So, since recent memory is so bad, although there is video tape and audio tape of the siege and take down of the Branch Davidians, it isn't part of History.
Way back in 1775, the Royal Governor, General Gage, had sent his Flank Brigade out under Colonel Smith to seize the military stores at Concord. So seven to eight hundred Redcoats, grenadiers and light infantry, were rowed across the back bay, and made a night march to Concord, with a confrontation in Lexington that got out of control, where eight townsmen were killed and a regular wounded. That brief exchange of gunfire in Lexington was not the end of the killing, or the mannerly confrontation between the Royal Authority and the restive population of New England. By the time the British actions in Concord started the confrontation at North Bridge, the death of more New England militia and British regulars the American Revolution was rolling along faster than History could write and report about it. Over fourteen thousand New England militia would have gathered and attacked the British forces and forced them back to Charleston and Boston.

So if it is 1775, April 19th, and you live in New England, where would you have been on that day? With the British? on the road trying to catch up with the fight? on the farm taking care of the animals (cows had to be milked), at home packing food up for your boys to take out to the men? treating the wounded? burying the dead? putting out the fires in homes burned by the British? Where would you have been? and would you have any idea about where this was going to go?
April 19th, should be a very important date for Americans to study and remember - a nation shouldn't grow into its first enemy should it? Certainly the sins of the father shouldn't become the sins of the great-great-great-great-great-great grandsons. Should they?
I didn't remember the exact date, but the Waco incident has been a frequent topic of discussion in the barn lately. We wanted the kids to be aware of it, so we have been looking up details we had forgotten and discussing the participants
ReplyDeleteWhat has always been sad to me, is that the Justice Department didn't KNOW that they shouldn't take down the Compound on the day the British Regulars tried to disarm the militia forces of the colony. No linkage in our leadership to Historic Blunders.
ReplyDeleteEarl, once again 'revisonist' history is being written (or in the case of Waco/Ok City) being unwritten... Thanks for the reminder!