"they" do? While visiting Sunday School I mentioned that I like to shoot, and that some people actually believe I am dangerous because of that, and compared it to telling people that I am a Christian working my way to Heaven, as close as I can get at least. I often thought that my son and I will be outside the Walls of Heaven waiting for the Devil and his dudes to show up and fight, and that my wife was going to have to throw food over the wall to sustain us. That isn't real theology, more fantasy than fact. But if you write and walk and talk, and never use profane, vulgar or obscene language - no one notices the absence. If you don't steal, try to have sex with whomever you can hook up with, cheat on your taxes or drive too fast -- no one notices. If you quietly take your gun for a walk downtown, and no one sees it -- no one notices. If you take it to the range, shoot it in safety - the only people that will notice are the other shooters trying to make their best shots, or asking about your firearm, ammunition and how is it going.
You are sailing under the radar, flying under the radar, not making waves, being a wonderful quiet citizen. You could be hiding. You do want more safe sane shooters, more ranges, more opportunity to have a good time with firearms. You do want more honest people, hard working and happy families, don't you? If you are like me, your hair and half your teeth are gone, the excess weight is slowing you down, and you are listenting too much to people with things to say, so they can sell advertising space based on how many are watching them. FOX News plays to a demographic that CBS, ABC and NBC don't - but all of them aren't shooting, or praying in public and thanking God for their blessings, are they? They are entertaining or something like that, and they aren't making honest young people into the future of America and the world, although they might think so. Kind of like the Education Department, good intentions poor performance.
Every time a politician gets up in front of questioners, ask they when they are going to repeal those fool laws no one enforces against criminals, when we can take God and guns back into our schools. Ask them, I don't expect an honest answer, I was talking about a politician, but they need to know what flag you are flying under, and if the question is well stated and intended you make them think they can't keep you out of their arena. Time for those with a difference to stand up and make a bigger one.
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