There isn't a way out of it, you are an important part of the United States of America, and you can't be bothered. You want the government to protect you and allow you to be sheltered from the storm, enriched and maintained and not to be bothered by the responsibility of being one of the well regulated militia necessary for the security of a Free State.
I laugh when I imagine the militia of the gated community in upper level California. They are frightened of fires, earthquakes and racial riots and unrest... they think the police are supposed to care for them, that they have no reason to fill sandbags, cover windows, and learn first aid for survivors of bloody chaos - caused by whatever, Hollywood actually thought someone would fight for LA, and brought military units into town to fight. But our Presidents don't name towns after themselves and feel they have to save LA as Stalin did over Stalingrad.
Well, I went out and shot my rifles at the range, and hit the targets well. Enjoyed talking to the shooters and the staff of the range about shooting and how life is going. Early to the range and early to leave, rifle bullets are expensive, 22LR is the way to go for practicing precision, and save the heavy stuff for after you have built in the muscle, sighting, and squeeze reflexes. You do need to know how the hard hitting load feels and sounds, you need to get into the shot and beyond the loud explosion that causes it all to become deadly.

If I wanted to fix that major problem you start with the basic test, give a real mathematics test to those that want to represent us in government. If they can't pass it, they shouldn't be elected. You could give them a test on the Constitution, too. Can't pass it, you can't serve. Could add a marksmanship qualification course, too. That should be worth a few laughs for some of our representatives, others won't have a problem. But there is only a citizenship, and age requirements for the elected positions, their staffs and aides are also just folks they trust, but you do have to qualify to be a doctor, lawyer, law enforcement, fire fighter and emergency responder --- and bus driver and commercial driver. Do you see how the system won't work if just being a nice piece of work aces a hard working expert without social skills?
So I wish you all very well, in your preparations for suffering the fools in positions of importance and responsibility above us. For we will all suffer as we find out that spending money that isn't there, is the first indication of stupid conduct and future failure. There just aren't enough Lottery winners to drag us all beyond the collapse.
Training yourself IS important, and starting small is always better! .22 is also a LOT cheaper! :-)