Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Suficiently advanced technology will look like magic...

Yes, it will. And there aren't any magicians around to save the apprentices as they play with it... Mickey is supposed to be coming to your mind now... and if he isn't you never watched the cartoon. Doesn't matter, the music is worthy all by itself. But back to technology.

Being a thinking animal, what a man isn't designed to do he can use laws of Physics to overcome his short comings. Want to throw a rock farther, everything from slings to trebuchets can help you toss rocks far and fast. But it all came from the mind of man.

My father loved electric razors, I don't - I use a multi-blade from Schick or Gilette, I did once use a straight razor but it scared me. Anyway, you pick and choose and the economy hums along providing so much choice that will make our life different. I no longer think it will be better, but it will be different.

I had a problem with my telephone service over the weekend, my wife insisted I call and get normal service returned. The exercise with the computer finally wore out and I started talking to a human, and we got to the disconnect the telephones since it seemed that one was off the hook. It wasn't, but the phone was off and throwing the service out of joint. I found the phone, it is gone and I am happy again. Because my wife isn't going to ask me ever again for what that phone provided -- more than she ever needed or used. Now I will disconnect all those extra little services like Caller ID (if you don't want to talk to anyone, don't answer the telephone) (if you don't want to talk to someone - don't answer the telephone) you do see where this is taking me. If I don't need to call out, I won't pick up the telephone, if I do I will. I NEVER need to answer the telephone. Come to think about it, I don't need to answer the door unless it is a Law Enforcement Officer with a warrant or two, do I?

So the next big improvement in Earl's life is not answering the telephone, my wife can if she wants. Thank you all very much.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes... how technology changes us! The phone used to be the most important instrument in the house, but not anymore...
