little of my monitor screen is taken up by what is on my mind. Really,
17x10 inches, and my mind has 6x1 inches of acknowledged FB content for
display? Sure, then the diversions, take y'all immediately to where FB
is going to make money...
No, what I think about: Combat Experiences of the AEF of WWI (reading it) Pontiac's War in the movie '
UnConquered' (watching the DVD), RWVA expansion to the millions of those that have never been to one or have never heard of us (the members only portion of the RWVA Forum), declining participation in church, public schools, voting, community, and when am I going to learn how to shoot better... or do anything better than...
There are many places to go and get lost aren't there?
I did shoot yesterday, checked my zero at twenty-five, found my sights off, put them back on, then took the target to 100 yards, the black was about six inches, okay, I shot it, I hit it. Go back to 200 yards the black is still six inches, darn that is a small target, shoot it and hit the paper, take it back to 300 yards the black is still six inches and I can see it? Well, yes, unless I look at my front sight (FOCUS!) then I have the large paper blur, twenty-one inches wide, which is about 7 minutes of angle, which is about my front sight width... Still I do hit that paper.
But I don't have the good tight one inch groups I have shot on the twenty five yard line. Sigh, what is my expectation? Consistency, but I am not that good. Yet. I bring all my failures home, lay the targets on the bed and think... Maybe I should use a larger target at the distances, you know, something like the whole twenty-one inches. Looking up the longer range targets I find them having black areas about twenty-one inches or even more. Ah, that is interesting. I could run out to the range and engage a full size, 24x20 D silhouette. Be happier.
Notice the sneaky NRA commercials? First one I caught was the blond with the 1911 gold pistol necklace, and she was talking about something other than shooting, when she got to the 5 million members of the NRA I had it figured out. Saw a man later, but he had no jewelry so I wasn't sure except for now familiar format. My brother's enemy, the NRA, which like Republicans and Conservative values - is a red flag - a warning that nothing good will come from listening to that stuff, all lies. Which is shared to guns and shooting, although most people may now something about guns and shooting that doesn't fit the EVIL label... some of them.
As long as the unknowing media label soft ear plugs as non lethal bullets the shooting community has its message to get out - there are so many unwashed and unknowing out there. Can't get them to read the Constitution or Declaration of Independence since it doesn't fit in a hundred and forty characters or takes more than a few seconds to think about... or are they thinking anymore, maybe they are just feeling?
Well, your homework assignment, so I can rest longer and sleep soundly is: define America, Liberty, and marksmanship. Why are folks tuning out, dropping out, not being part of the herd, or defining themselves as a part of the herd, the protest, the mob, the looters, the lost, the winners, the losers... are they defining self or their darkness potential? Think it is time for a fresh pot of coffee, I am not going back to sleep.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Rebranding, or rustling with a running iron?
The RWVA Forum is just full of comments and ideas and chatter of great potential... check it out. I have to laugh, at myself, in the first few days I commented a couple of times. But I stopped. I am a volunteer and all those professionals, don't need me to add my foolish thoughts - I have Facebook! I can swim in foolish all day long there. There have been some serious emails about Appleseed events without Shoot Bosses and shooters, and crew. I find even volunteers can't do it all. Just getting it put on a host range schedule doesn't make ammunition available, get to the local or a couple county away shooters. Much of the discussion is about how to get to them.
As my links on the side show, I have been working Appleseed pretty steadily, met lots of great shooters, people that are worth my attention and fun to be with on line. Lots of them. But out of a hundred and sixty million gun owners in America - only 70,000 have been to an Appleseed. So we think we should stretch out and reach some more. The how to do that is where the professionals come in, or the lack of firm organization and leadership? Hmm, I have no idea about how it could be, I have never been to the great shooting schools, I have never worked for the firearms companies, I have a long association with the NRA, but really, I have been instructing and coaching more shooters on Appleseeds than I ever did with the NRA. The National Rifle Association does have qualified instructors and great programs for a shooter. It just seems to me they want political influence and money. Appleseed wants your participation, your time and talent and if nothing else - speak well of us and send more shooters to our events.
One of the secret goals of the RWVA and Appleseed is to ignite the shooters with a mission of finding out how our country started, heritage. There are people that think the ship of America is sinking, off course and out of control... and most of the passengers are still sitting in deck chairs talking about the latest sitcom on cable. We instruct the shooting because that would get the shooter to feel empowered, and challenge them to reach Rifleman (only ten percent of shooters will get that high). Of the Riflemen, only like half a percent will volunteer to become a member and aid in the events and instruction, going through all the training to become a Red Hat. Then, because life is in the way, they slow down their participation - I mean, shooting isn't the beginning and the end of everything. There is family, friends, work, politics, aging -- a lot of reasons to slow down on the Trail... but speak well of us. Especially all you shooters that talk to shooters, family and friends that don't shoot. We aren't Hollywood, we aren't anything but marksmanship and heritage.
As my links on the side show, I have been working Appleseed pretty steadily, met lots of great shooters, people that are worth my attention and fun to be with on line. Lots of them. But out of a hundred and sixty million gun owners in America - only 70,000 have been to an Appleseed. So we think we should stretch out and reach some more. The how to do that is where the professionals come in, or the lack of firm organization and leadership? Hmm, I have no idea about how it could be, I have never been to the great shooting schools, I have never worked for the firearms companies, I have a long association with the NRA, but really, I have been instructing and coaching more shooters on Appleseeds than I ever did with the NRA. The National Rifle Association does have qualified instructors and great programs for a shooter. It just seems to me they want political influence and money. Appleseed wants your participation, your time and talent and if nothing else - speak well of us and send more shooters to our events.
One of the secret goals of the RWVA and Appleseed is to ignite the shooters with a mission of finding out how our country started, heritage. There are people that think the ship of America is sinking, off course and out of control... and most of the passengers are still sitting in deck chairs talking about the latest sitcom on cable. We instruct the shooting because that would get the shooter to feel empowered, and challenge them to reach Rifleman (only ten percent of shooters will get that high). Of the Riflemen, only like half a percent will volunteer to become a member and aid in the events and instruction, going through all the training to become a Red Hat. Then, because life is in the way, they slow down their participation - I mean, shooting isn't the beginning and the end of everything. There is family, friends, work, politics, aging -- a lot of reasons to slow down on the Trail... but speak well of us. Especially all you shooters that talk to shooters, family and friends that don't shoot. We aren't Hollywood, we aren't anything but marksmanship and heritage.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Bean counters... what could we do without them? Much more... much...
Numbers are wonderful and often useful, but bean counters can get in the way. Sure I am certain that if you don't feed your army, don't have any arms and ammunition that it isn't going to always win. But having been soundly defeated by the media and the loving Left at home in America, I did notice that the Army deciding that it would win if the bean counters could tally up lots of VC/NVA bodies.... and that counting doesn't work. Does not mean they won't still try to score more before the period ends or the game is over... the numbers aren't worth dwelling on since the second half hasn't started - and someone is tired and hurt, and others think they are going to win big.
So if you are part of an effort, organization or cause - don't start using bean counters to tell you if you are winning. Honestly, you should feel good about the fighting, the struggle, the little victories, the improved morale, the bragging based on reality... bragging that only someone else that has been there understands. So if your church coffers are close to empty, and the parish pews aren't full - it doesn't mean you didn't save the one soul that the Lord needs for His work. If attendance is off at the theater, in your dinner or hot dog stand, if you can't get some help for the effort to cure some deadly ill of mankind - don't go to the bean counters, they can give you numbers, they can make reports, they can hire pollsters to help counting - and pay themselves well along the way - if you listen to them loud enough - they could give you a business model that really doesn't win battles - but it should have, just put some more money up and twist the product a bit this way or that... call it by a new name! And still you aren't winning, but the numbers say we should be, this has worked before - everyone knows our good intentions, it should be supported by all! The bean counters didn't keep the Continental Army under George Washington in the field. More beans would have been helpful. All the pretty uniforms and wonderful weapons and drill under General George McClellan couldn't win him a war nor a Presidency, but gosh he looked good, and the numbers said Lee had to surrender.
My point, especially in a volunteer (till their hearts burst with pride of success and joy of victory) organization, is keep it light - don't count wild numbers just praise for one more done well, because the next effort is going to be harder and the reward only comes to those that were there on St Crispin's Day. Not the bean counters, of the French or the home court.
I have the pleasure of telling all two of my faithful readers - that The Admiral: Roaring Current is a fine foreign film with great English subtitles. It is about a Korean hero Tan Gun Yi, Sun-shin -- there is lots of the History left out, both the Japanese and the Korean - although the hints of the political struggles of both nations is texture easily seen in the level of trust and demands of obedience... and it isn't for children, very well done battle scenes, properly blood drenched. The music if not distracting, but you can't hear birds singing nor crickets chirping. Like I said, I will own the DVD, it is that good. Even the best love story, works, although it is almost magical. If I had any real complaints, it would be that young Korean men have had enough plastic surgery and make up to make me wonder if they aren't really women. But then there are some real women and you can figure it out after that. No bad language nor sexual perversions - so it isn't designed for a decadent American public... just honest blood and gore and strange things like honor and sacrifice and duty.... no matter what. Oh, I guess most current culture won't want to see it, not politically correct enough.
So if you are part of an effort, organization or cause - don't start using bean counters to tell you if you are winning. Honestly, you should feel good about the fighting, the struggle, the little victories, the improved morale, the bragging based on reality... bragging that only someone else that has been there understands. So if your church coffers are close to empty, and the parish pews aren't full - it doesn't mean you didn't save the one soul that the Lord needs for His work. If attendance is off at the theater, in your dinner or hot dog stand, if you can't get some help for the effort to cure some deadly ill of mankind - don't go to the bean counters, they can give you numbers, they can make reports, they can hire pollsters to help counting - and pay themselves well along the way - if you listen to them loud enough - they could give you a business model that really doesn't win battles - but it should have, just put some more money up and twist the product a bit this way or that... call it by a new name! And still you aren't winning, but the numbers say we should be, this has worked before - everyone knows our good intentions, it should be supported by all! The bean counters didn't keep the Continental Army under George Washington in the field. More beans would have been helpful. All the pretty uniforms and wonderful weapons and drill under General George McClellan couldn't win him a war nor a Presidency, but gosh he looked good, and the numbers said Lee had to surrender.
My point, especially in a volunteer (till their hearts burst with pride of success and joy of victory) organization, is keep it light - don't count wild numbers just praise for one more done well, because the next effort is going to be harder and the reward only comes to those that were there on St Crispin's Day. Not the bean counters, of the French or the home court.

Saturday, August 23, 2014
Go to the range more often... sure

I am out for my first taste of shooting my Lady Liberty 03 A3, thank you Kool Aid and Remington. I set up to fire prone, in sling and advertising Appleseed, cause we need more shooters on our ranges.
I am using a 1907 leather sling, and the wind is coming straight at me, so extra staples in the target to hold the paper to the cardboard. I start with four rounds for zero, no time monkey, I have all day to get it done.
The target says I am right and high, so I go Left four and Down two, and I am just learning the sighting system. I split the next four, but still want down two more, and I worry about my sling slipping down my arm, ought to do more biceps and triceps building (such an olde man). I am not wearing a shooting jacket (it is in the Caravan, I am lazy).
My next four are vertical strung and a touch to the right again, hmm, I don't like that but don't want to change sights, think about changing shooter. Last four of the zero, right two, are all touching but a vertical string again, I am blaming working a bolt and the sling slip... that is my story and I am sticking to it.
I move the target from the twenty-five yard line to the 100 yard berm, and remove the sighting square target for a clean large target. I mark the inside holes with orange pasties so I know where the new holes are, and I go and fire four, prone with sling and no change in sights. I am happy for all except the final round which killed the nine on the target, my sling slips a bit and I think I could have had another ten, like I have ever scored my holes before, the other three are fine. Even counting my 'flyer' it is still a group that would take the deer or elk. If they would just stand still during hunting season.
I move the target out to 200 yards, walking it out. Then running (okay, jogging gently) back to the firing line. Yep, I am the last shooter, but the only one to be shooting 200 yards. I will drive to pick up the target next time. And when I am going to do the hundreds in the future I will drive and get my jogging gently somewhere else. Could trip and fall in a mole hole or hill on this range.
Two groups of four, sling slip, dropping aiming point, one off paper low right, one low right above that one, three in a group and then three with more vertical stringing. I must, must, do more shooting long distance - and lock my sling and position when I am engaging the target... really.
More dry practice, more position practice, don't be too lazy to button up and wear the shooting jacket and watch out for that sling slip, slipping away. That can't help my technique. See how much I learn as I go to the range? Hope you are getting enough time on target where you are. See you on the trail!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
The coming collapse...
There are signs out there that the whole thing is falling apart, and that the government is preparing to hold the civil unrest down and make everything better.
Duh, you are looking in the wrong direction. The collapse is never with the citizens and the peoples - it is always the failure of the government. Probably because the people that believe they are in charge - stop being effective leaders, rulers, or elected representatives. They stopped working like they owned the title.
A leader in the Army will always be the one making things happen. There are official leaders and un-official leaders - may your units always have the two working together to make the mission work and get everyone back to safety for rest and recovery... sometimes they don't.
So, if the TEA Party is part of the problem with the Democrats in the Senate not being able to pass a budget, or a much needed law - the idea that the TEA Party is the problem is not a solution. Duh. Excuses don't make things happen, they just make everyone no longer feeling bad about failure. David Crockett's ghost talking to Jim Bowie's ghost about how they should have done it different, just doesn't matter - they made a big enough statement that even in their failure the die was cast and Mexico lost Texas. No one really outside of Texas celebrates the other places the little Napoleon of the West killed everyone in rebellion. In Mexico nor Texas - the idea that dictators are going to be good guys, someday... doesn't pass the History test.
There was lots of great leadership, political, military and economic in Russia during WWI but they didn't share a common goal -- some nobles thought they were, duh. And workers wanted to be united and oppressed because they didn't see the changing rulers didn't make the world brighter... The current government failures and continued beating their heads and ours against the wall of stupid silence and political correctness - none of that will fix the nation. Selective hearing, pretending that if feels good and we should do it harder and longer and make more noise about it.... won't bring back America. America is the land of the free the home of the brave... and most of what was America, is waiting for SWAT to descend on their party and ruin it for everyone.
Historically, all government collapse is before the civilian folks and peoples give up, the peoples will fight long after their kings, presidents and thugs in charge are dead and gone.... really. Look it up.
Duh, you are looking in the wrong direction. The collapse is never with the citizens and the peoples - it is always the failure of the government. Probably because the people that believe they are in charge - stop being effective leaders, rulers, or elected representatives. They stopped working like they owned the title.
A leader in the Army will always be the one making things happen. There are official leaders and un-official leaders - may your units always have the two working together to make the mission work and get everyone back to safety for rest and recovery... sometimes they don't.
So, if the TEA Party is part of the problem with the Democrats in the Senate not being able to pass a budget, or a much needed law - the idea that the TEA Party is the problem is not a solution. Duh. Excuses don't make things happen, they just make everyone no longer feeling bad about failure. David Crockett's ghost talking to Jim Bowie's ghost about how they should have done it different, just doesn't matter - they made a big enough statement that even in their failure the die was cast and Mexico lost Texas. No one really outside of Texas celebrates the other places the little Napoleon of the West killed everyone in rebellion. In Mexico nor Texas - the idea that dictators are going to be good guys, someday... doesn't pass the History test.
There was lots of great leadership, political, military and economic in Russia during WWI but they didn't share a common goal -- some nobles thought they were, duh. And workers wanted to be united and oppressed because they didn't see the changing rulers didn't make the world brighter... The current government failures and continued beating their heads and ours against the wall of stupid silence and political correctness - none of that will fix the nation. Selective hearing, pretending that if feels good and we should do it harder and longer and make more noise about it.... won't bring back America. America is the land of the free the home of the brave... and most of what was America, is waiting for SWAT to descend on their party and ruin it for everyone.
Historically, all government collapse is before the civilian folks and peoples give up, the peoples will fight long after their kings, presidents and thugs in charge are dead and gone.... really. Look it up.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
YMMV or AFAIK or SOS.... duh...
I am not a text-er, so after a life full of FEBA, LD, JSOC and DZ,LZ, PZ... I don't really do alphabet words and sentences outside of limited professional need --- cause AAR might mean something else to one not in the know. But there are those that love to be in the know, and flaunt their knowledge constantly, as they make little grammatical errors or spell checker misses something. It is alright, Google search will bring me into the know - or I can make something up.
Today is the expected delivery date of the rifle, happy sigh. It is on a delivery truck, put there in Dupont, WA, which is just down the road and I pass by there when I go to many of my Appleseeds. So close... and so far. I am reading a story about WWI, getting my mind set and delaying the waiting by filling my mind with something interesting and 'can be done in the privacy of your own home...' Wasn't that a slogan from some long ago product? On Facebook my friends and family have caught my comment about the did I get to thinking that was a real conversation? Hmmm.
I received a book, signed and the digital camo poncho liner. Changed the sling to a 1907 Remington 38407??, with lots of ammorer markings on the stock I will have to look up. Today is a YMCA loss... but I had best clean up the packing material from the reading room, shouldn't I. Cannot say Thank you enough.

I received a book, signed and the digital camo poncho liner. Changed the sling to a 1907 Remington 38407??, with lots of ammorer markings on the stock I will have to look up. Today is a YMCA loss... but I had best clean up the packing material from the reading room, shouldn't I. Cannot say Thank you enough.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Trouble in paradise...
I was very disturbed by the RWVA forum today, the word manslave was used... and I had enough problems with the junior high boy mentality that thought 'the floggings will continue until the marksmanship improves'. And that was on the official Instructor sweatshirts. Sigh.
So if the California PC crowd that ruined Colorado and Washington States is going to take over the RWVA forum and make mockery of men, many for many good reasons do need mocked. Well, I don't have to be among the ones wondering where the 4MOA and three strikes got hijacked for silly stuff.
I figured that if one is to build a country, or rebuild a country - you don't leave out important parts of the building blocks. You don't leave women out, you don't leave children out, you don't leave loners out -- everyone is welcome on the line or in the programs. So they do want to extend outreach - and will do Libertyseeds for those that don't shoot, but want to share the history of April 19, 1775. And they will help the National Guard with their marksmanship, and the Scouts, and others. And if there are women that would be more comfortable in a Ladyseed, they have those available, too. I don't work Ladyseeds, because I am a man, and I am not a 'manslave' any day of the week, and won't accept that from anyone. It would have been a game changer in the military - but then I always knew the officer corps had to be smart enough to know they couldn't do without me, and when they discovered they could - I retired.
Getting older and crankier, maybe I should hibernate again. Is the program going to survive the lack of ammunition, the twisting of effort to make the RWVA acceptable to more folks? I don't know, it may not be worth considering. When I get cute on the line, I might not be as safe as needed, might miss someone not being the best shot they could be while their sling slips down their support arm... one needs focus, and distractions are only such, if I were in the rifleman's bubble I wouldn't hear the fools calling me names, would I?
So if the California PC crowd that ruined Colorado and Washington States is going to take over the RWVA forum and make mockery of men, many for many good reasons do need mocked. Well, I don't have to be among the ones wondering where the 4MOA and three strikes got hijacked for silly stuff.
Getting older and crankier, maybe I should hibernate again. Is the program going to survive the lack of ammunition, the twisting of effort to make the RWVA acceptable to more folks? I don't know, it may not be worth considering. When I get cute on the line, I might not be as safe as needed, might miss someone not being the best shot they could be while their sling slips down their support arm... one needs focus, and distractions are only such, if I were in the rifleman's bubble I wouldn't hear the fools calling me names, would I?
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Have you been listening....
I saw a bit of news on Ferguson, MO. And they said that rioters were looting a store, sure enough there was someone looting a store. While the police were tear gassing the protestors, and there is unrest in Ferguson tonight. Because the good people of that town, went to bed, not wanting to be on television/cable news, and they had jobs to go to in the morning. Now if I had been writing the story, the looters ran lawlessly through the community striking at will. The pushy protestors were being quelled by heavily militarized police forces, having more in common with Storm Troopers than they wanted. This is all brought to you by eTrade, where you too can make Warren Buffet look conservative.
As I finally fixed my yard like I should have long ago, and made my wife concerned but happy, I was thinking of the old television. Tennessee Ernie Ford Show - and others. Where I heard people singing Gospel standards, and patriotic songs. I must be on the wrong planet, because they only seem in my memory. I have a cousin's son that sings in a quartet - they are still doing traditional music, I guess. Of course that is my traditional music, not the music my son has grown up with -- I am so much of a long gone away era. As I dumped a bunch of WWI books and manuals into my kindle, I may be reaching back into my grandfather's era for no good reason, except I haven't been there for awhile. Maybe I find the current shouting and pounding no longer rocking but frightening... and I might be afraid, very afraid.
Truth is: stay off the cable, find my music and listen to it, and for sure read more about the New Springfield, the 1903 A3, cause I don't want to be behind. Did you hear that some ammunition manufacturer is hiring more worker? Great news! I have also been following the Camp Perry competitions, great work, and no one was robbed nor attacked by all those military style weapons, but then the targets are all those big circles way down there many hundred yards away. And some of those rifles are almost a hundred years old - at least in design. Why are those shooters smiling? Cause they know very well what they are about.
As I finally fixed my yard like I should have long ago, and made my wife concerned but happy, I was thinking of the old television. Tennessee Ernie Ford Show - and others. Where I heard people singing Gospel standards, and patriotic songs. I must be on the wrong planet, because they only seem in my memory. I have a cousin's son that sings in a quartet - they are still doing traditional music, I guess. Of course that is my traditional music, not the music my son has grown up with -- I am so much of a long gone away era. As I dumped a bunch of WWI books and manuals into my kindle, I may be reaching back into my grandfather's era for no good reason, except I haven't been there for awhile. Maybe I find the current shouting and pounding no longer rocking but frightening... and I might be afraid, very afraid.
Truth is: stay off the cable, find my music and listen to it, and for sure read more about the New Springfield, the 1903 A3, cause I don't want to be behind. Did you hear that some ammunition manufacturer is hiring more worker? Great news! I have also been following the Camp Perry competitions, great work, and no one was robbed nor attacked by all those military style weapons, but then the targets are all those big circles way down there many hundred yards away. And some of those rifles are almost a hundred years old - at least in design. Why are those shooters smiling? Cause they know very well what they are about.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
I have been marveling...
I recommend Joe Abercrombie, for his book The Heroes, it is fiction but I like it.
What I have been marveling about is my healing, my recovery and how long it has been going on and I think is still in progress. I had no idea how far I had fallen in health, just that it wasn't there anymore. 2011 and 2012 were probably the bottom, I hope to never get that far down again, since coming back is awful - but necessarily so slow... so slow. Still haven't run again - and a gentle jog would be enough to convince me that I could, but I am still hesitant to trust myself and the pacemaker - it isn't far to fall in the YMCA and there are lots of fine folks around to save me... but I don't want to trouble them. Still, I am getting better and stronger and think if I continue to take it slow it will happen again.
Something else in the universe has happened also, and I need to make a call, but I have had a desire, not a need, for a 1903 A3, and I thought if I kept asking I might win the Lottery and find one and buy one.... so I tickled a few folks about it, and sure enough I have a call back on my message service to call and maybe look and buy a sporterized one. When I posted on Facebook that I was thinking of looking into it I found suddenly three messages that they would like to help me find their rifle for my desires. Wow!
When it rains it pours. I might really have one soon, and will be sharing my joy with the world as I learn new skills with that rifle. Still the search has been interesting in the response to the question and what has been going on with other shooters and their lives.
I have also run into my reputation along the way - I have several of them - and they seem to depend on where I and the reporter of the reputation were when. So there are dark ones that no one talks about, and much brighter ones that I think have been polished by time and goodness greatness thoughts that I didn't recognize as mine. One truth about reputations is comparison and contrasts - the rep is always held up against some real person and situation somewhere, and the reporter/promoter has another chance to make me worthier... hmm, seems like the real me gets dimmer as the rep gets brighter. Like any great war story, if the stink, the slime and the sleaze were part of the story - we wouldn't tell them so often and so fondly. So with the reputation/representation of paratrooper Dungey. Doesn't survive first contact with reality/real me.
What I have been marveling about is my healing, my recovery and how long it has been going on and I think is still in progress. I had no idea how far I had fallen in health, just that it wasn't there anymore. 2011 and 2012 were probably the bottom, I hope to never get that far down again, since coming back is awful - but necessarily so slow... so slow. Still haven't run again - and a gentle jog would be enough to convince me that I could, but I am still hesitant to trust myself and the pacemaker - it isn't far to fall in the YMCA and there are lots of fine folks around to save me... but I don't want to trouble them. Still, I am getting better and stronger and think if I continue to take it slow it will happen again.
Something else in the universe has happened also, and I need to make a call, but I have had a desire, not a need, for a 1903 A3, and I thought if I kept asking I might win the Lottery and find one and buy one.... so I tickled a few folks about it, and sure enough I have a call back on my message service to call and maybe look and buy a sporterized one. When I posted on Facebook that I was thinking of looking into it I found suddenly three messages that they would like to help me find their rifle for my desires. Wow!
When it rains it pours. I might really have one soon, and will be sharing my joy with the world as I learn new skills with that rifle. Still the search has been interesting in the response to the question and what has been going on with other shooters and their lives.
I have also run into my reputation along the way - I have several of them - and they seem to depend on where I and the reporter of the reputation were when. So there are dark ones that no one talks about, and much brighter ones that I think have been polished by time and goodness greatness thoughts that I didn't recognize as mine. One truth about reputations is comparison and contrasts - the rep is always held up against some real person and situation somewhere, and the reporter/promoter has another chance to make me worthier... hmm, seems like the real me gets dimmer as the rep gets brighter. Like any great war story, if the stink, the slime and the sleaze were part of the story - we wouldn't tell them so often and so fondly. So with the reputation/representation of paratrooper Dungey. Doesn't survive first contact with reality/real me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
We just kill them all until they don't return...
One of the better messages from the Vietnamese commander in We Were Soldiers, when asked about taking prisoners.
I have personally concluded that killing all Hamas, ISIS or any other enemy is the only way to stop the madness. Yes, I will pray for them, but I am sure that killing them will get them to the Lord's mercy sooner than allowing them to behead people, threaten death and destruction, and in general rape and beat women. Kill them.
There is a fine thought that they should be able to be moderate, gentler and honorable. But they don't seem civilized, and if our civilization has gotten so cushioned chair bound that we aren't willing to FIGHT the stupids wherever they are -- they will be coming in the back door soon.
No more non-lethal, no more halls of Justice, just kill them if they are carrying a bomb or a weapon. If they are in charge, kill them. Their sons will avenge their deaths, kill them when they try.
You may now return to your regularly covered petty little lives.
I have personally concluded that killing all Hamas, ISIS or any other enemy is the only way to stop the madness. Yes, I will pray for them, but I am sure that killing them will get them to the Lord's mercy sooner than allowing them to behead people, threaten death and destruction, and in general rape and beat women. Kill them.
There is a fine thought that they should be able to be moderate, gentler and honorable. But they don't seem civilized, and if our civilization has gotten so cushioned chair bound that we aren't willing to FIGHT the stupids wherever they are -- they will be coming in the back door soon.
No more non-lethal, no more halls of Justice, just kill them if they are carrying a bomb or a weapon. If they are in charge, kill them. Their sons will avenge their deaths, kill them when they try.
You may now return to your regularly covered petty little lives.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Stuck in Atlas Shrugged, the book...
I am on recovery break, wanting to get smart and beautiful and loving... so I leave you with a gem from the internet, which I left a comment on. When the Music Stops Don't you just love it when the looters of the literary world followed to lay out the current stupidity in government goodness?
Friday, August 8, 2014
Sorry, I got side tracked by WORLD events...
Yesterday was a complete wonderful fine glorious day shooting known distance, full distance, and finding out what works for me, and where I need to work on more better.
First, I calmly waited for the jammed traffic on the 205 Bridge over the Columbia to open up and allow me to pass through. No choice, and I took pictures, but you have all seen it before, haven't you? So I arrived at about 8:30 and found I was right there for the first shot, cold bore on the steel gong, two hundred and fifty yards away. Which I missed because I can... No, I have no idea where my bullet went. The reason I like paper better than instant ringing gratification.
My M1 was set on battle sight zero, and I found that will always work for 100, 200, and 300 distances in standing, sitting and prone in a hurry. What doesn't work is sloppy shots - I don't teach sloppy shots, I just know how to do them, more of my shots aren't than are - so I am going to get all of them to the best shot side.
I found trusting the NPOA very important for shooting in the Rifleman's Cadence, and shooting in the Rifleman's cadence is the only way to put ten round on target within fifty-five or sixty-five seconds on stage two and three of the AQT. I only dropped one round for time, and six rounds for failure to feed (shooter had trouble loading clip - once).
I found the sling cannot be snug enough, make it snugger. Practice all positions more, and lock into the best for you and your rifle early in life. Still, be prepared to change to something else and lock it down. Stuff happens.
Enjoy the shot, enjoy the shoot and speak well of the departed.
First, I calmly waited for the jammed traffic on the 205 Bridge over the Columbia to open up and allow me to pass through. No choice, and I took pictures, but you have all seen it before, haven't you? So I arrived at about 8:30 and found I was right there for the first shot, cold bore on the steel gong, two hundred and fifty yards away. Which I missed because I can... No, I have no idea where my bullet went. The reason I like paper better than instant ringing gratification.
My M1 was set on battle sight zero, and I found that will always work for 100, 200, and 300 distances in standing, sitting and prone in a hurry. What doesn't work is sloppy shots - I don't teach sloppy shots, I just know how to do them, more of my shots aren't than are - so I am going to get all of them to the best shot side.
I found trusting the NPOA very important for shooting in the Rifleman's Cadence, and shooting in the Rifleman's cadence is the only way to put ten round on target within fifty-five or sixty-five seconds on stage two and three of the AQT. I only dropped one round for time, and six rounds for failure to feed (shooter had trouble loading clip - once).
I found the sling cannot be snug enough, make it snugger. Practice all positions more, and lock into the best for you and your rifle early in life. Still, be prepared to change to something else and lock it down. Stuff happens.
Enjoy the shot, enjoy the shoot and speak well of the departed.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
The Victory of Chicken Little...
In the good old days, of yesteryear... isn't that a wonderful phrase? I heard lots of poetry, nursery rhymes. and fairy tales - it was part of a most excellent education. A solid grounding in common sense and stories with a moral, and a point, one of those sharp things for you to use in your future. Even cartoon characters used them as a short hand for telling their story - part of the common thread of our American - often British culture. This was a foundation for more education and communication as we grew up. All of the liberal arts in college has always been to reinforce the common accepted truths from the Greeks, Romans, the Bible, European History and moral values and philosophy.. or so I truly believe. Once you have the common grounding, you go where you want and fit how you may and you won't embarrass your family too much. Could even make them proud.
Somewhere a few days, months and years ago - the culture in America, the 'yes, I can' culture was hijacked into the 'No, way, Jose' cult. I firmly believe everyone that comes to live in America, or countries of similar purpose - comes to make their life and times better. They don't come to become slaves, they don't come to be serfs - peasants - peons, they come to make a good life and have a fine life with those they love.
If there are any people here in America, or countries that model themselves as freedom loving peoples, that want to fail, to be downtrodden, or just lay down and die under the whips of the overmaster --- well, just holler and let me know. Hear anything? crickets? anything at all? Do you think they are all dead? Or has Chicken Little succeeded? They are too afraid to comment, complain, to make noise as they fix the problems, or build the nation and their families and fortunes? Political Correctness is an ugly whip to beat the others into shape, it is a soul stealing whip - no thought needs to be made once the whip is applied, no spirit can live free where Political Correctness is the law of the multitude.
But back to Chicken Little, the poor bird had a bit of trauma, and when recovering decided he must warn everyone of the dangers of Gravity and the Sky Falling! Since Gravity was a law, which everyone knows, then when he says the Sky is Falling - it must also be true. This was before the Blues made the idea famous. Media and government goodness guys (politicians) use your fears, based on their loud announcements of whatever they want you to fear now, to motivate you to their position - Chicken Little really believed "The Sky is Falling". So does the media and your loving politicians. Climate Change? Nuclear Winter? The danger in population growth, the religious Right, the Yellow Peril, racial impurity, social justice, unbound Liberty, individual rights, --- all those and many thousand more must be used to frighten you into compliance, for the children or your own good. Chicken Little never wanted to harm anyone, and after everyone was safe from Falling Sky - what happened?
You and I can't stop the Sky from Falling, but until it hits us - we should keep working on that wonderful life, living in Love and Liberty. There are probably more people trying to make gain from me than I want to know - but to a certain point they can try, I am not interested in what hits my head, just that it doesn't really hurt nor cause permanent damage. I don't dwell on the unlikely - no matter how loudly media and politicians or Chicken Little trumpet loudly. I don't blame Chicken Little, he was only a public servant and a fool fowl, but politicians and media - they are using fears unfounded to gain some silly value for themselves. I don't have any silly value for them they had best go elsewhere to find it.
Somewhere a few days, months and years ago - the culture in America, the 'yes, I can' culture was hijacked into the 'No, way, Jose' cult. I firmly believe everyone that comes to live in America, or countries of similar purpose - comes to make their life and times better. They don't come to become slaves, they don't come to be serfs - peasants - peons, they come to make a good life and have a fine life with those they love.
If there are any people here in America, or countries that model themselves as freedom loving peoples, that want to fail, to be downtrodden, or just lay down and die under the whips of the overmaster --- well, just holler and let me know. Hear anything? crickets? anything at all? Do you think they are all dead? Or has Chicken Little succeeded? They are too afraid to comment, complain, to make noise as they fix the problems, or build the nation and their families and fortunes? Political Correctness is an ugly whip to beat the others into shape, it is a soul stealing whip - no thought needs to be made once the whip is applied, no spirit can live free where Political Correctness is the law of the multitude.
But back to Chicken Little, the poor bird had a bit of trauma, and when recovering decided he must warn everyone of the dangers of Gravity and the Sky Falling! Since Gravity was a law, which everyone knows, then when he says the Sky is Falling - it must also be true. This was before the Blues made the idea famous. Media and government goodness guys (politicians) use your fears, based on their loud announcements of whatever they want you to fear now, to motivate you to their position - Chicken Little really believed "The Sky is Falling". So does the media and your loving politicians. Climate Change? Nuclear Winter? The danger in population growth, the religious Right, the Yellow Peril, racial impurity, social justice, unbound Liberty, individual rights, --- all those and many thousand more must be used to frighten you into compliance, for the children or your own good. Chicken Little never wanted to harm anyone, and after everyone was safe from Falling Sky - what happened?
You and I can't stop the Sky from Falling, but until it hits us - we should keep working on that wonderful life, living in Love and Liberty. There are probably more people trying to make gain from me than I want to know - but to a certain point they can try, I am not interested in what hits my head, just that it doesn't really hurt nor cause permanent damage. I don't dwell on the unlikely - no matter how loudly media and politicians or Chicken Little trumpet loudly. I don't blame Chicken Little, he was only a public servant and a fool fowl, but politicians and media - they are using fears unfounded to gain some silly value for themselves. I don't have any silly value for them they had best go elsewhere to find it.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Early morning memories...
I departed about an hour too late on Saturday for Stevenson, Washington. Learned of my mistake as I set my GPS and tore on down the road, about three hours of travel, luckily it was early in the morning, I had light, and light traffic.
I was only a bit player in a very small Appleseed event, only three or four shooters, one first time Shoot Boss (whom I have worked with before) and one missing due to illness IIT Janer (do hope she recovers well, since I was just getting off my constant cough).
I had my M1 Garand with me for zeroing before I went to bed, Thursday I will be attending the Known Distance Shoot at Douglas Ridge and only verification of zeroes and three full distance AQTs will be shot, about a hundred and fifty rounds. Need some more dry practice, and to borrow some young paratrooper's body - this one doesn't stretch as well any more.
Met the Shoot Boss KenJo and his four shooters, two father daughter pairs. The young ladies would have to stretch to catch up with their father's marksmanship - but mechanical and ancient bones and unfamiliar positions would take their toll on the men, and then we made everyone fear the time monkey - only fifty-five seconds? All the idle assurances of their future ability to meet the standards were always slowed by how tense they became as they pushed to slide the magazine in quickly. Relax! make it happen, breath in breath out, focus, squeeze and the follow thru, now again... rhythm, Rifleman's cadence. It will work, believe.
Check your natural point of aim, RELAX! I shout like a Drill Instructor (that will make them remember, as they lie there quivering). We taught it all, and shot through a teaching AQT, I told a whole hour of how Americans decided they could go it alone, then finished with the First Strike. I should cut a lot more words away. Just stimulate their interest, allow them to research and study, it won't stick unless they do. We did one AQT for score and then the other strikes of the match, and a final Red Coat target for the day. It had gotten very hot in the afternoon, we had pushed watering the body and they stayed on pace on that. The shoot boss gave them the benediction and seventh stepping and we sent them home to rest and recover. Hoping they would return by eight thirty in the morning. Then I sat sipping water and discussing the after action of the day, what we would try to accomplish in the next. Great idea for KD to 100 meters.
I put a target up to zero upon and fired two rounds, measured and adjusted my sights - Inches, Minute of Angle and Clicks work! Fired four more then eight on stage four of an AQT. Hmm, best get to practicing what I preach - more dry practice, more mental repetitions of an excellent shot... more positions.
Clean up, pack up, make my bed and I lay upon it, under a poncho liner, listening to the hum of the mosquitoes, the even ones don't hurt and can't keep me awake I will have lost a lot of blood by morning by the Pacemaker will keep what is left moving at more than fifty bpm.
Day two, roll up the bedroll. shake the scorpions out of the boots (nah, just teasing you) and take a walk after making breakfast out to see the damage from the shotgunning hooligans of the last evening. Saw some interesting animal tracks, but nothing I was going to be concerned over. There was an eight inch slug trying to make it to shade before the Sun dried him... looks like a long time survivor.
The Shoot Boss shows and we finish setting up, talking and wait upon our shooters. Only two takers today. But we roll right on after finding lapses of memory on four Safety Rules, Six steps of making a rifle safe, and six steps of the shot. Review, rinse, repeat... they will one day own all those words. The young lady adds compliance to the safety rule four... ugh. I can't spell compliance. Review, rinse, repeat...
Great attitude from the shooters, we all stay happy, and they have changed rifles and sights, okay - all things new, we can make this work. I do check out the scout mounted sight on Pat's rifle. Her incentive to earning her Rifleman patch is that her father will give her that fine rifle. Motivation! It is hotter than yesterday, the reviews are done with shooters demonstrating under the Shoot Boss, and we check zeroes, IMC, and sight are on again. An AQT before lunch, Known Distance after Hezikiah Wyman, and then two more AQTs, before going on to a Known Distance one hundred yard training exercise with a modified AQT.
A lot would be learned about the rifles and the ammunition and the change in groups for fifty, seventy-five and one hundred yards. New Target then shoot Stage Four, mark, score and move to 75. shoot Stage Three. time monkey distraction, mark, score, move to fifty, Shoot Stage Two, time monkey beats them again, mark, score, move to 25, shoot Stage one of the AQT, no time monkey, distance is very normal, target size perfect ten rounds but only some on target, sigh. Good exercise bring the targets in talk targets, challenges and results. Lots of good stuff learned. Move safely back to other range for one last AQT and Rec Coat and wrap of Appleseed for this weekend.
I was only a bit player in a very small Appleseed event, only three or four shooters, one first time Shoot Boss (whom I have worked with before) and one missing due to illness IIT Janer (do hope she recovers well, since I was just getting off my constant cough).
I had my M1 Garand with me for zeroing before I went to bed, Thursday I will be attending the Known Distance Shoot at Douglas Ridge and only verification of zeroes and three full distance AQTs will be shot, about a hundred and fifty rounds. Need some more dry practice, and to borrow some young paratrooper's body - this one doesn't stretch as well any more.

Clean up, pack up, make my bed and I lay upon it, under a poncho liner, listening to the hum of the mosquitoes, the even ones don't hurt and can't keep me awake I will have lost a lot of blood by morning by the Pacemaker will keep what is left moving at more than fifty bpm.
Day two, roll up the bedroll. shake the scorpions out of the boots (nah, just teasing you) and take a walk after making breakfast out to see the damage from the shotgunning hooligans of the last evening. Saw some interesting animal tracks, but nothing I was going to be concerned over. There was an eight inch slug trying to make it to shade before the Sun dried him... looks like a long time survivor.
The Shoot Boss shows and we finish setting up, talking and wait upon our shooters. Only two takers today. But we roll right on after finding lapses of memory on four Safety Rules, Six steps of making a rifle safe, and six steps of the shot. Review, rinse, repeat... they will one day own all those words. The young lady adds compliance to the safety rule four... ugh. I can't spell compliance. Review, rinse, repeat...
Great attitude from the shooters, we all stay happy, and they have changed rifles and sights, okay - all things new, we can make this work. I do check out the scout mounted sight on Pat's rifle. Her incentive to earning her Rifleman patch is that her father will give her that fine rifle. Motivation! It is hotter than yesterday, the reviews are done with shooters demonstrating under the Shoot Boss, and we check zeroes, IMC, and sight are on again. An AQT before lunch, Known Distance after Hezikiah Wyman, and then two more AQTs, before going on to a Known Distance one hundred yard training exercise with a modified AQT.
A lot would be learned about the rifles and the ammunition and the change in groups for fifty, seventy-five and one hundred yards. New Target then shoot Stage Four, mark, score and move to 75. shoot Stage Three. time monkey distraction, mark, score, move to fifty, Shoot Stage Two, time monkey beats them again, mark, score, move to 25, shoot Stage one of the AQT, no time monkey, distance is very normal, target size perfect ten rounds but only some on target, sigh. Good exercise bring the targets in talk targets, challenges and results. Lots of good stuff learned. Move safely back to other range for one last AQT and Rec Coat and wrap of Appleseed for this weekend.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Jesse Ventura was wrong... but haven't we all been bad before?
I never knew Chris Kyle, and I certainly don't know Jesse Ventura. But I do think Chris knocked a loud mouth down and left the scene. Now I never heard it was Jesse Ventura from Chris's mouth... media wanted that answer and made it up well. Jesse Ventura said it never happened. So I have no reason to doubt Jesse Ventura's word - he just wouldn't be the type to get loud mouthed and act a fool, he was a governor of Minnesota wasn't he?
Where Jesse Ventura got it wrong, was thinking that Chris Kyle was trying to hurt him and his career - which ever one he is engaged in now. So, on the advice of his lawyer, he sued Kris Kyle's estate for damages. Now I know the lawyer was going for the win and the money, Jesse Ventura was going for his honor, or something else. What has happened that Jesse won the Stupid Unloved Award of the Year. He is an old man, that kicks dirt on the graves of the dead and steals bread from the store of their widows... for his honor, or something else.
I served in Vietnam, I am a Baby Boomer but better than Bill Clinton and George Bush, the Younger. And certainly better than Jesse Ventura, although I am probably too close to his weight - I would never have worried about what someone said about me - except to be called a liar. I wouldn't have sued, I am probably more direct and confrontational. I would have met on neutral ground and over a cup of tea. But then I haven't been knocking down loud mouthed old me, nor written about it. So I will just say, Jesse, you and Kyle should have met and talked it out - or you could have put some moves on each other - then had a beer.
Just because the world has no sense, doesn't mean you have to be mean. Living in love -- nothing else works better.
Where Jesse Ventura got it wrong, was thinking that Chris Kyle was trying to hurt him and his career - which ever one he is engaged in now. So, on the advice of his lawyer, he sued Kris Kyle's estate for damages. Now I know the lawyer was going for the win and the money, Jesse Ventura was going for his honor, or something else. What has happened that Jesse won the Stupid Unloved Award of the Year. He is an old man, that kicks dirt on the graves of the dead and steals bread from the store of their widows... for his honor, or something else.
I served in Vietnam, I am a Baby Boomer but better than Bill Clinton and George Bush, the Younger. And certainly better than Jesse Ventura, although I am probably too close to his weight - I would never have worried about what someone said about me - except to be called a liar. I wouldn't have sued, I am probably more direct and confrontational. I would have met on neutral ground and over a cup of tea. But then I haven't been knocking down loud mouthed old me, nor written about it. So I will just say, Jesse, you and Kyle should have met and talked it out - or you could have put some moves on each other - then had a beer.
Just because the world has no sense, doesn't mean you have to be mean. Living in love -- nothing else works better.
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