Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Court Contest to begin, why? Well, the government is crazy...

  I am really bored, don't feel threatened by anything except oppressive government. But I have it great, really. I am retired, no one wants me to work, as my mother said many times too many workers mean that wages are low, unions attempted to fix that, without becoming guilds with a established grading by experience and training, except in certain skills. Overall unions are just thugs that may get you a job, or contract. If they weren't thugs I would have more respect for the union, but they sell political power by benefits to themselves, and that often looks like the guys on top, are getting big bucks.

  Anyway, I haven't gotten the current curse, Covid-19. Since I live in a real hot spot Washington State under Governor Inslee, a progressive Democrat.  I am blest, but no one has demonstrated that the guidelines of social distancing, washing hands, masking if you have a respiratory illness really works. But they don't really hurt me, I am living in my grandchildren's future and am a bit of recluse.  I was for the anti-malaria treatment as soon as it was mentioned, why? Because I remember taking two different anti malaria pills during Vietnam. Something works, take it. I was valuable back then and had to consume all medications, vaccines and such as directed. Now they are just waiting for me to catch something I can die from... and I have choices and don't have to use their medications.  Until they tighten up shot records for travel.

    Anyway, being in America is fine except for the fears generated by media and government, most of the country doesn't pay a lot of attention to the government, until they get in the way.  And we doubt the government because they lie a lot. So does the media and examples are everywhere. And everyone knows the internet is full of experts of all the important stuff. Ha, ha!

   I do see how the end of the world authors got it so wrong, they try to write the Decline and Fall of the America nation in one book with a happy ending and small successes. But it will crumble far slower than computer speed-  being History we will only study the big stuff, but it is all little stuff.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Feeling better, no matter all the terrible news from all around me...

   So I went to the emergency room Sunday morning and the tested me and looked me over and sent me home. Cause of the visit was blood in my urine, actually started passing clots of blood. I am not in the jungles of WWII and have no reason for falling apart but my wife is sure it is because I will not become a Korean, or listen to her expert advice, or submit. Actually I think she knows if I start to pay attention to her I must really be sick and need her help. Her priority for my action was to tell my son, anyway it got her happy.  I text him the entire event and keep him posted.  Ever notice that once under care the patient starts worrying about making a mess or being a burden.  I was feeling bad for leaving a trail of blood, and I wasn't even wounded in action.

   Not that I know anything yet except feeling better now, but I think I have a biologic warfare germ. Evidence was the deep fevered sweat on Saturday morning. Or just getting old and different parts of my body are giving up at their own pace.  I am for the biologic warfare germ, but recovery without medication proceeds just like normal. Food, sleep, lots of water more rest. In the background is constant terrorizing by the media. It is out of our control, we must surrender to the Chinese. America is wrong, doing the wrong thing, we can do better when we get rid of Trump... over and over. How do I know they are just sensationalizing the virus? Not that it isn't killing folks, but really they run their commercials as they cover what people need to know, they aren't serious. 

   Now I can have my own fears, bladder cancer, some other cancer. cigarette caused, or agent orange or too much cable news in my programming. But why have, or surrender to fears? especially when I can't cure any of them. Leave them to God, and work with those trying to help.

   Thursday afternnoon, just got call from the labwork done from Emergency Room. I have a especially nasty urinary tract infection and will be issued antibiotics just have to take a book to read while I wait for the drive thru line to get done. It is long. But I have pleased to need so little.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Boy cried wolf... and no one listened when the wolf showed up....

  So I have way too much time to think... and I notice in my indolence that lying to the folks gets you the expected results, they don't believe and go their own way. Or you weren't lying, but it could have been that way, just looked like a wolf, or you didn't mean to hurt anyone and your couldn't help yourself. You have heard all those excuses in the last few years, about the Presidents, the Congress, the Media, the people, John Q. Citizen and the forgotten and deplorables.

   So we have a new illness, the government can't control it. Where does it say the government is supposed to? It is a problem, so have the government handle it? We will work better on it by hiding in cover - isn't that what we do during 'active shooter' situations? Cower in place, until the guys with the body bags and tags show up... Looking at both situations, I think prayers and divine help is a better start then take action where you are.  Just me, of course, I have been a firm believer in cover and attacking the cause of my troubles - you should have seen the doors I have gone through.

   If you were the first to suffer an illness, what would you do? Most illness is suffered the same way, be kind to the patient, warm or cool, rest, plenty of liquids. Don't forget them but don't bother them, and keep them separated until they are recovered. That looks like something I read before somewhere. Why solitary people can adventure, and if thy have others with them they can write about it, otherwise you have to hope they kept a journal and it survived.

  If my mother and my wife can't get me to obey them in everything, how can the government?
I am going to die, one day it will happen and that is only unknown to me: the when, why, the where.

  And I need to practice my six steps for taking the shot, and get prepared for the daylight - which has snuck upon me, while I have been thinking. Take care out there, your best is needed everyday, really.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Snow day and forgotten appointments...

   So proud of putting the two garbage cans out the evening before and a good solid long sleep after a movie on Prime. Gentle wake up in the morning, prayers and suddenly someone is walking on the porch, I have to decide to arm myself or just open the door and say hello. The government or gangsters would have just gone through the door - so I don't bother arming. Idle thoughts, for years I slept naked, now either cold or body shamed has kept me in flannel or whatever pajamas. Lucky for my visitor - not confronted by a naked old fool.

    It is the installer for the Security system, part of the improved Infinity service for two years. I am still for grabbing the gun first. My wife has opened two of the three doors several times and I get a report each time she does, she won't be sneaking up on me now. Anyway the system is working and effective...  It did take forever, since my cellphone wasn't able to upload the app for the system, then we went around a dozen or more times finding my fingers too fat, the secret stuff I typed unreadable, for security reasons - never mind that I am old and can't remember what I thought I typed. This is just another effort by the machines to try and dominate my life and actions. I am not that smart, but certainly have always resisted obeying what I think is stupidity. And most computers are basically stupid, just fun to play games upon. The installer was very patient and it all came together, but it is easiest to do six steps for making the shot than it is to encode my personal numbers, letters and symbol on the device to make it alarm me. I now have a sign in the front yard, thinking of why I don't want to have one out there, maybe I will put a Trump2024 sign out in front of it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

OK!, Boomer... why aren't you dead yet?

  Because the LORD is in charge and it isn't my time. I am reminded of a Twilight Zone story where everyone would die a terrible death. The mother and father pondered and prayed and finally decided not to take the poison distributed by the government in its goodness. They went to bed and awoke to a world that hadn't died during the night as promised -- except one of the parents had decided to spare the children and had helped them suicide to avoid the terrible death... We had a call from a minister's wife to see if we were ill, alive or needing help yesterday. Nice of them.

   I am so sorry, but I read and study history, and I have thought about war and injury and death. I have my three score and ten and two more. I think Trump is a one term President, but I don't want to catch a virus and give it to him. But he is in that target group that will likely die from Global Warming or the Climate Change. Aren't we all tired of being lied to by media and politicians? I am but worse is always watching people that should know better accepting the lies and their thinking that the government should have an answer and a policy the government is probably causing much of the fool news. Tell me I am wrong. I have been wrong before expect I will again.

  Speaking of wrong, I used Turbo Tax and realized that was a bad choice. No more, went down to the local library and picked up the forms and filed my form in the mail. Including the check. Done! Now I need to watch the crew finish our kitchen remodel tomorrow, the pay all the bills off. Maybe having little extra money now will slow my drifting into fool stuff. But maybe not.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Returning to normal boredom... and moving stuff, always more stuff...

    So, among the uncovered books is The Minute Men by John R. Galvin, am studying it closer this read. Too much great information for Appleseed, but nicely fills in April 1775. Appleseed is only about one day. During breaks I talk with and discuss what we want to move next. The entire time she is constantly moving, cleaning and removing and replacing stuff as she builds the nest of home again.

   We are working on everything, but nothing is critical. The cable is upgraded, but I have junk numbers that want a subscription, and I pay too much now and see no reason to sit and stare stupidly. My local cousin is offered to help me move stuff, but there are two too many people working on this now, my wife and I. The effort exposes our differences and the working together (periodically) makes me love her more.

  I have to craft a careful list of things I must buy, find all that we need but have already in the wrong place, or almost lost. Heavens! I don't know if I have paid the property taxes, but have seen that demand paper - and then there is the Income tax, and the home will still be waiting for my attention. A constant hunt for stuff, and I think I got rid of a lot but finding more, best reason I know not to buy anything (we likely have it somewhere).

   Warrior Poet Society? see something new all the time. Too old to be one now, but like their logo/sign. I am moving into the discarded veteran group. Ask me a story if you have the time.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Up early again, not only my mind is racing but my wife's also...

just noticed, I have bubbly commercials for stuff I don't care about that I never see except when it gets in my way. Alexa and I are parting ways, she tried to get me to buy Apple Music for three bucks a month. Just like Congress, she never really loved me.

My wife reports that Canadian Bacon and rice aren't at the Commissary, reason was that the trucks weren't rolling. This from the lady that was going to side step the contractor and get some extra favors from the crew, like move the cable outlet. I went to the Xfinity store and tore up the old contract and got new equipment and two service calls in the near future. Might as well get all I can from the turmoil about losing a favorite and gaining some other opportunities. It is funny finding homes for the recently found stuff we forgot about long ago. My side of the garage isn't finished, yet and the big furniture might get moved this morning, when the crew returns to finish up the remodel.

I want to get it all done so I may return to my normal indolence, what a goal!