Saturday, May 26, 2012

What do you do in the Great NorthWest when...

the weather is perfect, the Sun slams you awake after a great night full of dreams of military and library operations (often think they had too much in like manner). Well, I got up and did start the day well, went off to the Range to make sure I was well regulated as a militia responsible for the security of a Free State. Shot just a few bullets in my two pistols. They hit the target at sixty feet so I am fine. Took a picture of the Colt Model 70 .45 APC. Then back to home, lunch and exercise, nap and off to Men's Bible Study. Good time was had, and discussion went round and round, potluck was more than enough. Finish at home with the Korean Historic drama. Good day and fine night, seems like the Sun has taken over... must be almost Summer.

If it doesn't rain in the afternoon tomorrow I will take some motorcycle riding photos, or I will just ride and you will have to take my word for it. Don't forget to attend worship and thank the Lord for all we have, even the tough stuff.

Friday, May 25, 2012

What does humble law abiding folk get you...

  You sure won't be feared in school or at work, but then you are probably successful in business, family and work. Think about it, there are ugly thugs out there, shooting badly and killing people they didn't even mean to hit (secret, they shoot like Hollywood is going to make it a great shot in editing). There won't be a lot of drama in your life if you are a good guy, the media will cover the man or woman that wants to save their sexual life for marriage, that cultural custom of commitment to a partner of the other sex to reproduce bad copies of yourselves - just hoping their life will be the one that saves the world... That is a twenty year commitment now, or twenty-six under ObamaCares. But I watched a reporter laugh at a young hurdler that said she was remaining a virgin until marriage... laughed at the answer, like the young woman was crazy.

  I was think about it, that God Fearing, Law abiding, Good Citizens are what politicians and Kings and dictators fear most. They like scum, thieves and terrorists -- they hire the same to protect their position and love to snort fool powder, or shoot morphine with the other corrupt folks. All for their little god called money and power. Anyway, Howard Zinn, famed Historian and Socialist thinker, had much to say about following the government into wars and destruction.

As I look at History, it is the common people that will build the civilization, when they believe in themselves and have a future to build. Yes they can use a good leader, one that is worth following... but it isn't a given that a position makes one a leader. Over forty some Presidents in the United States of America, and how many of them were leaders? Six? Eight? Ten? How many can you name and what made them a leader? There were thousands of people, millions of people that made the country and over seventy percent of the Presidents weren't leading that population anywhere. More control feels like the Communists or Fascists making trains run on time. The Media wants the population to be swayed and controlled by its message, they make business pay for the privilege of being present.

During my morning walk, I took a picture of what some of those people have done without the President or his leadership. Oregon Trail markers. The people came and this wasn't even the United States territory at the time, in the 1930's they erected the marker, part of the make work for prosperity of FDR. There once was a brass plaque near the top, but it was ripped off and never replaced by some fine meth sucking punks that needed money. Well, I did get lots of exercise today, 80rds of dry fire with the M1, and a couple of war films to watch between bouts of commercial enterprise and political BS. Don't they know that People died serving the cause of Liberty, only to have their posterity waste it on picnics, drunkenness and sex? Well, not you and I, we don't work with the Secret Service. Memorial Day, remember how many did it without the leadership at National level. Thank God for accepting their lives and sacrifice in battle.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doesn't meet the Paul Revere Ride test...

What doesn't meet it? Well, the mail I receive telling me I need to assemble on the Green, bring rifle and ammunition, food and water. You know, gather with my friends and neighbors to defend our lives, Liberty and all the Lord provides. All I seem to get are solicitations for motorcycle insurance, refinancing my home, and the American Rifleman magazine telling me if I don't get a Challenge Coin for Defeating Obama this year I won't be sexy anymore.... Then I do get a very nice almost personal letter from Mitt, to me (Mr. Dungey, one of America's most notable Republicans - not exactly what I want on my grave marker).

It is a fine personal letter, so I won't bother you all with the rest of what it said. Once you get beyond how well I have impressed Mitt it is about his belief in America and his plan for leadership. Sounds pretty good, until I see that he didn't remember why I think Ron Paul has a better slate than the rascally Republicans. Mitt, like President Obama, doesn't go and join the military and protect America from foreign fools. Under orders from some really strange other folks in uniforms with rank way above their capabilities... he, like President Obama, hasn't a clue what defending the nation is about. What is worth fighting for, what isn't, and why all those with only common values, of a common people don't think smart folks are very smart.

Well, I haven't the money to toss in Mitt's direction, and I know that Obama doesn't need my money - he hasn't asked and has already thrown away trillions on his stupidity. The letter, since it didn't address bringing my guns  to the Green to defend our Rights, is convincing me that no one in Washington, DC, nor wanting to go to Washington DC, knows what is worth fighting and dying for, therefore none are worth following. Have at it you proud professional political paupers. Have at it. I will be Earl, and will vote for the better of the choices... have had a taste of the fruit of the tree.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Welcome to belonging to no one and nothing...

Well, I think I belong to God but that isn't what my post is about, and my wife thinks we belong to each other, and this isn't about that either. There are organizations that think I belong to them. Facebook, the United States of America (I am not a State, I am one of The People and a proud member of a well regulated militia, but I don't belong to the Federal government, the State government, the county government... or the United Nations). Frank W. James has closed his blog, and all because Google wants to own us all, they map and monitor us very well. They decided that blogger wasn't good enough in the old format. Some young folks wanted something else, or had to prove they deserved their jobs and were told to chase off the people that just wrote and read and weren't making Google much money. Facebook decided the Timeline was the thing and almost lost a bunch of us, but then when I warned everyone that the IPO was not worth buying into - a bunch of folks went crazy anyway... and got burned. There aren't any get rich quick and easy schemes out there.

Anyway, since there is a decided lack of customer service in many big businesses, consider banks a wonderful example, computer answering and polling and political and charity fund raising.... no human touch, kind of kinky like those blow up dolls. Not something to waste time or money upon.

The real secret is getting cut off from the internet, power outage, disaster, or just not turning on the computer that is linked... and life goes right on until you take that last breath. You will have more time to talk to real people, hoping they understand you since they may be basing their world view on what they see on tiny monitors and not linked to what is happening - they have to check the weather before opening the door and looking out at the sky... This can be a great communication method, and much work can be aided by good software and business sense, but if you can't find buried treasure in cyberspace you may have to go to Oak Island and dig. Have a great time, remember Troy wasn't found in the local library, but the clues were.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It is possible that it isn't on the internet...

I asked for help finding a real gunsmith, and I got some fine recommendations that panned out. The rifle is in the hands of another old fellow, with lots of firearms and work, and machinery to make things happen. He quickly analyzed my problem, said it would be a little while. Then he showed me some of his custom rifle work, and made be foolishly think the 10th Commandment wasn't for me. But there are some beautiful rifles, even a precision target rifle for those 1000 yard competitions. He even complimented me (???? not really) saying that I could hit targets at that range when I mentioned 500 yards was my limit (he probably meant the rifle could easily do the shot). I should have volunteered to test fire all his work. Fat chance, but my spirit is willing.

Oh, he isn't listed on Google, Bing, or other search engines. Could it be because his cell phone works and he has all he can handle. Someone called for help with his problem with a firearm, but insisted that it not cost too much. One of the young, replacement society, that doesn't feel attached to the firearm he wants repaired. I like being attached, come to think of it, the wife and this rifle have about the same number of years with Earl. Hope I have been treating my wife better, don't want her broken... fair wear and tear is okay.

But, we do need more craftsmen and women, technical experts and semi-pro do it yourselfers. Really, this have to go to college isn't always going to work. Advanced schooling, like gunsmithing and such, that is good for the country if you can't get a degree in Science and Engineering. Go get it, of course, a great work ethic and a plan for your life and your goals is a great start.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Expert Gunsmith wanted!

Stevens Model 414 Armory Model Single Shot Rifle 

 Mine seems to have a very broken firing pin and needs a replacement. Makes me very sad, because I really like to shoot this fine rifle. Anyone knowing a fine gunsmith in the Tacoma, Washington area send me a link or a name and a telephone number, I would call on this one. Thanks for paying attention. The only serial number on the receiver is 41.

The rear sight isn't exactly as the above picture. It is an aperture sight with screw elevation and windage. 
All help would be appreciated.

Update, I now know more about my rifle than I ever have, but still not recommending that your rifle breaks so you can become more familiar with it. I just came to shoot, didn't I?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

So did you prepare for your part in the Well Regulated?

Seems there are regulations for almost everything, and I do know, if it wasn't a rule or guideline there will be  someone saying that it is the way they say it is, and that you can't question their authority. Mostly that doesn't bother most of the normal, don't bother me, civilians. In the military you become accustomed to "the Commander says, by order of the Commander, I am serving the Commander in his/her absence". So the name of the Commander isn't as important as the authority. Leadership would depend on a real human dynamics - authority only counts on supposed powers of the position. Anyway, for the purposes of this post - it would be good if you, the ones that don't want to be bothered, realize that you are well regulated militia.

There isn't a way out of it, you are an important part of the United States of America, and you can't be bothered. You want the government to protect you and allow you to be sheltered from the storm, enriched and maintained and not to be bothered by the responsibility of being one of the well regulated militia necessary for the security of a Free State.

I laugh when I imagine the militia of the gated community in upper level California. They are frightened of fires, earthquakes and racial riots and unrest... they think the police are supposed to care for them, that they have no reason to fill sandbags, cover windows, and learn first aid for survivors of bloody chaos - caused by whatever, Hollywood actually thought someone would fight for LA, and brought military units into town to fight. But our Presidents don't name towns after themselves and feel they have to save LA as Stalin did over Stalingrad.

Well, I went out and shot my rifles at the range, and hit the targets well. Enjoyed talking to the shooters and the staff of the range about shooting and how life is going. Early to the range and early to leave, rifle bullets are expensive, 22LR is the way to go for practicing precision, and save the heavy stuff for after you have built in the muscle, sighting, and squeeze reflexes. You do need to know how the hard hitting load feels and sounds, you need to get into the shot and beyond the loud explosion that causes it all to become deadly.

Just remember that being willing and able to defend yourself, family, neighbors, community, county, state and country is only part of that being awake and alert and aware of the threats around you. You must know where those government folks have taken the riches entrusted to them, because we can't be bothered, and why they can't balance income and out go... but think they can tell you how.

If I wanted to fix that major problem you start with the basic test, give a real mathematics test to those that want to represent us in government. If they can't pass it, they shouldn't be elected. You could give them a test on the Constitution, too. Can't pass it, you can't serve. Could add a marksmanship qualification course, too. That should be worth a few laughs for some of our representatives, others won't have a problem. But there is only a citizenship, and age requirements for the elected positions, their staffs and aides are also just folks they trust, but you do have to qualify to be a doctor, lawyer, law enforcement, fire fighter and emergency responder --- and bus driver and commercial driver. Do you see how the system won't work if just being a nice piece of work aces a hard working expert without social skills?

So I wish you all very well, in your preparations for suffering the fools in positions of importance and responsibility above us. For we will all suffer as we find out that spending money that isn't there, is the first indication of stupid conduct and future failure. There just aren't enough Lottery winners to drag us all beyond the collapse.