Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Vanity Presidency...

Why do you become President? That is an excellent question, and only Ron Paul would give me an honest answer of the candidates running for election in 2012. Which is why I think is the problem.

The Presidency is a job, you are the Executive Officer of the National Government of a people and their States that want to be supported and at Liberty to be themselves - not perfect but themselves. I can't remember the last President that took the office as a burden, maybe Truman. He was happy to move on to citizen. I am not saying that the other Presidents weren't or aren't intelligent, hard working, or dishonest. But I do think that as successful people they only become President to become a little more celebrated for their beauty. It is vain and as you look deeper, it is not effective for the nation.

I see what Nixon did, some good stuff, but lots of wrong stuff. Reagan did good stuff, but so much wrong stuff. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, both Bush boys and the current office holder, same.

Can you blame them? Those men can't sing well enough to entertain, act well enough to become the character in the story, so to be the object of worship for the masses without a foundation, they assume the robes of office and the Imperial Presidency. It comes with the fawning empty headed interns, the smart guys that support dumb ideas, and the money from big unions and banks and businesses that want more for themselves, especially government favor. So take your candidate of either political party and ask him what is his reason. The truth.

The only saving of the original idea of America is in the individual goals and lives of the individual people - one of the reasons that self education is better than the government provided one.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Korean Memorial Day is 6 June

Watching a Korean Talk Show, and they are talking to the mother of one of the soldiers killed recently on an island by the North Koreans, and a Doctor, and some Veterans of the Korean War - one serving when he was fourteen (ever have your country over run by godless Communists?). But the memories are shared and the old men cry... that is what memorial days are about, not an opportunity to make History like a foolish politician with self importance on his mind.

My wife, fine simple country woman that she is (yes, she remembers the war) says that you can't be a President if you fear your own people. And she voted for Obama...

Monday, June 4, 2012

So far behind I will never catch up...

Saturday was not spent shooting or riding or doing wonderful things.

I went to a Memorial for a fine man that had gone to the Lord. He was about my age, had served in Vietnam, found a lovely date in Seattle, got married, raised a family, member of the United Methodist Church, and participated in ministry to prisoners, and others going to be walking closer to God. The church was full. His last two years was spent fighting cancer and touching his family. He looked like a wonderful grandfather.

He made me uncomfortable with how well he fit into people, that he would hug - even me. Makes me think that hugging is along with raising an empty hand, a sign of trust not just affection. Ever hug someone carrying a firearm? You know pretty quick. I was glad I had known him a little and there were so many others that had known him better. The Kingdom of Heaven is ever growing, isn't it?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

What is a little interest between friends...

Interest, could generate some warmth, a closer relationship and change your whole world... but maybe what I was talking about was the cost of borrowing someone else's money. How does that change one's life?

Well, add us the number of dollars you are paying in interest and figure how many gallons of milk that would be, how many pairs of shoes, money for improving your financial worth... buying into banks, or animals, or flowers.
All that is gone because you are paying interest on a purchase that you thought was important but you can't really name what that was. We buy meals, movies, books, ebooks, itunes and on and on. Just running up a tab, then look around and realize that we aren't doing well that way.

How can the nations do that? Where did they get the idea that debt was the way to make life better as a country? If everyone in this world decided to pay off all debts and not acquire new ones, we would all have more money than we would know what to do with it.

No one thinks about how much they could do with their own money, the government doesn't either. When they want to build a new arena in Seattle the wheeler dealers come out and figure a way to get bonds sold, as the City/County borrow money from people that have it, and then will pay interest and repay the bond, but give the rich people, unions, and retirement funds and such a tax break on the interest they paid... making them richer and the City/County poorer. But we have to have a better arena for those teams that don't exist yet... don't we?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lets have a goal in life...

I am up on East coast time, for no more reason than I didn't want to spend another hour in darkness wondering if I was going to fall back to sleep. I have had halfa cuppa microwaved coffee. Wandered Facebook, noticing that some people were up after I last session, but most not. It must be time to crawl back into bed, the eyes are telling me they don't need this. Although I weighed I haven't measured, so I can pretend this is a commercial interrruption and go back to sleep. Trilling my 'r's.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Suficiently advanced technology will look like magic...

Yes, it will. And there aren't any magicians around to save the apprentices as they play with it... Mickey is supposed to be coming to your mind now... and if he isn't you never watched the cartoon. Doesn't matter, the music is worthy all by itself. But back to technology.

Being a thinking animal, what a man isn't designed to do he can use laws of Physics to overcome his short comings. Want to throw a rock farther, everything from slings to trebuchets can help you toss rocks far and fast. But it all came from the mind of man.

My father loved electric razors, I don't - I use a multi-blade from Schick or Gilette, I did once use a straight razor but it scared me. Anyway, you pick and choose and the economy hums along providing so much choice that will make our life different. I no longer think it will be better, but it will be different.

I had a problem with my telephone service over the weekend, my wife insisted I call and get normal service returned. The exercise with the computer finally wore out and I started talking to a human, and we got to the disconnect the telephones since it seemed that one was off the hook. It wasn't, but the phone was off and throwing the service out of joint. I found the phone, it is gone and I am happy again. Because my wife isn't going to ask me ever again for what that phone provided -- more than she ever needed or used. Now I will disconnect all those extra little services like Caller ID (if you don't want to talk to anyone, don't answer the telephone) (if you don't want to talk to someone - don't answer the telephone) you do see where this is taking me. If I don't need to call out, I won't pick up the telephone, if I do I will. I NEVER need to answer the telephone. Come to think about it, I don't need to answer the door unless it is a Law Enforcement Officer with a warrant or two, do I?

So the next big improvement in Earl's life is not answering the telephone, my wife can if she wants. Thank you all very much.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Denkmals... Memorials... Remembering...

Something about remembering, causes dreams again. My dreams were of a much, by about forty plus years, younger man setting off on his adventure into the Empire. Saying good-bye to old friends and family, getting the addresses to write to as some of them were going to college and work in other areas. It wasn't very real to my very real life, but I seem to have used all those same steps in my own life.

I caught this on my way to church yesterday, it reminded me of the marching through the German countryside and seeing the markers of their fallen in every little village, most with only three or four family names, most having died on the Eastern Front against the godless Soviet Union. America has honored the memory of those that died in our wars, they aren't studied or remembered very much, never for how much they gave and considering how we seem to waste the benefit of Freedom on too many calories and pretend sexual perfections and pretensions as our Freedoms are taken away by our fearless (?) leaders.

The memory of the fallen deserves so much more from a grateful nation, but then we would have to truly be grateful. What do the Presidents say as they stand by memorials to wars and warriors fallen that they hid from or protested. I don't think I have ever paid attention to them, I have always taken time to read the names... to remember that something greater than self is worth the price, if we the ones protected thank God and the fallen for all our opportunities to get life right. Y'all try not to waste it - they were really good boys and girls... someone loved them.