Because the LORD is in charge and it isn't my time. I am reminded of a Twilight Zone story where everyone would die a terrible death. The mother and father pondered and prayed and finally decided not to take the poison distributed by the government in its goodness. They went to bed and awoke to a world that hadn't died during the night as promised -- except one of the parents had decided to spare the children and had helped them suicide to avoid the terrible death... We had a call from a minister's wife to see if we were ill, alive or needing help yesterday. Nice of them.
I am so sorry, but I read and study history, and I have thought about war and injury and death. I have my three score and ten and two more. I think Trump is a one term President, but

I don't want to catch a virus and give it to him. But he is in that target group that will likely die from Global Warming or the Climate Change. Aren't we all tired of being lied to by media and politicians? I am but worse is always watching people that should know better accepting the lies and their thinking that the government should have an answer and a policy the government is probably causing much of the fool news. Tell me I am wrong. I have been wrong before expect I will again.
Speaking of wrong, I used Turbo Tax and realized that was a bad choice. No more, went down to the local library and picked up the forms and filed my form in the mail. Including the check. Done! Now I need to watch the crew finish our kitchen remodel tomorrow, the pay all the bills off. Maybe having little extra money now will slow my drifting into fool stuff. But maybe not.
Take any media with a LARGE grain (or pound or so) of salt... They are doing everything they can to drum up panic, because THAT brings viewers... sigh