I asked for help finding a real gunsmith, and I got some fine recommendations that panned out. The rifle is in the hands of another old fellow, with lots of firearms and work, and machinery to make things happen. He quickly analyzed my problem, said it would be a little while. Then he showed me some of his custom rifle work, and made be foolishly think the 10th Commandment wasn't for me. But there are some beautiful rifles, even a precision target rifle for those 1000 yard competitions. He even complimented me (???? not really) saying that I could hit targets at that range when I mentioned 500 yards was my limit (he probably meant the rifle could easily do the shot). I should have volunteered to test fire all his work. Fat chance, but my spirit is willing.

Oh, he isn't listed on Google, Bing, or other search engines. Could it be because his cell phone works and he has all he can handle. Someone called for help with his problem with a firearm, but insisted that it not cost too much. One of the young, replacement society, that doesn't feel attached to the firearm he wants repaired. I like being attached, come to think of it, the wife and this rifle have about the same number of years with Earl. Hope I have been treating my wife better, don't want her broken... fair wear and tear is okay.
But, we do need more craftsmen and women, technical experts and semi-pro do it yourselfers. Really, this have to go to college isn't always going to work. Advanced schooling, like gunsmithing and such, that is good for the country if you can't get a degree in Science and Engineering. Go get it, of course, a great work ethic and a plan for your life and your goals is a great start.
Sorry about that Earl, but sounds like you have someone working the problem!