Friday, November 15, 2019

It is Friday, Remember the Deployed... been there and done that....

and we are still doing that.

    Today a break from YMCA, I am waiting on a service repairman. I found my powder horn, just almost where I remember it.  I think that California will have this school shooting frenzy fixed as soon as they teach the students how to live like prisoners, instead of free folks. That should fix it. They are doing so well with all their other efforts. I wish they had schools and communities like I grew up in. We didn't seem to be unduly influenced to kill others in our struggle to be important enough for love. But then I do remember starting the day with the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance - pre-Marxist take over of education. Not that I believe in the pledge to a godless government of goofs. I do believe in Liberty under the LORD, justice and honor. Once believed that everyone did.
Dad and Mom came to Korea to visit. Reunion Tour.

  Just checked out my father's Junior Class Yearbook, 1942 TIGER, Albert Lea, Minnesota. He went to the Prom, played pool and his school didn't look that different than mine, except his was really larger. Well, my wife is up - I will have to drink my coffee and make myself useful gazing at the screens everywhere. Still working on the Procrastination Pile.   


  1. Yep, we were raised differently... We RESPECTED our elders, and if we had a problem with somebody, we went out behind the school and duked it out... sigh

  2. Yep, we were raised differently... We RESPECTED our elders, and if we had a problem with somebody, we went out behind the school and duked it out... sigh
