Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Y'all are ignorant of too many things for the amount of real knowledge that exists...

 Nice way to tell y'all that you should be smarter.

 There are
a bunch of people coming to America, the United (?once upon a time?) States there of. They are labeled as migrants, immigrants and looking for opportunity. But come on, they come from rich countries, great climate growing seasons and full of opportunity... except for one thing. We have a prohibition of government disarming the people, infringing on their right to keep and bear arms. None of those countries in Latin America have such a thing.

  Lots of people will always talk about voting, education, medicine and capitalism our nation of laws and such - and for some strange reason they discount our having guns as our only flaw in what could be a perfect society. But then you can't sell the idea of immigrants coming to America to live in Liberty with the opportunity and responsibility to keep and bear arms. All those strange talking folks buying their first of many ARs, nasty black rifles. I think they should be cleared to purchase as soon as they show up, take classes and learn fire arms safety. Sounds like the only difference world wide, in how they are perceived as a human being in their home country and the USA.

  In most of the nations of the world being armed is a criminal, or revolutionary act. The government reserves the arms and their power to itself, they don't trust their peons, serfs, bondsmen, slaves, and tax payers. The countries where you may be armed expect good behavior with the arms, but they aren't thinking they might be at war with the population...  Really, children are armed by godless revolutionary movements - easier to impress and control. But they get real automatic weapons and all the ammunition they want to fire into other human beings, in countries that have strict gun control. The weapons always move to the market and need.

   Look at the murder rates of countries that control their weapons, if they haven't higher morality and social expectations supported by gentle government and less than ravishing criminal elements, taking up all the law abiding populations arms just mean you have become the last of the Celts, disarmed by good Roman government after being conquered by the legions - you get soft and totally untrained and the migrant Jutes, Angles and Saxons will tear you up, and take your women and land. Then when the Normans defeat Harold and it starts over again...

   Don't fear Californians, except they bring unAmerican activities with them and they try to make all the states as big a future problem as California is already. But the knowledge of who you are and what you believe and what you work for every day for the rest of your life - is not on any digital screen. Real people to talk with, work with, have coffee with... meet them and be good.


  1. Vector would deal with the rest like kwc the barrel, grips and the trigger.

  2. Vector would deal with the rest like kwc the barrel, grips and the trigger.

  3. Excellent points Earl, and well said. Those of us in flyover country are 'resisting' the Californication!
