read this without understanding that if I were really smart, or worth reading I would be making money at it... and I am not.
I think the United States of America, is a fine country, and solid form of government and has much it can be very proud of... but things that were never built into the government have taken all the good things and twisted them into what we have now. There is entirely too much government, too many regulations and too many people go get power to have it and lots of money. Mostly they want the power, the money will come.
In the American People are many very great folks, solid families, hard working, fun loving and looking to a better future - what happens is they are in servitude to the government and its agencies, unless they are keeping their eyes open and working out of the system. Because the government as it is now, thinks nothing of making its people (when did the people start belonging to the government?) more dependent on its goodness. I wouldn't worry about being part of something that owned me, I was in the Army for twenty-seven years. But I thought of it as an exchange, my services in occupations that weren't easy and seemed to be needed. So if the government wants to hire all the civilians and put them to work, go to it. I am sure, every private business will do better than the government at any task. Every state has an Employment Agency - yet, all the people they hire for the State positions (important ones like Director of Education) are normally filled by a civilian headhunting organization. They need to fight a war, so they hire the unwanted and unworthy (NOT!) but then if it isn't an important or critical war, the enlightened elite keep their young people out of it, or in safer places. Which is why I think the elite are only posers, Caesar fought many enemies of Rome, and had a much better idea of war and politics than our current professors or experts in government.
Well, there I go being negative again. Real people outnumber the fools, fanatics and fearsome and fearful. And real Good people are a large part of of Real people. And some of the Good people, and Real people are in government employment - doing the very best job they can. Many in far off combat zones or guard posts, doing work that won't change the world, but will change them, forever. You don't know the cost.
Now, business and corporations, and banks - are not EVIL. Being rich is not the same as being a Drug addict, a drug dealer or a dope. Although, a person (one of THE PEOPLE) could be all at the same time.
People grow up, grow old, grow bored, grow excited, get smarter, lose it all --- there is no forever after, you have to work very hard to keep the body strong, healthy and HAPPY! and even harder if you want to be Holy! God doesn't proclaim easy, sexy or green in the Gospel. I will wish you lots of success with your relationship with God, it has to be personal and I can only say 'have one'.
But business is how one exchanges goods and services with other intelligent beings that want the goods and services and has something to exchange agreeable to both parties. Where there seem to be problems is that businesses are encouraged to count money as success. Not fine products, repeat customers, satisfaction of transactions beneficial for the beings in the transactions... false values. Banks make money when they help move it, to produce more business actions between people. They get in trouble by keeping too much money out of circulation, alienating customers, pretending that someone has to help them when they hire the most stupid con-artists as investment managers. I think some banks are really solid, but there are some really big banks that are completely out of touch, and going to fail.
What is going to be very difficult to overcome in the approaching decline and collapse of the United States of America is the lack of Trust. It comes from making too many enemies: of races, of sects, of 'they' or 'them kinds of folks'. That is all tribal, you should read the story of David and Uriah, and look very closely at that ugly fact that Uriah was keeping the Law much better than David. Don't you just hate those people that live to the letter? I don't, if David hadn't cheated then the whole lineage of Christ would have been lost... and I will always know that no matter what the central headquarters says about how to plan a battle or the death of a great warrior - it is all naught with the first contact with the enemy. You should love your enemies, I hold with killing them quickly, or beating them up badly, but they will have to surrender and change - cause I love them and it can't get any better than that... can it? But maybe I don't trust many people until I meet them, and having met them I trust them until they prove otherwise. Now in the case of every organization (government, business, banks, or other groups of grasping better than I folks) I look and see I can't trust them quickly. As more of The People get smarter and uneasy with the grasping control of our lives and future, the lack of Trust will grow and it will all come tumbling down.
Remember if the government could regulate success - they would issue degrees in expert of anything, make doctors of everyone, and declare good health and happiness! And anyone that says differently must be insane and need to be eliminated or treated for the illness. Oh, that is happening already, issue another medal, the wars are smaller, the costs always in time and dollars, but paid for in flesh, blood and spirit. We don't know the real price, our values are false.