Military Sci-Fi Book Needs Writers, Guns, and Money
So I look at it, having read most of the great ones, and think Ender's Game becomes many other titles, Forever War touches on it, and my favorite Starship Troopers never touches it. Reminding me to go see Ender's Game today. There will never be Time Travel there will always be Time Travelers.
I am a time traveler, I study History, I have lived History and will soon just become History.
Ever wonder about the Patriots of 1775 in Lexington and Concord on April 19th? How did they become the Patriots of Tom Brady in 2013? Take that fifty some man team back into the early dawn of Lexington and place them beside Captain Parker and his muster, would it have slowed the Light Infantry companies marching onto the green, chanting Huzzah, huzzah? I always wondered when Hoo-ah got into the modern military lexicon.
Personal Short story - all real time travel:
I think you were my drill sergeant.
Answer: I have no idea if
you were in one of my platoons, I was Drill Sergeant for the 1st Platoon of A
Btry, 2nd Battalion. I looked at the picture books I have copies of and never
found your name. But still it is possible.
You were my Sergeant! It is really quite amazing to be able to
converse with you.
There was an incident at the record fire range with him and one of the trainees. Some kid from one of the other platoons allegedly cooked off a 5.56 round...they said towards him... I know my weapon disappeared from my hands to the hands of a Drill, and we were left standing for quite some time in the culvert Firing Points facing “down range only”. The only other thing I remember about that incident is we were put in the back room of the Orderly Room Building for several hours after we got back to Garrison... I do not remember if that was before you left, or after.
Answer: I disappeared to work in the S3 at Battalion Headquarters, since I was having trouble being less than I thought I should be.
That whole incident was after I left, I never heard about it. While I was there we had no trainee Drill Sergeant problems, all the problems were with officer control of training and Drill Sergeants which you would not have known about. Nothing to do with firearms, just the standards of training.
That range incident was for a couple of days pretty “front burner” amongst
the trainees. Then it was addressed in a Battery formation rather in “you all will shut your mouths unless asked to speak about
it!”. We did just exactly that!
I was never convinced the shot was fired back towards the range
control. From where I was, and where the trainee was, it would have had to
pass pretty close to my six. I always thought I would have heard it...but
who knows. I know the kid was a screw up, and he was a bit “off
center”. He had words with the 2LT XO earlier in the week. I was the
Training Platoon Leader, and it was witnessed by one of my guys who was assigned
a Female Barracks Roving Patrol one night. I had to tell the CSM about it,
and it was not one of my favorite days.
I will write more as I remember, but know that in a part today, I am who I
am due to you! I have an evening fire at the range tonight that I have to
Range Master for...we are going to open up the 1Km lane will be all
.308 and .338 stuff.
End of Story, kind of... but there we were and now here we are. Still with troops in Asia, my father was there in 1945, Easter April Fools day, yep. This video from YouTube SPITFIRE 944 is a great story about a great story and time travelers.