Friday, March 9, 2012

Dreams, waking from more bad dreams...

Army, in the field, trucks that need to get down the mountain dirt roads, no one in charge, lots of soldiers time up with stuff that are ready to leave and go to happier places. No drivers, and no one in charge, and there are no brakes that work. Two trucks get off the road and bounce down the hillside, losing everything and themselves. I get excited, jump into an empty drivers seat and stop one truck and feel like I should scream madly at someone, but end up waking up sweating ...

I feel like it is seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones, but it should have been Ron Paul jumping into the empty drivers seat and slowing the progress of the truck without brakes, which to me had to be the financial and government collapse of the United States of America. Although I am sure there are lots of people that would have jumped into the drivers seat and geared down and used the side of the hill to slow the truck to a stop... everyone knows how to fix American love affair with bigger, and better and borrowing more money to make everyone think we can make it back?

Nevermind, go back to sleep, someone else can take care of getting the truck off the mountain and everyone back home, right?

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