Monday, October 6, 2014

Earl does an orgy of Polish Winged Hussar banners (size of the unit like a lance once was)...

The March of Cambreadth, done to clips from the movie 1612, the best costuming, and military tech representing the struggles between Poland and Russia during the time of Troubles - something like ten to thirteen pretend Tsars or Czars, until finally the Romanovs took over for three hundred years.. and we all know how that ended. Okay, the Commies got them. The reviewer from Time is of the troubles, but it is a very mythological fairy tale told from the decidedly Russian point of view. I didn't love the story, but the one character that pretends to be a Spaniard was interesting, and makes a working leather cannon to launch hot shot from... and his firing tables are also magical. Still, interesting story - just not as wonderous as an American made movie- but we are stuck on Zombies, and may never get out of there.

I was looking for more but better, so I did the Russian version of Taras Bulba, based on Nikolai Gogol's story, the narrator reads a bit (in English). I love this movie, because I read the story long ago and this movie hits it just right. Yes, I have the Yul Brynner and Tony Curtis movie, but Yul just is never old enough to play the main character, and the story is harsher than Hollywood was prepared for the American audience. Russians just cut straight to the ugly between the Cossacks and Poles.

The Polish mini series based on the novel by Heryk Sienkiewicz, With Fire and Sword, is a good tale, I had read it as a book, and the lady love is lovely, the evil guy is bad but just ornery, there is some interesting witch stuff but I was very reminded of the Three Musketeers with the young Polish knight doing very much better than the almost musketeer, but he was only contending with the Cossacks and a lesser noble servant. Good enough movie, but then I am still remembering it fondly.

The final movie was Day of the Siege: a battle of Blood and Steel. The high water mark of the Ottoman Empire against Europe was on September 11th, a day we long ago forgot to note. In 1683, the three hundred thousand man army made the final attacks on the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, a title that only Europeans can understand and love. On the second day of the battle the Polish King struck death and destruction with his artillery and Winged Hussars. This movie is a joint venture, the Poles and Italians, so it had great moments - like all the acting by F. Murray Abraham as a very holy humble monk, and colorful costuming (Italian versions of the Polish feathers are redder) and really terrible ones, like all the fake explosions, cannon firing and lack of cast of thousands, it does lack proper number of horses and riders, but still it is a movie. I found the date interesting, linking it to why the attack by OBL was on 11 September, and the holy humble monk. That person isn't really in the Wiki History of the event, so it must be a myth, too. But I really liked his part in the movie.

So, I am done for a bit, will go back to see them again, am sharing the Day of Siege on Saturday. I have had an interest in the Thirty Years War period for a while, now I can add some interest in the Polish/Cossack and Russian periods of the similar time. Go ahead, play the music video again. It is more fun than the real wars it alludes to...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Life is already a challenge, I know everyone else is handling it better than I...

I am on day two of the new challenge on the Expresso Bicycle machine, very easy, just beat ten of your ghosts (pass performance best times).  I can get a 100 points for each that I improve upon, and after beating up ten of them, a 1000 points, I could order a Ghost Buster 3 t-shirt. Now, I do look in the mirror and see the old man looking back at me, so I know I am not as fast as all those younger whippersnappers. But I am still heroic, so I have to try, and so in two days I have beaten two ghosts and come so close it makes me snarl in frustration. Only two out of six races run... this month is going to get real long.

Not only snarl, but when I then go to my leisurely rowing machine to knock out some distance over time... I am wiped out. Get up and go is long gone... sigh. Talk about a slow prehistoric monster - a kangaroo would easily run me down... they are herbivores, aren't they?

Self imposed challenges, I am now good to hunt deer on Joint Base Lewis McChord, but nothing likely this weekend.  Training areas always have priority, which is fine. Yesterday's desk operative was not nice, but today's is on top of the job, nice attitude and very helpful. What a difference a day and new person makes.

I also have my copy Boone renewed - it is a fine book, lots of great information and well told. Support your local library.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

All Rights reserved...

It is October, and my wife drove me out to mow the grass as she destroyed or harvested everything in the gardens, the organic conversion has begun in the backwoods. Flip those calendar pages - look! General George Washington accepting the surrender of the British forces in Yorktown, Virginia.

I have a very traditional Revolutionary War weapon on its way to my home, and four Polish films (which immediately made me giggle for thoughts of sexual smut) about the Polish Kingdom against the Cossack, the Russians, the Orthodox Church, the Turkish war machine at Vien.  I do war much better than sex, but the film makers always want to have some love interest around for the ladies to buy tickets for... the major complaint about Blackhawk Down, the movie, was all the men looked the same, and there wasn't any love interest in it. Yep. Truth.

I feel free, very liberated. The election is very soon, and the shape of much will be revealed - I expect to find no great leadership emerging in either party. I expect that the LOOMING Debt will not be seriously addressed by any elected officials and in the following two years a collapse - either total or partial, of the dollar and the economy and the government. They are all together in the problem. I expect those thinking they are in charge will clamp down to make it all better while they fix everything their way. Which as I said 'clamp down', means that it isn't the American way but the Marxist way they want to take the country. And it might just be time to turn out the lights.

Change does happen, the Sun continues its journey over the skies of New York City and Montana... you can actually see it in Montana, New York only sometimes.

So I am preparing for the collapse, and working on my sainthood. Seems to me that being a Bad Boy never got me more than an reputation I probably never really deserved. And by the time I had figured out moral reasons for soldiering, and my life's course... I was already in debt to the Devil. Easy enough to get out of that, but I couldn't find the government nor the media on my side, nor understanding my point of view... seems they were being sponsored by little demons and petty fools.

I have the March of Cambreadth, on my computer with sound, which is why the four Polish films, lovely winged Hussars.  Well, let us get this month off to a fine start. The stores have been preparing for months.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Specialization is for insects...

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
— Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

   Wandering my mind about the carrying of a pocket knife, folding lock blade, multi-tool, or a sheath knife - is the thought of Community, everyone has to contribute and draw from the common wealth... ooo... common wealth, normally means the rich get richer doesn't it?

    One problem with movies, television and novels is the main character is the one that carries the day, slays the monster and make happily ever after. And he always gets the girl. Who is always hot, drop dead gorgeous, with long legs up to her... you get the idea. None of our stories, myths, and legends are real folks - real folks have warts, blemishes, scars and ideas that should never see the light of day.

   But, in my opinion, the current culture is constantly wanting experts to take out the garbage - and in some states they had best be union members, and in other states they belong to the mob. But everyone can take out the garbage - really, it was once thought of as a chore for a child.  Look deeper, and you will see the creep of control everywhere, you have to get permission, a license and certification to do ...... (fill in the blank). I know that women give birth everywhere when it is time, but I was born in a hospital - a situational improvement over my father's birth at home. We were both near our mothers.

   When a community has a problem, they have to find their solution and fix it. And disarming the community does decrease the possibility of death by firearms, it does not make everyone nice, peaceful and a saint. If the problem is that anger leads to rage and murder - the community has to quell the anger.

    In the American Revolution we have important leaders, whole Histories are written about their greatness, goodness and shared with the community. But you do realize that if you take all the great men - and their ideas and do not have the community provide the food, shelter, intelligence, manpower, healing and support. The whole war would have been less bloody and unresolved... just the elite couldn't have done it without Yankee Doodle, the thousands of Yankee Doodles that showed up to become the Continental Line, or the courier service, or the guard at the post.

   In one of my recent readings they talked about the ten percent that fight in combat, boldly and bravely, and die... then the next boldest, brave and effective fighter steps up and continues, and the next and the next.... until the battle is won or there just aren't anymore. It struck me as a kind of truth.

   America is the nation of individuals, working for themselves and family and friends, in any way they can, to accomplish their best. The phrase 'We the People' means something. It can be the strength of a nation, a town, a business, a farm, a school, a church... specialization is for insects. Humans don't do well in lock step, frozen in the status quo...

  Change is important for adaptation to the current challenge, are we flexible enough? You should have the tools, or you should invent them. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gray rainy day... don't be down...

Earlier than dawn my wife leaves for her hiking group, new trail to conqueror. I ask about which plants she wants harvested, the tall ones, and get all their roots. Okay, I can do that later a bit. I put the oatmeal, crasins and raisins in the microwave, egg and yogurt wait for later inclusion. Gosh, do I know how to eat breakfast? The only weakness is no bacon to eat and grease my bullets with.

I found at the midweek service that when it came time to open the baked goods, asking for a knife to cut anything was a problem. Ten men and only three knives, and they were all mine. I have been told that I am out of step, marching to the beat of a different drummer... but how do they play mumblety-peg during recess if they don't carry a pocket knife? I can't really say when I started carrying a pocket knife, must have been about Cub Scout times, when I learned to carve some very simple stuff. Now it is used for opening boxes and cutting cord, still I carry daily. But that is an indicator that there are a lot of people that aren't in step with the rest of US.... ha, ha. Like we (US) are the normal Americans and those others have been converted to the Dark Side. One cousin claimed going through metal detectors caused his to disappear, but then he should have looked at ceramic knives, plenty sharp enough for cutting stuff. And I would bet in his office there were scissors, but then maybe not steel ones.

Well, big day today, best get to that breakfast and pack out for the YMCA, cause if I don't sweat I swell in lock step with poor eating exercise habits. Yesterday I entertained one older man with the First Strike of the Match about the march to Lexington and the confrontation on the green. He was impressed, wonder if he will be hesitant to get me going again?  He only asked what the words on the pink Appleseed t-shirt were all about. It was fine, I was between the rowing machine and the bicycle machine. 6.2 and 13.51 miles respectively. Y'all be good and love someone well today - that will shock them!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 I had some strange thoughts last night, about how to change my Appleseed to make it project a better image. I had forgotten or didn't feel it needed to add the Revolutionary War flag set on sight. But when reviewing the pictures noted I needed a great background to make the Heritage stand out while we rewarded or noted the success of the shooter being honored. Make the setting to tell the story.

Well, the next thing I thought about was the fat old guy with the Marine shooting jacket with all the patches or the desert colored shirt with lots of patches - the guy has to be a GUN NUT or Boy Scout leader or a Military fool.  Luckily I don't wear black, even when motorcycling, I wear brown leathers.

So I am going for the Mister Rogers look, with a soft sweater and loafers and maybe leaving a tie on with a powder blue or rose blush pink long sleeved shirt.  Yeah, I can teach in that outfit. That will be much more a positive - progressive appearance.

Polo shirts I also have, but if I shoot I want long sleeves.  Hmm, will need to find an appropriate color for a shooting jacket with elbow and shooting should reinforcements.  Brown? MI Blue? Sherwood Forest Green! But for sure no patches and not looking like a uniform, just a normal fellow.

One other thing I thought about was a full color Rifleman patch, that would cost money to make, but the embroidery machines on computers would be able to knock them out. So with those adjustments to my appearance I might not chase all my shooters and crew away because I am too military in my bearing, attitude and performance. Like a good neighbor, Earl is there...

Monday, September 22, 2014

So I am happy tired, and wasting time on blogging?

Link to the Custer, WA Appleseed on the left. Friday evening I got to the range, place is full of state trooper cars and a few Sheriff vehicles- the fifteen law enforcement units use this club heavily. They depart and it gets as quiet as it is going to as I read then go to sleep in the best living in my automobile mode. Wandering rifle instructor without rich patron.

Get up in the morning, shave, breakfast and no coffee (?). PaulW shows up and we prepare to unload and set up, then Ralph arrives with the electronic key. His club his rules. He brought a Remington Model 37 target rifle for me to drool over - gosh the wood is beautiful and I want to use the sights and that so smooth bolt action. We won't have the time. Eight shooters arrive, two from a shoot in Port Townsend, one of which will score Rifleman three times out of eight tests.

The instruction goes well, the shooters try to hide from the heat and the Sun, ending Summer in the warm zone. One would sit out a few stages to recover, he finished two events but didn't return on Sunday. Quick clean up, and they all leave me alone to find Jack in the Box and make myself a bit uncomfortable for hours. The burger just wasn't hot, like a quick microwave didn't penetrate. I would sleep like the homeless another night in the parking lot. Two state trooper cars met there and when I woke they asked if I had a shoot in the morning, since I was sleeping under a military poncho liner. I said yes and they went back to talking. I kept wondering what their computers would come up with if they ran my plate? There are clues to who I am on the outside of my vehicle, but they must have been happy - since they never knocked and asked what I was doing. The parking lot has about twelve hook ups for water and power for big events sleep overs.

Second day, shave, change clothes, breakfast with COFFEE! and crew shows up with shooters not far behind. Smooth day, gets hot but popups help shade and they can be moved to the travel of the Sun. Milton scores Rifleman with a 212. then would do it two more times 220 and 221. He would also clean the final Redcoat target of the day. Everyone was shooting better by that time, but over 521 rounds expended in four Redcoats and eight AQTs for record, one peppermint popping challenge and other shooting practice and refinements. Gave the final talk, passed out their targets and some wisdom and I hope I see them on the range again one day.

One of the highlights of the second day, show and tell, PaulW got his reproduction flintlocks, rifle and musket fowler out to demonstrate and wow the eleven year old boy, who got to pull the two triggers on the rifle and set off the primer. Love being an American and the smell of gun powder.

Two hour and fifteen minute drive back to home station, and a real meal and a real bed. I went to check the RWVA forum and find something that just bothered me, so I let fly with fast fingers and zinged something back. "Earl saved none of the Vietnamese of the Republic of Vietnam, total failure, Earl saved none of the Iraqis from Sadam nor ISIL, total failure. Earl saved not one American in his entire life, total failure. Must be a problem with Earl, couldn't be America, lack of American leadership, nor sense of community. It will always be Earl's fault for not doing what his mother and his wife told him was better. I am off to hang my head in shame, American failure was all my fault." One really shouldn't write when really tired, for publication anyway... a note to a more wakeful self would be better. The subject was saving America and how I wasn't doing enough. Truth is only God can save us, and I will trust in Him.

Ah, I am so back, finished all the paperwork and internet/forum reports the breakfast and YMCA call me to perform, gentle rains fall the first day of Fall, here. Be good and happy today, you will have to earn it.