Personally, I will go back to work to help the President prove that his economic plan is working. Of course, I am unemployed but not on unemployment - too much pride and able to almost retire because I am so old. So I wasn't on the official totals of anything. All the factors that made me under utilized had nothing to do with the President's intent, ability or vision. The type of government in this state and how badly it works is just a small example of the major faults of the Federal government.
I will report how that works out, but I have to get out of this house much more.
The other thing I will do is continue to watch the election, having had a bitter taste of the current party politics, and watching too many experts on politics (we probably need more experts on amost everything else - politicians should all be like jurors - caring but never going to get rich on the duty). So make sure you vote on election day or earlier by mail. That takes care of politics.
Have to make sure your firearms are cleaned and working. If you don't have any, do look hard at your responsibilities to protect your home and family from the government forces like Lybia and Syria, Egypt, China, Cambodia. If you are armed, make sure you have enough ammunition, I recommend much more .22LR. Cheap enough, and great for all small game, most of us don't need to try to eat a moose. Until we get larger family or clan groups.
Food, lots of basics, flour, grains, beans, lots of garden seeds and tools to turn the earth and chop weeds. More books on farming, small husbandry, cooking, baking, be ready for lack of microwave meals. Duh. Sure you have all your canning supplies, and you can every year don't you? Oh, that was your great grandmother, the one that lived through the Depression, wasn't it?
Tools, it is nice to have them run on air, or electricity or batteries. But if the collapse is a bad as it might be, the hand tools work, they build the British Empire on hand tools and basic skills. Learn to make do, to patch, to maintain and repair. Darning isn't lightly swearing, it is making socks last another child longer. We don't have to buy our rag rugs from China, my grandmother had several she made and maintained.
I do know that the technology stuff is very neat, nice to have, makes more time for more empty days to be filled with mindless entertainment or text messages or twitters from twits. All those fine books and we want someone else to tell us what was important about the work... why? Too much time and not enough respect for how badly we built this current economy and government. If you have no family, or appreciation of the best of a great family life, then you don't understand why it is a real foundation of a great country. It can go too far, without trust of people outside the family, there isn't enough cooperation to build a nation, let alone a little community.
Another fact, that we don't tussle with enough, is how does the rest of the world does it better, or what happened when what we are doing didn't work? Most of us have no idea. You need to really look to figure it out, the military does it all the time. I am not sure anyone else in the government analyzes their fields the way the military does, internationally. They should. But then you should have that emergency plan, shouldn't you?