Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gray rainy day... don't be down...

Earlier than dawn my wife leaves for her hiking group, new trail to conqueror. I ask about which plants she wants harvested, the tall ones, and get all their roots. Okay, I can do that later a bit. I put the oatmeal, crasins and raisins in the microwave, egg and yogurt wait for later inclusion. Gosh, do I know how to eat breakfast? The only weakness is no bacon to eat and grease my bullets with.

I found at the midweek service that when it came time to open the baked goods, asking for a knife to cut anything was a problem. Ten men and only three knives, and they were all mine. I have been told that I am out of step, marching to the beat of a different drummer... but how do they play mumblety-peg during recess if they don't carry a pocket knife? I can't really say when I started carrying a pocket knife, must have been about Cub Scout times, when I learned to carve some very simple stuff. Now it is used for opening boxes and cutting cord, still I carry daily. But that is an indicator that there are a lot of people that aren't in step with the rest of US.... ha, ha. Like we (US) are the normal Americans and those others have been converted to the Dark Side. One cousin claimed going through metal detectors caused his to disappear, but then he should have looked at ceramic knives, plenty sharp enough for cutting stuff. And I would bet in his office there were scissors, but then maybe not steel ones.

Well, big day today, best get to that breakfast and pack out for the YMCA, cause if I don't sweat I swell in lock step with poor eating exercise habits. Yesterday I entertained one older man with the First Strike of the Match about the march to Lexington and the confrontation on the green. He was impressed, wonder if he will be hesitant to get me going again?  He only asked what the words on the pink Appleseed t-shirt were all about. It was fine, I was between the rowing machine and the bicycle machine. 6.2 and 13.51 miles respectively. Y'all be good and love someone well today - that will shock them!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


 I had some strange thoughts last night, about how to change my Appleseed to make it project a better image. I had forgotten or didn't feel it needed to add the Revolutionary War flag set on sight. But when reviewing the pictures noted I needed a great background to make the Heritage stand out while we rewarded or noted the success of the shooter being honored. Make the setting to tell the story.

Well, the next thing I thought about was the fat old guy with the Marine shooting jacket with all the patches or the desert colored shirt with lots of patches - the guy has to be a GUN NUT or Boy Scout leader or a Military fool.  Luckily I don't wear black, even when motorcycling, I wear brown leathers.

So I am going for the Mister Rogers look, with a soft sweater and loafers and maybe leaving a tie on with a powder blue or rose blush pink long sleeved shirt.  Yeah, I can teach in that outfit. That will be much more a positive - progressive appearance.

Polo shirts I also have, but if I shoot I want long sleeves.  Hmm, will need to find an appropriate color for a shooting jacket with elbow and shooting should reinforcements.  Brown? MI Blue? Sherwood Forest Green! But for sure no patches and not looking like a uniform, just a normal fellow.

One other thing I thought about was a full color Rifleman patch, that would cost money to make, but the embroidery machines on computers would be able to knock them out. So with those adjustments to my appearance I might not chase all my shooters and crew away because I am too military in my bearing, attitude and performance. Like a good neighbor, Earl is there...

Monday, September 22, 2014

So I am happy tired, and wasting time on blogging?

Link to the Custer, WA Appleseed on the left. Friday evening I got to the range, place is full of state trooper cars and a few Sheriff vehicles- the fifteen law enforcement units use this club heavily. They depart and it gets as quiet as it is going to as I read then go to sleep in the best living in my automobile mode. Wandering rifle instructor without rich patron.

Get up in the morning, shave, breakfast and no coffee (?). PaulW shows up and we prepare to unload and set up, then Ralph arrives with the electronic key. His club his rules. He brought a Remington Model 37 target rifle for me to drool over - gosh the wood is beautiful and I want to use the sights and that so smooth bolt action. We won't have the time. Eight shooters arrive, two from a shoot in Port Townsend, one of which will score Rifleman three times out of eight tests.

The instruction goes well, the shooters try to hide from the heat and the Sun, ending Summer in the warm zone. One would sit out a few stages to recover, he finished two events but didn't return on Sunday. Quick clean up, and they all leave me alone to find Jack in the Box and make myself a bit uncomfortable for hours. The burger just wasn't hot, like a quick microwave didn't penetrate. I would sleep like the homeless another night in the parking lot. Two state trooper cars met there and when I woke they asked if I had a shoot in the morning, since I was sleeping under a military poncho liner. I said yes and they went back to talking. I kept wondering what their computers would come up with if they ran my plate? There are clues to who I am on the outside of my vehicle, but they must have been happy - since they never knocked and asked what I was doing. The parking lot has about twelve hook ups for water and power for big events sleep overs.

Second day, shave, change clothes, breakfast with COFFEE! and crew shows up with shooters not far behind. Smooth day, gets hot but popups help shade and they can be moved to the travel of the Sun. Milton scores Rifleman with a 212. then would do it two more times 220 and 221. He would also clean the final Redcoat target of the day. Everyone was shooting better by that time, but over 521 rounds expended in four Redcoats and eight AQTs for record, one peppermint popping challenge and other shooting practice and refinements. Gave the final talk, passed out their targets and some wisdom and I hope I see them on the range again one day.

One of the highlights of the second day, show and tell, PaulW got his reproduction flintlocks, rifle and musket fowler out to demonstrate and wow the eleven year old boy, who got to pull the two triggers on the rifle and set off the primer. Love being an American and the smell of gun powder.

Two hour and fifteen minute drive back to home station, and a real meal and a real bed. I went to check the RWVA forum and find something that just bothered me, so I let fly with fast fingers and zinged something back. "Earl saved none of the Vietnamese of the Republic of Vietnam, total failure, Earl saved none of the Iraqis from Sadam nor ISIL, total failure. Earl saved not one American in his entire life, total failure. Must be a problem with Earl, couldn't be America, lack of American leadership, nor sense of community. It will always be Earl's fault for not doing what his mother and his wife told him was better. I am off to hang my head in shame, American failure was all my fault." One really shouldn't write when really tired, for publication anyway... a note to a more wakeful self would be better. The subject was saving America and how I wasn't doing enough. Truth is only God can save us, and I will trust in Him.

Ah, I am so back, finished all the paperwork and internet/forum reports the breakfast and YMCA call me to perform, gentle rains fall the first day of Fall, here. Be good and happy today, you will have to earn it.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Violence... such a problem, gun violence, sexual violence, domestic violence, terrorist violence, video recording of violence....

Now I was always told that women were equal to men, but a real man didn't strike a lady. I had too much trouble with my hitting in anger - my poor siblings suffered. I grew out of it.

The NFL is the target now, cause they make lots of money and the hustlers are looking to soak lots of dollars away from them.

But Real men don't strike a lady. It is that simple, you - MEN - are supposed to defend and protect the women around you, the children and the old infirm folks.  Really.  Why isn't anyone saying that? Because we are all equal?

Look, currently if you abuse women and children you must be a fool or a Muslim Terrorist. Or the woman is not a lady? Nah, doesn't matter, she could be a very FALLEN woman and still deserve the respect and protection that every man should provide. We defend all the other handicapped, don't we?

If you can't do it for the Glory of the LORD, nor do it in the name of Jesus - is it really a good thing, whatever you are doing? I am not in favor of doing something for the NFL, in the name of the Goddell? See, it doesn't work the same. You want to see good football games, boxing events, chess matches - but you don't live you life based on them, do you? 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Apathy, is the apathy out there? crickets...

ISIS or ISIL doesn't believe in apathy, they will punish you for not being one with them - they aren't tribal they are just evil to any that aren't on their side or in their control... and they don't know how to tell the difference. Maybe I should just take out the garbage, even calm civilized folks are calling for the death of ISIS or ISIL, not that THEY (the calm civilized folks) would do the killing - they would hire it done.

Yes, I would go, I can teach and shoot, and am versed in all small unit tactics needed. But I am cheap and no one would hire me, they need a $500 million solution to a two bit problem.

You want to change the culture - you don't have a solution, you haven't understood the problem yet.

Look, maintaining Iraq is not going to work without a dictator in charge. Allow Kurdistan, too bad for Turkey, they could have accepted Kurds a long time ago, but they aren't modern enough to make their History into school mascots and funny costumes. Allow the Kurds independence, help them negotiate with Turkey, Iraq and Iran. That takes care of half of Iraq's weakness, everyone wants to be tribal in the modern age, don't allow them to be national... building a nation takes real internal leadership, and they all must pay attention to the population or kill the angry ones off.  How many time do language owners have their own country? How many languages in India?

Case in point, three hundred years since the Union in the British Isles, Northern Ireland isn't Ireland, and Scotland isn't England and Wales started it all... but as the polls closed the people of Scotland were deciding, civilized way by vote, to maybe stay in the Union or separate to a special class of lonely. Some fool American thinks it would be time for America to vote to rejoin the British Empire - Duh, Hong Kong is under Communist not Royal authority now. Very capitalist Communist authority, but it isn't part of the British Empire. Except for Gibraltar, the Falklands, what is left? The Commonwealth isn't an Empire, it is a club.

People love to believe they have the answers, they are in control, and they will get the thing organized and working again. But they don't believe the 'We the People' have the answers, are in control and can make it work without them.  So wrong.  So in many levels in many countries terrorism is needed to keep the people engaged in how wonderful those in charge are... and when we aren't - we are apathetic and the PROBLEM. And I was looking for leadership, but then they would want me to follow.

I will still like the pipes, still think we can all get along (as soon as we dump tribalism) and when I win the Lottery might visit Scotland to see the sights, find me a fine dog, and look confused when someone quotes Burns. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Men's Program Manager.... help wanted from a Women's Studies graduate...

Interesting idea, a job on a University campus for a Men's Program Manager, sounds like a fine job for me, until I read further and find that they want a Women's Studies graduate and someone versed in gender equality, with ideas about homosexual, bisexual and really weird sexual preferences... duh, I thought this was a Men's program.  Okay, it may be the direction of the future. Not mine but theirs.

As I continue to read the Roy F Chandler books on the frontier, I am happy to announce he is absolutely right... and it is good reading. You can get them on for kindle - how many other ways to get them I don't know - for sure my public libraries only have one of his sniper books, and he wrote more than one of them. Always a small time small area writer, and not picked up everywhere.

It, talking about the frontier, has always been between the civilization and their borders and it is always kind of rough and tumble. So Greece with Macedonia, Macedonia with Persia, Rome with Gaul, Spain and the Germans then the Picts and Scots, --- frontiers. Like Judea under the Romans, trying to civilized the sons of Abraham a step at a time. Until finally they just burn the house down. Frontiers, need a special tough but flexible and quick responders.  For sure civilization loves lots of rules, lots of authority, lots of violence against the weak, the to be exploited for their own good, and those that might be a danger. And the RULERS of civilization aren't the fighters, hardly ever the leaders, but always conspiring to improve civilization in their favor. For the good of all, don't you know?

Maybe Progressives get to be bigger, and biggest because the Frontier disappeared. For sure women were voting and serving in the West before the cultured Eastern Seaboard even seriously considered it. Every frontier is a land of opportunity for real leaders and change - reread the book of Judges, and see if not being settled and ruled by other than their God allowed variations of conduct, until they demanded a King. Stupid civilization stuff.

One thing I keep looking at, since there is so much failure of government policy under government control of everything - as we ruin more cities, states and countries in debt, crime and chaos... Detroit come immediately to mind, but there are many others - and no matter what Bill O'Reilly says the Feds can't fix it.... as things fall apart and they do, there is a new undeclared frontier where change is happening, people banding together to fix what has gone so wrong under the doctrine of many enlightened thinkers - Marx and company. Get outside of government control and live large. The bad guys and the government will fight you for your freedom of action. But they are both engaged with each other and might ignore the smaller free folks.

The governments have two ideas - get control of all the weapons and buy off all the self sufficient with cash.
You have much better ideas than that. Hurry up, declare and live your freedom - you aren't getting any younger.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Women invited to apply for Ranger School

I have an opinion about that... but I have changed it.

Once I was an eager First Sergeant, and wanted to get back into the Infantry so I decided I wanted to go to Ranger school... I had read Northwest Passage by Kenneth Roberts and still have a copy within arms reach, so I knew Roger's Rangers and wanted to be one for the 20th Century. Paperwork got approved through the battalion and then hit the Division Artillery Headquarters, where the Command Sergeant Major wanted me not to go, I was going to make sure the grass was cut around my battery area. Sigh, so they sent the paperwork back (weren't supposed to do that) and I went off to Jungle Operations Training with many of my best troops tagging along with our Infantry battalion's rotation. I trusted my Smoke to take care of the grass and act like a proper First Sergeant.

I had a fine experience at the course, learned somethings that stood me well in the following years and was there to watch a tiny wasp, about a third of an inch long, sting one of the big men in the battery and he fell like an giant redwood. Out, took three hits of anti-venom to get him back up and moving out to evacuation points. I also noted that paratroopers really do need Ranger ropes holding their rifles on their body when they panic in the water trying to swim to the rubber boat. Interesting.

Ranger School goes co-ed.  That is the story, but I have changed my mind. Once I thought women shouldn't be in combat positions, shouldn't be in combat zones. For sure I thought we had enough men to fight, and the women could stay by the home fires and home industry keeping it warm. What changed?

Well, I don't think we have enough men left to fight, not sure they have enough will to win, am very sure many women don't want to be women any longer. I am sure with the current mad enemies around the world giving them women to torture, rape and exploit will be good for them. I am positive that it wouldn't be highlighted in the media - sexual assaults only get reported when a civilized man betrays our expectations of better behavior - not much when the mad Muslim mobs do something to reporters, female by standers or military members.

So I am good with the idea of not changing the standards, keeping the training and expectations of the Ranger Course the same and allowing women to apply and attend. I hope they graduate with fewer sexual assaults than the women in uniform do in all other courses, and I hope they learn a lot about fighting and living as a Ranger. You see, I know the world has changed, we are going to need as many fighters, real fighters as we can get - the general population is still stuck in the thought that women are a weaker sex, but I see the men shaving their chests, underarms and legs. And those aren't the swim team members.

I would really rather the women stayed ladies and nurtured and maintained the home and family - but I guess I have been reading about the frontier too much lately - and we need more adult fighters just for all the savages. Superman isn't coming - Ranger training - small unit leadership, patrolling, and raids and attacks are all good 21st Century self and unit survival skills. Teach them well how to fight, there are just too many men that can't anymore. They are still working on a pill - but the developers are cautioning that you should check with your doctor if 'your heart is healthy enough for fighting' for God and country.

Yeah, there are women that will shine in Ranger course, be happy to have them dealing death at my side.