Thursday, January 17, 2013

Convex and Concave.... you know...

When a Guy's Belly arrives sixteen inches ahead of his heart (ask your medical professional why this isn't a good thing) you call them Barrel Chested, but that is polite fiction. But the round surface is convex, a round going out. I have gained mine in my lapse from what I could be by better behavior... or blame it on ice cream and recliners or anything except me - don't blame me, I acknowledge it isn't what God designed me to be, so I have failed. The recliner and ice cream are doing exactly what they are designed to do - I never had to wallow in them. Anyway, with my wife's retirement, we joined the YMCA, removing me from the recliner and farther from the ice cream.

I noticed as I am gently exercising, old folks only exercise gently they are happy to be moving, I am now getting two concave areas where once only convex existed. Don't get excited, there is much convex to expand into, but I can hide a snub nose in each of those concave areas! Not that I have any or could tell you if I were to do so, but there is room.  So, I am feeling frisky and decided that I should attempt running again - it has been a long stretch without running - but I was sure I was getting there, or at least felt good enough to post on Facebook a bit

On my list of wonderings still to be explored: if I really can run again, just in the testing phase now, what would it be like to run in a proper kilt? Swinging a broadsword and yelling like a happy Celt savage?

I got some interesting feedback, but supportive. So I decided to test the indoor track at the YMCA after my gentle work out. But then my wife was walking on the track to start her workout, and I was feeling frisky - so I broke into an awkward gallop (who is telling this?) to swoop by her and shock her, just a fool guy in love thing.  Now as I lumbered by chasing a five year old running with her sister ahead of their mother, my wife says to me "Don't run too fast." She noticed! Yea! says the boy inside looking for attention. Feeling fine I continued to run around the track, having proved the motion was real, and passing the little girls, the next time around my wife, still walking, says "If you are going to run you have to run on the outside lanes." I pretend snarl "you have so many rules..." (a very old point in a long term relationship). So I stop and then recover my old man poise and breath.

I go on to my gentle workout, 10K on the rowing machine, seven miles on the bicycle (you have no idea how turned on I get by passing female riders on the digital display), and some swing striders and treadmill, with two sessions on the multi-purpose rope pull. Anyway, I was sweaty and happy, and remembered my wife no longer was on the track and I could finish up a couple of gentle laps and see where I am in my recovery from the depths of self destruction... I stayed happy, and sweaty and breathing hard. More to come in the future, there is hope. Gently.

While I was rowing, it does take about fifty-three minutes, I watched two elder than I folks, little old people, wearing leather walking shoes, wool sweaters, and not really dressed for working out. They were there to walk the track, gently. The old man was just a little larger than the lady, but they were a couple. The lady walked faster, and farther than the man, and although they both sat on the bench for breaks - the lady got up sooner with more grace and continued her walking, he did get up and continued to shuffle along falling behind her. I was in awe of their love and position in time that I was glimpsing, I was partly projecting my marriage upon them. I sent some prayers for God's continued blessings upon them, they make love look good with age. Finally, they had enough, and as the elder man walked slowly behind his wife - he smiled gently at me, like we shared a secret or he appreciated my attention and good will. I smiled back.

I finished all my exercises, made voice contact with a few other hopefuls, and washed up and left with my wife. The lady that only tells me what to do, because she cares enough to expend her very best. I could become a better man, God put the design there, and I have angels watching over me. Maybe one day a very old little old me and my girl friend for life, can silently impress someone watching quietly. That would be good. That is the lesson in convex and concave for the day, be good out there.


  1. Good work. Trying to find that guy in me

  2. Good for y'all Earl, getting back on track, so to speak, it s a great idea!
