Saturday, January 26, 2013

What you haven't seen on the news feed today...

Thousands of married Americans in love with each other and not cheating even in their mind. Hundreds of beautiful babies born, weddings happening without drunken bachelor revels. People went to work, did the job, and were helpful, courteous and productive - and weren't represented by a union, although most union members went to work, did the job, were helpful, courteous and productive - and paid their union dues. More policeman/women hours were spent on paperwork than curbing crime, but the criminals are mostly waiting for darkness or courage or stupidity to strike. There were large numbers of people saying hello to neighbors, meeting over fences, cleaning the yards and watching golf (?) or another sport. Although the television tried to make you stay inside away from the freezing and windy weather - lots of people went out to walk the dog, care for the animals, play hockey or ice fish. Lots of library and bookstore browsers, patrons and buyers - Amazon hasn't cornered every market yet. There were more firearms used for lawful purposes and good stuff than criminals or some politicians would like. More people prayed today than committed suicide, or died.  More people sang in the shower or along with their music box - whatever version or tune, than frowned in frustration all day long. The number of people worried excessively about their gray hair and wrinkles, is so much smaller than the beauty aid ads would have you believe. More children brought laughter and joy to their parents than can possibly be recorded on a blog. Hope you found some real love today, gave some away and made a stranger smile deeply.

Friday, January 25, 2013

I am looking at my gun, and no violence, I am waiting...

Gun violence, nice scary term, but what they really mean is Human Violence, and they have laws against all of that type. Guess we need to start outlawing humans and the violence problem will go away. True, no humans, no violence by nor against humans.

You do know that I have been trusted by my Army to carry a loaded M16A2, so what changed when I left the service? I can't be trusted any longer? If you understood the rules of the military, and their special justice system, you might think that they (the Army) didn't trust anyone.  But then the humans, the soldiers didn't have special justice to contain you and your violent M16A2 -- but then you never hurt any of them with it, did I? I must have a special perfect gene, the coffee was always hot, the day fine, the sleep sound. Or I am a good guy, or just hadn't been tempted by the power of that assault rifle. Fools everywhere aren't there?

I am no longer interested in the whole debate, the destruction of the Constitution, the coming collapse or the creation of a better world on the other side of this one... History is full of failures, there is no reason that the American experiment cannot fail, too. And no, I won't say, I told you so.

If the citizens of this nation, do not understand the American Revolution, the Constitution and their own individual duty to stand ready to defend it, and the prohibition of the government to infringe on their right to keep and bear arms -- if all that is true, then it is over and stupidity and irresponsibility are in charge. And it happened on your watch. It may have even started before you were born, but you didn't question it, you didn't speak out, speak up nor voice your thoughts. Too busy being fat and happy, now you don't like hearing you are of the common people, you thought there was no price to pay for being an American, a great nation. So you won't be a great nation, a bastion of Liberty in a sea of tyranny... yep.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I do love conspiracy... those folks behind the door...

I joined an Army that had beaten the Imperial Japanese, Nazi Germany, and convinced Italy to switch rulers and change sides in World War II, my uncle and my father wore its uniform. I heard they fought pretty well against the North Korean Communists and the Chinese Volunteers (which I have always thought were left over Warlord forces from the Chinese Civil War - led by proper Communist Political Officers at every level).  That war wasn't concluded very well, no political will from the United Nations, but the Army and Marine Corps did just fine in combat. They were trying that individual replacement system, but the armistice was too quick to figure out that it was a stupid idea. Vietnam would demonstrate that.

War isn't only about combat, just like any institution of the government isn't about its function as it is about the political coin and power it costs and contains. Somewhere in the planning of the late 1950s and early 1960s there were people that didn't understand combat, didn't care about winning on the battlefield and had other ideas about how to make the Department of Defense better. The same kind of people that were going to destroy the family unit, and the education system, and make everyone afraid of their neighbor through the media powers presented by television and radio. They may be the same people, I don't know, I just know about the US Army. Can't even tell you about the Marines, but I have seen glimpses of their response.

The Army I joined, had all the soldiers waking up from sleeping in bunks, getting their fatigues and boots and hat on, and falling out to march to physical fitness training, PT. They would ground their shirt and hat, and assemble in a PT formation, and start the daily dozen - following the commands and demonstrations of their leader. Then they would fall into a running formation, about platoon size (40) and go for a run, of up to two to five miles. Real tough units would go more faster. They would return to the shirts and hats, fall in on their gear and put it on and go to breakfast. After breakfast they would go clean up the barracks, do police call, and fall in for training about nine - lunch about noon, and recall and end of duty day about five, when retreat was sounded.

The rifle could have been carried all day, it was an M14, semi-automation with a twenty round box magazine (which normally wasn't carried if not going to tactical, field or rifle ranges). It was a fine combat weapon, good range and penetration, and had a bayonet that could be attached. It would be stored in rifle racks in the platoon bays with a lock maintained by the platoon sergeant or Charge of Quarters. The bayonet drill was good stuff left over from years of fighting with a rifle or musket with a pointy bayonet that was never unloaded and always lethal if placed properly upon a victim. And then the butt stoke could really crush a skull or two without reloading, too.

The Basic or Advanced Combat Fitness Test was administered to all the soldiers, or should I start here saying all the male soldiers. I think the women in the service in 1967 had their own Fitness Test. So the male soldier would start with a 40 yard low crawl, chest must remain in contact with the ground, 20 yards one way, spin and 20 yards back. Fast as you can. Then the Run Dodge and Jump, and it was just like its title. Then the Horizontal Ladder, as fast as you could, as many bars hung from as possible, then the grenade throw, and last the run, one or two miles depending on your training.

So as I learned how to do these tests, march, carry the rifle, shoot the rifle, be part of a team and many other things as I became a soldier, then Non Commissioned Officer (NCO). I noticed the changes, made in the male training, uniforms and housing as the military prepared for integrating women into the regular Army and combat arms.

First change I noted was the excitement over the M16, until the reports against it from Vietnam, which were fixable, and the Marine Corps even made it better which became the M16A2. The rifle was designed for women, lighter, not so much for bayonet drill or training. So the second thing I noticed was the Pugil Stick training, became more and bayonet drill less. Those M16s would break when used as clubbing implements. M16A2s are a fine rifle for closer combat, the M4 more so, but when you want to reach out and kill someone four hundred or more meters away, as the designated rifleman with the M14, or your local sniper with his rifle.

In the Combat Fitness Test the low crawl became the inverted crab walk - which is a fine physical exercise, and test, but has nothing to do with a combat skill - it does keep one's chest from constant contact with the ground. The horizontal ladder had to go, I always ripped my callouses off on the bars, and I have no idea how women would have liked swinging like an ape, with a bit less shoulder and chest muscles than most men, that was eliminated because it cost so much to build and maintain those ladders for testing. Not that it wasn't a good indicator of upper body strength and coordination, for men. The grenade throw went away, too. We had grenade launchers, didn't need to throw them now, and who ever decided it had to go hadn't watch girls softball and was sure they couldn't throw well. So, as a Physical Fitness Test let us do three things, push ups, sit ups and run. That is all. And we would grade women differently on the push ups, sit ups and run just because we didn't want them to feel bad.  Linking it later to promotions hasn't helped the difference.

There was a whole lot of walking in WWII and Korea, the helicopter moved more troops and supplies but the grunts were still weeks walking in Vietnam without showers or mail. But a lot more mobility came in, which gets you to the battle quicker, and makes the Headquarters think they control more territory based on how fast reaction forces can get to the enemy.... while he bikes or walks or takes the public transportation and strikes everywhere you aren't looking or guarding.

Back to all that changed in the Army. Where once I did PT in boots and fatigues, I had now jogging shoes and a PT uniform, and time to shower after PT before the remainder of the day. The idea is to change the pattern before the women show up, it was constant, change before women show up. Once all the service academies were all male, well, that had to change - opportunities for women - which again has nothing to do with winning wars or fighting in combat. It was fair.

When I got into the Army, men could fight and not end their career, they didn't always go to Article 15 UCMJ. There was something the platoon sergeant might do, the First Sergeant or the boys in the platoon might make adjustments. But then they decided that total control from the top was absolutely the best way of making everything better. Like an officer would be a better judge than the men.

The pistol was the 1911 and it was clunky, but worked, the bullet worked, and the only problem I ever had with the Colt 45 Semi-auto was never enough range time to shoot well. But ammunition is expensive. It had to be changed for the M9 Beretta, which had its own problems. The idea of the change was good for our allies used 9mm, it was bad in thinking that women couldn't handle a .45, and that all those extra bullets meant more hits. No one bought more ammunition for practice, and the extra magazines needed were spare parts request and often not purchased.

The platoon bays, were changed to four man rooms, the NCOs then went to two man rooms, everything looked like college dorms. In the field, shower runs became a norm (using DECON units), and porta-potties.  This getting men ready for integration of women in the field and into combat is sweet. Thank you, ladies.

The last step in the transition to getting men ready to accept women into combat roles, was to make homosexuality a norm. Men really are bothered by women that love women.  We, the soldiers of the many centuries, have had homosexual men fighting around us forever, but the idea that a woman in uniform only wants to be with other women - that was always the rumor in the men's barracks. The homosexual men get to live, and never went to courts martial as long as it was not hurting the morale and discipline of the unit. Yeah, they had to keep it covered up, but sexuality has nothing to do with military operations, and combat isn't sexual it is killing and destroying. Real combat doesn't make good press or dreams but perfect nightmares.

Now the people that think the military is just an organization to be used for employment opportunity, and that men and women are the same, should be treated equally and fairly. They are the same people that have made sure that women's rights are above human rights. I am too old for worrying about fighting women, I like to kill my enemies far enough off that I don't know what sex they are. And the military hasn't figured out maternity leave policy that will keep the units combat ready, and the women producing the next generations of military might - good luck with that one.

I do know, from back in the day, when my wife was teaching Tae Kwon Do and I was just a wanna be - I knocked the breath out of her and she stopped breathing from one perfect kick. And she always allows me to break doors down and open pickle jars for her. She makes the home and I take out the garbage, however you like to read that. So, I have no dog in the fight, but I would rather have the men in combat wanting to get back to that innocent girl, than snoring beside them in the fighting position awaiting the next action. No, the Army is not a Nation building police force, nations build themselves and the Army has enough problems policing itself - have you seen the number of officers caught in adultery, or fraternization? Who were those folks behind the curtain? Conspiracy, year after year.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I feel a bit weaker and very sad...

President Obama said I must join the collective, and I studied History in Europe, I know how that worked. And today is celebrated by the MindlessStreamMedia as the Fortieth Anniversary of Roe V Wade.... so they are so happy that two generations of people never had an opportunity to struggle with the rest of us to grow and live and love? Maybe it is true, Western Civilization doesn't honor the power of women - not one man I can name can carry an embryo to birth. Only women - let us treat them as just an object, another tax payer, or benefit receiving voter.... but don't honor what only they can do.

Do you  know why the country is so in trouble? Because the best potential people were aborted, since they didn't have anyone to love them - it was better? I think two generations of people that never got their name, never kissed a love, never wrote a poem, never raised a pet, never grew a crop and harvested it... the ones that were brighter than Steve Jobs, could sing better than Tom Jones,... you get the idea. The government has no courage, they have power, and they hire folks to project it - but as soon as those drones are perfected - you subhumans are all dog food.

America was great because we were free to try, to compete, to learn, to teach, to share our bread, to build something the world had never seen. To trust and honor our neighbors, to be responsible to think instead of just waiting on the entertainment. We once honored and had a real life, where did the nation go? Too much power at our finger tips, too much self gratification, to much trying to be better than everyone else while still being one of them, too?

I do know there are millions of Americans, and wanna-be Americans that have real virtues, have real lives, and will never ever get on the news cycle. Because they out number the ones that do, and that bothers many in Washington, DC and New York, and most major urban centers - they could be ignored and starve, the system could totally collapse for fiscal policy problems, lack of electricity and fuel. 

Some of you do know who would survive - I know many, they will quickly adjust and get on with real living and loving good people and helping.  But there is going to be a large die off, of all those waiting for the News Week 2nd Coming...  Think I will watch Hombre, Paul Newman, acting like a real hero.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Good Morning, America, seems we must change with the times...

Once there an American that changed the times, actually a whole lot of them. Watching briefly the MindlesslyStreamingMedia coverage of the almost Coronation of President Obama, I was caught by the appreciation of the fact that most of the 300 million plus People of America, haven't the time to be celebrating National Squirrel Appreciation Day, nor Martin Luther King, Jr Day (which I have always held should be Southern Heroes Day - to be more inclusive).

I continue to see that there are too many that fear the Power of the Pulpit, the Bully Pulpit, the Gun, God and good sense and good nature. Quaking in fear of those others, never knowing their name nor their intentions, finding faults, dwelling on flaws, and all the ways it can go wrong.

This weekend while others paraded in State Capitals (49 of 50?) I wandered through the dark and fog to find a small one room schoolhouse, in Venersborg Community, which Google may or may not find for you. Battle Ground, Washington was it.

Hosting was local, instructor was Hawkhavn from Indiana, had Oregonians, and Californians from Orange County (they still have rifles and shoots in California?) all meeting to hold an Instructor Boot Camp (don't worry a couple of more years and that name will be demilitarized to something in pastel). Where we could teach volunteers how to tell the heritage, the safety, the marksmanship and to spread the wealth. Almost said budding missionaries - but they have to go out to the masses of people that no longer know, do not appreciate and will never wonder why all those other countries have dictators, revolts, mass graves and massive grievances.

 I had a wonderful time, was respected for my ancient thoughts, laughed with for my foolery, and admired because I OWN an M1 GARAND, and would let someone hold it. Did I mention they had cookies and fine food?  Appleseed, the Revolutionary War Veterans Association, join us on the trail, at your library, range, and on the internet. Or any other fine shooting organization, where we understand that gun control is with four safety rules - and all rounds on target. Be responsible for your life, your community, your nation and our world. God bless all our best.
I would trust these fine folks, with your safety, education and encouragement.
I do know that life is too short to be fooled by my fears, or fueled by flames of the foolish. Become an American Rifleman then you will be prepared to account for all the variables in one discipline, marksmanship -- from there, the world is possible to build.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Mister President, why I do not fear your best...

There is much noise about the 2nd Amendment, the Assault Rifles, the fear of the folks, the power of Executive, and protecting us all from harm. Normally, if it were Hamilton, Washington, Jackson, Crockett, Bowie, Cody, Grant or Lee, even Teddy Roosevelt -- I might worry, a bit. They knew what they would fight and die for.

But the current crop of political hacks and almost heroes followed Bush the lesser, Clinton and the other non-glorious paths to power than those that served. They didn't even go to take care of the wounded nor entertain the troops. They made sure they liberated all the women, promoted dope and drug culture, sang songs and then called themselves Liberal...  but a sense of duty? a sense of honor? a relationship with God? a sound knowledge of what they really believe in besides making themselves happy? They did mock loudly the war effort in Vietnam, LOUDLY. And dishonored service, boy scouts, churches, and anything that wouldn't hurt them... they promoted anti-violence, violently. They have all that they have clung to.... nothing of value to me. And they can't threaten me, oh, they make noise, they write rules, they hire guns -- but they aren't coming after me, they have to send those they mock so well.

Ask OBL if he feared the President, or any godless American? He didn't, he had to be killed. So will I, and I am not going to strike terror into America, I stand for Liberty, Honor, Truth, God and all the goodness in Man, and the possibility of the best from me. I stand with all those that know you aren't god, good nor worth following or worrying about - Christ would have stood in front of them, and taken a beating, suffered and died.  I can do no less.

Having fought a few North Korean Communists, Vietnamese and beside other military - the side the President is on and seems to believe he commands - just hasn't the heart for a real prolonged war. So I declare that I am the victor, and will continue to laugh at those that haven't a clue, most don't.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Convex and Concave.... you know...

When a Guy's Belly arrives sixteen inches ahead of his heart (ask your medical professional why this isn't a good thing) you call them Barrel Chested, but that is polite fiction. But the round surface is convex, a round going out. I have gained mine in my lapse from what I could be by better behavior... or blame it on ice cream and recliners or anything except me - don't blame me, I acknowledge it isn't what God designed me to be, so I have failed. The recliner and ice cream are doing exactly what they are designed to do - I never had to wallow in them. Anyway, with my wife's retirement, we joined the YMCA, removing me from the recliner and farther from the ice cream.

I noticed as I am gently exercising, old folks only exercise gently they are happy to be moving, I am now getting two concave areas where once only convex existed. Don't get excited, there is much convex to expand into, but I can hide a snub nose in each of those concave areas! Not that I have any or could tell you if I were to do so, but there is room.  So, I am feeling frisky and decided that I should attempt running again - it has been a long stretch without running - but I was sure I was getting there, or at least felt good enough to post on Facebook a bit

On my list of wonderings still to be explored: if I really can run again, just in the testing phase now, what would it be like to run in a proper kilt? Swinging a broadsword and yelling like a happy Celt savage?

I got some interesting feedback, but supportive. So I decided to test the indoor track at the YMCA after my gentle work out. But then my wife was walking on the track to start her workout, and I was feeling frisky - so I broke into an awkward gallop (who is telling this?) to swoop by her and shock her, just a fool guy in love thing.  Now as I lumbered by chasing a five year old running with her sister ahead of their mother, my wife says to me "Don't run too fast." She noticed! Yea! says the boy inside looking for attention. Feeling fine I continued to run around the track, having proved the motion was real, and passing the little girls, the next time around my wife, still walking, says "If you are going to run you have to run on the outside lanes." I pretend snarl "you have so many rules..." (a very old point in a long term relationship). So I stop and then recover my old man poise and breath.

I go on to my gentle workout, 10K on the rowing machine, seven miles on the bicycle (you have no idea how turned on I get by passing female riders on the digital display), and some swing striders and treadmill, with two sessions on the multi-purpose rope pull. Anyway, I was sweaty and happy, and remembered my wife no longer was on the track and I could finish up a couple of gentle laps and see where I am in my recovery from the depths of self destruction... I stayed happy, and sweaty and breathing hard. More to come in the future, there is hope. Gently.

While I was rowing, it does take about fifty-three minutes, I watched two elder than I folks, little old people, wearing leather walking shoes, wool sweaters, and not really dressed for working out. They were there to walk the track, gently. The old man was just a little larger than the lady, but they were a couple. The lady walked faster, and farther than the man, and although they both sat on the bench for breaks - the lady got up sooner with more grace and continued her walking, he did get up and continued to shuffle along falling behind her. I was in awe of their love and position in time that I was glimpsing, I was partly projecting my marriage upon them. I sent some prayers for God's continued blessings upon them, they make love look good with age. Finally, they had enough, and as the elder man walked slowly behind his wife - he smiled gently at me, like we shared a secret or he appreciated my attention and good will. I smiled back.

I finished all my exercises, made voice contact with a few other hopefuls, and washed up and left with my wife. The lady that only tells me what to do, because she cares enough to expend her very best. I could become a better man, God put the design there, and I have angels watching over me. Maybe one day a very old little old me and my girl friend for life, can silently impress someone watching quietly. That would be good. That is the lesson in convex and concave for the day, be good out there.