You do know that a genius needs normal people to survive, don't you? That there are more men excelling and in the worst possible mental physical condition, that men aren't as regular and balanced as women. Having said that, there are women that have been mass murders, terrorists, and saints. Generalization of the unknowing upon the clueless cause all the silly things that show up on media. They aren't evil, mean spirited (most times), and are a reflection of mankind's best and worst. The reason that very bad government works is that no one changes it: too busy, too afraid, too unaware. The way to keep power, is to control the volume of fear (make sure it is enough), to isolate and eliminate the opposition, to make most of the supporters feel allied or special, to repeat loudly and often your truth, to firmly fix the borders and lines never to be crossed.
Truth, no American would have died in Iraq, if President Bush hadn't sent them there. No American would have died in Iraq after he left office if President Obama had ordered their withdraw. That is a truth.
Iran would have worried more about Saddam than the western world, if he hadn't been disposed and hung (or is that 'hanged' now?). And don't get me started on Afghanistan, looks so much worse than Vietnam ever did, except there is no draft sucking up the blood of the country. If you wanted to look for silly plots, the constant wars are to draw off the warriors and fighters with some idea of honor and selfless sacrifice - too dangerous to leave on the ground in this country. You may have thought it was about the Defense industry making money, but it could have been to control unrest...
No, they only think they are that smart. Notice that Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and Adams, even Teddy Roosevelt had things to say and write worth studying and repeating. Have any of the recent, in your living memory, political leaders said anything you are studying, listening to, find interesting or worth sharing? Speech writers, ghost writers or co-authored... makes me wonder if they are lacking those talents of the greats of the 19th Century? okay, they have the talents but not the skills nor make the effort.

There are some barriers I appreciate, no one came to my home to make sure the world was safe for fool ideas. God was watching me and I have to be better than that reptilian brain... working on it, LORD. Yes, I will go make the bed now.
Interesting comparison... and no, nothing much since Reagan worth reading...