Thursday, March 12, 2015

So the nation is late... really, others have done it before...

I have heard it over and over, repeated by women that I thought were smarter than that... 'I would vote for Hillary, because she would be the first woman President.' - well, I have been wrong before, they aren't smarter than that. The current President of the Republic of  Korea is a woman, with a mad man just across the DMZ with nukes, delivery systems and historic reasons to go to war.  So the United States won't be the first, India had one, the Iron Lady of Britain was a Prime Minister of note that freed the Argentinians. The current Chancellor of Germany is a woman, holding the fragile European Union together.... No, women have taken positions of power and done well. Mister Clinton, husband to Hillary, spent his opportunity leading a California airhead astray, so I am not sure why anyone that couldn't function as a wife will do any better as a LEADER of the FREE WORLD. (I know that is just media hype, but I love rubbing their faces in it, and no, I won't follow).

   I left off the discussion the number of women in positions of power in Europe before modern democracy showed up. Frederick the Great (?Prussia) said something about his power was absolute and effective if he wasn't beset by three women (Russia, Austria, France) during his time. Elizabeth the First wasn't the fine lady Elizabeth the Second is, but either is so far above a Hillary. And I know there are thousands of real, wonderful women, that would be worth following or allowing to be the Chief Executive of this nation, that could do the job better than most men, but they aren't in the media spotlight - that glaring one that hides all the scars and secret emails sent and received - do I think the NSA data compromise should have been just a tad later? Nah.

   It could really be that Hillary would become President because - the old boys in the backroom think they can handle her, or that the media doesn't want to go the extra effort to really investigate all the corruption of the Clintons in Arkansas and the White House and how come she couldn't defeat the Obama myth with real facts and actions in the primaries. It could be the reason the old grandmotherly lady, like President Reagan, is just going to be elected for the smell of fresh cookies from the oven - even if Martha Stewart has done more cookie baking than Hillary. One look at Hillary, and grandma comes to mind - not your nor my grandma, but you get my idea. COOKIES!

  It isn't bad to be thought an older woman, a cookie baker. Golda Meir was extremely effective, but a long personal career in politics. Hillary couldn't come close to that kind of commitment 'what difference does it make?' such a thoughtless American view from self above the world...  There is even a woman in Argentina in charge now... rumbles are that she is ruining the country, but men have done so in the past, so things happen. 

  In the end, I do think Hillary is smart enough to become President of the United States of America - because most of the voters -  that aren't voting more than once, or just from the list of the dead, or walking Zombies - those other voters are just not caring, some one has to be President so it is her turn because...
They are too lazy to get out of their personal comfort zone and find a much better candidate and get her elected, the Republicans won't find one of their own women to lift up for consideration (leading from the rear was invented by Republicans in the 20th Century). I liking conspiracy theories, think the whole idea of Hillary for President is to get as much money in her political coffers so she can take it and run the country from behind the curtain and pretend she is still a player.

  After sixteen years of the last two Presidents - it doesn't really matter to me - the political parties are the same coin on different faces - and both of them want to CONTROL the rest of us - not represent our views, values, and voice in the hollowed Hallow Halls of Congress. We the People just don't go to Washington, D.C. with money, women and favors to keep their attention from the Big Money folks  - yes, and both of those sides of the coin take it from them. 

   What a waste of words, for my two readers, but I can haul the M1 out, put a 1907 fine leather sling upon it and work out what might be Fixer's problem with his rifle and positions. Y'all have a wonderful day with the LORD. Ya hear?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

So you are in Fight or Flight mode or do you Freeze?

   I have had a great weathered weekend in Port Townsend at the Jefferson County Sportsmen Association range doing an Appleseed. I couldn't have asked for a better crew and line of thirteen shooters, two of them walk ons, that replaced two that had trouble adjusting to day light saving, if only Congress would get the message and stop legislating stupid mind tricks to disturb the populous of peoples.

   By the second day I must have given up, they just weren't shooting well, starting early and finishing LATE - like after Cease Fire has been called three times. I benched the offender until I could discuss his failings without killing him over and over in my mind. I guess if I were going to guess what their major flaw was it would be fussing the shot and losing the Rifleman's cadence - when the High Power shooter came to give us a briefing about his sport, I made sure they understood that our time standard was five seconds shorter than his. Different dance, different rhythm. I gave them a bit of a break, putting a peppermint on the center square, and five rounds - the peppermint counting five points, and four more for a hit in each of the other squares - giving them more NPOA drill. Told a dangerous olde man story, and had some show and tell, hands on, with firing a Brown Bess musket, which had just enough of a mechanical issue they really understood the bayonet was very important to the soldier of that period. Then we went back to one more Appleseed Qualification Test and the final Red Coat target - one new Rifleman, a fine young lady, and the scores on the Redcoat were outstanding for the two day event - they had settled into marksmanship. There were equipment issues, but most troubling was my lack of control and some prepared speeches that were needed in a certain order.

It was a very good starting event for my year, now to get it to the point I will be proud of the whole thing, what a standard. After effects, the After Action Report link is on the left, some great pictures --- which we can't post on Facebook - seems the enemies of the range are monitoring and attempting to destroy them and the club is frightened, they have not allowed photographs for the last three or four Appleseeds there, this time we were permitted a bit. But then told not to post on Face Book or other social media. And that is the last time I will shoot boss that venue. It is over for me there. The range is nice, the other shooting events and folks appreciate what we are doing, But -- that fear thing is stifling.

The freeze thing, it does seem according to reports, that ISIS gains the trust of their victims to make them believe that they will still live if they cooperate with their captors. No one does, but it is something to latch on to... now you know - RESIST! they are not going to allow you - your Liberty. RESIST! Fight, flight but never Freeze with your hands up.
Some of our shooters were from former Iron Curtain countries - and the one I had to talk to about my rules on my range, told me that he was on shift in the computer room when the country went mad and overthrew the leadership, tried and executed the same. He told me, in confidence, that the whole thing was a set up by the secret police - so the powers behind the throne would continue to pull strings of the new government. They had to execute the old rulers since they couldn't be allowed to talk. He and his friends walked out in the confusion of who is in charge, why couldn't they, I am just going over there. I do love talking to people that understand what they wanted from America, Americans don't get it, you have to rebel, resist, question and find a better way.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Say a little prayer for me... each night....

One of my favorite Vietnam Era songs, dating myself again.  My wife mentioned that Saturday was the anniversary of her arrival in the United States of America, 7 March and seven days later 14 March will be another anniversary of our official government approved, married in a church in front of my family...

When wondering what she ever saw in me - I got just two reasons that she was willing to share - one is not my fault so I don't count it. But the one I locked on to - was that I kept my promises. Don't you know that a reputation is a terrible thing to live up to? That is a high bar, thank you, love.

She left everything behind, and went through Japan and California trusting to a young man from a different culture to make good. Of course on my end, I was praying that she would come, be here, show up - I had been away from her for two years and four months, living on letters and pictures - pre-internet. No telephone calls either, they were still getting rid of the straw roofs on the houses. Modern Korea hadn't arrived yet.  I had been stationed in Fort Sill, Oklahoma playing army and burying the dead from Vietnam, then I went to Germany, found most people drunk or on drugs, no real purpose in the training nor service there, and so I volunteered again for Vietnam. So I got to do my tour in Vietnam, survived (nothing ever happened to me) and came back to the 82nd Airborne, as a leg. Did Jump School made Staff Sergeant (promotion board in Vietnam - had to lock up my rifle and ammunition and dress for the board then return to the firebase).

Her flight was one suspected of having a bomb on board, didn't unload for hour plus, no alarming the passengers nor the waiting families. But no bomb, and she came down the stairs without a smile, and she tells me she was wondering why I wore clown pants (colorful bellbottoms) the car had dangling wiring and wasn't clean and new (like the movies). 

I drove to Mrs. Johnson's, to meet my mentor mother the lady that kept the household I could hide in from my family and failings (I was a teenage boy). Then I took her to see my sister and her new baby Paula Jean, they lived in the country in a trailer (Paula made friends with snakes). Then we were almost prepared to meet my mother and my family -- which was great on my mother's side - but she didn't understand anything of my wife's expectations of her new mother-in-law and American clashing with Korean cultural norms. Ah, I didn't know either, but I knew it was all my wife and me against the world. Came close to punching my brother that thought if I called my wife Yobo, then he could. She wouldn't complain to anyone but me about that, he came so close to hurting badly.

Enough about that stuff, it is TBT, but I got up and going early this morning, wife is off hiking weather is perfect, and I had to knock out some time sweating at the YMCA before meeting the doctor. The YMCA was great, many miles on machines, hot looking women working out to music below my rowing machine - not that I really care about the women, but the music is interesting. Anyway I was so pumped, I jumped up and ran part of a lap - yes, both feet off the ground one foot down stretch it out and repeat.  Cool!
I also met a former Priest turned financier of some kind, the conversation was interesting, I felt sorry he was described as not believing in God, he didn't deny it, but liked that I mentioned all human relationships with God are personal. He also agreed with several of my opinions on modern 'merica. I went back to knocking out some more exercises then showered and reported to the clinic.

Met the doctor, discussed the options, signed consent forms, went and got x-rays, went home to wait for the call for what day and time the end will be... well, I wouldn't have consented to that -- but I was BLUE when I had started the day so well. I did get a laugh on my way out - I had been charming and cute and nice to all the staff trying to make sure the olde man with the NRA Life Member ball cap and a leather coat on...was safely handled. Any way, at the heavy glass door (they do get heavy when one is depressed - it weighed the same when I came in didn't it?) right in front of my nose, on the glass was the No Gun sign. So stupid, to trust my health to people surrounded and afraid of their own fears, especially ones that I don't share. Giggling. The pistol wasn't the kind I carry, I was good. I know the difference.

Anyway, operation is on Saint Patrick's Day, a good sign, and I have affordable care... and I know the LORD loves me, and my wife will worry just because she is that way. Well, get the trash out, make supper and get better prepared for the Appleseed this weekend - procrastination only works until performance time... I will never learn.

Monday, March 2, 2015

In the 16th Century Spain and Portugal raced to conquer the world... converts and colonies

  The remainder of Europe was paying attention but had been left at the starting gate, and Spain and Portugal were bringing home spices, gold and silver and tales of great empires to conquer and savage peoples to plunder and convert. Always the mission to spread the gospel.

  England seemed interested; sponsoring explorations, quietly accepting part of the plunder from the Spanish Main and even knighting returning captains that demonstrated the superior ship building and tactical sense against the lumbering Spanish Galleons. Since the plantation system of colonization and conquest was begun in Ireland, moving Scots to settle in Ireland and conquer and confront those savage Catholic Gaels with Presbyterian Celts the idea would be worked in the North American effort. Religion would always be a very important factor in politics, good to have God on your side.

  Virginia, during Queen Elizabeth's reign, brought back tobacco and failure, later attempts were to become permanent and begin to grow. Religious opportunity, and other unwanted could be dumped on those shores to regain their freedom and become a new community.  The passage for the lowly was very much a one way trip, a starter for bringing the rest of a family over, once it became clear that there weren't treasure troves for everyone, a hard life of worship, work, productivity and commerce would make the hard voyage a fearful memory. There was land for the taking and clearing, the locals didn't use it and they seemed to get sick in bunches and died off.

   The Dutch, Swedes and French were all prepared to engage in the race for trade and colonization, with various success, depending on leadership and goals of their nations. Always more people from Europe willing to work for their better future and build a new world.

   So, in many years what was in North America, were the survivors... loosely in contact with the home country, fashions years behind or years ahead - and what was really happening in the English colonies reported a bit by dispatches, financial reports and annual accounting to the company directors in English cities. What was happening in the creation of the colonials would never be clear until the normal constant war peace cycle of European powers would be fought mainly in North America during the Seven Years War our French and Indian War, started by a Virginia Militia Officer working for the Governor of Virginia, to secure the Ohio River area for the Crown. The name of the officer was George Washington.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

When I was news... or just new...

I have always been interested in me, although I could be an expert on procrastination I will never get around to it, and this blog is all about me and what I see. It was not a giant launch to go to Facebook and 'everyone' was on Facebook and then expanding their friends, or unfriending them - what a concept, I can unfriend you. In so many ways I have been a loner I am very surprised I have so many people willing to link to me - some of them are very fine people of a much different view, and I like to listen to them, they could be wrong, but they are making a point I should consider.  And some of them are very quiet, and don't visit very often, they have a real life and don't do virtual with the same passion they do reality.

Facebook makes its money the same way cable and television did - gain audience, deliver the audience to commercial interruption. Which might be why I seem to have misplaced my interest in commercial television. Now, Facebook doesn't intrude into my mind that I notice, oh, there are attempts to see what I will look at, and the real interesting stuff which you must click on gives you an almost automatic page covering ad, that you have to click to remove - stop wasting my time - make me upset enough I am gone.

I still say the best part of Facebook is the postings from folks I care about, but they aren't living on the net, so something different is happening in their lives and they will give me a glimpse in photos or notes. So it is best when they are doing stuff, and come back for a quick note.

Troubling about Facebook, there are some strange people on it. Not in my friends and family, of course, but sometimes when I drop a comment on a post from some one of a different persuasion some ugly vulgar bully shows up to display their beastly best (which isn't very good at all, Oscar Wilde they ain't). And there are the lurkers, the stalkers - waiting in ambush to make a name for themselves because you have a popular post and larger circle of friends, and no one should be that nice - it just isn't fair.  That will never happen to me, I am not nice nor popular - but then I thought that was an artificial standard of public posture, used to keep the children in line and make daily a smooth journey through our time.

I only want to be nice because: my mother would be proud, beautiful women won't cower in fear, children will smile and talk to me (even if I can't catch it all), dogs won't bite nor cringe, and smiles are always better than frowns for promoting a handsome image... and I will always be thankful for that help.

Rumor is that one of my 'friends' may stop her facebooking... is that going to be a verb? She already dumpt blogging, which hurt me because she was good. Seems she has gotten to the point that Facebook doesn't satisfy, plowing through a stoney field isn't easy nor necessary if you are just grazing cattle, only if you are going to plant. We would miss her, but the world still has her - somewhere doing real life better. Kind of like my favorite pastor moving on, can't stop going to church because it wasn't about the pastor, I can stop going to Facebook when it no longer meets my needs and enjoyment. No long term contract.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Did you ever make a difference? what happened?

  Not enough people talk about religion or politics - to maintain the calm it is easier to smile pleasantly and be a bit vague about your opinion. That is a result of lack of civility in conversation, because 'everyone knows...'  Not cowardly but prudent. Or am I just making excuses?

   I went to Battle Ground to the school house early Saturday morning and met men and women that are making a difference, really.  I know, they aren't on any red carpet, in the news and if they were making a difference it would be noted.  And it is, just your senses have been dulled by electronic information overload and you have difficulty finding out about them. Okay, just type in: or hit this link Appleseed Information. Everything you need to know about them is through that page. The map of the United States on the right of the page will zoom you to where you can find Appleseed Events in the state you selected, and a link so you could sign up for the two day rifle marksmanship, history and heritage event. Your rifle, with sling, 500 rounds and sixty dollars to find out if you 'know very much what you are about'.

  Could say I went to encourage the youngsters to carry on, to get the word out, to meet new folks on the trail, to see some I hadn't seen for awhile at any range. But then some of them are a bit older than I, so youngster doesn't fit. What they all are is dedicated and determined to make America a nation of Riflemen again. To tell the story of April 19, 1775, to honor the heritage of the men and women of peaceful colonial towns exercising their rights being rudely suppressed by violent undisciplined military action.  A people that knew they could govern themselves better than someone far off that didn't care about them and certain unalienable rights. I do so love to read and study and then share about them, for we should be just like them and attuned to the love of Liberty.  Are we?

  First thing, get out of my Caravan and greet the first person I see that I don't know - Colycat - introduce myself, shake his hand and give him one of my new business cards. I would be spreading them around all morning. I am not really well known enough not to need the card, haven't made enough of a difference yet, although since lots of these people, that didn't need my card, had strong opinions of my value and are looking forward to working with me on the trail, on different ranges and dates. I hope.

  Twenty-one total participants.  Instructor Boot Camp, is about stirring the mind, spirit and preparing for another great year of sharing our best with those people committing to participate in the rifle marksmanship clinic and hearing the history. Colycat was laid back Passionate about the mission, I would dislike shooting Known Distance against him - he has the fire, probably shoots very well, but is humble enough not to rub it in, not without a lot of smiling. Kind of 'just glad we could do this together'.

  He had a checklist of things he wanted done, schedule of when it should be done, and goals to emphasize for our presentations and instruction. Ben and Flipper brought a bunch of food, Tionico had his coffee making perfection and always happy to share it. Spent hours talking with him after the first day before we headed off to sleep at eleven. I slept in the school, that sleeping bag is the best investment I made in Germany, bought it for German winters but it works internationally. Got it about 1984, and been using it ever since. Tionico slept in his van, better mattress system than the one I use.

   First day was about instruction in Prone and Sitting, steady hold factors and Natural Point of Aim, slings and presentation techniques. And Kenjo presented very well the 1907 leather sling, keeping it very simple, he used the same fine little green book I recommend.

   The second day would be about the telling of the history, Nero had a great ten minute outline about the people that started the country and the two reasons they came to colonize - and why that was all the difference. Then we told the three strikes of the match, the dangerous olde men stories and American Amazon gave her version of the wedding that never was. I couldn't get as good with the Third Strike of the Match, and crept into the Benediction a bit.  Colycat got up to do that, as he listened to my long standing complaint about the name of the closing call to Liberty... I know the need for the closure, the call for volunteers and supporters, and to leave a good feeling. A suggestion was to name it 'A Call to Acton', and I like that, have to build that link in mine and that would be very appropriate - what stirred Isaac Davis to lead, train and equip his minuteman company - what set him on the course of History saying 'I have not a man that is afraid to go.' offering their commitment to be the first in the march, to lead, to be the ones first engaged?  What was it? It was a great difference to be stepping out to be the one, he made a difference that I talk about still today.

I was asked to find a citation for the written in dispatches about Death on a Pale Horse.  My portable library was a hit, should make a bibliography of the readings I recommend for study of the Revolutionary War story telling. We already have more than we can tell in two days, but the hunger to hear it is out there and I should start building some relationships to perform Libertyseeds for the non-shooters. Yep, don't have too much time to start making a difference.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Getting prepared for a season in Liberty...

  First clear your mind of fears. Just because someone offers a really great deal, doesn't mean they are undercover BAFTE agents, informants nor Moms For Goodness Good Gun Cents. So meet the person at Denny's. The public diner is better than the parking lot behind the motorcycle leather shoppe. And I can get breakfast and a coffee.

   Being me, I was there one day early and had two eggs over easy, bacon, sour dough toast and red potatoes. Where are the grits? Oh, the Great NorthWest doesn't know what is good for it.

   Repeat the next day, with a bright red woolen coat and a faded red RWVA ball cap, good looking old guy.  Sees another fellow - figuring it is the man I was to meet. How do I decide that - a good looking OD green army ammo can swinging from his hand. And he give me four boxes of 22LR standard velocity made in the Philippines, because they can make and ship it all the way across the Pacific, and make a profit. We will take it. Thank you, sir.

   So I meet Jeff, who kindly remembers me from Walla Walla - and I put him on the correct range area - Waitsburg - where I was photographing turkeys in the morning on the berm.

   We go inside and I buy him a coffee and we share some thoughts on shooting, why the donation of ammunition (he ordered a case and wasn't going to shoot it all, must be a good guy). Good supporter of the program, hasn't earned his patch yet, but hopes to - maybe at Medicine Lake?  I encourage him to keep talking about shooting and the Appleseed program and offer and get him a bunch of trifolds to keep for passing out where he is from.

   Liberty will not be strangled by Tyranny, but smothered by Concerns of What ifs, like feathers in a pillow, very light as an individual, but a ton of them still weighs 2000 pounds, and little action or reason can get through.  Now I have two thousand round more for sharing the marksmanship and History, and reminding our shooters of the heritage they should be enjoying and the price that was paid. Oh, yeah, I gave him my business card and the tale of the target upon it (braggin', just braggin').