Ever wonder why both political parties look alike? The Republicans only want your money and one vote, just like the Democrats because the power isn't going to be shared. This is the United (under us) States of America.
Floor fight you have to know that sooner or later the money guys will get to the 'leadership', which is almost why politics don't matter, Rome of Caesar's time or Tampa, Charlotte or Washington, DC. of our own. The Parties look very much like organized crime, or Union bosses with their thugs. The TEA Party has been less visible this election, but they are still out there, Ron Paul is still out there.

Maybe I should be kinder, maybe the TSA resembles the Republican and Democratic Parties more than organized crime. But the parties are too professionally clinging to power and giving favors in exchange of just a bit of support. Looks just like the Don at the wedding.
Yes, I still think it is worth supporting and casting your vote and talking at the conventions and in the offices and at town halls. But then I am still one of those that would have mustered at Concord, or even Lexington or in frozen Germany on Reforger, or some mountain top in Korea. Is it time for a bunker and hunker down mentality? Are we going to be forever betrayed by good intentions corrupted by EVIL Moneymen and Powerbrokers? Abe Lincoln didn't have quite this problem, did he?
NO he didn't, and the corruption seems to continue, along with the utter FAILURE to actually work bipartisan solutions...