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

So the fools are coming for me.... so says the media..

  I have been disappointed before, it is the reason I trust God before government, so
I am not following the media frenzy. I have personal rules of engagement, the government isn't going to make it better. Unless they are issuing assault rifles (real ones) with ammunition. ha,ha,ha   Proof the government is not 'of the People'.

    Have to venture out and find more money for my wife. I am also going to walk, fat old man style.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: May still?

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: May still?:   Continue to cower in fear with those in fear of dying from Chinese Communism, or Covid-19 caused by Trump's avoidance of Democrat sche...

May still?

  Continue to cower in fear with those in fear of dying from Chinese Communism, or Covid-19 caused by Trump's avoidance of Democrat schemes to topple him until they saw the advantage such fears of virus no one had an answer for except their favorite Big Pharma corp. Love that sentence.

   My wife and I are doing just great, wife better'n I. I was on a conference call with my sister and younger brother, interesting since I am so anti-cellphone linkage. The FBI has got me with all the rest of those they fear, but there are so many fools on the loose, they only concern themselves with the elite - sure the rest of us can be squashed by hostage rescue teams of their persuasion, for the children.

  No matter went for a trial walk yesterday, didn't tell my wife nor ask her permission -- I have been vegetating on Amazon Prime with war movies. The Russians have put together some great ones from WWII, I did some from lots of other wars and theaters, by various nations. Good history mostly. I have been doing some very uplifting movies, too. To find balance.

  On my walk I admired the flowers, and where possible I noted the bees. Good sign, lovely bees, I don't slow down enough to note bees and birds in my ancient age, I should, they have more work ethic than modern humans.  But lazy calls me, time to read again. Take care out there and go with God, not government.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: 2 May 2020...

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: 2 May 2020...: You don't miss me much, do you? But we are all safe from harm, the fools in charge say so, and they are in charge aren't they?  I h...

2 May 2020...

You don't miss me much, do you? But we are all safe from harm, the fools in charge say so, and they are in charge aren't they?  I have appreciated that they do think I am paying attention and following their instructions, could be I am not - I was warned about spontaneous confession in the corrections center. Anyway they haven't come looking for my dead body nor my compliant at liberty soul.

   The lock down has made me disappear and become totally useless. It is good to be perfect. The metamorphose from a fly on the wall to a bland spot upon the fabric of the nation is complete.  I don't feel as empty and uninformed as I ought according to those that want my attention, it doesn't get them my vote (I live in Washington State and the Democrats will change the total numbers of votes to whatever they need to win) they don't get my money (my desires and my wife's take care of that) and as much as Trump's campaign needs me, their polished posing gets the opposite effect. I am still voting for Ron Paul.

  I rolled coins yesterday, my wife so proud she found even more, over fifty dollars worth, but one has to make an appointment to get inside and deposit them. Another task for my future, the elite will never notice, will they?

   April took forever, didn't you think so? I went to the Emergency Room twice, canceled appointments, saw Red River four times, and many many other old movies. Learning lots about my cable service and voice remote, and gently wonder at the government and Chinese efforts to find information from my communications and viewing pleasures. The amount of electronic trash they record and build computers to analyze, so sad.  I find hiding very easy, look like whatever is expected of my type, do very little, do it slowly and not too much.

 Found  reference on Facebook to someone looking for pictures from his Vietnam days, right battalion, time and I was there - being in the Americal then was an honor, but the war was closing out. The Americal has never been assigned to the United States. Ever wonder why we become Ghost Riders in the digital universe? We will be forgotten and never understood.  Ah, well, enough for today.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: I have questions, having finished my second illnes...

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: I have questions, having finished my second illnes...:  Finished the medicines for the UTI and feel fine now, had something new and terrible to save myself and my wife decided that I would flush ...

I have questions, having finished my second illness...

 Finished the medicines for the UTI and feel fine now, had something new and terrible to save myself and my wife decided that I would flush it out with water, so I am drinking lots of water.

 What is the virus we are hiding from? What does it do to a human, preponderance of its effect and percentages of true victims? Does sheltering in place slow the spread? what is the SWAT waiting for to save us?  How will we know we are over the virus?

   I haven't taken as flu vaccine since I left the Army, but haven't had the Flu. I have had bad colds and coughs, did tke the pneumonia vaccine. Wish everyone in the world good health and all success with the Corona Virus 19.

  Of more to fear, is Government Overreach to get a population in obedience to it. Of even greater concern is a government that can't balance its own books. Give it to the LORD, we can ask questions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Court Contest to begin, why? Well, the government is crazy...

  I am really bored, don't feel threatened by anything except oppressive government. But I have it great, really. I am retired, no one wants me to work, as my mother said many times too many workers mean that wages are low, unions attempted to fix that, without becoming guilds with a established grading by experience and training, except in certain skills. Overall unions are just thugs that may get you a job, or contract. If they weren't thugs I would have more respect for the union, but they sell political power by benefits to themselves, and that often looks like the guys on top, are getting big bucks.

  Anyway, I haven't gotten the current curse, Covid-19. Since I live in a real hot spot Washington State under Governor Inslee, a progressive Democrat.  I am blest, but no one has demonstrated that the guidelines of social distancing, washing hands, masking if you have a respiratory illness really works. But they don't really hurt me, I am living in my grandchildren's future and am a bit of recluse.  I was for the anti-malaria treatment as soon as it was mentioned, why? Because I remember taking two different anti malaria pills during Vietnam. Something works, take it. I was valuable back then and had to consume all medications, vaccines and such as directed. Now they are just waiting for me to catch something I can die from... and I have choices and don't have to use their medications.  Until they tighten up shot records for travel.

    Anyway, being in America is fine except for the fears generated by media and government, most of the country doesn't pay a lot of attention to the government, until they get in the way.  And we doubt the government because they lie a lot. So does the media and examples are everywhere. And everyone knows the internet is full of experts of all the important stuff. Ha, ha!

   I do see how the end of the world authors got it so wrong, they try to write the Decline and Fall of the America nation in one book with a happy ending and small successes. But it will crumble far slower than computer speed-  being History we will only study the big stuff, but it is all little stuff.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Feeling better, no matter all the terrible news from all around me...

   So I went to the emergency room Sunday morning and the tested me and looked me over and sent me home. Cause of the visit was blood in my urine, actually started passing clots of blood. I am not in the jungles of WWII and have no reason for falling apart but my wife is sure it is because I will not become a Korean, or listen to her expert advice, or submit. Actually I think she knows if I start to pay attention to her I must really be sick and need her help. Her priority for my action was to tell my son, anyway it got her happy.  I text him the entire event and keep him posted.  Ever notice that once under care the patient starts worrying about making a mess or being a burden.  I was feeling bad for leaving a trail of blood, and I wasn't even wounded in action.

   Not that I know anything yet except feeling better now, but I think I have a biologic warfare germ. Evidence was the deep fevered sweat on Saturday morning. Or just getting old and different parts of my body are giving up at their own pace.  I am for the biologic warfare germ, but recovery without medication proceeds just like normal. Food, sleep, lots of water more rest. In the background is constant terrorizing by the media. It is out of our control, we must surrender to the Chinese. America is wrong, doing the wrong thing, we can do better when we get rid of Trump... over and over. How do I know they are just sensationalizing the virus? Not that it isn't killing folks, but really they run their commercials as they cover what people need to know, they aren't serious. 

   Now I can have my own fears, bladder cancer, some other cancer. cigarette caused, or agent orange or too much cable news in my programming. But why have, or surrender to fears? especially when I can't cure any of them. Leave them to God, and work with those trying to help.

   Thursday afternnoon, just got call from the labwork done from Emergency Room. I have a especially nasty urinary tract infection and will be issued antibiotics just have to take a book to read while I wait for the drive thru line to get done. It is long. But I have pleased to need so little.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Boy cried wolf... and no one listened when the wolf showed up....

  So I have way too much time to think... and I notice in my indolence that lying to the folks gets you the expected results, they don't believe and go their own way. Or you weren't lying, but it could have been that way, just looked like a wolf, or you didn't mean to hurt anyone and your couldn't help yourself. You have heard all those excuses in the last few years, about the Presidents, the Congress, the Media, the people, John Q. Citizen and the forgotten and deplorables.

   So we have a new illness, the government can't control it. Where does it say the government is supposed to? It is a problem, so have the government handle it? We will work better on it by hiding in cover - isn't that what we do during 'active shooter' situations? Cower in place, until the guys with the body bags and tags show up... Looking at both situations, I think prayers and divine help is a better start then take action where you are.  Just me, of course, I have been a firm believer in cover and attacking the cause of my troubles - you should have seen the doors I have gone through.

   If you were the first to suffer an illness, what would you do? Most illness is suffered the same way, be kind to the patient, warm or cool, rest, plenty of liquids. Don't forget them but don't bother them, and keep them separated until they are recovered. That looks like something I read before somewhere. Why solitary people can adventure, and if thy have others with them they can write about it, otherwise you have to hope they kept a journal and it survived.

  If my mother and my wife can't get me to obey them in everything, how can the government?
I am going to die, one day it will happen and that is only unknown to me: the when, why, the where.

  And I need to practice my six steps for taking the shot, and get prepared for the daylight - which has snuck upon me, while I have been thinking. Take care out there, your best is needed everyday, really.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Snow day and forgotten appointments...

   So proud of putting the two garbage cans out the evening before and a good solid long sleep after a movie on Prime. Gentle wake up in the morning, prayers and suddenly someone is walking on the porch, I have to decide to arm myself or just open the door and say hello. The government or gangsters would have just gone through the door - so I don't bother arming. Idle thoughts, for years I slept naked, now either cold or body shamed has kept me in flannel or whatever pajamas. Lucky for my visitor - not confronted by a naked old fool.

    It is the installer for the Security system, part of the improved Infinity service for two years. I am still for grabbing the gun first. My wife has opened two of the three doors several times and I get a report each time she does, she won't be sneaking up on me now. Anyway the system is working and effective...  It did take forever, since my cellphone wasn't able to upload the app for the system, then we went around a dozen or more times finding my fingers too fat, the secret stuff I typed unreadable, for security reasons - never mind that I am old and can't remember what I thought I typed. This is just another effort by the machines to try and dominate my life and actions. I am not that smart, but certainly have always resisted obeying what I think is stupidity. And most computers are basically stupid, just fun to play games upon. The installer was very patient and it all came together, but it is easiest to do six steps for making the shot than it is to encode my personal numbers, letters and symbol on the device to make it alarm me. I now have a sign in the front yard, thinking of why I don't want to have one out there, maybe I will put a Trump2024 sign out in front of it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

OK!, Boomer... why aren't you dead yet?

  Because the LORD is in charge and it isn't my time. I am reminded of a Twilight Zone story where everyone would die a terrible death. The mother and father pondered and prayed and finally decided not to take the poison distributed by the government in its goodness. They went to bed and awoke to a world that hadn't died during the night as promised -- except one of the parents had decided to spare the children and had helped them suicide to avoid the terrible death... We had a call from a minister's wife to see if we were ill, alive or needing help yesterday. Nice of them.

   I am so sorry, but I read and study history, and I have thought about war and injury and death. I have my three score and ten and two more. I think Trump is a one term President, but I don't want to catch a virus and give it to him. But he is in that target group that will likely die from Global Warming or the Climate Change. Aren't we all tired of being lied to by media and politicians? I am but worse is always watching people that should know better accepting the lies and their thinking that the government should have an answer and a policy the government is probably causing much of the fool news. Tell me I am wrong. I have been wrong before expect I will again.

  Speaking of wrong, I used Turbo Tax and realized that was a bad choice. No more, went down to the local library and picked up the forms and filed my form in the mail. Including the check. Done! Now I need to watch the crew finish our kitchen remodel tomorrow, the pay all the bills off. Maybe having little extra money now will slow my drifting into fool stuff. But maybe not.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Returning to normal boredom... and moving stuff, always more stuff...

    So, among the uncovered books is The Minute Men by John R. Galvin, am studying it closer this read. Too much great information for Appleseed, but nicely fills in April 1775. Appleseed is only about one day. During breaks I talk with and discuss what we want to move next. The entire time she is constantly moving, cleaning and removing and replacing stuff as she builds the nest of home again.

   We are working on everything, but nothing is critical. The cable is upgraded, but I have junk numbers that want a subscription, and I pay too much now and see no reason to sit and stare stupidly. My local cousin is offered to help me move stuff, but there are two too many people working on this now, my wife and I. The effort exposes our differences and the working together (periodically) makes me love her more.

  I have to craft a careful list of things I must buy, find all that we need but have already in the wrong place, or almost lost. Heavens! I don't know if I have paid the property taxes, but have seen that demand paper - and then there is the Income tax, and the home will still be waiting for my attention. A constant hunt for stuff, and I think I got rid of a lot but finding more, best reason I know not to buy anything (we likely have it somewhere).

   Warrior Poet Society? see something new all the time. Too old to be one now, but like their logo/sign. I am moving into the discarded veteran group. Ask me a story if you have the time.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Up early again, not only my mind is racing but my wife's also...

just noticed, I have bubbly commercials for stuff I don't care about that I never see except when it gets in my way. Alexa and I are parting ways, she tried to get me to buy Apple Music for three bucks a month. Just like Congress, she never really loved me.

My wife reports that Canadian Bacon and rice aren't at the Commissary, reason was that the trucks weren't rolling. This from the lady that was going to side step the contractor and get some extra favors from the crew, like move the cable outlet. I went to the Xfinity store and tore up the old contract and got new equipment and two service calls in the near future. Might as well get all I can from the turmoil about losing a favorite and gaining some other opportunities. It is funny finding homes for the recently found stuff we forgot about long ago. My side of the garage isn't finished, yet and the big furniture might get moved this morning, when the crew returns to finish up the remodel.

I want to get it all done so I may return to my normal indolence, what a goal!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: The Trek back begins again today...

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: The Trek back begins again today...:   Early dark here, morning prayer done, coffee started and Alexa has kindly started the Gospel. So the crew cleaned packed up their tools an...

The Trek back begins again today...

  Early dark here, morning prayer done, coffee started and Alexa has kindly started the Gospel. So the crew cleaned packed up their tools and the kitchen looks finished. It isn't but we get one day or two before the finishers return. My wife is ready then collapses into needed rest. She wants to clean everything before we start moving everything back. I want to only move things once and keep only what I won't donate out of this home. We kept way too much of our working affluence, bet y'all did, too.

   As the crew was sawing, polishing and moving stuff I went and got the Instructor Boot Camp materials printed and assembled for the upcoming IBC. Then I started reading through it, don't like the History much, will have to write my own version. Just for Will's desire to record it my way. The remainder of the book is about where I expected it to be. Many don't know I have been with this program for a while - 2008 to now. Very glad the basics have never changed, always saddened there are more captains than workers.  Still remember Ben getting loud about not driving to Port Townsend many hours to watch the Shootboss EARL show. He was stepping up to serve, thank goodness. He kept stepping up to serve, and it showed in the following years. If only our political posers would take George Washington's example - get it done and go home and work and rest. Enjoy the neighbors and grandchildren.

   My personal schedule is to return and a full workout at the YMCA, after a walk around the neighborhood, breakfast and waking wife. Then reorganize the armory and arsenal, ha, ha. Missing one of my Appleseed books with pictures. Take care out there.  Hope to see y'all standing up for Liberty and your Lord and on the range sometime.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Good Appleseed Weekend at Douglas Ridge Rifle Club, Oregon...

  Leave home too ear
ly Saturday Morn, 0125, only 162 miles to go in the dark. Would spend about an hour waiting beside the gate to go inside. Didn't know the code, sleep just fine in Pacifica. Janer shows up and opens the gate I follow her in and park to change clothes. Kenjo comes and sets up the Appleseed direction signs, too many decision points to make choices.  We move the target stands to the line, I notice how old and worn the backers are remembering long ago when they were new. I also have my first fall tripping over my backer and feet. I try our improve and not scare anyone more. Notice! that except for Flipper and Nat the entire crew is older than the shooters.

Mike on target on time
    The morning cold slows the shooting down a bit, but we are using a great PA system, and we get the first Red Coat done and start the roll. Cliff reintroduces himself, met in 2009, and he took an IIT hat and helped a lot of early Appleseeds, he is shooting a loud centerfire, tanker rifle I call it. Two strikes of the match during lunch and the three legged stool to get the shooters back on marksmanship. New positions and we roll along. The sunshine warmed us the remainder of the day and like always goes so fast, One AQT and one new Rifleman, Michael Ross.
 I gave the Third Strike of the Match, and rolled right on into Janer's tale of the telling. We get a Cease Fire, Cease Fire, Cease Fire for wildly wandering game, two fat does that think we won't bother them. Won't see them come hunting season. They will boldly return but not when they could have added to the known distance presentation with practical exercise in distance estimation. Final Redcoat target and Flipper gives Seventh Stepping points. Everyone is safe had a good time and is coming back in the morning, we clean up and pack out, leaving the target stands under the firing line roof for possible rain.

   We all went to dinner, I found a place to sleep in too much comfort, but warm and dry. And I do. At dinner we talked about the good the bad and the ugly... trying to be prepared for the next day and the after action reports. Meal was great, I got large glass of water, then many cups of coffee. Hot Shower and sleep. Motel breakfast and to the range.

   Not everyone came back, the weather is windy and still cold, we do reviews and the third Red Coat of the weekend is shot, three by two posted and sights are verified, with more review to prepare the day. The day marches on, I get to tell the Dangerous Old Man story of Samuel Whittlemore. the After noon period is AQT grind with some peppermint popping. River delivers on a drill, and then scores Rifleman.

   Cliff scores his AQT and requests another look at it and add it up. I do start and then recalculate about three times getting the same answer, five less points because I never find that other bullet hole. That seemed to be when I was falling out of reality. Should have taken a nap. but want to be valuable. The Shootboss reminds me that I can go early, they have plenty of local area instructors.

After River gets his Rifleman patch and I catch the picture I am departing.

  Cliff tells me that it was good to see me, beating on my chest in his joy - right on  top of my pacemaker - as he says he heard I have been having some health issues. I laugh and tell him it isn't that bad. I think I have presented a wasted away appearance, causing some strange concern. Tionico says goodbye and just before I get ready to jump in and pull out Flipper comes up and gives me a hug??? She always does a great job of instruction and I think will have nailed this her first ShootBoss Progress Check. I tell Janer that her clipboard and cheatsheet were left behind and I roll off the range and out of Eagle Creek, OR.

   As soon as the first Rest Stop shows up in Washington, I pull over and sleep for about forty minutes then back on the road, one more stop around Castlerock, then on home. Safe again, unload and prepare for other things that need attention. Life is good.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Day before an Appleseed at Eagle Creek, OR (DRRC)..

  I have packed out the Pacifica, yesterday. Had to get Shooting stuff and my needs out of the way of the kitchen remodel. It has been a busy week, and there is a promise of maybe by Wednesday it will be our home again. Small job. I have to stop at the Credit Union this morning and move a pile of money, moved some myself last night then went to the YMCA and knocked out twenty more miles on the bicycle competition. And two of the staff that seem to be trying to promote this (which means to me that their periodic evaluation will be better if I do something) head to head competition... their voices pitched wrong and they were not paced for tired fat old men - I didn't get it. Did talk a little lightly with my heroine, She is in the lead by a bunch and was working evening clean up/maintenance crew. But I do feel I have done well, self promotion and lying to self at the same time. But if the link works just see: Earl Dungey, a couple of years older than claimed. Many years ago, when younger and sporting I was always pushing my friends to join road races and 10ks to get t-shirts and honor for the units. Finally one of the troopers said why don't we just contribute the money, and have a beer instead of the running. He knew the answer, I was there for the run.

   Goal for today, tidy (reconstruct) a functioning computer system desk and William's work area. Best get to doing, bye!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

So what wakes me up in the night? a dream...

"I woke at 2;30, from a dream of parking my bicycle in a rack, looking up and seeing WlaP, tired and harried, telling me he had messaged me and I had't answered.That was when I woke up to ponder and get a glass of warm milk to help me sleep. Now I am only lightly interested in the NRA leadership, the organization is so far off of the track it will really take heavy lifting to get back in the shooting activity lines and training and the best gun folks on the planet. A lot of heavy lifting. There are real experts out there struggling to ignore that fake beacon about 'political power' and gratitude ahead that lays everywhere around the swamp. Floating endlessly around DC, just more swamp gas. I am taking this and expanding it on my blog... don't follow - only my dream started by other stuff in my life. Keep up the good work, all the heavy lifting. Our country and our passions and Rights all need our attention, but I have little left and will have to use it where gentle old men Do Not Need to be reminded of the danger of not living under the rules. Implied threats against open speech (free speech) seem to be all the rage now. I will go back to basics and leave y'all alone."

I left the above paragraph (?) on a comment string on Friends of the Second group on Facebook. Seems like I can't write to please others, I based my not getting a distinguished award in my military career on the fact I spoke freely too often and always when not wanted, so 'they' got me back. Poor CSM Underwood, we had shared the same special quarters in Korea and talked but he thought I respected his judgement and advice because of his position and title. The poor man had to wonder why I listened but not well. Respect is tough when you might not be right, or living really wrong in my face. My problem not the young CSM's.

So, we all know I have never nor expect that Wayne would message me, and I am not sure of the Wayne's on my Facebook Friends would expect better behavior, we went to high school together apart once. And I was a little bit different then too. Not enough to not be accepted as human, which seems a society reaction now on social media (unsocial more often than not)

Monday, February 10, 2020

What a terrible Appleseed, Dude, can't you keep it together?

  No I can't.... but I can feel bad and complain to myself. Great heroic day of riding the bike at the YMCA on Thursday 32.7 miles, getting a dime a mile and accolades from their staff. But I am in demand. Yanni, our Project Contractor for the kitchen remodel, and new flooring wants me and my wife in Seattle. I hate Seattle, stupid Liberals Anti-Gunner central. I don't want to go, but God and my wife love me and my bad attitude won't get better driving around with my imagination of the evil there. The shopping went well and Yanni wants money on Monday, put it on my to do list, get ready for the Appleseed in Redmond, this weekend. No one ever knows the burdens we bear, how old we feel or don't feel until...  Must have been hiding my hate on my face or heart, my wife flees to her friends for food and talk and I sleep on alone, big home for two living as alonely.

  So quick review of the letter from guest Green Hat, the shoot boss. He wants us in Red Shirts and presenting a professional appearance... I think he is arrogant and I add him to the list of AntiGun Leftists in the world, can't be right he is a real competitor in the rifle and pistol world, isn't he? Never met the man... Car loaded out and on the road before six will be there at seven for the instructor meeting, lots of familiar faces. I am late, they started the briefing without me, and I feel the undercurrent from others about the shoot boss, he is going to straighten us out... perceptions and expectations aren't like our normal. But he has his way of making us better. And we aren't the others, we are the ones that showed up, I toy with driving back home and signing up for helping the Appleseed in Oregon at the end of the month. I don't, because I am reminded the event isn't about me or any of the instructors, it is all about the shooters. So I get to go hand out t-shirts and help Flipper get folks signed in. There are very nice name tags laid out, so everyone has a familiar label to be called by name, pin to hats and we will all be a fine shooting community of no longer strangers.

  Some very familiar faces on the firing line, they all remember me and I get some smiles and hellos. The tension between instructors and Shoot Boss isn't noted that I noticed, but I do see waiting by the crew for the shoot boss for 'what are we doing next/' Eighteen rounds by lunch? One Redcoat and a five rounds on the sighting square?  Part of our getting our ducks in order is presentation of Pistoleer Award to two shooters and one daughter of Ben, another winner. Not cool for rifle shooters looking to earn their own awards to see something that they can't get here, by folks they don't know, but are instructors and safety folks, I would have waited on getting the shooters and instruction crew working as a team before a pleasant sidetrack for past performance. Maybe someone might die before the unit gets together again as a whole. A reason we award thanks and note valor when happening in combat, can't wait for return to Base Camp nor Star Trek Enterprise.

  I get the prehistory and the First Strike of the Match, and it was only supposed to be twenty minutes, but I get the hurry up sign from the Shoot Boss - cause I have so much to share as the tale teller. But they march out of Lexington leaving eight dead and many dismayed Rebels behind...I think I was closer to thirty-five minutes than twenty.

   I find my first weakness, I can't get up from the demo position, and not having worked with the instructor before his 'don't get ahead of the instruction' was disconcerting I was waiting for him to tell me what to model next, a demo person doesn't speak until after if asked by the instructor.  Anyway, I was being helped to my feet by a young woman and two men - how do I get so old? You know I didn't want any help just some space and my walking stick. I don't accept the young ladies help, cause I don't accept the men's much either, attitude and stupidity on my part, which I note isn't getting anyone shooting safely on target again. Sigh...

   The lunch time shows up. I wisely stay as line Boss to watch the rifles on line as everyone else goes up to the club house for the Second Strike of the Match and lunch, bathroom breaks become a chore, seems the plumbing isn't free flowing enough, going from two restrooms to one. One of our newer IITs brings me a hot cup of ramyon noodles. I thank him for his thoughtfulness and repay him later. Over all we are teaching or listening to the shootboss instruct everything at his pace and to his standards, and we aren't working well together, starting to look for his mistakes, how we are falling behind and not emphasizing safety. There are also way more instructors than normal, which should be great but we are almost in each others way, the smartest of us start shrinking back and gently correcting the shooters trying to get them to stay on process completing each step and not forgetting anything as the fire on targets. Only one AQT finally on the first day and we clean up to go home and a meal. I can't stay for the instructors dinner, where I understand the having a beer will be pounced upon as totally unacceptable. I wasn't there and don't drink beer unless I have just completed a marathon, ha, ha. That was long ago and when I wasn't drinking anything. Lot of old time memories coming back up, I did mention to the Shoot Boss the old conflict between the back East Headquarters and those of us on the line in our home country or states. He quellshed me quickly, but I have been poking headquarters and staff pukes for too long, I know when my opinions aren't needed -they already have all the answers. Just do it their way, they will go away soon enough. Sigh.

  I did make it home, my wife was talking on the phone, a lovely supper waiting for me, I could get cleaned up, check FoxNews or Japanese Public television to find it hadn't all gone to hell while I was away. Bloomberg was still promising to spend a fortune disarming the peaceful public or at least getting them down to three round bursts. Forgive them, LORD, they know not what they do.

   I do wake up to knowing I hurt and need to move, and the second day begins in the dark, did y'all see that Moon Saturday night? WOW! no cloud cover where you are. Did I mention Saturday was many downpours or steady drizzle and wet is cold. Second day has same beautiful Full moon and not clouds after the morning mist burns away, and I am sick. I pack out much Appleseed extras to give away, lots of reading and notebooks and patches and hanging maps for Will to use in instructing and advertising. Ah, my pile of stuff to move out is getting smaller at home, keep moving, get there again by seven thirty cause we are so set up already. Alexa is really working with me, Blues at night and Southern Gospel in the morning, the Lord loves me. I pick up an instructor sweat shirt to give to ctorg since he needs one to cover his arms against the cold and slingloop.

Kevin is so close but only close.
   Except for being a beautiful day, having lost a couple of shooters over night, maybe their bodies didn't take the wet cold, and weather any better than mine. I finally accepted I was ill, the day sped by and I remember I caught some shooter faults but wasn't effective since we had a round fired from a rifle into the berm, when it shouldn't have been loaded. Process and sequences were not at work, maybe because we still weren't a team going in the same direction. We did get some fine shooters making Rifleman scores, and taking up the IIT hat so I was okay going away early to get home and die quietly, or allow my loving wife to beat me back to better health. I left a shooting mat behind and Andy picked it up and messaged me.

  It is six on Monday morning here, I can go back to bed for a nap, and I will, being retired retired means no one needs me... but then Bloomberg doesn't know I and my millions exist does he? American! armed and at Liberty under the LORD. The two days of the Appleseed we had an Asian couple watching us through the wire fence, I talked to them the second day and told them what we were doing - they thanked me for the information. But I did remind them that we are Americans, we have guns and we shoot them. One of our shooters said his wife is Chinese and she had a relative that learned to shoot an AK in high school, but the rifles all get locked up by the state after the training is over. Yep, that sounds correct, and in Russia on the farms they still have their guns for wolves and lonely state agents of agitation.