Monday, March 12, 2012

Whom do you trust?

I have been thinking about the inability of the politicians to get it right, around the world - not just in America, and looking at History and how many die because they won't change although changing wouldn't have stopped the problem, which seemed to be the leadership. So looking at the enormous debt that the current and last few generations got us into as they fooled with money, power and projects. Who do you trust? The money says 'IN GOD WE TRUST". But we are a secular culture, which means we don't really trust God (as a people), we trust the government instead.

There is an idea, and those in dangerous businesses practice for it, that one must prepare for an emergency. Sitting on the 98th floor waiting for rescue only works in Hollywood movies if Steve McQueen is a Fire Captain. You should know where the exit is, you should know how to put on a life vest, you should know how to swim or tread water, you should know how to use a compass, you should know what is safe to eat, to drink, you should know how to build temporary shelter, treat shock and stop bleeding or clear the airway. There isn't a lot of time to think, one must act and having thought about acting before the emergency is a wonderful thing. How do you act in the emergency?

Perhaps I should think about how to know there is an emergency, there aren't always tornado alarms. The power grids seem to go out a bit too regularly, how many cases of batteries do you own, on the shelf ready to power the radios - why do you have so many radios that you aren't maintaining for that emergency? Oh, listening to the iPod, not the radio? Take it all away, break everything strip yourself of protection - what do you do first? Prayer is a good start to clear thinking. THEN ACT! The Federal and State governments will be around as soon as they have control of the media coverage of the events. They, the more power they have the sillier the answers - will shut down all air traffic for days, because they never trust the people to be more than a cause. Example, the Federal Government is making sure you have good food to buy, they watch and inspect it, but no one in that government hangs when someone dies from bad food - do they? I trust the farmer more about food production than the government. But then I am buying processed and prepared foods, because the system hasn't broken down - yet. I should know some local farmers or have more land?

Just know that the only people I can trust are the ones I can reach out and throttle if I am angry. I will never get that close to the President or most Congressfolks. Not that I would throttle anyone, I just want to have a conversation, an opinion, and a hand with the heavy lifting - being me I don't look for a hug, but have noticed that it works well often. Whom do you trust?

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