Thursday, April 19, 2012

For those that don't know, today is one of those...

days so important and not remembered enough. April 19th, the day the Federal government took down the Compound in Waco, Texas. Two years later a bomb blows up and destroys the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Should be a day that everyone remembers shouldn't it? The nation should know exactly what happened in both those cases, but probably doesn't. There are movies and books about both, mostly from the survivors not enough from those that caused the confrontations and destruction.

So, since recent memory is so bad, although there is video tape and audio tape of the siege and take down of the Branch Davidians, it isn't part of History.

Way back in 1775, the Royal Governor, General Gage, had sent his Flank Brigade out under Colonel Smith to seize the military stores at Concord. So seven to eight hundred Redcoats, grenadiers and light infantry, were rowed across the back bay, and made a night march to Concord, with a confrontation in Lexington that got out of control, where eight townsmen were killed and a regular wounded. That brief exchange of gunfire in Lexington was not the end of the killing, or the mannerly confrontation between the Royal Authority and the restive population of New England. By the time the British actions in Concord started the confrontation at North Bridge, the death of more New England militia and British regulars the American Revolution was rolling along faster than History could write and report about it. Over fourteen thousand New England militia would have gathered and attacked the British forces and forced them back to Charleston and Boston.

So if it is 1775, April 19th, and you live in New England, where would you have been on that day? With the British? on the road trying to catch up with the fight? on the farm taking care of the animals (cows had to be milked), at home packing food up for your boys to take out to the men? treating the wounded? burying the dead? putting out the fires in homes burned by the British? Where would you have been? and would you have any idea about where this was going to go?

April 19th, should be a very important date for Americans to study and remember - a nation shouldn't grow into its first enemy should it? Certainly the sins of the father shouldn't become the sins of the great-great-great-great-great-great grandsons. Should they?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Well, are you hiding that you don't think the way ...

"they" do? While visiting Sunday School I mentioned that I like to shoot, and that some people actually believe I am dangerous because of that, and compared it to telling people that I am a Christian working my way to Heaven, as close as I can get at least. I often thought that my son and I will be outside the Walls of Heaven waiting for the Devil and his dudes to show up and fight, and that my wife was going to have to throw food over the wall to sustain us. That isn't real theology, more fantasy than fact. But if you write and walk and talk, and never use profane, vulgar or obscene language - no one notices the absence. If you don't steal, try to have sex with whomever you can hook up with, cheat on your taxes or drive too fast -- no one notices. If you quietly take your gun for a walk downtown, and no one sees it -- no one notices. If you take it to the range, shoot it in safety - the only people that will notice are the other shooters trying to make their best shots, or asking about your firearm, ammunition and how is it going.

You are sailing under the radar, flying under the radar, not making waves, being a wonderful quiet citizen. You could be hiding. You do want more safe sane shooters, more ranges, more opportunity to have a good time with firearms. You do want more honest people, hard working and happy families, don't you? If you are like me, your hair and half your teeth are gone, the excess weight is slowing you down, and you are listenting too much to people with things to say, so they can sell advertising space based on how many are watching them. FOX News plays to a demographic that CBS, ABC and NBC don't - but all of them aren't shooting, or praying in public and thanking God for their blessings, are they? They are entertaining or something like that, and they aren't making honest young people into the future of America and the world, although they might think so. Kind of like the Education Department, good intentions poor performance.

Every time a politician gets up in front of questioners, ask they when they are going to repeal those fool laws no one enforces against criminals, when we can take God and guns back into our schools. Ask them, I don't expect an honest answer, I was talking about a politician, but they need to know what flag you are flying under, and if the question is well stated and intended you make them think they can't keep you out of their arena. Time for those with a difference to stand up and make a bigger one.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Glad someone understands the best we have...

I have been reading Carteach0, for a long while and it is on my blog roll and I have him on Facebook. I have admired his good sense about many things and am still using his reloading instructions. Anyway, he finally went to Appleseed - not that I think he needed to, he shoots very well - but it is out there and some of the other bloggers talk about it, so he went.


Day One Saturday

Day Two Sunday

I have to acknowledge that I am a frustrated citizen, not understanding what is going on in the culture and country - which I see as doomed to failure, but when I find another blogger going to and then posting about Appleseed in this kind of positive manner, to me that is one more person I can trust with the future. The most important part is the passing on of a fine tradition and honoring the heritage of April 19, 1775. They weren't running a marathon that day, although it may have seemed like it.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sometimes a letter with a smile is all it takes...

Carteach0 has caught the best part of Appleseed, although he also wrote (after a good night's sleep) about the difficult part for us elder gentlemen. I agree, the best part is the caring and sharing the love of safe shooting, and improving it. I would relax the eyes a bit, and only focus on the front sight, but first make sure that you are on the correct target. I have always loved to read about Appleseed from the eyes of those that just found it. If you are part of it, you wonder why the whole nation isn't doing it. But then I have thought (since about 1962 Junior High Rifle Club) that learning to shoot well with a coach that loves the sport is the way to a lifetime of happy experiences with firearms. I hope his second day is great, although it is raining...

I found an email in my inbox, from a friend, catching me up to many of the things that have happened to him and his family and our church since I have moved along. We last had lunch in November, but that was a long time ago, wasn't it? He is one of two friends I admit to having, but since the other one has been long, long out of touch that says way too much about my lack of social skills and commitment than theirs.

The NRA and most of the gun community seems to be enjoying St. Louis, I read the bloggers a bit. I am very certain that a large part of our American culture is not reflected in our media, controlled by the elite - which makes me wonder what we don't know about long ago and far away in History. I see the Secretary of the Treasury telling his version of the economy and the current President's programs and promises... either he doesn't really know anything about what is really happening, or he is misleading the reporter for the wrong reasons. Time to go back to finding the target, settling into the six steps for making the shot, for sure when you go look at the target it says what happened. There is always a little padding of the truth as you walk away from a great day at the range - don't we always remember the best things we did, happily?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Old dog new tricks...

I am not moving into the high speed world of iPad, iPhones and the like, but I have a Kindle and the library lends eBooks in that format and others. So I wanted to read a book by Elizabeth Moon, and put it on reserve for myself - then asked how I would get it into my Kindle...

First one has to go to a new part of the Library webpage "OVERDRIVE" and set up an account, then browse for desired title then add it to your request list, then wait for email from Library for notice that it is available. Notified, you get seven days (really they go by hours) to download it to your Kindle. You put it in your cart, go to your Kindle account and when you next link up with your Kindle it is magically at the top of your reading list. Hope you didn't forget the title... or you might not recognize it. Read quickly, because it is due to magically disappear one day. I am in the middle of a far away land with good people and heroes, and EVIL nasties... and only my pressing the page forward or back makes it any different from a paperback, and that my library doesn't have all the titles in the UNIVERSe that I want to read. How do we fix that?

How will they weed the collection? Kindle knows how to keep track of my browsing and buying... do I have to wade through all the Romances? Appleseeds everywhere today, I have one for next week in the midst of the state in the middle of windmill country...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Okay, I am a generous man...

Or so you could believe, as I finished my income taxes today and wrote the check that would make sure I had paid my fair share... I noticed that my wife and I had given more to charity - accounted for, and not accounted for - than we paid in federal income taxes. Sure we paid more taxes on property, sales tax, fuel tax and idle thought tax but those aren't big ones. To me that just proves that I follow God's guidance better than I follow the King's. And I don't seem to face fines and penalties if I don't come up with the tithe on time. God is good, and the King needs better promotions.

Politicians aren't to be trusted, since they act like we aren't to be trusted. If one has to whip the slaves to get them to build a monument, then they aren't really into the memorial or it is really bad art. If you have to threaten me to get me to produce a fair share, I must not think fair share for me is the same as fair share for you... but then - I like most of us 'people' don't KNOW many politicians, just not hanging around with them. They aren't walking along the road with me, shooting at the range with me, and only Ron Paul and some candidate for Governor think I am worth Facebook space... hmm.... that might mean I am smarter than they (all the others) than they are. But then I knew that, but what counts with me is being more honorable.

It is so easy to be more honorable in this day and age... the fools think you are old fashioned, quaint or certainly not to be trusted if you can't be threatened or bought... Sigh, they really never grow up, do they?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just thinking, the lite version...

Okay, we know there are big problems with our American Dream, aside from the fact we have lost control of it. But there is a LARGE DEBT hanging over the nation. That was part of what got a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. How soon we forget, but that was what History class was for, duh.

Someone was wondering where the Libertarians were in organizing to fight the destruction of our Rights. Again, that is a NO Brainer, the Libertarians are against being organized, putting on T-shirts with a Cult Hero picture "Who is John Galt?", they avoid employment with unions, voting with a political party and obeying LOTs of laws. They aren't so much criminal, but we have way too many Laws and Regulations -- and then the POWERS that BE selectively ignore the basic Constitution of the United States of America.

Since it isn't the hack and slash Doctor and Congressman Ron Paul that will be elected by the Electoral College before Christmas, I am sure the debt will continue to go up, the economy remain shaky and America will fall in its darker doomed future. There wouldn't be an America today, if one third of the population hadn't been convinced to the point of fighting for Independence to defeat the forces of the King and British Parliment. And those weren't the law breaking drunkards and wastels and ignorant fools... often seen in Occupy protests, were they? The reason those same, the law-biding hard working solid folks don't rebell now - is that today they aren't as solidly working to perfect their part of God's Kingdom.

I have physical problems, most from aging badly but many from foolish excesses and lack of better sense - sounds like America: aging badly, foolish excesses and lack of better sense. But, I know, since I have been tracking it closely, that I have more possibility of better health, solid financial standing and potential of a wonderful life as I correct my weaknesses and past performance slumps.

In other words, America isn't going to correct itself very well, and I can and will. I really like Congressman Paul Ryan, but then I don't know if he shoots or served in the military. But he has done more for improvement than the current President. Ah, looked it up, he never served in the military. Still don't know if he shoots, or hunts, or cares. Doesn't matter that much, except for him.