Monday, December 24, 2012

A quiet night, an almost silent night...

I looked for news, but what I got was sensational news - but the big deal was all the world to be taxed, two thousand some years ago. Somethings never change, here in the 21st Century the American politicians are struggling to think, talk and work to make the season bright. Luckily they aren't trying to run a business or save the world, they often remind me of those wunderkind of big business that bankrupt their companies and then want bonus checks for their hard work. Don't worry, we will allow them their pay and perks, after all we didn't ask them to be competent, just personable. We are safe for a few days, they went on holiday.

Most of the Christian world has concentrated on the celebration of their Savior's birth. Funny how one baby could cause so much joy, in the angelic host and the Heavens, with simple shepherds and the wisest of men, going to glorify and mark the birth. They had to get around barriers and threats, abandoning their work temporarily for the magic moment. How do you think they took the laughter of the elite in Herod's palace when they said they were seeking the new born king? You know the tone of the snickering - sounded just like today's talking heads. The shepherds probably knew much more about agriculture than the flunkies in the court at Rome or Jerusalem, although they liked wool, lamb and mutton.

Here in my home, it is quiet enough, the stereo is on with classical Christmas themed music, my wife is calling friends, our family is on Facebook and all is right on the internet... my son posted in the Middle East, my cousins in New Zealand couldn't wait for us to wake up, they are a day ahead and don't post their joy on tape delay.

It isn't a big display of lights, a tree surrounded by gifts, but in the end what warms my heart is that I am close to all those that I love, in love of the Lord and this day, that we are sharing memories and traditions and making new ones to be held closely in the dark lonely times. Every Christmas I count the ones I was alone in far flung firebases, away from anyone that mattered - it is difficult to be un-thought about, un-loved and even hated by those that had no idea. I wish I had been wiser in some of those earlier Christmas celebrations, held tighter to the golden memories of the home and family - there were a couple I was sure I was totally drunk in denial of the goodness and greatness of the Lord and His blessings upon me and humanity. It is very lonely out there, and God was always there in the bunkers and fighting positions, and spending time swapping stories of Christmas past with the other guys - helped. The rum soaked fruitcake from Mom, the quiet knowledge that others have been on the edge before, far away from all we love. Sometimes when one is young, the truth is hard to see and too hidden by self and selfish desires.

I hope everyone remembers those that are standing on station today, holding our fragile world together, it has been long sought Peace on Earth, and Mankind seems to futilely search for it in conquest and control  of others, when it should have started in their hearts. May the Lord love you more than we deserve, and may you see His mercy and His Peace on Earth, this day when we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Looking for solutions that I can jump into...

Without a parachute, of course.

I want to volunteer to perform armed security duty against attackers of our children. I don't want to check backpacks, or look for drugs.  All I want to do is make sure there is an armed adult willing and very able to shoot an attacker. I don't want to talk, give a warning beyond 'put the gun on the floor' - if that doesn't work I would have to pull the trigger. Unless there is another option, my imagination hasn't one yet.

So the NRA is calling for armed police (they only used that term to quiet fears), what they would really like is for the community to decide to introduce firearms into the schools in the hands of capable adults. Not a Federal idea, not a State idea, but a common sense idea that every concerned parent should look at closely.

Today I found this NATIONAL SCHOOL SHIELD , looks like their program but not exactly NRA all the way, just that they have put on the internet an answer, a direction, an object for discussion and more than the Vice President's group has done so far. Although, the petition to the White House that I supported did get me the White House staffer's response.  It was very professional, political and no use in saving the life of even one child or teacher from monsters.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Remember when we could do anything, be anything?

I once observed that little children will try everything, singing, dancing, painting, reading, tumbling, riding and a host of stuff - because they want to join the fun all around them. Then some adult will come along to put fear in them - about dangerous stuff like touching fire, tongues to frozen steel monkey bars, jumping out of windows and pulling the cat's tail.... and then that they aren't pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough, swift enough, that they haven't learned enough, aren't certified, qualified or verified. The whole education system seems to freeze them into a boring place, a safe place, a calming place, a peaceful place and enriching place...  which isn't a real world, but seems like that warm cozy bed as you and the Sun get ready to rise in the morning.

This nation, the United States of America, was founded by people seeking a place where they could be free from fears - very real fears - of denying their own religion, of denying them the opportunity to make their family stronger and healthy and free from old ideas, free from want, free from slavery, free from stupid governments with rules of "it has always been that way". The nation was founded by men that trusted there were enough good men to make sure there wouldn't be a bad government, an evil government. Noble goal, what? Governments do know there are more good people than bad ones, but they like to have power, and one way to ensure more power is to frighten most people - to highlight the problems that only they can handle, the official responsible... kind of, but don't quote me.

I once had a flat tire, I looked for a certified tire repairer to get it fixed, no one would take my money to fix my tire, so I got the tools and took it down and I fixed it, put it back together and inflated it and got back on the road. My grandfather and father would have taken maybe thirty minutes (they had the tools) and experience of having to take care of it themselves... what changed? How did we, as a well educated and healthy people, get so helpless? Death by recliner, bring me another beer kid and change the channel.

I do have to thank, the President of the United States for two things under his administration, the death of four Americans doing the best they could in Libya - and the death of twenty-six in a school house in Newtown, CT. It isn't his personal responsibility for those failures, not even close, but it should have reminded the rest of us, in the World, that absolute power has no limitations and it has no real power. You only save those that have the power not the unwanted or not needed, have plenty. The Emperor has no Clothes, is a fine fairytale with a very real message - just because you believe it, doesn't make it so, no matter what the Main Stream Media and the fawning flunkies are lauding.

When comparing Canada with our nation's crime statistics, no one compares the cleaner streets with our potholed and trashed ones. When comparing Mexico's strong gun bans - they somehow miss all the dictators, revolutions, and current criminal empires thriving in that poor country, that could be so rich. Where a people are freer, and opportunity to be sought the American experiment stands tall - as we copy other models where the people are too stupid, too wild and too lazy to take care of themselves... the nation withers and prepares to die.

As the Federal Government has provided all the security they can in the Gun Free Zones, it is up to the parents, concerned teachers, neighbors and friends - to arm themselves and stand up to guard against the invaders and murderers. No one loves enough anymore? I don't believe that for a minute. But I do believe that many would want assurance that doing it for themselves wouldn't make them laughed at, mocked and attacked by the better and elite fellowship of fools, nor jailed by the same.

If you start the conversation with "I am only Earl, but I think..." it is humble enough, but they won't listen nor report it, because "they" know you aren't qualified, certified and bonified --- and they are horrified that you think you are identified without any of their labels, personified. Stand up, God knows your name and your heart --- you can do anything, for they aren't.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

How is your world? Sad and no wiser?

From yesterday:

Church was fine tonight, children's Christmas performances, I started feeling sad when twenty of the cute kindergarten & 1st graders lined up, but then I was sure that no mad man with an awful weapon had a chance to interrupt them, would be no media to hunt them down after, God was in the house, and all the people praised him. Only the media wouldn't understand why I was sure they were safe in the church and their families' love.

The truth is that no one is answering well my question, what would you do to protect all our children everywhere from those that want to harm them?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Say it often enough in public it might be true...

There was an atheist that died in selfless sacrifice to save the world from its sins....  of course he would do that because he had no belief in a higher authority, say like God, and the atheist loved me and my brethren so much that he would die for us.

I do know that probably didn't happen.

What is it that you love? Would you stand up and fight and die for it? Or do you have to be paid in gold, then owing your service to Caesar?

There is a real danger in Gun Free Zones, and the American Indian will tell you that trusting the Federal Government and their protection hasn't saved the Bison nor the American Indian children and their way of life. Promises and treaties, kept and broken, the result is there for you to hear and see. Yep, but you don't study History do you, you want to be entertained and comfortable?

I know I am willing to stand armed guard at a school four hours a day, five days a week. I am willing to confront armed attackers to save the lives of the children and the adults. I also have some advantage in that I am fully trained, retired and aware of what that means. Many of you citizens no longer do, but I study History.

Well, concerned citizen, are you willing to stand armed guard for those innocents? There really are more armed, sane and law abiding citizens willing to stand up and perform than the professional gunslingers, politicians and media would like you to believe in. There are many more armed peaceful law abiding Americans than the powers to be want you to know, they are just not sure saving the President, the banks or the Wall Street hustlers is worth their time and lives. I am sure they would stand up to protect the innocent. They would be brave.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Take the schools back, send in the 2nd Amendment

So get the militia into the schools, I suggest the old retired police and military with pistols and appropriate ammunition. I would love to volunteer four hours a day, five days a week. I know the number of fine professional crime fighters and first responders, the rest of the country was totally unprotected while they were in Conn. We still have volunteer fire departments, we can have volunteer School armed guards - and I am not talking about crossing guards.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The President looked very fine tonight...

Spoke many of the words I wanted him to, to those from the families and school, not sure at all why he was televised, but I do know that he had many more veiled sentences than he needed when he spoke. I would have crossed many of them off - since they were leaning towards something far outside the subject of comfort and support. In all his four years in very public view he has never referred so well to the Holy Bible and the Lord's comfort to those suffering. I hope that works well for him and the Lord.

The conspiracy folks are typing up all the things they think are being withheld from our knowledge by the Media, and laying parts of it upon a complicit law enforcement records. Reminding those of the same cynical view of Waco Texas and the siege of the Branch Davidians, the government and the media will lie, for many reasons, but they don't always.

I do know, for sure and in all truth, that the idea that any government that supports arming the Syrian and Libyan resistance to those of official long term government --  can't really think they can sell disarming of the American public - can they? Sure they can, but it isn't going to be easy. Remember these are the fools of both parties that can't stop the bleeding of the budget (even if you never plan one, once you start throwing money away, that is part of your budget). I don't know, perhaps in the education system or the thoughts of the only 'me' culture, where anyone gets the idea that those assuming power have the Divine Right of Rule and shouldn't be questioned nor replaced more frequently.