Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So what is your American Dream? do you want to share...

Tis the season for politicians to tell us that they are going to: Restore America, Hope, Change, and Continue on the Road to Prosperity... or some such. Did you see your dream in their words? Or is your dream wrapped around the life you live, the work you do, the education you are working at, the family you are building, the improvements to your faith, the attention you pay to God?

Most people building dreams aren't waiting for the government to get out of the way, to provide them an opportunity, to tell them what to dream or that theirs is an impossible dream. They are going to do the best they can and doing all they can to avoid conflict with the local, state and national authorities. Isn't that a shame that they are afraid of their own government's interference? This is America, land of opportunity, go live your dream!

Between bouts of work on the yard, a haircut and drooling over the firearms now on sale at the local base exchange,(Colt is selling to civilians again!) I thought about how different my American Dream is from the one on television. As I looked at rifles and pistols, I talked to a couple of men and maybe my almost field jacket and my patches from NRA and RWVA were like an invitation to share thoughts, for sure we did, about what was on the shelve, what we wanted and how others in our lives would look upon it. I am still working on making firearms familiar and safe again. Where I don't get bullied by the anti-gun forces with their lack of logic. I don't think our lives should be lived in fear, of anything except the Lord.

They have started a special line for people that pay to be more special than the other air passengers, for a hundred dollars Alaska Airlines and TSA will pre-screen you and make your life getting on the aircraft easier. I have held since 9/11, all they had to do to make it quick and uniform just roll everyone up in shrink wrap and treat them like luggage and put them on a cargo shelf until landing. A special container sleeper with a tube fed and disposal attached would be the luxury way to go. I shouldn't have to live my life afraid of another terrorist attack, but the government refuses to allow me to carry weapons on aircraft - because of what? the fact they can't control my actions. This is the same government that can't control their agents in performance of their duties and the appropriate conduct when in public. I guess the government is lucky most of us are ignoring their poor performance - or we might just vote them all out.

My American Dream is stuck, in long ago and far away -- back when the Federal Government was bound by the Constitution and the People had Rights the government couldn't take away. Where was that? Before President Jackson moved the tribes out of their homes? Somewhere back there, where we didn't understand what we did to the least of these you have done to me?

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