Thursday, November 12, 2020

Betrayed by FOXNews and the Dirty Democrats....

 America is  an ideal, changes through History, happens.  Lots of citizens voted on election day or before for their ballot. Every vote should count, legal vote.

     But Media and Dirty Democrats ruined everyone's choice. Must be like Hillary's Turn folks, how did it happen?  I don't think it matters, the people did it, for whatever their fears - they really don't like me, they are still sure that they know what is good for me, my family and friends and nation.

   It is personal, they don't need me. That was where they lost us.

For all the real folks, one citizen one vote, God bless y'all and do your best. So few remaining...


Saturday, October 3, 2020

So I have been listening to Chris Wallace trying to make militia and Proud Boys into something they may not be...

   More fool journalists are lazy like that?  I hope not. I do know what militia are, Proud Boys I have no idea. All I have heard is from media, and you know how they work. Most citizens want help or be left to do their best. Media as well as government want to send you in the correct directions. Their way. 

   Have been Face book exchanging with a younger cousin in New Zealand, a family man and FB hasn't sent us to our corners yet. We finally have come closest to agreement on politicians, ha, ha.  Although, I might not use his colorful language I understood immediately. Still. I am concerned about the term "Leader of the Free World" that is media label. No one votes for any such person in America, media uses it to curry favor with the elite. What is wrong with President? Too common? John Hancock was a President, of  a Continental Congress, that could be why he was a little more special when he signed first and large.

    As much as I pray the President and all are well under the suffering of Covid-19 and recover well and soon, I am not concerned that with him the world falls, democracy falls, the Republic that he serves is done. I continue to be concerned that the People get to that deplorable condition of LOST. Unable to take care of problems, friends, family, community, nation. Because they aren't aware or are lied to. That is of concern. 

    I will go back into my security, and read some more good books, combat fiction or historical romance and drama. I sould read the Iliad again. shouldn't I? Take care out there.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Another visit to the doctor, normal blood pressure cancer checks... 138/92 49pulse

   So, the day after learning the President has tested positive for the virus... anti bodies
I have to go for my quarterly check up and my final bottle of Synthroid Levothtroxine 25 mcg Tab is done.  The end is near! When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing it will be...

  Keep humble, everything is going to finally crash,       or not.....

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Software keeps evolving: but not for me...

  Well, Facebook wasn't good enough, they improved it. Outlook wasn't good enough, they improved it.  We have begun Fall, and we have rain real rain. Not worried about fires now. The Cooling begins now. Wife picked up her medicine today, so our hibernation continues all for the protection of the Governor and the school employees. We wish everyone well. 

    Our son called and checked in, seems that we forget how much time passes if there isn't a record. Appleseed is beginning a bit, small classes and I am toying with the idea of helping, a longer period without falling might as I move more. Days later as I find I haven't been taking my medicines as my pain recedes. Real bad grammar.

    reading more, viewing less    Find the last few days becoming meeker, nice feel.  Watched a couple videos with my wife on this deserted isle. Coffee started for today, feels like a two pot day.

  As we get closer to the election and the mass stupidity and just busting loose from Karens (sorry, real Karens I might have known - they have hijacked your name) - and the Statist Elites in the swamp which think they reach to their cowed minions by the millions.  

The largest group seems be under self control. Sure everyone is lying and manipulating as best they can, outta kindness or pure evil, and sure the sheep will follow or fall to the wolves and media truths the aren't. I am about to return to reading..... my writing is painful to read.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Money, what does it have to do with shooting?

  Costs money to get to use the range. I have woken up to the fact I need to supplement my income, cause retirement is best when you aren't trying to live like before the event. Remember that there is a limited flow of money, sooner or later it will be clear... good to have health so when you start falling for Gravity, which always rules, you shouldn't be the next commercial about falling and you can't get up. Or as my wife says, I am too heavy to pick up, and I laugh and mention that we both could go down at the same time. Then what would we do, I have notice that I have to get a walker that I can sit upon, which is currently my wife's fear not mine yet, I am content with the walking stick, or even my halberd.

   I do much in response to my wife's fears and desires, and I can't afford that best get healthier. We went to shop for her desires today. She wants a chair for me to sit upon and watch cable and answer the phone. It must be able to hold a fat old man for hours. I refuse recliners, they are too heavy, and wear out too quick. She is sure I need something to hold my feet up so they don't swell, which is a circulation issue. I went through two furniture stores, found two chairs, first a armed chair for dining table set (my wife nixed it) the second a cushioned chair, color grey, nice not too soft but firm, fake leather of some kind. and it had a pullout ottoman. Costs more than I would ever want to spend, but my wife still believes I will be around for ever so would buy it. But I will keep looking, remembering where it was.

    It does seem like every time I get paid and write the checks for my budget, another tax comes up and I fall back a bit. Thanks for all the help government, three government taxation agencies for one taxpayer - why????

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Labour Day, yes, I do know Americans don't spell it that way...

  For fun I am talking to Alexa, just like posting on Facebook, speaking to stupid computers. I am part of the declining American thought. No longer alone. Linked by the most amazing fast telecommunications cool. 'Sir, I don't know that one.'  As I wait for human contact, my wife to wake and share breakfast, or my son and family to contact this device,  I will charge on.

  Word choice, like I would charge anything except devices, I was noting how belligerent a lot of language has become, threatening death or dismemberment, and always in vulgar terms making it really evil. Tough guy talk, almost Trump like, or Biden. Once in the world, knowing your enemy was a good thing, praising his strength and success would make your trials greater in the retelling.  I was committed to defeating the Iraqi army, and proud of how well we did it ... but kept reminding myself how grateful I was I wasn't fighting North Korean or Vietnamese Godless Communists. As fools take over in America I wonder when there will be no more warriors? I have talked badly about the Pentagon for years, their major deficiency is believing they are in charge but safe as long as linked. Alexander the Great marched with his army, are your leaders with your warriors?,  Or back with their fawning staff and media coverage?  Difference between David and King Saul, David was a soldier and Saul was a King and posing as a warrior. Kings need to lead, but the cheerleaders will date coaches if asked. Or even linemen. When David became King, too big to fail, he fell out of warrior mode and we know how that worked out for Uriah. Jerusalem looked a lot like the DC swamp. Christ was a most uncommon common man, keeping it country.

  Watched Sea Biscuit this morning - good to feel good, isn't it?

WED 9 Sep... yesterday Donald Trump reached out and asked for my help. But it costs too much to do more than I can afford. My contributions in past primaries seem to result in my favorite withdrawing. I imagine neither Trump nor his campaign team knows nor cares, so  I just add it to the trash. They are playing like a computer, they picked the position and I am not fitting in. But then Trump has tons of coverage from media - both favorable and NOT so much. I almost wish FoxNews would do like Tucker Carlson, only interrupt for breaking news, real news not same old same old.

One of the things slowing me down are my financial burdens, I am fine slowly getting out from under. But like my health, weight loss and movement, to be taken a little at a time. I pray more, doesn't help me stand erect and not fall literally but does figuratively.  I am sure that the Democrats playing politics with everything like cash aid, or riots and ending the lockdowns, will produce results they won't like unless they really want to end America. I want a smaller Federal government, worked for them long enough to know they can't do everything. But make promises they can't keep. 

Monday, August 31, 2020

I departed Hate book, but seem addicted....

  I do seem to want to be about communicating with the good folks out there, many I know and like hearing from.  But Face book decided that I am evil and wants to ban me, or so it seems. They don't want to just provide a platform, they won't toss everyone that uses vulgar words, depending on numbers of youngsters with potty mouths, but we all seem to add to the noise and confusion. Confusion because so many things accepted by modern society aren't good for the people. Prime example is abortion, it is immoral just as slavery was. 

   I get a haircut today, my wife has become insistent, she cuts it to her satisfaction and what ever it is - is perfect. Some will always grow back, and I no longer need to impress other people - I am not selling anything. She lapses into Korean when ever she is unsatisfied, that is perfect since I don't want to know how terrible I am, I would especially hate to hear vulgar language and an upset woman in any language. My mother and grandmothers never used it, never heard it from my aunts. but they grew up in a kinder more respectful era. Time passes on an everyone has permission to be offensive, cruel and stupid - putting down to make one self great, cool, smart-???.  

  I did join the protest and told Land O'Lakes off. I am sad they came out against Indian maidens and removed the icon. They are a cooperative, but hire fools in advertising. The poor lady I talked to jotted down my quest for justice. I really love their whipped butter, will have to explore alternatives - hoping they make a genaric to sell to the military we  buy a lot of great things that way. I felt sad for the lady wiped off the logo, and for the lady that answered my complaint, not because I was offensive but because she was a proud worker and feels betrayed by management (many if us do), but she said many have told her about that logo change. No one wants to live in a beige world, do we? I looked it up, the governor is praising the move, not knowing much about brand loyalty I would guess, she thinks no one is burning up Minneapolis. When you are wrong you can be surrounded by lots of good meaning but equally wrong folks. Well I will have more time to read Moby Dick and the leather stocking tales, won't I? They are still great books, although everyone wasn't woke in those days, ha.ha. Which reminds he of Minihaha and Hiawatha? Rabbit holes, think beige - paint it all beige.