Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Closer to solvency, aren't you?

End of the month, and sure enough, I was able to pay some bills and pay off more of my debt. Feels good to know that my personal debt is decreasing. So I have more of my money to take care of a future. Not that the country has any future, the politicians do not address the repayment of the debts. I know, many people would love to tell me that it can happen as soon as we hit the lottery of life. We can grow our way out of it, there are ways.

But there aren't. Watching the news programs I find that few remember Ron Paul's election bid and programs. They make comments that the candidates haven't answered the tough questions about taxes, policy and what it will take. Governor Romney has mentioned he wants to cut the size of government, give much back to states and there will have to be compromise and head butting against walls.

Yep, pain is not what we want to hear, but we might have to stop the increase in any spending, all COLA and re-establish the Treasury as the printer of money - the Federal Reserve is out of control, government control anyway.

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