Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Seen on the NEWS... a picture of another America, where I don't work and live and love...

   There have always been giants in the MEDIA, great writers, thinkers, artists, performers and politicians. All part of the smoke and mirrors of an illusion of a place where I don't live, and y'all probably don't ether.  They are broadcasting and making most of us fearful -- because we don't know the truth and what they present constantly builds our fear.

   Let us look at something common, instead of guns, drugs and thugs... something simple. All women should be beautiful, and how that is defined is there everyday on screens everywhere. And you can guess how much money is spent by all those media magic makers to make all those young beautiful ladies feel unwanted, unloved and without a future because they don't make the grade, just not at all that slim, graceful, confident and paid attention to - never to be courted.  It isn't true, but how else may we get more lipstick, makeup, perfumes, and new clothes purchased - we have to make everyone envious, fearful and in need of comforts and solutions to their self image.

   Okay, lets make everyone uncomfortable with firearms, or medical misfortunes. First report it, investigate it, and run it on the evening news for five days, periodically refer to it as the way things are wrong and if we could just change the law - it would never happen again. NOT TRUE!  But it must be, you saw it on the internet,  or it was on CBS, FOX, or ABC.  Aren't you glad it isn't in your neighborhood? Just in your mind. Not where it can be fixed by you, but then someone will offer a new law, so certainty that it will not happen again. More illusion, something much less than God's goodness to cling to, much less than the true brotherhood of humanity. Breast implants (something I know nothing about) are harmful, dangerous and all caused by the original thoughts about not being as perfect as women on the screen.

  I assure you, life is too short - you won't be able to stop evil, only you can teach, explain and help create good things. The government is not functioning as it should, only as you find it. The bigger the government the less it can do well.  Because of improved communication they start to feel like they can handle anything. But do you really think they will establish peace and prosperity in Afghanistan? Do you have any evidence that anything people from outside that nation have ever had any lasting effect? Ever?  Maybe if they stop the killing in South Chicago, they will be ready to cure Afghanistan.

  I bring this all up, because there are many things working around the next election cycle. We have a very bad set of initiatives that when read and thought about won't solve anything. The government has always retained the ability to pass laws against murder - the People never wanted the government to disarm their citizens. They had a much better sense of history and repression than current citizens. I always laugh, when those screaming for gun control are so certain they will always have police to call upon to defend them, that believe 911 will be a rescue instead of a clean up team, looking for evidence. For everyone that says we don't have to worry about defending our families and homes, you haven't been watching the last hundred years of civilization... Zimbabwe, Yugoslavia, South Africa, and there still seems to be war all over the world where our news isn't reporting much... everywhere.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Great Weekend in Renton...

   Left home early to get to the Interlake Shooting Sports range, in Renton. The first thing I noticed are the construction men waiting in their trucks to get into the area they are preparing for construction, looked like water and sewer and drainage. Neighbors are going to complain about noise and safety, but the range has been there since 1947. And the city keeps expanding, sigh.

End of the 1st day - happy shooters

   I checked my stuff for the course of instruction, and noticed I hadn't brought my hat, nor wallet, luckily I did start the morning with full gas tank. So Andy shows up to open, has a really bad head cold sinus and won't be teaching nor staying around. But his target line was set up the evening before and with a bit of tightening no problem. Scheduled for twenty-one shooters. It will be a bit tight on the firing line. Prescott is shoot boss, Bandaid and Glock Girl, Tally and Matt and a totally new to me, IIT named Schooner. Big fellow with a beard.

   Introductions, and orientation and safety rules taught. They aren't automatic yet and then they bring their firearms down to the line.  First Redcoat of the day, isn't very impressive for the group. But there are some shooters present, a few of which have been to Appleseeds in the past. When they know your name and they look familiar. Yep, back for another set of targets. I was the first Line Boss and away we went into the drill, teach one thing, shoot, teach another thing and work them through the day adding more to their skill set and knowledge.

  Because of some mechanical issues, adjustments of stocks for sight alignment and just new learning with too much information to absorb - the morning was slow to move along... but a Rifleman perseveres. During lunch the First and Second Strikes of the Match were told... I always wonder if food and refreshment aren't first in the audience's mind. But we moved into the afternoon refreshed and enlightened.

   We taught carding the sights to promote the use of NPOA, and to trust NPOA so one doesn't fuss the shot, out thinking the target shouldn't take more than a pause in respiration. Sitting and standing are taught, and fired, some speed drill. We did shoot one AQT, told the third strike and fired the final Redcoat target of the day, took a group picture and packed up to go home for rest, reflection and clean up of selves and equipment. We had one Rifleman from that one AQT, and three cleared Redcoat targets. A very big improvement from the morning start.

 Second day, starting at eight with the check in and preparing the equipment and firing line. A little cooler but going to become clear skies and warmer. Refresh and review, First Redcoat target should have been better than the last yesterday, but wasn't. So we talk through it all, coach, advise and watch for dancing fingers, sling usage, good form. It starts to pay off. trying to conquer one problem at a time, and the groups start to shrink as the shooters start just doing the six steps without thinking about all the excess wording and sage advice given. Rifleman's cadence and speed drills for transitions pays large as the shooters have only enough time to drop find target focus and squeeze the round off and follow through. Keep it simple, no magnifying your fears and frustrations, just not enough time. Three Riflemen made (Ray, Bruz and Liana) and honored on the first AQT of the afternoon. Ball and dummy drill, more AQTs and Known Distance knowledge presented.

  I hope the familiarity with their rifle and our instruction, coaching and tips will combine with the history of April 19th, 1775 to light that fire of the American spirit. We can take care of ourselves, we will speak up for the right, we will engage as soon as we break free of digital distraction devices. Good luck, keep the faith and honor our heritage. Hope to see y'all on the range, some where in our future and showing how well your dry practice has made you.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

I am not playing that game anymore... why are you?

   Now, I am not a Senator, Congressperson, President nor Judge... I am just me, Earl. Now having watched the country change because of what we all see and hear as our communications links get better and faster and seem to have nothing. Where did America go? Lift the magic curtain, and it is still there. The seasons change, technology changes, but the land, water, stars in the sky -- none of that has really changed. Has it?

   Where is the anger coming from, where is the idea that everyone has to be cool, sexy, hip, on top, best, brightest, purist, beautiful, handsome, talented? The culture of envy?

    Anyway, I am not going to apologize for being an American, and asking about my heritage is fun, but you can't blame me for it, nor anything my ancestors may have done to survive and live during their time on earth. If it is creative and interesting I may read your words, view your works, listen to the poem or music - but you just aren't moving me to react to ugly, hurtful, or threatening. Why would I? Because of polling data? experts say? everyone knows? There is Liberty being old, wrinkled and weak, poorer and laughing at those that don't know what happy is.

   I hope y'all drop your fears, fancies, and foolishness. Be good and kind. Be better than you think everyone else isn't... or as they are.

Friday, September 28, 2018

I was correct, the Democratic Party hacked all those Facebook accounts, cause Zuckerberg...

  I have been traumatized and in thirty-five years will testify about how devastated I am as I suddenly remember which one I know did me in...

   Having broken free of putting my mindless thoughts on the only thing bigger than twitter... I may continue to play here until the Speech Police come up to take my computer away.

   In my happier news, I have had a wonderful email from my sister, updating me about her life, challenges and the remodeling of the home she is living in. The pictures are great of the kitchen.

    Also my Magpul order showed up. Three ten round magazines for my new (to me) AR, which I still haven't named (Sister Liberty?). And a sling, RLS Rifleman Loop Sling, which makes me wonder if a friend of mine sold his sling design to Magpul. Looks fine except for the nylon web, I like cotton, but I am going to give it all a go.

    Tomorrow, pictures and maybe I will sneak off and shoot some rounds to find my zero. But tonight I go out to see Redemption, part 2 of Unbroken. And tomorrow I have Men's Prayer Group. Good night.

Seems I have been hacked... must be the Russians or the evil LEFTist

  I am going to change into gym gear and go workout.

Watched the action of the Senate Subcommittee, and this nation is toast. My America only exists in real people, not performing artists in the media exposure for profit, so it is all for naught. I don't want to learn Chinese, my English vocabulary may be better than most of the talking on television, because I learned mine from books, not movies and television.

  Anyway, someone owns my Facebook page, I am not playing Farmville with my sister, who needs my prayers, much more than my foolish.  So y'all are left with my ghost and the haunting of the hacker that stole my (free) membership. Or Facebook folks decided there are too many guns on my page and stroked me out. Doesn't matter, I will not live by AI nor digital device alone.

  I did some work on my new AR platform and am looking forward to taking it shooting this weekend. Busy weekend, lots to do on.


Monday, September 24, 2018

I really am an American... so when they are going to oppress me about an AR...

  I immediately went to find one I would buy, there are some cheap one around. Had some good suggestions from friends to build one (they don't understand how challenging that would be) but the best answer was 'I am downsizing take your pick of these.' That didn't take but three emails and a meeting set up for today to pick up said AR.  Iron sights and GI web sling, and I was hoping for a magazine, too.

    It was interesting driving up in the commute around Seattle and even more so to find his home in the maze of streets, which often ended in a dead end with the promise some day there would be a road to link. Ah, ten minutes later than I had planned I found him and a small dog waiting for me. Invited in and he has on the kitchen island, a shopping bag full of magpul parts, 2 new 30 magazines, one twenty rounder, and 360 rds. Plus another pistol grip and butt stock. And a soft black gun bag, so the little stuff was left in my car, and we were off to see the man about an official transfer of the firearm, thirty dollars and some paperwork later. I now own an evil black rifle - and can hardly wait to shoot it.

   He did mention leaving the 30rd mags in the packages, because there was no telling what terrible thing would happen when they got loose. I told him I had ordered three 10 round mags, because I have never loved long magazine for anything except ease of carry. Ever since 1967 a rifle with a box magazine that laid into my support arm has been unfit for me to use.  I had also dropped an ammunition order and would be waiting for it. At the store where we did the paperwork, I picked up some bumper stickers about the voting NO on I-1639, and flyers on same. One issue that Americans cannot leave to those people in power. Having watched the government and their problems with fairness, I am sure the less they do the better we all will be.

   He did note how quickly my background check came back, I think it is because they have a fat file on me. I worked for them for a long time, and now my son is working and having to get and keep his clearances up to date. Judging from all the ribbons he is wearing, his file is twice as fat as mine. Ha, ha!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Let's talk about politics... really?

  I am only a two issue voter, but then I know how everything works.  Money buys power, it is a reward and a tool of the elite and they will never care about the basket of deplorables (how did Hillary spell it?), those of us'ns living in trailer parks and under bridges. But I don't really support those that have no honor, sense of shame nor Boy Scout characteristics. I will pray for them, but they get no money and no votes from me.

   So toss out what is in the news. Just remember what you support and find the candidates that are supporting what you think is important. Both major parties are doing bad things for their seats in power, they are both hiding stuff. And they are all lying about their record, promises and character - maybe.  In Washington and many other states large sums of money are pushing activity against the Constitution and the amendments to the basic law.

  Interesting times, larger and larger poorly informed citizens going to vote the rascals in...

Anyway, I am close to deciding to buy an AR and need some solid recommendations. I took a look at Daniel Defense v7, and was interested but appalled by the prices, sigh. I am such a cheap old man.
Should ask my son, still serving, about what he and his community think would be the perfect home/vehicle rifle/carbine that he would recommend. Has to be my size.  If the current anti-gun infanticide loving Democrats win big (and the Republicans have no spine nor Constitution restoring agenda).  I will be heading to the gun shop to buy before they think they can stop me. Always have known that when the revolutions come, we march on Fort Ticonderoga to get the King's guns.