Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

The picture is from thirty years ago, three fathers in the picture, three mothers, too. Thanks, Dad, you are always missed and under appreciated when I had my best chance for your attention. Learned a lot from you.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cause and Effect, do you really know?

"You do realize that the end of the 30's depression was caused by the excessive deficit government spending on WW II. And pretty much every economist agrees about that." So starts an email from one of my readers.

But I don't know that. If the government of the United States had spent the same amount of money that the Communists in the Soviet Union did on winning the war, it wouldn't have changed the war. If the United States had sat the war out, the Depression would have stopped as we sold weapons and raw materials to the combatants. If the government of the United States had not borrowed any money from anywhere, but paid by the richness of the country for the service and sacrifice of its armed forces...

 First you have to know why there was a Depression, why communications have sped to the point we react too quickly to a threat. The Depression lasted too long because the government thought it was in control and that wasn't true. The war never had to be fought, Germany didn't have to start a war to get healthier. There are a lot of stupid bad ideas about the world and every nations place in it, and re-writing History is a full time occupation of governments, colleges that should know better, and popular culture. What is accepted is that there was a collapse of faith in the Stock Market, banks, government and one's own ability to take care of oneself. And since my grandmother Dungey lived the rest of her life under the best way to take care of oneself, in case there was another Depression, she would always be in the Depression not part of the Expansion after the war. She was what the government doesn't understand. Strong work ethic, strong family values, firm faith in God, salvation and the future.

By the logic of Deficit spending, and having a war, our country should be very economically healthy. The reason I think we have all the problems in the government, economy, our future -- is lack of trust, no faith in business, government, media, education and a complete lack of faith... now, the ones have have faith in GOD, themselves, their family and the future are not suffering now. Then again, they should be... so says the government, the media, and those that have something to sell. Figure out where you are, know that there are chains that will slow you and any recovery from any misery you know - offered by government, credit lenders, loan sharks, protection rackets. A practicing Buddhist will never be affected by Depression or Expansion... different value system.

The end of the Depression came from the end of the war and the return of the veterans to home, those that had seen the total destruction of Europe, Asia, and their combat buddies wanted a normal good life. Having survived the war, they had a firm faith in their ability to make things better no matter what. They got married never thinking of divorce, they got jobs, started businesses, went back to school and made a better life. Not as many would have gotten more education without the GI bill, but they were going to be better no matter what. I think I got a limited but effective public education, but then I had a stable family (something the government never provides) and brother and sisters, interested adult parents that shared breakfast and dinner daily. That helped me get a good start. Always with a Sunday service, a family involved in community and faith.

At the Washington Home School Organization again today, watching the day two crew sell Appleseed to the home schoolers. Another indication that the government isn't as effective as it could be, so another point to shut down failure. There is nothing secret in Fast and Furious, the ATF wanting to do a better job of proving how inept they really are (after Ruby Ridge and Waco Branch Davidians I had no questions about them). They just confirmed my view. Sad. The current Attorney General isn't guilty of anything except stupidity, and in government service that doesn't seem to be a crime. Congress shouldn't remove the current players, they should shut the agency down. Ah, well. The best thing was being out with good people doing their best to overcome the government - one child at a time. Worked for me. I have to wish them the most success.

I have to give credit to those adults that want to help the next generation not make the mistakes that we might have, and still to enjoy life. They don't seem to be paid for their hard work, they do have a glow from the laughter and excitement of learning. Hmm, you can't bottle that and put it on a shelf for sale (or to be taxed and controlled by the power hungry), can you?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Worn out from talking too much...

Going to bed, Homeschoolers were very interested in Appleseed and honoring our Heritage.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What is the scientific proof that government spending is,,,

an economic stimulator? If I told myself or my wife that if we spent more than we have but had to help the economy... I would be lying and she would want to find someone of more sense to spend her time with...

Yes, spending can stimulate the economy, but not by the government - it fails at so many things, so where is the reasoning that it can spend well? New York has so few drugs on the street, so they are going to stop the flow of large drinks. Works for me, you can't show me success in government spending.

Infrastructure! Look at the roadways! and how many Toll roads are in better shape? Look at football stadiums, sports arenas, museums! Stimulates a few folks of the many.

If I were to gamble, I couldn't get my small bank to give me some money... but if I were a government I could borrow money to throw away. If I borrowed too much I could borrow more to repay what I owed and my future spending. Sigh.

They borrow money, they spend it, they spend it some more, they pretend it will be all better if they can just borrow a little more. It will not be better.

The World is about to die the death of a thousand cuts, because each of our little nations are borrowing and spending wildly -- and no one is smart enough to say STOP!. 

I know that those people in banks, and government are college educated and the top of their game, but it is all spinning out of control. But although the Federal Reserve says I have lost at least forty percent of my worth, the spin is coming for the other sixty percent - very very soon.  Buy more ammunition, you have to believe in the currency of the Realm, and in the realm... I don't think I do, how do they get so out of mind?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What kind of a Nation and what government are we...

using, really.

I ask because there is the ideal of what we think the good American People are, and the Democracy which we think we are living under, but I am very uncertain.

I am reading "NO THEY CAN'T: Why government fails - but Individuals Succeed" by John Stossel (he would like you to buy the book) which I got from my local Library. He is correct, but too hard on government, they do succeed, just not as well as the individual can. Remembering that an IQ of 100 is in the center, with half of the population above and have below, and it is a Bell Curve, most of us are close to 90 to 110. Cynic says 'I am a little above that', and might be correct. Realize that we do not test for IQ for government jobs, nor is it on the resume, or the ballot behind the candidate's name. Those in government are not smarter or better qualified for anything they haven't been trained to, and being experienced in failing does not make you into someone that will perform better in the future in that position. Then there is that "The Peter Principle", you get to be promoted to the level that you no longer are effective.

I like the thought that the Highest Ranking Officer in the nation is the very best. But the truth is that lowly private in the muddy fighting position or on the sight on the gun, is key to winning any battle participating in... no matter who was in charge, after the enemy and our military might meet, the winner is the ones left alive to clean up and claim the battlefield. I know, the Generals and Admirals will write the books, and George Washington in uniform spent more time writing Congress for things he didn't have, he was never hesitant to ride to where he could affect the combat on the battlefield, but in the end - the privates, corporals and lowly LTs win the battles, there are more of them, for they die faster and need replaced more - but the higher leaders will take much public credit.

Originally, our Founding Fathers, wanted a small effective federal government and wrote the Constitution, they didn't want the Nation's Capital running everything. Where we have gone is to grow it bigger and think that means better, but it isn't. One great weakness of current thought is that the person in charge must monitor the engagement, and our technology allows them to think they are critical to the operations. Think the OBL assassination operation. Found him, assign the team to strike, and go - strike - get away. Professional. Announcing success, proof that it was OBL, and then trying to smooth it over with Pakistan is the National Government's duty. But cheering like a high school at their big games, photo opportunities -- that is taunting the enemy, and the enemies are still out there. Make me feel bad and I might start a feud with your family, which is kind of like what got us into a War on Terror.

Currently the President has a Kill List, but it hasn't been published. Seems to me, if the government especially in the person of the President has a list of our Nation's Enemies that are to be KILLED On SIGHT, it should be published so all three hundred million of us can take the shot. Yes, I know that all of us don't carry and can't hit a target farther than we can throw a rock, but we can help. The government might not succeed but the individuals could. Which isn't exactly John Stossel's point but close.

After the attack on 9/11, in panic the American Government grounded all aircraft because they couldn't tell how many more were in the control of, or could become under TERRORIST control. At that time, the terrorists had won, the entire country surrendered to its fears. I know, we didn't really surrender, and I know on the day, at the time I was watching the planes strike the towers, over and over -- I wasn't afraid, and if you had asked me (but they didn't) I would have said to treat this like a crime, investigate, get the people and shut their operations down. The Federal government has shut our operations down, found a few of the people responsible and fought two wars, and attempted to convert the heathen or build a better nation (not our own). I almost blame the Atomic Bomb on this mentality that we don't dare fight a real war, to the point of an enemy surrender and change - or that the Nation cannot treat little things as something little bandages will cover until healed.

How many airplanes would the TERRORISTs have taken over if ten percent of the passengers had been carrying personal weapons? Well, now you know that the President can't have his best security guy on the aircraft full of fuel and innocent passengers that the pilot or copilot have decided to crash into his lover's penthouse or downtown Detroit. What do you want the government to do now?

London was bombed in WWI and WWII, Berlin was bombed, Leningrad was bombed, Tokyo was bombed, only Washington DC closes shop and surrenders when attacked.  You can't surrender unless you want to live in fear and maybe raise your children that way, the government hasn't the answers. Only God will sort us out, and I will trust in the LORD, so I will fight until He calls me home. We are supposed to be brave Americans.

Monday, June 11, 2012

It is all about perspective, your point of view...

There is a name for people like that, a horse's a--, which could be the partner in producing a mule, but we are way beyond that culture. Yes, I know, we don't breed mules, George Washington thought they were special, but we like John Deere and some Asian copies, don't we? Oh, wait most of us don't know anything about them bigger than lawn mowers. Here we are in the 21st Century (we should repeat that much more often).and what everyone knew about the world we have lost -- which is why one must relearn what the label was meant to mean... horse's ass. For such a noble animal, harnessed and driven to pull plow, chariot, wagon or sledge gives the driver only one view and all that comes with it. If you were a driver, or teamster, coachman you would have a love of the whole animal and its efforts and power. But if you are just along for the ride, it is beyond you. Perspective.

I have a date to visit a Home School expo... This Friday, it will be interesting, since I am to promote Appleseed, that fine effort by the Revolutionary War Veterans Association. I am almost that old now, but should be able to answer questions and encourage others to shoot much better there. I once attempted to home school my son when we were overseas, beyond the Command Sponsorship Comforter, and ended up sending him to a Christian School. Teaching is very important, not all of us can encourage and enlighten our replacements, it might take a village. One lesson I remember from a teacher long ago, was how to crochet a rose, taught during recess. No, I never engaged in that the remainder of my life, but it gave me a much deeper appreciation for lace, and the Christmas ornaments (snowflakes!) my aunt would make and include in her Christmas card.

I am happy to write that I have been feeling much better. On the question about guns and why the Appleseed is important to me, I give you Western Rose's post.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Olympics and Presidential Election...

Both seem to represent a contest, a struggle for the award, the acclaim, and then getting on with life while glowing with the glory. Considering how important they are, we only close the Olympics down when the world is at war but hold elections during them, I think we, the watching world, should pay much more attention and cheer.

I know I am tired of Media telling me what is important, Bill O'Reilly telling me that Ron Paul wasn't Presidential enough is just like the NRA telling me that this politician is better on Gun Rights, I don't need that to form my opinion. I don't need to only watch the American competitors in London, luckily I have access to Canadian Broadcasting so I will get to see some great efforts. I don't need most of the polling to find out how everyone else is lining up behind this candidate or that question - I sit across the breakfast table with my wife as we talk and fill out our ballots, the number of times we pick different candidates is many more than we would wish, but we aren't a voting block.

All those professionals that craft the public opinions and drum up the vote are a terrible waste of money. Give my household a one page resume with a photograph of the candidate, that is how I am supposed to get my job, except for the picture. Send it to me three weeks prior to the election. Here they print out a voters pamphlet and mostly we get pictures, and goals, and the discussion for or against the items in the ballot that aren't people for office. Good information, the only thing I can get from television is the newest medications to relieve pain, promote pleasure and investing in gold... silly me, that I thought the News coverage would be in depth, sound bites forever, just text me. Lucky me, I don't Twitter.

I don't expect that Main Stream Media will cover shooting sports in the Olympics, even for medal awards they try to pretend that the bad guys are only good with guns. Sigh, like I expected any truth in television.