Look at what they think of me:
Type B Blood Type Characteristic
Advantages: cheerful, outgoing, optimistic, adventurous, active, sensitive, kind
Disadvantages: forgetful, undecided, disorganized, noisy, spontaneous, prone to exaggeration
That explains so much and only took me sixty some years to find scientific evidence, the food thing is very interesting for my blood type. Venison, turkey, pheasant, and rabbit are my meats to eats. They have it broken down fairly well, for all food groups, don't you know that ice cream and lobster are on my avoid at all costs. My wife and I laughed and laughed as each list came up. Chicken and pork products are off, soy products are off, American cheese is gone. I can eat all the Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage I would ever want. I need to do a lot more looking at this information, there are witch doctors and fortune tellers around and as long as the FDA and USDA don't try this in the schools and places we eat I should be just fine. I also found that my wife is my same blood type (sure, you know what your significant other's blood type is don't you? right behind their SSN).
I need, someday, a best digital picture of yourself, spouse, wedding,
children, parents, cousins, and all birth dates, graduations,
educations, general locations for those events. And the linkage to you
and to me... some day. I have an off line computer with one of those
this is all those people I should know better but didn't pay attention
to when I was more stupid than caring. Hard working on the stupid. Dates
of birth and deaths would also help. I will hear about it in Heaven. Do take care out there.
Cleaning is good, now that you mention it, I need to clean up mine too... sigh...
ReplyDeleteGood luck on getting your teeth to grow back. I now have 14 artificial teeth, a combination of 4 crowns and 1 ten-unit bridge, twelve of them as a result of a run-in with a rock (a body in motion tends to stay in motion ... that's one physics law I've never forgotten). I would love to have had those teeth grow back, but they never did, so I had to buy their replacements.
ReplyDeleteHow can we be siblings? I have type O positive blood. ;-)