Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doesn't meet the Paul Revere Ride test...

What doesn't meet it? Well, the mail I receive telling me I need to assemble on the Green, bring rifle and ammunition, food and water. You know, gather with my friends and neighbors to defend our lives, Liberty and all the Lord provides. All I seem to get are solicitations for motorcycle insurance, refinancing my home, and the American Rifleman magazine telling me if I don't get a Challenge Coin for Defeating Obama this year I won't be sexy anymore.... Then I do get a very nice almost personal letter from Mitt, to me (Mr. Dungey, one of America's most notable Republicans - not exactly what I want on my grave marker).

It is a fine personal letter, so I won't bother you all with the rest of what it said. Once you get beyond how well I have impressed Mitt it is about his belief in America and his plan for leadership. Sounds pretty good, until I see that he didn't remember why I think Ron Paul has a better slate than the rascally Republicans. Mitt, like President Obama, doesn't go and join the military and protect America from foreign fools. Under orders from some really strange other folks in uniforms with rank way above their capabilities... he, like President Obama, hasn't a clue what defending the nation is about. What is worth fighting for, what isn't, and why all those with only common values, of a common people don't think smart folks are very smart.

Well, I haven't the money to toss in Mitt's direction, and I know that Obama doesn't need my money - he hasn't asked and has already thrown away trillions on his stupidity. The letter, since it didn't address bringing my guns  to the Green to defend our Rights, is convincing me that no one in Washington, DC, nor wanting to go to Washington DC, knows what is worth fighting and dying for, therefore none are worth following. Have at it you proud professional political paupers. Have at it. I will be Earl, and will vote for the better of the choices... have had a taste of the fruit of the tree.

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