Monday, October 22, 2012

Have looked at surviving the coming collapse...

lots of people will, some will never even know it happened. Just think of all the different countries in the world, and most of us know nothing about them. Same thing on when it all goes south, the higher one is on the food chain, the quicker one becomes rotting flesh. Sickness or more likely starvation, the more complex will die back, down or totally off. Some may get protection from natural barriers, but as seen with the Pacific Island birds - that can go fast after technology catches up. All that science overcome by biological activity...

Not important but I think I have my new business - mission or purpose, the name (the logo hasn't really been designed yet). As soon as I get the logo I will make the business cards.

I am reading "We Have the War Upon US; The Onset of the Civil War, November 1860 to April 1861" by William J. Cooper.  The nation has ignored good sense before, the stakes are even higher this time.

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