Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Honestly, offer them some help...

Dear Congressman ,

   The President announced his 23 points for struggling against gun violence.  They are not effective outside of the White House, but it was an attempt.

What is? ‘7. Launch a national safe and responsible gunownership campaign.’ Does that mean no more bad movie and television plots and direction and special effects? That would get everyone worried about the 1st Amendment as well as the 2nd.  Adding this as well as sex education in our public schools?

   I again offer my services as a firearms and weapons advisor, for free.   

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I want to tell you about Lance Armstrong...

He is milking this 'scandal' for all it is worth... nothing.

The group that KNOWS he was doping, blood doping or just beating the system - that group didn't exist when he rode to victory, seven times.  But they know?

The people testifying against Lance were team mates, and morally challenged from birth, education and situational ethics. They finally confessed to being sinners to the public pulpit and think they have been saved... but get a book writing deal from their shame? Won't get them to Heaven, but they don't believe in afterlife, do they?

After winning, however that happened, Lance Armstrong attempted to keep a clean healthy image and use it to promote cancer research and benefit humanity... just loves to be doing good for all the wrong reasons. Oh, the Glory of being Lance Armstrong.

You have to know that Lance Armstrong had an evil dark side, his girl friend singer, split.

So now, instead of real problems about the underfunded liabilities of the American Government, the terror triumphant through out the world. Everyone, is talking about Lance Armstrong's fall from grace. Not even knowing what Grace really is - it just sounds good.

So I want to repeat one truth. Lance Armstrong rode some bicycle to victory seven times in France, passing all the drug tests given, however he passed them - he was still the rider that won, and his team mates did work to make sure he won. But you don't even know what bike he rode - you are just as sure as everyone that doubted he could do it (I don't think he spoke French, did he?) that the blood doping was what made it possible. 

So, I believe that Lance Armstrong is going to tell the world he cheated, I heard it on television so it must be true. And all those shouting that it is true - that he cheated, that we must prevent the children from following his very poor example - have won, just as maybe Lance Armstrong lost by not believing he could win without his special cheat, that he couldn't train better, have a better team, have a stronger spirit facing the challenge.  So Lance Armstrong is now a cheater, and y'all will accept his fall from Grace. and now he is a great hero for humbling himself back into the masses of failures we are all striving to become. 

Well, what if Lance Armstrong didn't know as much as he thought? What if those that gave him this fine flawless blood doping routine that never got caught, that never has been proved except by coercing testimony from others observing what they thought was cheating? What if they are all wrong. That only the belief he was cheating, had an edge, and his team, bikes and training and strength were better and good enough to win - actually won him those seven titles taken away by those that don't ride, don't compete and don't know anymore than their little minds can conceive? What if Lance Armstrong won on a placebo effect? How much do you know about the strength of the mind, the spirit and the competition to win? What if the placebo effect was saying a lie long enough made it the truth? What is the placebo effect?  He did ride all those miles, Oprah didn't. Did you?

Monday, January 14, 2013

How is that prayer thing working out?

You do know why I go to my wife's church, don't you? I go to see all the beautiful brown haired babes, so much to be thankful for. In New York, the EMPIRE State, they are about to bow to the vicious cycle of cultural conformity and pass lots of words to restrict the people from freedom - just make them all serfs, and hope they make enough money and pay enough taxes and look happy enough to convince the rest of the country to go their way.

You do know that the United States of America, is a nation of refugees, fleeing something bad somewhere else, coming here for the promise of something better. Now we get to be fleeing the power of the President's Executive Orders. Yes, I know other Presidents have used them. We put a lot of English speaking Americans of Japanese heritage in concentration camps - if we hadn't been trying to save on fuel to fight the war they might have had more to worry about. Luckily we could use them to fight Germans in Europe. Don't you just love a World at War?

The justification for those illegal actions comes down to protecting something, from the fears that haunt the minds of evil men.  Yep, protection from good hearted folks isn't very necessary, they will vote, work and love with total disregard of the government. I would likely think they were good ideas if they did them because they love me (they never do), if it increased my love for everyone else (but I have to work on that), or they only applied their silly restrictions and rules to themselves. I don't think I am special enough to need bodyguards, honest, and I know the police are in LAW ENFORCEMENT, not personal security.  They work very bravely and in tough areas to keep those in suits healthy and happy, unconcerned about security because they know the police are on top of the bad guys.

I do want you all to be armed, especially armed against false witnesses.  The Media, and the Politicians maybe bearing false witness against you, what you know and believe, and definitely against the Truth. That is not a good thing, it could be one of those sins, a commandment from God through Moses, but I don't dare quote the Bible, I don't read Hebrew, Greek or Latin --- so God only reaches me in English, not even King James' English although it is so poetic. Anyway, go out armed with the knowledge that will protect you from the mob of mindless.

Where do your prayers go?  Do you use them for what you love, whom you love? Send them where you love is, where you have planted it, where you want it to grow and bless us all. Love the LORD, your neighbor (so many can't be counted) and yourself. Work on your prayers, you have no hope of paying down the debts, but spreading real love - that you can do.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My sister says the government isn't going to take...

my firearms. Which is wonderful, I don't have to fear my government anymore, she is heavily influencing her Congressperson and State Senators to make sure the government doesn't exceed its authority and take my guns. Well, maybe she didn't but she does support my dangerous weapons because she knows I am only a fat old fool and those sharp Black masked SWAT team types can take me down so quick... or she just believes in goodness.  Of it all, I hope it is goodness she believes in.

She has much confidence in the government, maybe because she is supporting them, thinks they could some day live up to their potential or are honorable or can read and understand the Constitution of the United States. She is a very good person, and expects others to be so, too.  I am not a good person, but I am trying to be a better one. I know I am cynical, and don't believe the best of everyone - especially those that seek power and money.

I do believe in the general goodness of Mankind, provided they are safe and most needs are met and they can earn their way. And they do.

Now my sister will be sure of her government, and its goodness, and that she doesn't have any evil black assault rifles - and since she believes in me - that I also don't have any, and knowing me, that I have little interest in them personally. But she would likely want to talk me into surrendering them to the stupid government, instead of laying waste to my neighborhood in a futile resistance to their wonderful intentions. I did say she was good people, didn't I?

She likes archery, that fine weapon of long ago and such skill and only harming those that got in the way of the arrows. The picture of the longbowmen is of Agincourt,  in France and the French Knights didn't love them. English kings and princes did, they were cheap to feed and train, and were there at royal command and for the rape and the looting.

True the longbow was a killer, it like the assault rifle was a long to medium distance weapon, and for when the enemy army made of footmen and knights got too close those long stakes were needed as a way to slow down and disable the steed that the gallant knight was charging, charging and charging upon, See they was heavily armoured, often beautifully armored, but that stuff was heavy and a big, bold horse was a heaven sent animal for the gallant knight. Now, I am sure you have heard 'get down off your high horse!' that was the battle cry of the English foot, archers and soldiers. They believed in a fair fight. The knights not so much. They were special, and even treated the enemy knights as much more special than the common foot of either army - they were just to be ridden down, and ridden over. A live captured knight could be held for ransom. Common foot could be made to dig moats or test the depth of the water.  If you were of another faith, they could be made slaves and branded and sold off.

Anyway when it came to defeating a heavily armored knight bound by lack of horse to ride, the effect of gravity, and maybe mired in mud (infantry loves mud!) the best weapon to put as many of them totally out of the war was the mallet you used to drive in the stakes that slowed down and killed the charging horses. Yep, the mallet - just a tool, they did have short swords and long dirks, but the mallet was something awesome at the end of a good swing upon a joint, head - a bell ringer on a helmet. Not as pretty as the warhammer of the knights and the Persians, but still effective.

So I have bows, and arrows, and other tools and knives.... I don't feel completely naked, which in the terms of knighthood meant without arms or sword.  But you know if your community can't have an auto or semi-auto assault rifles - then you may be stuck with what ever they can invent or modify from the world around them. On Okinawa they invented karate, when their Overlords decided that they must be disarmed, and Chuck Norris was only flawed by being white - Bruce Lee wasn't flawed at all, he really understood martial arts and the potential of the human.

Not being enamoured of evil black plastic firearms, I was not likely to purchase an assault rifle, but would likely accept one freely given from a fellow citizen when they got too old to carry it, care for it and shoot it. But being a student of HISTORY, the real stuff not the cable channel, I thought I would look at what Home Depot has in the line of evil black carbon fiber and steel.  Found for less than thirty-five dollars the fine example below  - it is black, has a skull and cross bones, the word Dead On and the name of Annihilator.  Works for me, never unloaded, full auto, and finely crafted, and has a pointy end.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

You know I don't fear the government...

I know it is out of my control, and that it has failed in so many ways, wasted so much of its trust and treasures entrusted to it and only lives in fear of being found out.

Besides, I can build a better one. And if I don't someone else will...

What I have to do is be alive, in love and aware ==== and I will still die, a scientific fact to be noted and studied as soon as I go to eternal rest. Doesn't matter if the government kills me on the way to eliminating all its fears, or the crazy man, drugged person or a bolt of lightning strikes me - I die the day my God accepts it isn't worth the effort to put me back in the game.... Thank you, Lord.

Having just a few more minutes in the
billions, and billions, and billions of years on the immeasurable time clock...
I think I will love a lot more, those that love me back, those that don't, those that hate me, those that fear me, those that are strangers to me.... especially those that don't know my joy in loving them, it does a body good.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fat rain drops knocking on the roof, knocking...

Hillsides slide down onto the light rail tracks and they are closed for cleaning, traffic is slowed and accidents loom on the express ways. Are the traffic girls the new 'weather babes' of television? Seeing the drive time to Seattle doubled is making me happy to not be on the commute.

We go to morning prayer at the church, I hold the door open for the senior elder ladies getting off their church van, I smile and greet them, loving the twinkle in some of their eyes and the greetings I get in return in English and Korean - the smiles are my reward. My mother taught me what manners a gentleman should have - she had much hope in me, planting a lot of good ideas and habits.

I go upstairs and start my devotions and the English Language Pastor, waves good morning and a greeting and goes to the sound booth (he will be translating during the service), he comes back out and we talk, I ask how his Spanish is - he acknowledges it isn't good as it should be. He was raised in Argentina, before coming to the United States. I talk a bit about my mother and her family, my grandfather and grandmother, using my grandfather's book with his biography and picture. For such a brief moment there was much information exchanged. He got up and went to work, I went back to devotions.

The whole discussion about the arms, the assault weapons and the lack of understanding brings back memories of wars - my little ones, and all the ones I read about - living through the works and words the authors sent my way. I realized like most returning veterans, that civilians don't know anything about war, one of my college professors wrote to me in Desert Shield/Storm that the media were reporting on the Gulf War just like it was a football game, the media knew their audience and communications but nothing about war. I also knew more about foreigners and their armies than the civilians did. German, French, Korean armies - I knew the tactics of all my real enemies and how they were organized. Could have spent some more lifetimes learning even more, but time marched on. Now my own country's Armed Forces are like new. I have enough experience and trust to know they will do the best they can, and die or get wounded and scared forever.  I also know who they fight for won't understand nor believe in them nor love them as much as they deserve. One should never waste those willing to die for you - but it seem so chic to mock them in their ignorance...

My mother's later years were very strained by her fears of the fools, almost thinking she should flee to South America if George Bush the younger took over, her friends from South America reminded her that she had very little idea of what life was like there, she has only some of the stories and terror at the hands of their governments during the repressions... I know that she would have been totally against me if she thought I would be a bully, but, for a woman devoted to the Christian turning of the cheek, very proud of my standing up and fighting in defense of the helpless and weak ones. Wish I could have done more of it, glad I can still hold the doors open for the little elder ladies at the chuch, it would still have made her proud.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Repeal Daylight Savings Time!

I like thinking I am as slim and trim as I once was, but fun house mirrors aren't everywhere, so the sloppy sags are very difficult to hide from my analyzing eye - although a broader belly holds more snacks, and crumbs while in the recliner watching mindless media motions, until one gets up and it falls to the rugs weave...

Anyway, all time is Relative, i'nStein proved it. You could have fifty hour days, twenty day weeks and so on. Earth time a 'day' is one rotation of the Earth, in Creation time a 'day' is just as long as God needed it to be.

In the dairy community, of America, I understand they milk two times a day. It isn't called anything but milking time. All participants know when that is, the animals know, the milkers know - and it doesn't matter that Congress has no real idea, it will get done on those times - ir-relative of Daylight Savings or whichever time zone. Milking time is twice a day... Both milking times could be in the daylight hours, or the nightdark hours.

But those control monsters, they want everyone to do it on 'their' time, don't they? So they pretend by shifting everyone's time an hour they save Daylight and make commerce in the evening better and safer and gee whizzer than anything. When they could find a bean and coin counter that would do the mathematics, they even decided to extend the Daylight Savings time shift into the darn darker Seasons of the year.  An Earth year being equal to the total number of time units to go around the Sun, whatever your time units.

This year concept isn't very perfect, Julius Caesar and King George of England put their names to modification of calendars to perfect the measurements of the year, so the crops would come up on time - control of the calendar is one of the first signs of trying to become godlike, thinking if you can measure it, you can control it, tax it and save it. But I have it on good authority, when it is time to bud, bloom and grow - it is controlled off calendar.

What I want to point out to the fools in Congress and the government that think they have saved any daylight, they haven't. But since they know nothing about money, I am sure they couldn't know anything about daylight - which has been around much longer.

Still, I have to admit, with advanced mathematics and science, computer power, universal grid and satellite feed we could go to proportional time. So it could be perfect, totally.

We want a midday mark. Normally, in English, Noon and a midnight mark called Midnight. And since those learned survivors of the tower of Babel decided that sixty was a sexy number - minutes and seconds are in sixty units, but days are in twenty four hours (how that happened I don't know, I can't read clay tablets). So we keep twenty-four hours as the divisions we like, and twelve of them should be dark and twelve of them should be light. That is the way the Sun sees it; it is organic time on Earth, half in light and half in dark.

Now being a Federal or World government bent on more goodness than gracious - twelve of each is fair but impractical, They want to have fourteen hours of light to increase commerce and safety, not too many productive hours in those dark times, lot of crime and sinning happening where the sun don't shine - ten hours of darktime will be enough for a solid eight healthy hours of sleep, a couple left over for meditation and romance.

So in Earth Proportional Time, there will be seven hours of light on each side of MidDay, or Noon, and five hours of dark on each side of midnight. Now here is where the miracle of our enlightened progressive thinking comes along. The number of hours, the number of minutes and the number of seconds in daylight or darkness continue. The miday for everywhere is when the Sun is exactly over head. Everything is relative to those facts. I know, when the daylight is small time will fly, but you do get a lot more beauty sleep in the dark. When the daylight is larger you can get so much more done, that there should be thousands of sub four minute milers everywhere, if they weren't spending those more productive hours consuming conspicuously or producing prodigiously. Where in the dark colder season it took half a day to make a car, in the light warmer season it was five cars in that same half day.

All vacations could be scheduled with health and holidays in the darkcold times since they would be found to be too slow to produce enough making our work days most productive. Of course, you would still end up with only two milking times per day - but agriculture just never catches up, do they?