Besides, I can build a better one. And if I don't someone else will...
What I have to do is be alive, in love and aware ==== and I will still die, a scientific fact to be noted and studied as soon as I go to eternal rest. Doesn't matter if the government kills me on the way to eliminating all its fears, or the crazy man, drugged person or a bolt of lightning strikes me - I die the day my God accepts it isn't worth the effort to put me back in the game.... Thank you, Lord.
Having just a few more minutes in the
billions, and billions, and billions of years on the immeasurable time clock...
I think I will love a lot more, those that love me back, those that don't, those that hate me, those that fear me, those that are strangers to me.... especially those that don't know my joy in loving them, it does a body good.
Earl, that assumes they will LET you love... If it's not their agenda, you can bet you'd be hard pressed...
ReplyDeleteAnd you think I haven't been hard pressed, oppressed, depresses and expressed before. Do have to say that a good hug makes concealed carry tougher, but the joy greater...
Deletesee y'all on the barricades! Empty chairs at empty tables...