Saturday, March 2, 2013

Afraid to go out and face facts...

I have been playing with my fear, not examining it, and then facing it and conquering it... I am frozen in fear. Sigh.

I am enjoying watching Waterloo with Rod Steiger, one of the finest Historical movies made. Made coffee, made breakfast gruel and still have the fear.  Watched a bit of Fobes on FOX, watched a bit of Neil Cavuto on Business. Nothing breaks the fear, it seems this is all just distractions to the need to face the fear.

I have come to the conclusion on the Gun Control - 2nd Amendment debate/conflict/and the Revolution or Total Collapse of American Civilization that I will stand with the LORD. I know the weapons, the tactics and history and such - the only thing that will work is Godliness. I am sure that surrender to the LORD, makes more sense than surrendering to people of power that can't make a budget, figure out where the money went, and constantly tarnish their lives by bad or even evil behavior.

Still haven't faced that fear, the one in my mind, and there doesn't seem to be a better time than now. Wish me luck... how do those fears get planted and fed? Where is that instant fear killer when one needs it?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think one exists Earl, we just have to trust in the man upstairs...
