And I do look, really. There are all kinds of interesting people there doing the best they can to become mobile. It isn't like the Greeks with their body perfection, but there are some young ladies that must be pole dancers in some of the clubs - since that is such a small group to consider I can stop writing about them. The remainder are mostly old, fat, feeble and faint of heart. Like me.
Now in the weight room, and they have a great weight room, which I don't use, the body builders and weight lifters train up, there are some tattooed ladies in there also, like steel bands are their muscles in tone. I only play at the rope trainer off to the side, or Jacob's Ladder (which makes me light headed).

No, I use the boring machines, repetitiously. BORING! I normally start with the Rowing machine, I dream of sculling with
Banacek in Boston, but am sure I would tip the craft and return to swimming for my life. Earl's coordination stops when using anything beyond the body. So sad. Still I try to do 10,000 meters, or if in a hurry 5,000 meters. That is my warm up. Good for legs and upper body - seems to do nothing for the core, but I could never tell, that belly fat is in the weigh (way). I walk a lap then go to the bicycle machine, an linked computer deal, and adjust the seat height, sit and open my account, to get credit and establish my ghost on which trail I ride.
Then I start pedaling, and Sweat, so that it drips off of my arms and face, soaking the floor mat and my gym outfit. Short route is five miles, but six is better and I like to adventure to ten and beyond, no hurry, when my wife is well, she is doing water resistance stuff. The video panel has interesting terrain to bike through, virtual competitors and cliffs to feel like you could drive right off into and die on the way down - the machine won't allow it, the bike stops off the road. Just not an All Terrain Vehicle.
I have to mop up after using the machine and recording my fine times, there are some real animals pumping pedals elsewhere that have produced many watts of power - could we supply the power grid? Not I, but they could link your machine. After clean up I hit the Eliptical trainer or the one called the Open Strider - they are similar but not the same, but I only do a mile or a little more on each.
Every other day or so I do weight machines, but lightly and none on legs, all core and upper body.
In the end, I am tired and desiring that hot shower and black coffee. So I am done, the YMCA has people sitting and watching, talking and always using some machine or exercise program, lots of classes that move the body, hard to soft.
When I get young and beautiful I will come back and revisit this theme, but it will take much longer although with better weather I will be going outside to take care of the yard, too. The kilt fit well this morning - got to keep moving or that death by recliner will sneak upon me.