My wife and I are doing just great, wife better'n I. I was on a conference call with my sister and younger brother, interesting since I am so anti-cellphone linkage. The FBI has got me with all the rest of those they fear, but there are so many fools on the loose, they only concern themselves with the elite - sure the rest of us can be squashed by hostage rescue teams of their persuasion, for the children.
No matter went for a trial walk yesterday, didn't tell my wife nor ask her permission -- I have been vegetating on Amazon Prime with war movies. The Russians have put together some great ones from WWII, I did some from lots of other wars and theaters, by various nations. Good history mostly. I have been doing some very uplifting movies, too. To find balance.
On my walk I admired the flowers, and where possible I noted the bees. Good sign, lovely bees, I don't slow down enough to note bees and birds in my ancient age, I should, they have more work ethic than modern humans. But lazy calls me, time to read again. Take care out there and go with God, not government.
Been out and about, doing yardwork, getting things in shape for the summer. And noted a LOT of neighbors doing the same thing, but Texas is opening back up as of a couple of weeks ago!