Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Labour Day, yes, I do know Americans don't spell it that way...

  For fun I am talking to Alexa, just like posting on Facebook, speaking to stupid computers. I am part of the declining American thought. No longer alone. Linked by the most amazing fast telecommunications cool. 'Sir, I don't know that one.'  As I wait for human contact, my wife to wake and share breakfast, or my son and family to contact this device,  I will charge on.

  Word choice, like I would charge anything except devices, I was noting how belligerent a lot of language has become, threatening death or dismemberment, and always in vulgar terms making it really evil. Tough guy talk, almost Trump like, or Biden. Once in the world, knowing your enemy was a good thing, praising his strength and success would make your trials greater in the retelling.  I was committed to defeating the Iraqi army, and proud of how well we did it ... but kept reminding myself how grateful I was I wasn't fighting North Korean or Vietnamese Godless Communists. As fools take over in America I wonder when there will be no more warriors? I have talked badly about the Pentagon for years, their major deficiency is believing they are in charge but safe as long as linked. Alexander the Great marched with his army, are your leaders with your warriors?,  Or back with their fawning staff and media coverage?  Difference between David and King Saul, David was a soldier and Saul was a King and posing as a warrior. Kings need to lead, but the cheerleaders will date coaches if asked. Or even linemen. When David became King, too big to fail, he fell out of warrior mode and we know how that worked out for Uriah. Jerusalem looked a lot like the DC swamp. Christ was a most uncommon common man, keeping it country.

  Watched Sea Biscuit this morning - good to feel good, isn't it?

WED 9 Sep... yesterday Donald Trump reached out and asked for my help. But it costs too much to do more than I can afford. My contributions in past primaries seem to result in my favorite withdrawing. I imagine neither Trump nor his campaign team knows nor cares, so  I just add it to the trash. They are playing like a computer, they picked the position and I am not fitting in. But then Trump has tons of coverage from media - both favorable and NOT so much. I almost wish FoxNews would do like Tucker Carlson, only interrupt for breaking news, real news not same old same old.

One of the things slowing me down are my financial burdens, I am fine slowly getting out from under. But like my health, weight loss and movement, to be taken a little at a time. I pray more, doesn't help me stand erect and not fall literally but does figuratively.  I am sure that the Democrats playing politics with everything like cash aid, or riots and ending the lockdowns, will produce results they won't like unless they really want to end America. I want a smaller Federal government, worked for them long enough to know they can't do everything. But make promises they can't keep. 

1 comment:

  1. The only ones we can 'help' are ourselves and our families.
