Monday, December 31, 2012

Well, the world didn't end, and tomorrow is 'New'

So while I have a couple of minutes, I should reflect and thank God for all His blessings on my life.

I did notice between doing 'stuff' today, that Congress held our attention just long enough to prove they aren't able to make real positive decisions. I can make one, pick up a penny and take it home, roll it up with forty-nine others and turn it in at the credit union or bank, and I will be helping the economy, my government that throws millions of dollars around (but never at me), my sense of good works and protecting the innocent from road rage and abuse. See how much smarter I am than government? The government pretends that COLA is necessary to control the effect of inflation on its spreading the wealth around. It doesn't, but they don't want you to look too closely, just trust them.

If they would reduce government spending every month by 1%, I would be pleased, but they aren't there to make Earl happy, are they? I do hope God blesses you next year, and that you recognize where the goodness came from and are thankful. Amen.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

So you think the Fiscal Cliff is bad?

It is only in how high you are and how far to the bottom, for those of us - poor folks, it isn't so far. If you can't borrow money now, if you haven't got a job, your house is falling apart and housing prices are out of your reach and ability to make payments - if your letter to your Representative doesn't get as much attention as the one from Wall Street Bankers and brokers... well, the drop to the bottom isn't far at all.

 Very much like getting to the Emergency room, if you aren't bleeding and screaming in pain, you will have to wait for treatment, you may even have a competent medical person try to discourage your sitting and waiting making them feel guilty for your troubling them....

Maybe, that is why I am sure that going over the Fiscal Cliff is a good thing, kind of like being at the bottom of your addiction to whatever your weakness was most..... you don't wake up and die, or you do wake up in pain and sorrow and address the faults within yourself, and you may be totally alone because you never saw the light. You will want to blame your supplier, your co-dependent, your teachers, your parents, your friends, your party, their party and the lack of God or the interference of some greater powers.  But in the end, it was all you.

One of the best parts of being Earl, is that I am not so sure that following a crowd of fabulous fools is any better than being a self made one. Step outside of self and look, a fool is still a fool, and good for some laughs but not something to aspire to... not at all.

Most of us will never know the truth of where the country is headed, the forces at work, the people that aren't doing right, wrong or anything. One has enough trouble figuring out oneself, making the best Earl I could be.

I mentioned the Tenth Commandment in something I posted on Facebook, and a comment came back about 'Which Tenth Commandment, the Jewish, the Roman Catholic, the Protestant?' my only response, which I thought was the truth "God's, just God's Tenth Commandment". But I can't make the blind see nor the deaf hear - but I try to listen and open my eyes. Yes, God's Ten Commandments.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

It isn't so difficult if you do it every day, routinely...

Every day, I take medicine, in the proper doses at the proper time. Every day, my health issues have been met and I am still recovering better and better, every day.

Every day I am studying the Holy Bible, getting much better in my knowledge of the Word and in my walk with the Lord. Every day, better and stronger. I am even praying for my enemies, when it has always been easier to just eliminate them. Every day, I love better and stronger, but I have to work at it, everyday.

Every day I am trying to get stronger and faster and totally in tune with my physical potential and once had capabilities. But I have to go and work out, every day, eat right, rest enough and stay the course, no, I don't want to sink deeper into the mindless fat blob I pretend I am not. Every day, I have to sweat, breathe hard and make my body do things it once did so well - I thought it was natural. Everyday, if it isn't work, it is real rest and recover.

Do you aspire to learn a foreign language? Travel beyond your front door? Play an instrument? Be happier, be better, be wonderful, be friendly, be older, be hated, be true, live in the shadows, live free, to die a hero? What do you aspire to? Everyday, just a little in the direction of your goals, and you will make and finish that journey - everyday, routinely, that is how a snail does it, a worm, a man, an eagle, every day in the direction of success or failure. Only rocks endure, to be beaten upon and become worn. Only gravity affects rocks, sooner or later.


So, to make this just a political pause, a point needs to be understood by all our representatives in all their positions of poor performance. If you want to balance a budget, make one. If you want to reduce the debt don't spend as much, if you want to make the dollar mean something protect it from inflation and stop worrying about deflation. If you want to be trusted, you will have to demonstrate real good intentions and performance - a little every day, it builds up. Once you make the choices to be strong and powerful and right, to have honor and good sense and even better manners - you have to keep the work in that same direction, every day - rocket science means learning from your mistakes and failures - not repeating them because you wanted it to work and you are going to spend more money and time doing it again, harder. It isn't so difficult.

Friday, December 28, 2012

What turns you on, keeps you motivated?

I am going to say, most turn on is artificial and designed to make you spend money.

Media wants your attention and direction in their way...

 Just look at what we do and why? There are those going on without worry about the Fiscal Cliff, which was the result of a Bi-partisan effort to reach a dead end. Sure enough that is exactly where we are. Wasn't anything to worry over, either the government gets it right or continues to screw it up, if I were a betting man I would go with the latter.

There was a fool, saying that most Gun Owners agreed that something had to be done about Assault Weapons - and it is only true in they believe the government should issue them to tax payers. Yes, I made that up, and I am not on television getting the last word in, so it doesn't matter. The media will try to sway you to believe that it would be better to do away with guns, they don't like folks shooting on the weekends away from their sponsors. Of course one of the thriving industries in America is about shooting for all kinds of reasons. Another reason to squash it quickly, failed green energy ploys suck up more excess government goodness than collecting the tax on ammunition which the Conservationists think is a fine idea.

The Blues play in my home tonight, I will bury myself in a couple of good books. One fiction and the other about the Alamo. I am on a theme of the government ruthlessly smashing opposition forces. I do know that only those invisible people survive when madness marches.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

So what hits the news today?

Feeble attempts to work out a deal before we all go over the cliff?

It does not matter. If the government is incompetent, the media no longer stands on its honor and truth, if the American citizens don't take their own action, the Earth abides and God is in Heaven.

So, since I am looking for important conversation on the troubles, the problems and the answers - I will continue to visit the YMCA, study the Bible and love better and better, Amen.

Two points I like to make: the movie Gran Torino, see it again, slower - all the answers are there, it isn't a sound bite, there are things we would like to ignore but it was a good picture of where America went while we were off on our own thing... and we woke up without someone to remind us we are better than that.

I had a comment to an ad on Facebook:

Still young and beautiful enough to make up for lack of real knowledge, real men don't need guns they carry them to protect the innocent and completely stupid.

in reply:

  • James Sands Unfortunately William Earl Dungey there are more completely stupid carrying guns than real men
  • William Earl Dungey Too true, too true.
    So an answer is for all the Good Men, the real men to get their guns, not leaving the world to the tender mercies of the Mayor of New York and the Main Stream Media which knows that conflict in Syria sells but in the streets of our cities not so much?
    So the 'everyone knows' anti-gun crowd, the ones that think Gun Control will work better than Drug bans, alcohol prohibitions and everyone succeeds when it is fair.... the ones that don't understand that Economy happens if there isn't a government agency to measure it, build it or screw up the outcome - for whatever reason. 
    I found this worth sharing, along with the movie, 

    Gun Restrictions Have Always Bred Defiance, Black Markets

     Now, I have done my best for the blog from here. You have to see the movie, and read the linked, and join me in the revolution.

    I am in the passive resistance portion now, I refuse to think they are important, know what is going on, or are headed in the direction that will make this a better country. Don't participate and give them the spotlight or the satisfaction. No hurry on getting to the armed revolution portion, I have to go see Les Misserables -- no I won't check the spelling or link the movie trailer. It is about France anyway, it could never happen here. Could it?

    Earth abides and God is in Heaven, and hopefully in your heart.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It is Christmas and I shouldn't blog...

So, I won't. I did wake up to a warm home, a wonderful wife, a full larder and the rain was outside beating on the road and roof, not in my heart. We had breakfast, exchanged gifts, and went to Christmas Combined (culture/language) service with communion, a wonderful feeling of completeness to the day. I had pondered a bit the people getting breakfast at Denny's and coffee places - felt sorry for their lonely, to me Christmas is always about family - one in Bethlehem and the one in our hearts and homes. When returning home I found my internet folks, and a call from my son, I called back immediately. Yes, I know it was dark on that side of the world, for more than one reason and I called my wife to talk to him. Made her day, she will have more to worry about him now, but he did receive the food package we sent. Then  he and I got settled in and started talking.

Talked to my sister later, both conversations tell me that I really don't communicate well, especially on Facebook and this blog. But I am trying.

So how does the cook know you really loved the feast she made just for us? Well, if she were my wife she read my mind as I filled my plate up the second and third times - it was saying some foolishness about I could work it all off tomorrow - and the gentle kiss on the back of her neck with a nuzzle might have convinced her. Hope y'all had a very Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2012

A quiet night, an almost silent night...

I looked for news, but what I got was sensational news - but the big deal was all the world to be taxed, two thousand some years ago. Somethings never change, here in the 21st Century the American politicians are struggling to think, talk and work to make the season bright. Luckily they aren't trying to run a business or save the world, they often remind me of those wunderkind of big business that bankrupt their companies and then want bonus checks for their hard work. Don't worry, we will allow them their pay and perks, after all we didn't ask them to be competent, just personable. We are safe for a few days, they went on holiday.

Most of the Christian world has concentrated on the celebration of their Savior's birth. Funny how one baby could cause so much joy, in the angelic host and the Heavens, with simple shepherds and the wisest of men, going to glorify and mark the birth. They had to get around barriers and threats, abandoning their work temporarily for the magic moment. How do you think they took the laughter of the elite in Herod's palace when they said they were seeking the new born king? You know the tone of the snickering - sounded just like today's talking heads. The shepherds probably knew much more about agriculture than the flunkies in the court at Rome or Jerusalem, although they liked wool, lamb and mutton.

Here in my home, it is quiet enough, the stereo is on with classical Christmas themed music, my wife is calling friends, our family is on Facebook and all is right on the internet... my son posted in the Middle East, my cousins in New Zealand couldn't wait for us to wake up, they are a day ahead and don't post their joy on tape delay.

It isn't a big display of lights, a tree surrounded by gifts, but in the end what warms my heart is that I am close to all those that I love, in love of the Lord and this day, that we are sharing memories and traditions and making new ones to be held closely in the dark lonely times. Every Christmas I count the ones I was alone in far flung firebases, away from anyone that mattered - it is difficult to be un-thought about, un-loved and even hated by those that had no idea. I wish I had been wiser in some of those earlier Christmas celebrations, held tighter to the golden memories of the home and family - there were a couple I was sure I was totally drunk in denial of the goodness and greatness of the Lord and His blessings upon me and humanity. It is very lonely out there, and God was always there in the bunkers and fighting positions, and spending time swapping stories of Christmas past with the other guys - helped. The rum soaked fruitcake from Mom, the quiet knowledge that others have been on the edge before, far away from all we love. Sometimes when one is young, the truth is hard to see and too hidden by self and selfish desires.

I hope everyone remembers those that are standing on station today, holding our fragile world together, it has been long sought Peace on Earth, and Mankind seems to futilely search for it in conquest and control  of others, when it should have started in their hearts. May the Lord love you more than we deserve, and may you see His mercy and His Peace on Earth, this day when we celebrate the birth of our Savior.