So I guess she is permitted, like I am, to have concerns about people too stupid to protect themselves and others from guns - the same as I am concerned about drug abuse and addiction. But I don't speak on television, nor do I think the government is supposed to decide what people may do what things to themselves. I feel the government is only to protect the people from others, not try to modify behavior, nor protect oneself from their own stupidity.

To survive as a human, one needs family, community, clan --- but they all have to be someone you love enough to die for... notice that none of the elected politicians, nor all their agencies or employees of those agencies are people I love enough to die for... in case you wondered. For I don't trust them, and probably never will - they seem to think I will be beaten down to the point of trusting them and their fool judgement since they are in positions of authority - or that they can buy my loyalty by threatening to cut me off if I don't. But the only reason they believe any of that would work - is that they can be threatened or bought. The American Indian tribes trusted them, the Japanese-Americans trusted them, the freedmen trusted them - the Government, small groups that could not resist.
Doesn't matter, I will die, they will all die, and this government will fall or change or even revert back to what it should have remained. Something will happen, happily, there will be some survivors and they will begin anew. What was true before the end, will still be true at the new beginning. So I figure, there will be people in power with stupidity, foolish ideas and needing a good roaring laughter when suggesting things that went wrong before.... The Gods of the Copybook Headings?
Good post Earl, and excellent points! There are those who know, and those who 'claim' to know... BIG difference!