Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Seen on the NEWS... a picture of another America, where I don't work and live and love...

   There have always been giants in the MEDIA, great writers, thinkers, artists, performers and politicians. All part of the smoke and mirrors of an illusion of a place where I don't live, and y'all probably don't ether.  They are broadcasting and making most of us fearful -- because we don't know the truth and what they present constantly builds our fear.

   Let us look at something common, instead of guns, drugs and thugs... something simple. All women should be beautiful, and how that is defined is there everyday on screens everywhere. And you can guess how much money is spent by all those media magic makers to make all those young beautiful ladies feel unwanted, unloved and without a future because they don't make the grade, just not at all that slim, graceful, confident and paid attention to - never to be courted.  It isn't true, but how else may we get more lipstick, makeup, perfumes, and new clothes purchased - we have to make everyone envious, fearful and in need of comforts and solutions to their self image.

   Okay, lets make everyone uncomfortable with firearms, or medical misfortunes. First report it, investigate it, and run it on the evening news for five days, periodically refer to it as the way things are wrong and if we could just change the law - it would never happen again. NOT TRUE!  But it must be, you saw it on the internet,  or it was on CBS, FOX, or ABC.  Aren't you glad it isn't in your neighborhood? Just in your mind. Not where it can be fixed by you, but then someone will offer a new law, so certainty that it will not happen again. More illusion, something much less than God's goodness to cling to, much less than the true brotherhood of humanity. Breast implants (something I know nothing about) are harmful, dangerous and all caused by the original thoughts about not being as perfect as women on the screen.

  I assure you, life is too short - you won't be able to stop evil, only you can teach, explain and help create good things. The government is not functioning as it should, only as you find it. The bigger the government the less it can do well.  Because of improved communication they start to feel like they can handle anything. But do you really think they will establish peace and prosperity in Afghanistan? Do you have any evidence that anything people from outside that nation have ever had any lasting effect? Ever?  Maybe if they stop the killing in South Chicago, they will be ready to cure Afghanistan.

  I bring this all up, because there are many things working around the next election cycle. We have a very bad set of initiatives that when read and thought about won't solve anything. The government has always retained the ability to pass laws against murder - the People never wanted the government to disarm their citizens. They had a much better sense of history and repression than current citizens. I always laugh, when those screaming for gun control are so certain they will always have police to call upon to defend them, that believe 911 will be a rescue instead of a clean up team, looking for evidence. For everyone that says we don't have to worry about defending our families and homes, you haven't been watching the last hundred years of civilization... Zimbabwe, Yugoslavia, South Africa, and there still seems to be war all over the world where our news isn't reporting much... everywhere.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Great Weekend in Renton...

   Left home early to get to the Interlake Shooting Sports range, in Renton. The first thing I noticed are the construction men waiting in their trucks to get into the area they are preparing for construction, looked like water and sewer and drainage. Neighbors are going to complain about noise and safety, but the range has been there since 1947. And the city keeps expanding, sigh.

End of the 1st day - happy shooters

   I checked my stuff for the course of instruction, and noticed I hadn't brought my hat, nor wallet, luckily I did start the morning with full gas tank. So Andy shows up to open, has a really bad head cold sinus and won't be teaching nor staying around. But his target line was set up the evening before and with a bit of tightening no problem. Scheduled for twenty-one shooters. It will be a bit tight on the firing line. Prescott is shoot boss, Bandaid and Glock Girl, Tally and Matt and a totally new to me, IIT named Schooner. Big fellow with a beard.

   Introductions, and orientation and safety rules taught. They aren't automatic yet and then they bring their firearms down to the line.  First Redcoat of the day, isn't very impressive for the group. But there are some shooters present, a few of which have been to Appleseeds in the past. When they know your name and they look familiar. Yep, back for another set of targets. I was the first Line Boss and away we went into the drill, teach one thing, shoot, teach another thing and work them through the day adding more to their skill set and knowledge.

  Because of some mechanical issues, adjustments of stocks for sight alignment and just new learning with too much information to absorb - the morning was slow to move along... but a Rifleman perseveres. During lunch the First and Second Strikes of the Match were told... I always wonder if food and refreshment aren't first in the audience's mind. But we moved into the afternoon refreshed and enlightened.

   We taught carding the sights to promote the use of NPOA, and to trust NPOA so one doesn't fuss the shot, out thinking the target shouldn't take more than a pause in respiration. Sitting and standing are taught, and fired, some speed drill. We did shoot one AQT, told the third strike and fired the final Redcoat target of the day, took a group picture and packed up to go home for rest, reflection and clean up of selves and equipment. We had one Rifleman from that one AQT, and three cleared Redcoat targets. A very big improvement from the morning start.

 Second day, starting at eight with the check in and preparing the equipment and firing line. A little cooler but going to become clear skies and warmer. Refresh and review, First Redcoat target should have been better than the last yesterday, but wasn't. So we talk through it all, coach, advise and watch for dancing fingers, sling usage, good form. It starts to pay off. trying to conquer one problem at a time, and the groups start to shrink as the shooters start just doing the six steps without thinking about all the excess wording and sage advice given. Rifleman's cadence and speed drills for transitions pays large as the shooters have only enough time to drop find target focus and squeeze the round off and follow through. Keep it simple, no magnifying your fears and frustrations, just not enough time. Three Riflemen made (Ray, Bruz and Liana) and honored on the first AQT of the afternoon. Ball and dummy drill, more AQTs and Known Distance knowledge presented.

  I hope the familiarity with their rifle and our instruction, coaching and tips will combine with the history of April 19th, 1775 to light that fire of the American spirit. We can take care of ourselves, we will speak up for the right, we will engage as soon as we break free of digital distraction devices. Good luck, keep the faith and honor our heritage. Hope to see y'all on the range, some where in our future and showing how well your dry practice has made you.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

I am not playing that game anymore... why are you?

   Now, I am not a Senator, Congressperson, President nor Judge... I am just me, Earl. Now having watched the country change because of what we all see and hear as our communications links get better and faster and seem to have nothing. Where did America go? Lift the magic curtain, and it is still there. The seasons change, technology changes, but the land, water, stars in the sky -- none of that has really changed. Has it?

   Where is the anger coming from, where is the idea that everyone has to be cool, sexy, hip, on top, best, brightest, purist, beautiful, handsome, talented? The culture of envy?

    Anyway, I am not going to apologize for being an American, and asking about my heritage is fun, but you can't blame me for it, nor anything my ancestors may have done to survive and live during their time on earth. If it is creative and interesting I may read your words, view your works, listen to the poem or music - but you just aren't moving me to react to ugly, hurtful, or threatening. Why would I? Because of polling data? experts say? everyone knows? There is Liberty being old, wrinkled and weak, poorer and laughing at those that don't know what happy is.

   I hope y'all drop your fears, fancies, and foolishness. Be good and kind. Be better than you think everyone else isn't... or as they are.

Friday, September 28, 2018

I was correct, the Democratic Party hacked all those Facebook accounts, cause Zuckerberg...

  I have been traumatized and in thirty-five years will testify about how devastated I am as I suddenly remember which one I know did me in...

   Having broken free of putting my mindless thoughts on the only thing bigger than twitter... I may continue to play here until the Speech Police come up to take my computer away.

   In my happier news, I have had a wonderful email from my sister, updating me about her life, challenges and the remodeling of the home she is living in. The pictures are great of the kitchen.

    Also my Magpul order showed up. Three ten round magazines for my new (to me) AR, which I still haven't named (Sister Liberty?). And a sling, RLS Rifleman Loop Sling, which makes me wonder if a friend of mine sold his sling design to Magpul. Looks fine except for the nylon web, I like cotton, but I am going to give it all a go.

    Tomorrow, pictures and maybe I will sneak off and shoot some rounds to find my zero. But tonight I go out to see Redemption, part 2 of Unbroken. And tomorrow I have Men's Prayer Group. Good night.

Seems I have been hacked... must be the Russians or the evil LEFTist

  I am going to change into gym gear and go workout.

Watched the action of the Senate Subcommittee, and this nation is toast. My America only exists in real people, not performing artists in the media exposure for profit, so it is all for naught. I don't want to learn Chinese, my English vocabulary may be better than most of the talking on television, because I learned mine from books, not movies and television.

  Anyway, someone owns my Facebook page, I am not playing Farmville with my sister, who needs my prayers, much more than my foolish.  So y'all are left with my ghost and the haunting of the hacker that stole my (free) membership. Or Facebook folks decided there are too many guns on my page and stroked me out. Doesn't matter, I will not live by AI nor digital device alone.

  I did some work on my new AR platform and am looking forward to taking it shooting this weekend. Busy weekend, lots to do on.


Monday, September 24, 2018

I really am an American... so when they are going to oppress me about an AR...

  I immediately went to find one I would buy, there are some cheap one around. Had some good suggestions from friends to build one (they don't understand how challenging that would be) but the best answer was 'I am downsizing take your pick of these.' That didn't take but three emails and a meeting set up for today to pick up said AR.  Iron sights and GI web sling, and I was hoping for a magazine, too.

    It was interesting driving up in the commute around Seattle and even more so to find his home in the maze of streets, which often ended in a dead end with the promise some day there would be a road to link. Ah, ten minutes later than I had planned I found him and a small dog waiting for me. Invited in and he has on the kitchen island, a shopping bag full of magpul parts, 2 new 30 magazines, one twenty rounder, and 360 rds. Plus another pistol grip and butt stock. And a soft black gun bag, so the little stuff was left in my car, and we were off to see the man about an official transfer of the firearm, thirty dollars and some paperwork later. I now own an evil black rifle - and can hardly wait to shoot it.

   He did mention leaving the 30rd mags in the packages, because there was no telling what terrible thing would happen when they got loose. I told him I had ordered three 10 round mags, because I have never loved long magazine for anything except ease of carry. Ever since 1967 a rifle with a box magazine that laid into my support arm has been unfit for me to use.  I had also dropped an ammunition order and would be waiting for it. At the store where we did the paperwork, I picked up some bumper stickers about the voting NO on I-1639, and flyers on same. One issue that Americans cannot leave to those people in power. Having watched the government and their problems with fairness, I am sure the less they do the better we all will be.

   He did note how quickly my background check came back, I think it is because they have a fat file on me. I worked for them for a long time, and now my son is working and having to get and keep his clearances up to date. Judging from all the ribbons he is wearing, his file is twice as fat as mine. Ha, ha!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Let's talk about politics... really?

  I am only a two issue voter, but then I know how everything works.  Money buys power, it is a reward and a tool of the elite and they will never care about the basket of deplorables (how did Hillary spell it?), those of us'ns living in trailer parks and under bridges. But I don't really support those that have no honor, sense of shame nor Boy Scout characteristics. I will pray for them, but they get no money and no votes from me.

   So toss out what is in the news. Just remember what you support and find the candidates that are supporting what you think is important. Both major parties are doing bad things for their seats in power, they are both hiding stuff. And they are all lying about their record, promises and character - maybe.  In Washington and many other states large sums of money are pushing activity against the Constitution and the amendments to the basic law.

  Interesting times, larger and larger poorly informed citizens going to vote the rascals in...

Anyway, I am close to deciding to buy an AR and need some solid recommendations. I took a look at Daniel Defense v7, and was interested but appalled by the prices, sigh. I am such a cheap old man.
Should ask my son, still serving, about what he and his community think would be the perfect home/vehicle rifle/carbine that he would recommend. Has to be my size.  If the current anti-gun infanticide loving Democrats win big (and the Republicans have no spine nor Constitution restoring agenda).  I will be heading to the gun shop to buy before they think they can stop me. Always have known that when the revolutions come, we march on Fort Ticonderoga to get the King's guns.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Ah, you can't prove that you didn't do it, can you?????

   Guilty as charged, banished. When I was a young man, I carried a knife and everyone knew it, and some boys accused me of threatening them with it. And the people listening believed the story... and I was banished from my adopted home away from home... It was traumatic, the family had taken me in as an older cousin, big brother/baby sister, friend and home work helper. It wasn't a good time for me. But there was still school, my own family and part time work and my reading and dreams and whatever. 
   The boys returned, told the truth and I was welcomed back with cautions and lots of love... I learned about running a muskrat trap line and skinning them, a buck a piece. Substituting on the paper route for one of the children, helping Lois clean her kitchen work table, I did half of it. She called my mother and told her to send me back to finish the other half (best practical joke I ever did). My little brother woke me too early and I left home and went and slept on the porch furniture and their grandmother asked if I was a homeless boy when she found me out there.
    But it always bothered me a bit that the mother, who trusted me alone with watching over her home and children, decided that I had done what I was accused of with my pocket knife. I couldn't prove what never happened, I could only continue to grow up and make all my own mistakes.

   So, with the cynical 'believe in nothing and nobody' culture and media circus, I know that the Judge is unsettled. The people that know him are not doubting him. Being a fair man and trying to believe the Doctor is a lady, the poor woman is just mistaken and needs lot more help is my opinion. I can't prove that either. I did see her lawyer say that she isn't against the Judge going to the Supreme Court, although that wasn't her recommendation. Don't worry, say your prayers ask for forgiveness for all those things that only exist in the minds of others. I have long believed and repeated that a reputation is very difficult to live up to, nor under as it grows in the minds and tongues of the unknowing.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The game is becoming boring, only need to show up twice a day...

  So how is life really on my end of the internet? It is fine, sure there are some challenges, but nothing that fewer carbs, more exercise and rest and constant medical interventions won't delay the end. And among the things I can help, the end isn't one of them. Still enjoy teaching Sunday school, and AWANAS has started back up. So I am getting a good dose of youth to balance the old veterans sitting around telling war stories. I do get some fine opinions, ha, ha.
  My wife continues to do her church and volunteer work, says she won't leave me in the Washington Soldiers Home, we have some of our Sunday School classes that visit there also. Everyone should visit before the only chance to see them is under their headstone.
   Remembering that it has never been anyone else's fault that I consume too much, a modern problem of the indolent old men... I want to get a better vest, I wear the work ones because of pockets to fill with stuff I couldn't find on the other side of the belt and belly. A proper waistcoat... like Men's Wearhouse would have what I want.  Sunday night, I am listening to the Blues, although I was happy to see Stanford defeat USC. Time for sleep. Good night, all and y'all.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Ah, I need to fix that in my life...

   Notice that all I seem to write about is my latest Appleseed. I am hardly telling y'all about the Sunday School class, the old men and lively ladies of the YMCA, my wife and her adventures, and how much I do love a good nap in the afternoon and a good book on my kindle... hmm, boring fellow I have become.

   Last weekend I drove out in the early morning darkness to get to the Custer Sportsmen Association for another Appleseed. A small one.Four full instructors and ten students, three of them likely young men some of which we had instructed before. The club was very welcoming,  I got to do the sign in and t-shirt give away, something I haven't done in a long time. I do the line or the meet and greet in the parking lot, more often, change up is good. Doing the money for range fees was also strange, note to self - twenty dollar bills don't change much except hundreds and no one walks around with them.
GTEngineer talking about the Redcoat target
I did miss the introductions, and since I wasn't there they talked about me behind my back, not really. I was turning in range fees and the list of shooters. The day seemed to be smoothly paced. The shooters listening but having some difficulty in making it all happen at once. Some of the best first day scores, lots of good groups and positions seen. The shifting of body to find the next target was noted.

   I think consistency will come with much dry and live practice, one has to live the six steps on each shot. Our drills for NPOA and Ball and dummy will be used to refine the shooters, perhaps they will use digital cameras to record how they move and take their trigger into the shot. Lots of things to think about in shooting. Try to keep it all simple, learn it well, and keep practicing. 

Thursday, August 9, 2018

On the road again, CAP cadets to make into Riflemen...

  I haven't been around as much as I once was, just often in the otherwheres.  So I packed my car and headed down the road to the range. Found it easily, as local as it gets for me.  Out of three CAP events we have held here, this was my best. Nothing to do with me, just that I have done one before so only the cadets calling me 'Sir' made me happy and uneasy. Difficult to believe there really are polite young people wanting to learn something.

   I had only one loaner rifle, and day one the sights kept coming off, combination of heat from sun, and lack of proper tension on the retaining screw? Well, the cadet was patient with me and on day two I only had to tighten it one time. I did get to fire five rounds while the cadet sat out, should do that more often, since it confirms my ability, and my errors to work upon. All the normal Appleseed things were taught and demonstrated but in a shorter version. Several shooters were improving rapidly and will one day, with practice do much better. We did have a shooter on day one do a 210 without transitions, and given a normal AQT he made 218 on the same day. He earned his patch.

NW Appleseed photo report.  Two fine days of making better marksmen.  Sunday was quick review of all that had been taught, a Redcoat target and an AQT, some dangerous old men stories. The fun stuff was in the afternoon, we brought the target line in to fifty feet (from 82) and posted NRA targets for the shooters to get scores to earn their awards based on their uniforms. Looks very much like the targets I shot in 1962 Junior High Rifle Club, in the high school gym.. under the watchful eye of Mr. Mauger, the American History teacher.

  Next trip is to Custer, 25-26 Aug. Hope to see y'all on the range.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Redmond, WA. Appleseed!

  Seems I haven't been writing much here, but I am back from an Appleseed last weekend and want to share. GTEngineer has to make his third SBiT (Shoot Boss in Training) to get his Green Cap. Two instructors came all the way from Florida, Ken to do the Progress Check and demonstrate how to tell the Heritage. He had all that history memorized, to include quotes from Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine. A fine story teller. He also used the other visiting instructor, Lori, to demonstrate having worked with her before. They didn't really teach our instructors anything new, but it is nice to know that the East Coast knows we have Appleseeds in the West.

  Did I mention that we turned up the heat in honor of their visit? Well, we were above ninety both days, and no matter how much I thought I drank I was getting dehydrated. Two young folks came to learn with their family's support. They learned a lot. Many of the other shooters had heard about us or had been at an Appleseed on this range with us. Hugh was claiming he felt responsible with I tripped and messed my ankle up during the last event. Not true, I didn't lift my foot high enough. There were lots of fine optics on the rifles, I hope I didn't make it too obvious that I thought iron sights were better to learn with. We got the scopes dialed down and tried to keep the shooters from chasing their bullet holes.

  They listened and learned, shooting improved, shot groups became smaller, they started to use NPOA and Rifleman's cadence. One AQT on Saturday and many more on Sunday. Roy was our only lefthander, and he improved constantly. Three bolt action rifles but still their shooters kept pace. With lots of dry practice of all they were presented they will soon be ready for another Appleseed and earn their Rifleman patch. I hope I see them all on the trail in the future.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

AAR Douglas Ridge Rifle Club Applesseed, 9-10 June 2018

 Ten years on the trail with the Revolutionary War Veterans Association, and I am ten years younger than Samuel Whittemore, in 1775.  So up early pack out and drive down I-5 to the bypass around Portland. Exit 12. Get to the gate just as Flipper drives up and opens it and follow her inside. New face, ScubaSteve, instructor from Florida - a shivering instructor. Must be airborne infantry, pack light freeze at night, is their mantra.  Nat, Flipper, Janer, Bandaid and I will make up the crew, twenty-seven shooters are on the way. Did I forget to mention Owen? A sharp young man to help with the administration both days.
   Looks like two shooters per position, but the cover from sun and rain will be welcome. A couple of popups are erected on the left for overflow. In processing leads to presentation to safety steps (6 of them) and bringing the cased rifles to the line, clearing the line, posting Red Coat and the day is ready to happen. Nice bunch of shooters, very social but not too many to disrupt the flow of information and learning.

Stopped after a Redcoat for a group photograph, we don't seem to get enough of them but one has to stop and pose and you can't do that Quickly, quickly, quickly... So the instructor crew kept giving the shooters something to think about as they tried to do six simple steps for each shot, ten breaths of air, and the only rest the pause.......

Hope the shooters were inspired to practice, come again, and mastering the shooting to step up and help teach others about what they know very well about... to paraphrase Lord Percy.

Monday, May 28, 2018

How could we ever forget?

  it is good to remember the lives lost, to remember their smiles, laughter, jokes and their curses for the troubles and trials. Brings them back for just a bit. Some of us don't want to bring them back, because it takes us where we didn't want to be but were.

   favorite song of my military career 'Lay down my burden, down by the river side...' Always will be.
One of the graveyards beside a very old church had mulberry trees and giant oaks and maples, and quiet place to rest, some of the old head stones mentioned the Revolutionary War, too many the civil war service, quiet place to rest.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Dreaming, why not?

  So my early morning dreams are strange, they are about me in the military again... which ain't gonna happen. But I am in uniform arrived at a new post and position still undetermined. I find a very different army awaiting me.
  The commander is a woman, the CSM is a tall long black woman, with more rockers and stripes than I remember for a battalion position. Everyone is troubled by my qualifications in their unit which doesn't need my set.  The strange thing they are really stretching to understand is my double 'c' identifier. The only thing I thought it could mean was Christian Conservative.
  Like I said, it was only a strange dream.

Had a wonderful small but effective Appleseed in Custer, Andy was Shootboss, Ralph was ITT and range host.  Six shooters, two bolts, two optics, and all interested in gaining knowledge and practice. I couldn't find a motel room, seems there was a dog show in the area and I didn't want to drive far away, so I slept in the Pacifica, and slept very well thank you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Update... nothing much here...

  No, really, I just finished my follow up colonoscopy, three pulps removed and everything looked great - for a very olde fat man. Tomorrow: banking, visit storage locker for Appleseed this weekend, YMCA and clean up my mess. The mess seems to run from one end of my life to the other, wish me luck. The grandfather clock won't maintain movement, one other clock on the wall had quit but looked like a government agent knocked it off the wall and then put it back up beyond my wife's reach (only two of us in the home, except when secret agents visit with blank warrants).
   My lovely war game has produced big spenders with no idea of how to win friends and influence people. I blame stupid youth with credit cards on that, but since they have destroyed all my forces except my attacking force of bows behind swords and a large Royal guard, and defense siege engines, all I need to do is finish my daily tasks, solo events and add to the alliance events. I have two Warchief chests of rss, and more of Ronin loot in levels five to seven, six is often double, and seven often triple. I continue to build Paragon, research, city and lots of champion items wi

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Another call from the NRA... looking for money and support...

  As I wander Face book feed, I see over and over the NRA membership and contributions are swelling because of the pressure of the children for disarmament. Fine, President Obama was one of the biggest gun sellers around during his eight years in office. I have to acknowledge that there is a feeling of helplessness in not being able to stop crazy people with guns, I look at the crazy people, not the sane ones, and then I still look at all the sinners and the LOST that need God in their life. How do they not see Him everywhere?
   So there are two grave problems in America that much of those that get to make headlines and causes aren't getting safety nor good behavior from... All of us are part of the solutions and the healing and the lack of change for the better. Not one of us can be an observer and not be touched by the events and the continuing cries and oppression. People are doing things to change, not likely to change the people that are causing the troubles and problems, but they are making noise and moves.

   One of my problems with the NRA is that it has become a large power broker in the Swamp, they do lots of stuff for politics. Very much not enough for education of the masses, and promoting safe shooting sports. Shooters get what the NRA does and know they don't go around killing humans, ever. The ignorant masses aren't sure or very much are sure that without the NRA the 2nd Amendment would be repealed and government would control all the firearms and protect all the folks. Which doesn't happen in countries that have strict gun control, look at the people fleeing Central America and Mexico - where they have strict gun control, and gangs and governments prey upon the unarmed populations. For the benefit of those with power and money enough to buy great protection against the masses. Those powerful elites; government, gangs or just goofballs, have all the weapons and warriors they need and ignorant fears of the unknown or badly portrayed in media, news and entertainment will continue to keep the masses unprotected and exploited.

   I guess in the end, I will continue to do the little I can - in discussing, training, helping and educating all those that don't believe as I do, see what I see and get off my chair and away from the mindless media stream. I mean, we do live in a world that the women aren't that beautiful, available and wanton. I do thank God for the really beautiful, nice and loving women that are never portrayed in the fantasy lands of our culture.  It is exactly the same with the news (about what to fear now) or the entertainment media as Costner kills hundreds in Paris (could never happen that way).

   Oh, I did submit my ten entries to the Sweepstakes for those rifles and NRA truck, one time. But I never seem to win those things, although I won one going between countries on assignments. It was an answering machine for the old telephone systems, but I did win something once upon a time.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Protesting everywhere for and against firearms, I answer the call of Appleseed...

 Lovely looking weekend, I rise early and drive to the ferry and head for Clinton and then Coupeville on Whidbey Island. The range gate is locked when I get there, but I am early and need to rearrange my load and garb.  I remember many fine Appleseeds right here in the previous years. The crew shows up with a call from the Shootboss that he is going around the highway and bridge maintenance improvements and will be a bit late. Andy, Franklin and I carry on. I do the prehistory, what happened before April 19, 1775.  I don't notice but all the younger folks look like they have seen me before, and they have! The Shootboss and his two sons show up about nine oh nine, not very late at all. So day one starts.
    I notice all weekend that Total Participation is lacking, no one wants to be part of a chorus, they think everyone else has a better answer? Disappointing that, I must work on my choir director skill set, which I don't remember ever having. As we shoot through the morning learning steady hold factors and the six steps in taking the shot, it seems slow. Cole is having trouble using a red dot to get his rounds on paper - never having used one, I look through his sight, left handed and see that to me the sight is way off high left, to me. So we give him a large blank paper to try and put rounds into for a group. Helps a bit.  Groups start coming together and adjustments are made as we introduce instruction on the next basic building block of marksmanship.
   Lunch and a working one where the First Strike of the match is told, then the second. We have so much history to present, but limit it to no more than forty minutes total. Our reference of Paul Revere's Ride by David Hackett Fisher is highly recommended, I had dragged my mobile library out for show and tell. One teacher wanted to get the title and author of the 23d Welsh Fusileers, the English unit that was in the Revolutionary war from Lexington to Yorktown. Interesting reading.
  After lunch we prepare to shoot the Honor Volley for the fallen of Lexington and Concord, noting that across the nation other Applesseeds are joining us in the Rememberance Volley, I think Andy recorded it, I was noticing as I read the family names where more than one died. Tough times to stand against the Crown and Parliament, and your loyalist neighbors.
   Afternoon and more positions, and instruction on marksmanship and target engagement. We are beginning to know the shooters and work on some of their challenges. Still not enough Total participation. The wind seems to wear us out a bit. But it is more that we aren't drinking enough water and are losing the concentration we should have. I notice a hawk flying above and suddenly his tail feathers blaze out in a brilliant red when hit by the Sun, ah, that is why they are called Redtailed Hawks. Franklin, who grew up on the island, mentions knowing this for a long time.  All the adjustments and the instructions are beginning to show improvement in the shooting and groups. The Third Strike of the Match is presented to get Lord Percy's rescue party and Col Smith back to safety and the siege of Boston by irate militiamen. One Appleseed Qualification Test and a Redcoat and we clean up the range to prepare for tomorrow.
    Good food, good instructors dinner, and great rest for the night.

Day two, begin it all over again, refresh and review, safety and get the cased rifles to the line. There are three AQTs shot in the morning before lunch with dangerous old men stories. Andy adds two stories about ladies of the Revolution, and I want to talk about the two sharpshooters in Boonesboro during the Shawnee Mingo attacks but that is a bit far from Boston but really in the same period of history.

  Afternoon shooting was mostly some drills to confirm zeroing and shrink group size. Trying to find the key, each shooter has different challenges and we do cover Known Distance as the Sun beats down. Lovely day, but winterized Washingtonians forget about sunscreen until it is too late. So final AQT and Redcoat and case rifles and clean up, pretty happy group of folks, shooting in the sunshine will do that. Sent everyone home hopefully looking forward to do it all again, after much dry practice. Since lots of people had come to the island for the weekend, the afternoon ferries were packed and long lines of waiting vehicles on the shoulder.
    Need to unpack the car, check the internet and have dinner and more sleep. Can't find my camera, but it did get home with my other stuff.

Monday, April 16, 2018

How do I get so fortunate? Marksmanship and Heritage and rain in Washington State.

  Drove to the Interlake Sporting Association place in Redmond, just outside of Kirkland, off of exit 18 of I-405. And promptly got lost and confused, until I stopped at a motel and the desk clerk printed me a map.  Parked and greeted the Shoot Boss and SBiT, and helped set up, then went to meet and greet those shooters arriving for Appleseed. Very young professional friendly bunch of patriots, interesting that there weren't any children and I was the only ancient of days gone by. Have I mentioned rain, yes, there in the title. This is the ending of the raining season... so being some level of wet and cooled was a constant. Tarps on the ground and and two lines of popups kept us focused on the training and our targets.
   The first Redcoat target didn't amaze the Appleseed crew, but I hope it convinced all the shooters that they had some skills that needed honing. Step by step, inch by inches minutes and clicks the groups shrank and the shooters relaxed and started adjusting one thing at a time. Still the rain came down. the demonstrators were posing on a wet shooting mat in a rapidly filling lake. Only three Appleseed crew for the seventeen shooters meant that I wouldn't be locking names in my memory very quickly, and I was line boss many times as Ben and Andy did training and demonstrations.             During lunch I put my GPS back into my vehicle, I haven't figured out the app on my new machine for finding my lost.  Becca is a new shooter and Ben has to remind me about the Ruger 10-22 and releasing the bolt, tap it and it will come.  Morning adjustments to slings and stocks and prone steady hold factors. More single point slings than I have seen before on rifles, and the shooters often seem slicker than I will ever be on adjusting them. Nat, the Blue hat, is keeping us in targets and making the admin easier during signup. New t-shirts for this weekend, Ben even gives me an Appleseed pin, which will go on my wide brimmed hat. I get out my Gortex camo parka, because the rain really is coming down, I put the work vest over it.
    I teach sitting and the NPOA adjustments and the afternoon starts after the first two strikes of the match are told by Andy and Ben.  More positions, the carding the sights and ball and dummy are taught, and we start to put it all together for one AQT and the final Redcoat target of the first day. Getting colder and wetter, Ben puts us into the clubhouse for my telling of the Third Strike of the match, and puts me on the clock, which I made with a minute left... hope everyone realized I had so much more I could have added.
   Afternoon Redcoat numbers are much improved over the morning one, something is working. We clean up and take down the popups for the night, the wind is unpredictable and the rain keeps a comin'.

     Ben doesn't mention the vitamin 'i' for pain relief, but seems everyone got home, warmed, dried, fed, rested and sheltered fine because on Sunday - we gathered again.  we get two more crew the second day, and I get to give away an orange hat to our new ITT, the blue hat has hers.  Refeshing all that was taught the first day goes quickly after the Redcoat, and that Redcoat is better still. The third Redcoat is normally the best group scores, tired sets in by the last one of the weekend. The cloudy gray skies are fading to blue, wind is constant but the rains are holding off - and seems like we are drying out today. Ben calls me over to help Brian with making a sling with a 1907 model leather sling, since I use one. Leather Sling and Shooting Positions by James R. Owens is my reference manual. But YouTube probably has some video about it. The sling helps him get several Rifleman scores in the afternoon. All the shooters are getting better although, mechanical and ammunition will always seem to frustrate at the wrong times. Everyone keeps working through their individual challenges. Justine is interesting, he has a camera to take pictures of his shot, at the end of his rifle. The number and amount of technology in sighting systems and rifles amazes me, but then I know it is always the shooter, not the firearm that has the most control of performance.  After two AQTs in the morning, and about four in the afternoon a break at lunch for dangerous old men, and a break to prepare for KD presentation by Andy and the presentation of several well earned Rifleman patches.

   Somewhere on stepping up to help a shooter I fell down, helped the shooter clear her rifle and re-engage the target, I blew my ankle out. That was it for real walking mobility, I sat, moved a bit slowly and got to my vehicle. I found a better sling for Brian and gave it to him as they fired the last Redcoat and began the clean up. Then I left and drove quickly home to recover, ice pack for a few hours, then hot soak and napped during both. Ate my dinner and caught up on my wife's weekend.  Wash the clothes, sleep and start to slowly unload the mailbox and my vehicle - have to get ready to do it again in Coupeville this coming weekend.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The real problem... is XXX violence....

  Yesterday were marches against GUN violence, I didn't join, because I believe in violence (it does exist) and I know the government can't protect me from it. Especially when I might use it to protect myself or others.  If I would use a gun or something else, not really important, just know that I would not be a gentle man if called upon to destroy something destructive. I grew up on heroes. Lots of heroes and lots of violence all for the good... Ajax, a large rock, William Tell crossbow, Robin Hood a long bow.  The weapon isn't so important the intent is. So governments go all the way to Nukes, and subtle poisons, or strange unknown weapons. But as I listened and commented on the discussion about the EVIL AR 15, military grade firearm (spoken by folks that haven't ever been a functioning military grade expert) I started to realize that Assault Rifle has reached the status of an idol.

   An inanimate object revered for mystic super powers of death and destruction, in other words an idol of worship.  Both the Gun folks and the Anti-gun goofs have elevated it way up there. Most real gun people know it is a tool, a toy, and a trial, but used properly no one needs to get hurt because it exists. Unless you really do think it is an idol of worship, then you will get hurt by it. The problem lives in the person or people that think it has intent. I have carried one like it for years and years, and seemed to be sleeping with it more than I was with my wife, periodically. I also know it doesn't do well against tanks and aircraft and trucks. I know that it may jam, break, misfire, or disappear into deep dark waters or mud when most inconvenient. One of Murphy's rules.

   I know the anti-Gun forces really believe in its mystic powers - they never give up their guns, just make the little guy, the worker, the slug, the unworthy must give up their guns so they have no power. If I were as terrified of failure as they are, the elite, nobles, special people - I might think I need those evil AR platform guns carried by my expert professional heroes to save me and mine. They really do bow down to those inanimate objects and pray they will be there when the crisis comes.  Then because they believe that power comes from the barrel of a weapon they crush the opposition... until they run into people of will to resist... and they are never ready for that. Oh, there are FBI special squads, SWATs and real assassins working for the government goofs, and they will and do kill and are seldom held responsible - but it doesn't look like any group that need force to rule will last long if the people have values stronger than the folks that think they are in charge.

   I am a fat little old man, but I don't get my power from idol worship, nor my guns.  I get all I need from the Bible, and many other readings and experiences in my life and the histories of others. I do want protection for the students in schools, I want to charge school boards and administration with failures to provide such protection. I also want the same folks to provide a quality education since I am robbed to pay for it. But if you have massive demonstrations in worship of the mystic power of the gun and not in getting those sick and sickening people that attack the defenseless help and rescue from their own demons... then I am sure the problem of mass deaths isn't going away.  Somehow the media, entertainment and educational and journalism have corrupted the whole way of thinking about everything and there doesn't seem to be any answer except to worship and lock up the mystic powers of those inanimate objects built for war, almost, but so evil regular folks can't be trusted with them.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Okay, I am now for Gun Control, and the restriction on AR type Assault Rifles from the folks...

  First, if you are so ignorant (lack knowledge) that you trust the government at any level to protect all you love you shouldn't be allowed to touch a weapon. If you are ignorant of why there is a 2nd Amendment for the original Constitution, you aren't ready to be trusted with a weapon. If you are sure that limiting the number of rounds will prevent mass shooting in the future, you shouldn't have access to weapons that could make such a slaughter. If you think that my deciding to not own an AR platform rifle means at all my years of instructing on it, running training around it, and carrying it into battle for the government will disappear when you outlaw those to civilians - you shouldn't be making decisions for others to live under. So if you can't pass a test that asks about what you are making a logical choice about the prohibited weapon, you can't have such a weapon and can't vote on this matter.

   I would love to point out, especially when people use the last Assault Weapons Ban, ten years and no mass shootings in the schools. That there were also no Alien Spaceship Battles that Earth lost, thanks to the International Space Agency, during the same period. I would also be sure to mention two states that have banned or registered all Assault Weapons and large magazine have not enforced any of the law against the population that are not in compliance. I suspect those states do not want a Constitutional Test case in the courts.

  I suspect that home schooling and private schools will produce the best thinking young people and the continued disarming of all those that just don't know enough to be entrusted with arms or the vote will increase in speed. Until only the noble class of folks armed with knowledge and responsibility will be continuing the American traditions... by some time soon after the newest AWB, the current Constitution will be replaced and we will be stuck with our enemies among the sheep in the fold. Then it really will get bloody. Does anyone study History any longer? 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Happy anniversary, yes, really have a happy anniversary...

  Today is the official date, government approved, and done without US Army assistance nor resistance, the day I stood before a Methodist Minister with my girl friend and became very much more married. My father, mother, sisters and a niece were there to officially witness and support the event. Mother went a bit beyond the call to make sure we had a wedding cake and something to drink a toast with and to capture pictures. We were blest. For it doesn't always happen so well, today marriage seems so difficult but I and my wife had our own parents and others of examples of solid long lasting unions. We were blest.

  I believed at the time, and teased my wife about it, that I wasn't going to live to forty. Now we are married forty-six years. We are thankful and know that we have been blest.

  I meander the kitchen making my oatmeal, and she steps in and out making hers, a dance we are comfortable doing, speaking in tongues and chuckles, pointing out the future, thinking about the past.
She isn't cute, her long black hairs has been cut long ago, it has grayed and now silver. I don't wear a uniform nor get up too early to go do PT. She has grown to a beauty that only God and I know, and she shares her loves.  God and I get her fears, but she loves well and deeply. We will always keep working on and around the fears. I would hope the world would find true love, for it is there. It is everywhere.
   Did I mention? We are blest.

Friday, March 9, 2018

What are you basing your life upon?

  The Gun Violence, Gun Control, Abortion and generally, how one is supposed to live, and why doesn't the government do something to fix it  --  has come up again. All those questions, debates and solutions circle around seemingly going no where. So I see no need to expound on any of them, as soon as you said 'the government should' you have left the playing field.

  Everything that should be better can be if everyone steps up and does the correct important things in their life and with their family and friends and to all strangers they meet. If I don't get high on drugs nor alcohol, then drunk driving won't happen. There already is law, but it is behavior that makes the best things happen, not law. Most law is punitive, some faceless fellow is going to punish you and you should be afraid. That doesn't motivate me, anyone else out there deciding that they will be good because they will be punished? No, most people are in denial, it will never happen to me, goes their thoughts.

   I wonder if any of us have looked deeply into why we do what we do, your life is patterned on a tale of success and goodness, isn't it? When you turn on the television to see Law and Order, you find the criminals hiding, lying and lawyering up. Yeah, then for a bit more drama, you have the 'good' guys cheating on their loves, the job, the rules and in general only a little bit better than the accused.  But watching the actors never registers as unacceptable behavior, someone is killed during a story, then you see the same actor in another story very much alive - you now, in your mind, think being killed isn't real. Don't teach bad behavior, teach and sell only good behavior. I am sure I have never had the romances illustrated on entertainment, really.

Go get them, Grasshopper.
   I will always go back to the fact that I am responsible for my behavior - the wonderful and the totally stupid - it all belongs to me. Do not make the same fool action that hurt the universe again. Don't repeat errors, make different ones but doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome never works there is science and engineering proofs if you care to look them over. There are people that blame the LEFT, the RIGHT, the NRA, the government and all kinds of places to lay blame for all that seems to be wrong and go wrong. Like making my shot, I am the one on the weapon and I am the only one responsible for where the bullet strikes and what happens when it does. Many may care, or very few, and the media may make a lot out of it, nor not, I will always remain the person responsible no matter what anyone says. It will never be the few semi auto rifles that hurt people, out of the millions used responsibly daily. It would be the shooter's fault.

   If you watch enough, for some reason you think you aren't living up to your mental model, making love to hundreds of beautiful women(?) only in the lives of the LOST. You wouldn't even know their names.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Might as well give up... so I did, going in circles has only a limited life...

  The Gun Violence debate is posed by the other side as a problem with the guns, access and danger... but the problem is Cain killed Abel with a rock. David killed Goliath with a stone. And current culture believes more in Road Rage than good manners. Entitlement, I have a right to be rude, crude and lewd... or so I think they think. Have a quiet conversation about the power of words with the intelligent ones, about how easy it is not to use vulgarity, profanity and obscenity. It is likely they are all telling you to take from the forbidden fruit - you won't die.  As justification for their poor choices and why I should be accepting of it - that is unacceptable. Go away!

   So we are now engaged in a conversation, a debate, a rude shouting down match between the forces of good and evil, the left and the right the up and the down. Boring, nothing new, nor better will come from it. Well, you will take care of your portion of the conversation and the conflict, and I will take care of mine and I firmly resolve that I won't kill any children because they haven't gained their maturity. Also, I know they have much more to bring to brighten our world. I also resolve to resist stupidity as I constantly run into it. There is a lot of fantasy in the media, and fairy tales have been my favorites for years and years... but I never dreamed nor aspired to be the Prince, I was more the bookworm in the stacks. I took bat, ball, glove and a good book to Little League... notice I didn't play much after that.

   Lovely wargame I was playing, I picked the name Ajax, and went about gaining experience and points learning the rules and meeting folks from far away online. But I started noticing empty castles, where players had stopped and now the castles were raided, looted and burned - no human life left inside. The computer machine age will miss human beings one day. No poetry, unfortunately I see the children I teach in Sunday school are already lost to poetry, as they sink deeper into their digital distraction device. If I were a betting man, I would say we (the tech savy civilized world) have no way to resist our end.

   When we think another government agency, law, rule or tax is going to fix everything we are lost. How does the FBI, get into defending schools from raiding savages... just because the communications seem so quick? That doesn't mean you have control of anything. I can focus on the front sight, and I don't need optics or electronic enhancements (I just am not going to shoot that far). But I know that the government can't make my shot, only I can. Over and over, I hear Liberty Mutual will fix a flat, and I laugh because thinking only the Xperts and government can handle anything means we should return to a King, a royal lineage.  Don't study History, you might find this human interaction at every level hasn't changed. Personal responsibility, personal action and don't stay on the beach waiting for orders... it is a kill zone.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Off to get a haircut...

  And was going to stop and get some Drambuie. And look at how much money is in my accounts, seems the property tax notice arrived at my home. So on post, to the base exchange I go. Sit and wait for the shop to empty a bit, then get up and go looking for the alcohol. I find some interesting furniture, a perfect bench for the porch, some assembly required. So I order it and intend to pick it up after the haircut.
  While I am there I decide to look at the rifles, ugly black ones especially. They have the medium level ARs but then I see a CZ, 805 Bren S1 Carbine, and ask to look at it.  It costs a bit too much, but I like many things about it and see its potential. Talking to the salesman about the price, he said they had to send a different colored one back, seems they didn't think they could sell a six thousand dollar semi-automatic. Not in the exchange for sure.

   On my way out of the exchange I find the alcohol I was looking for, so picked it up. Paying the nice lady at the checkout I wondered when they were going to stop moving all the stuff around, being confusing to us seldom shoppers. She understood, probably heard it before. I did get my haircut, and didn't get my eyebrows trimmed, love the Mentat look.
   In the real world, larger than my little piece of it, the question remains, what are we going to do to stop Gun Violence, and I know as soon as they use that term it is an anti-gun agenda. Not a real search for curing evil, bad manners, disrespect and increasing the love for all mankind... so whatever comes up, won't work. The answers have already been given to the question, but no one likes them.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Monkey see, Monkey do... childhood truths...

  I am sure that sales all know that seeing something produces desires, even if you aren't directly selling a product... They have college courses on that idea. My monkey see, monkey do was my mother telling me that just because someone else did it didn't mean I had to do it... and then she told me how my grandfather had told my grandmother he didn't have to show her how to drive, she had been watching him for a few years already.

   The mind and vision link is amazing, and does make the transfer of knowledge or skills quicker than verbal pictures alone. But having taught a few things in my life, most of them critical survival skills, I learned early on "Do not ever show the wrong way to do anything"  The mind will always use what it saw, no matter how many words were used to say do not to do it that way...  Watching a governor say that our current culture has been corrupted by visual images in media and video games is only partially true. If your favorite actor never got to act again because he died in a motion picture, or if he was wounded and would ever after limp or was missing parts in following performances, the illusions about fighting and combat and death being painless and without cost would fade quickly. But your mind notices that he or she is alive and well next week or the next episode. Real mortality like real morality isn't very forgiving, but fantasy remains a fleeing truth forever.

   So we kill constantly on entertainment media, shooting guns out of hands and capturing the bad guys by smarts is so old Western fables, we want much more blood and lust. But the real people of the old west, would really shoot you if they thought they should. They had higher standards of polite conduct and social interaction. Y'all need to really study Mark Twain's works from his world. And doctors are giving us medications to cure our pains far beyond our ability to observe the patients constantly as their mind is bent, and the side effect lists and warnings become greater for the lawyers to profit from...  but the most troubling thing to me is the lack of faith among the many that really should know better. No God, no creator, no judge, no savior and no reason to be your best always... no reason not to grab all the little monkey sees and wants.

   Often asked recently, how did we go from so many more firearms fifty to sixty years ago, to fewer now and more school shootings. One TV show about schools and teachers had a teacher bringing a gun to school taking it out and threatening his students and then firing some blanks... I as a real student would have gotten up gone out of the classroom, to lodge a complaint and not worry about the rest of the day, I would have even gone outside and smoked a cigarette. But the writers wanted you to think the students would have been terrified of the gun - gosh, I was a much tougher kid than that, much. And I was more terrified of pretty girls and being thought of as weak.

   But I am almost sure I am going to be pounded for being so sure that God loves me, than accused of sexual misconduct or planning a bloody act of terror. Where did those strange values come from? And I won't make the evening news, I like shooting, guns and good people. I won't be news worthy...

Saturday, February 17, 2018

God knows and the government doesn't yet but...

   Somehow the entire idea that the government will make everything better is suspect. The FBI agents have adulterous affairs, think nothing of it, and are swayed to abuse their power for a political party or against others. And you want to understand how they could have missed preventing the shooting of so many at a public school in Florida. They were busy, likely.

  The idea that the 'we the People' gave up our ability to handle problems is new... it is not historic, rational nor holy. I can affect my life and all those that I interact with, and do take responsibility for my actions. I cannot be responsible for what they think about my actions, thoughts, nor purpose. I must always believe we are all doing the best we can with what we have.

  There are agents of evil, ill will, and destruction trying to change everything to the wrong. I don't spend anytime identifying them, but do run into them from time to time, or I see them from afar and avoid any place they would have power over me. I am at Liberty and choose to remain so.

  My view on all school shootings, is that everyone needs to be responsible for building better people.  Allow, first, adults to carry loaded firearms everywhere. The government was restricted from infringing on their right in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. Secondly, enforce the first part of that same amendment - works for the Swiss and Israelis. To be secure in our nation the People must step up and be well regulated as part of the Militia. Train them, arm them use them to defend (free of cost) the schools and libraries.

  Yes, there should be many other things needing done, but that was the start.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Seventy-first year underway....

 Seventy year celebration done yesterday, now I am an old man. In Korea, in the old days, the celebration was when a man made sixty - of course with modern medicine and good health more men were making that mark, so they shifted it to seventy. Practical folks.

    What I marveled at was that all those beautiful young ladies are still beautiful ladies, fifty some years later. How did they do it? Good hearts, strong spirit and joy and laughter?  I met my wife some fifty years ago, married her about three and a half years later after I removed the governments from the plan - one of the reasons I know governments are made of people with fool notions. I was talking to Mister Wong, a Chinese gentleman, that thanks to his family, the communist government and Hong Kong under the British had no papers as a child. He has over the years made himself a paper trail, his name became spelled differently, and he has traveled. Kind of an Asian Obama tale.

   Anyway, fifty years with my wife has been wonderful. Even when she tries to control me from the passenger seat. Means she cares, not that she doesn't trust my judgement.


Saturday, December 30, 2017

How fragile is reality?

  The great NorthWest is having rain, pouring rivers of it, and winds. And the power goes out as I just finish another battle on the computer and I am looking at a black screen of dead. I can't change my protective shield, which I have been watching wear out the last three hours.

  The vultures will gather once they know, I have gone to find the flash lights, the candles and my wife (also wandering in darkness looking for the same items). How does Puerto Rico manage without power since before the holidays?

  I, fortunately, have a library of books I could read -- and two charged up kindles with unread readings to review. My laptop stays powered on battery, but the cable connection box is waiting on power to push my thoughts away... so I put the headlight upon my brow and open the kindle and go back to Robert the Bruce's time, reading about the Douglas. Good story, glass of milk and cookies.

   Just when you get settled into the story, the lights flicker back on, and the electric hums begin all over the home. Put the candles out, return them and matches and flashlights to their places until the next time. Go back to my computer, turn it on, race at computer speed to find I have been scouted twice and not yet attacked. Impressed with my defences? or is it the 99.8k of mercenary troops? Will never know. They are too strong for most to fight with and they have nothing better to do than crush their enemies and hope their hear the wailing of their women. Not interested in building their power, city and knowledge - figure they aren't people I want to meet in real life.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Forgetting why I don't use the laptop for blogging...

We live and then we go do stuff, acquire stuff, and are burdened with stuff...

    Looks like the tiny print preview of my blogging program is gone until the next time I finger the wrong key or these reading glasses are tops. Take one's pick.

   It is the Christmas season and I missed the start, our church talks about Advent but doesn't have the candles and wreath. So I am a bit behind in the tree and all. Then suddenly the unexpected rolls right into your life and the adventure begins. There was an train derailment just down the road from my home, and traffic went to pieces - I blame the politicians that spend so many tax dollars on getting more tax dollars. My aunt also passed on, not wishing to be 106 this year just after Christmas. My last relative to visit in Minnesota is gone; the lovely lady, so happy and hardy and enjoying people and places. So, I dropped all my hurried Christmas preparations and flew off to be there for the funeral services and burial.

   So easy to make connections, and I have time to take the tour. Best thing is that it broke me from the game attention. My brother found me at my hotel and we had a long talk, went to the funeral and helped move the casket twice with our cousins. Ate dinner at Honkers after and departed to return to our homes for the holidays. Back to the aeroporte shuttle, wait for departure, change planes and departure again, can they make it a little closer next time racing around in Chicago? I really need to lose weight, just so I can feel comfortable in the current aircraft seating. There are dogs everywhere, a young lady and her dog had the window seat next to me. A very nice dog. Back home finally, find my wife as been sleeping on the couch in front of the Korean cable, she missed me. I missed her.

  Today has been catching up, cleaning up and promising I will be normal tomorrow. I did get more Christmas out, and Perry Como is singing from the cable in stereo. Y'all be good and in the spirit.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I should be eating breakfast....

  Found an email asking for an address. It is time for Christmas contacts, now where is that address? We can find anything, Google it, the NSA and FBI know, but Earl? Doubtful, and I was so happy once and now wondering what day it is, since everyday is Saturday, except Sunday. I found it, after sending off emails into addresses that may not work any longer.... I become more obsolete daily...

  No matter about me, y'all keep keepin' on.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The greatest predator, the one no one can escape...

  So I am alone, wife is on a cruise with friends, and I am rattling around the house. Talking to the TV and myself, sigh.

  I went out to bury some composting, and I did have a good load. As I neared the area to dig up, I saw an old log, chain saw cut from when they were clearing dangerous trees from behind the fence lines, good neighbors don't get sued. It had been in that position for awhile and now I noted about four very different fungi and mushrooms making it their meal and their happy home.  Errant thought that no one starves and everything eats, and the greatest predators seem to be microscopic bacteria and viruses. In the end, they get everything, which is why recycle isn't a human invention, it is divine.

  Not to worry about lions, tigers and bears - no matter what Dorothy told you. I wanted to take a picture of that log to add to this post, but I lent it to my wife for her to take pictures while away. As I finished with the soil turning and noting the rich stuff and the happy worms, good job guys, I then thought again about the greatest predator, and I was wrong - it isn't those little things. No, it is the really big killer, TIME, it does get us all in the end. Your time is up, it is about time, and do we have enough time? Time stops the future, makes memories and tricks us all, because it is only now - all the remainder is just idle thoughts about what isn't now or not yet. TIME is going to get you if you don't watch out, or even if you do.... no matter how much Daylight Savings you have done, you never get to spend it... take care out there, God loves us - all the time.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Thanksgiving, the day after...

    Kind of quiet here, but that could just be that the football games are over and we got to see and talk to the Hawaiian branch of the Dungey family. Skype.com is a nice touch for tech. My wife outdid herself on the dinner, of course. And I lived up to my reputation putting it away. Tomorrow evening we are going to Men's Bible Study and there will be more food to fellowship around.

    I have a new shooter to show safety and safe shooting of pistols tomorrow. My cousin's grandson, will take him and pistols and safety gear to Range 15 on JBLM. Do hope it doesn't rain too much, but this is the Great NorthWest. One thing I would like him to see before we go, my grandfather's revolver and holster from 1908 or so. That would be his great-great grandfather. Kind of cool that it is still around. We aren't doing revolvers tomorrow.

   The game is going on while I type this, not to worry, the invaders from another realm smashed and destroyed my little army and got all my resourses, it will take years to recover. This game is almost too real, in building gives more satisfaction than destroying or being destroyed.

   Y'all take care out there and prepare for the Holy days, celebrate the victory. Be good.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Over eighty days and still playing an online game...

  Only little victories, only little ones, but they count - everything is counted.  A player's profile is always around to refer to, and it has lots of numbers. I have won over 2,500 encounters. I find most interesting that humans bring themselves to the game, and are quickly identified as good or bad to play with.  There are folks from around the world, playing throughout the day as the world spins. The computer has much trouble getting the language right, but humans do adjust.

   I have two firearms related events coming up, as of yesterday. One with the RWVA, and one with a young relative. Need to keep healing, or get better at returning to normal life - like they do on television. Going to finish my warm milk and go back to sleep, the game and the world just spin on without my input.

  I am still reading, about the Germanization of Rome's fall. Interesting stuff. Did you see the change of power in Zimbabwe? Life follows patterns. Pray for all the people, they know not what they do.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

3D - Digital Distraction Device

   We are all now connected part of the web and everything should be so much better, right?

For the last almost seventy days I have been playing an online War Game, with real people in other places. Luckily, caught a real sinus stuffing head cold and have to stop. Time to rest and see what NetFlix has to entertain me. Or sip my honeyed tea and read my kindle library. Y'all be good for the best of reason - you were built to be that way. Lots of love.

   So well designed to grab your adventurous spirit and suck you into the fantasy world where you only think you are in control. Part of my fascination is testing their limits, what can I do that they aren't prepared for? But since the game has been around and some players still have no idea what is going on, it is a learning experience.

   What is real and you find it very fast, is that the people (live humans in other wheres) are real, and have different orientation to teamwork, goals and how to conduct themselves in internet public spaces. Fun, one could learn so much about politics, economics and social engineering. Bullying and fear don't work any better there than in real life. The computer translator is not good, but then you aren't supposed to be using King James English either.

   Good looking Stellar's Jay stopped for a drink at the bird bath, then went up the tree, almost made me want to grab my camera and take a photo to share, but y'all can come visit and we can sit on the porch sipping something warming and wait for him or his partner's return. We have a sun break today, mostly between rolling rain bands. Lovely life in the Great NorthWest.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Hidden beneath the surface... the center won't hold!

  So I had dry rot on my old porch, now I have manufactured materials that look like wood. As I travel and see old barns, homes and structures - all once proudly standing tall - I realize I am very like that. I put on a suit and tie for church yesterday, and felt like I was looking fine on the outside, and internally rotting. Saturday I was in Onalaska on an Appleseed range, but I didn't have all the energy and strength I needed to perform, hollow man under the read cap. It was a good day with some challenges from myself and the shooters, but I did enjoy being there. Still Sunday was a great day, too. I had to take the fifth and sixth grade classes, and my sixth graders have good memories of last year and we went out and walked around in the sunshine and I found two more picnic tables that weren't there the last time we had been out.

   I awoke to find a missing wife in our bed. She had a bad dream about North Korea acting up. I got up and had coffee and then sat to my current digital distraction, a war game. They have it pretty well set up, but I have no money to spend making myself feel heroic and powerful, time I have a bit of. I picked up the first book of a fantasy series, and dived right in Sunday afternoon. Life is on holiday here, and lovely outside my window. Thank the LORD.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

If the problem persists please hold for the next human interface...

When I was so much younger and beautiful, unless you knew me.
   Terrible about all the water, flooding and destruction in Texas, and in Asia. Let me get another cup of coffee and take my medications and supplements.  Ah, I am back and prepared to continue the death by digital distraction, I am doomed! Found a game and am playing at learning how it works and creating my own improvements in my city and hero... you know the software is trying to program me into spending money, real money, on buying a better me. Are you surprised? Everything we watch and feed upon is making us a lesser creature.

   I have my front porch under reconstruction and I am already happy. Cause my wife is happy. I have an Appleseed to support tomorrow and Sunday.  We will see how that goes on the first day. Wish me and all the participants well. Paid the end of month bills today, will continue to move money at the whim of others. God knows they all need help.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Always looking for a way to extinguish a real American... so many things don't count...

   Skin color, hair style, clothing, language none of that seems to be the defining issue.  So I go back to the Declaration of Independence and those fine words, or the basic Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But that isn't a key characteristic of an American... I found the thing today.

  Sunday, I had church and then tested my fifth grade on King David and his reign. You would have passed it, right?  No worries, they couldn't either, except one young lady that goes to a Christian School where they probably open the Bible. I do like to  make them think a lot. After that I said hello to the Men's English Sunday School (the old guys) and talked a bit. Then the third service was over and my wife said we could go, she knew I was going to eat lunch at home and then go shooting.

   And that was what I did. From two till three something after, I fired my pistols as poorly as one would after a few operations and lack of range time. I need a bit more follow through and reset on the trigger, saw it in the video. No, you don't get the video, I don't claim to be the photographer nor the shooter.

 I might need to wear gloves in the future or just continue to bleed out and hope the zombies just aren't more than four or five magazines worth.  I did notice that when firing with my left hand
I wasn't losing to the pistol. And you would have had to been there watching to see which ones came from which firing position, you can't tell from the targets.

   So Monday there was an eclipse of my Mother's Son, I found a game to play all day and into the night. So I am no longer dying by recliner, I am dying by digital distractions.  And that is a shame. Much more fun with other humans on the range Sunday, than the avatars on the game on Tuesday.

   So this morning, I logged on the internet, looked and turned the computer off until I need it as a tool, like right now. I did build two buildings, but I ain't living virtually, I am working on virtuously. So I called my contractor, Rick, everyone knows Rick, although my wife isn't happy with him, cause he is working with me. And she isn't happy with me (who could blame her, everyone knows her husband isn't as much as he should have been, he just does it his way or not at all).  Anyway, Rick tells me he has about two days left on Kitsap, and then he will be back down to check and see that I have purchased the materials that he listed at Gray Lumber. He says the list is both in his name and mine. I know mine and I figure I will go find the lumber and pay for it and my wife will decide on the porch deck color. So we go, and I don't find it. I go home have lunch and a shower and we go off again.

    Now I called the Lumber company before I go and I found out - why America doesn't work anymore. Really, I talked to two people on the telephone and they wasted my time telling me what they couldn't do.  Sure enough when we got there, very nice operation the three people I talked to couldn't find the list of materials with my contractor and my name on it. Couldn't, wouldn't and just will make excuses until I went away. They had real money and materials to move and make happen. I was just the old guy that they didn't have time nor list nor materials I could pay for. So I left my name, address and telephone number and went home with a stop for stuff to make me wonderful.

   Sure enough, at home is the contractor's number, since I found it when they allow the computers to answer their telephone operation, I will call in the morning before I go to the YMCA. Everyone hates me, hollering at me because I frighten them because they think I can't drive safely, complaining to the lumber company about how messed up this whole operation with Rick is, cause he is a buddy of her husband not on the approved list of ladies that know everything right about the world.

   The key to the old traditional American, the real American, was that they made things happen, fixed the broken, mended the hurt, got rid of the problems found the happiness and truth. The current crop seem to think running around making excuses or discussing what they can't do is the way to make others love them a little more. Do we have more complaints than solutions? Are we borrowing money for something we could live well without, do we ever have enough, are we complaining about what we don't have, instead of being thankful for all that we do? That is where the country went wrong and now there are no survivors, builders, explorers, nor fun loving folks at the corn shucking bee.